
Utilities Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Electricity, when you have it, you don't notice it; when you're lacking it, it's a huge deal."
"The opportunity to disrupt utilities is the biggest investment opportunity of our generation."
"The real thing that needs to happen here is for the end users, the utilities, to sign long-term contracts."
"Internet should be free right now, water bills should be free, all that [ __ ] right now should just be free across the board."
"Someone know how much this energy meter consumes hashtag electricity."
"Rural broadband absolutely is important, I think it's really one of the most important utilities we have just like electricity and water."
"Wouldn't it be great if people could store that energy in a battery rather than exporting it to the grid?" - Joe
"We'll start the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership."
"I'm confident we'll get it done. We'll have water up and running very soon."
"This is exciting! US utilities have plans to install more than 10 gigawatts of additional battery power over the next two years."
"It is not a matter of regulation, but as a government, you take a stand and say, 'Every prepaid meter out there must be given to consumers.'"
"I don't think anybody should be evicted or have the utilities cut off when they cannot work."
"If you want to go buy an iPhone or any other kind of consumer product, you go out to a store and you have a number of choices. With electricity in most of the country, you really only have one choice, and that company has a monopoly."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"Touch is more useful than it may appear - it can update the date on a file or create a file if it doesn't exist."
"We chose this location because there's already water and power here."
"I want to be able to provide electricity... the moment I make it and I'm in position to do that."
"Whether it is water regulation or power generation, it has encountered more severe challenges than in previous years."
"There's something to nationalizing these things as utilities for sure."
"When power goes out, sewers are going to back up into your house."
"For a minimum of 20 years, natural gas and electricity prices here are in the bottom 10 percent of the United States."
"Understanding how a graph is laid out, how it looks in code, and just in general how you can use them to do different calculations is super crucial."
"Natural gas is primarily used for electricity generation so shortages mean the lights literally go out."
"Unless we do with monopolies and electricity what we did with Telecom in the 1980s."
"The idea that this utility company is not to blame is absolutely ludicrous."
"So some things are free, some things aren't. So there's certain places you can go to and it would be more boondocking versus getting utilities, which eventually I wanna do more solar and go more off grid."
"Everyday essentials and utilities are typically great investments."
"Radiators are very important to have, ladies and gentlemen."
"Gold's value is a reflection of gold as a metal of what you can do with gold as a metal."
"We're going to war against the utility company."
"I won't have an electric bill I won't have a water bill I won't have any of that so I might as well pour all that money into the gas tank."
"The very disruptive play is to take a hundred million homes and make them mini utilities."
"Anything from the telecom towers data centers for cloud toll roads pipelines transmission systems of electricity."
"There's a strong durable majority in favor of taking utilities back into public ownership."
"We mostly use it when we're plugged in to shore water and power."
"You're still going to need water at the house, even if you're jumping in the ocean. Let's talk utilities."
"When the time comes we might only have to concentrate on our electricity or water and things of that nature."
"Banks should be treated like utilities... because that's what they really are."
"So if I turn that off that will shut the gas off to the furnace."
"We have our water distribution system and our water filters."
"I decided not to shut off the utilities. I was just not going to be paying for anything anymore."
"Now this is going to show all the executables here, so some are just background, not actually tools, but it will show some utilities too."
"Scheduled Tasks is just like the System Agent utility you had to pay for in Microsoft Plus."
"Our water's running fine everywhere now."
"We've consumed another month's worth of water and we still haven't received a bill."
"The focus is on the real freedoms that people have, as opposed to mere resources or utilities." - Lecture
"Asset management has become critical for utilities. O&M budgets, operation and maintenance budgets, are so constrained right now that they are truly challenged to look for opportunities and develop ways to improve and reduce costs to their budgets."
"The utility network is the enabling technology to unlock the capabilities of a modern complete GIS platform which uses the power of location to digitally transform your organization and the way utilities do work."
"Nmap is actually one of my favorite utilities because it lets you do some network auditing on your network."
"The dash 'a' option is very useful, and we could use that in any situation where we want more information about a particular host."
"So if you weren't already aware of this awesome utility, well now you are."
"In very low interest rate environments, such as what we've had over the past several years, a certain class of investor will treat utilities as a bond proxy."
"The total electrical bill was four thousand one hundred dollars and that included everything."
"Utilities still powering on, very good."
"This one gives you 1% back on council tax, phone, mobile, TV, and broadband, gas, and your water bills."
"Make sure you know how to switch the gas off, how to switch the water off, and how to switch your mains electricity off."
"Call 811 anywhere in the United States to find out exactly where your utility lines are located."
"This is really the best of the best when it comes to utilities in North America."
"Utilities are very important to factor into the cost of your rent because just like your rent, you have to pay these every single month."
"I'm not going to lie, he actually got me thinking of an idea when it comes to saving water on your water bills."
"Utilities have realized their data is a valuable asset which can be effectively used with relatively little effort."
"We don't have property tax; in the rent is included our utilities."
"First one is Homebrew, which is a package manager for MacOS that lets you get a lot of your simple Linux-like utilities and little programs super easily."
"Utilities we tend to be below the national average."
"The concrete slabs are almost all complete. The manholes are ready for wastewater; The electrical shelter is ready for equipment; and the wet well is ready for pumps."
"How long does it take to save that in utilities? Somewhere around three years is the common assumption."
"The installation of prepayment meter as distasteful as some people might find that has reduced substantially the number of people that used to just get cut off and be left with no gas and electricity."
"Heating is the single biggest use of energy in your home."
"If the power goes out, water goes out because the water's pumped by the power."
"Television as a public service piped into the home in much the same way as electricity, water, gas, or the telephone."
"You can basically make any changes you want to the utilities, and then it's shared between the apps and the docs kind of workspaces."
"I'm happy to report that we have hot water again, woo, amen!"
"Make sure you know how to switch the gas off, make sure you know how to switch the water off, and you know where the stopcock is."
"The simple act of turning on a faucet and having water come out is something most people don't think about until it doesn't happen."
"Miles and miles of pipe and wire, bringing gas and electricity and clean water to our homes and offices."
"Overall, AMI is a smart choice that provides numerous benefits for both electric utilities and their customers."
"Utilities can include gas, electricity, internet, water bills, and council tax."
"The rate of adoption is important because it gives utilities time to upgrade and grow with the adoption curve of EVs."
"Your customer just wants to flip the switch and the lights come on; that's all they want."
"About 20% of your monthly utility bill is just spent on warming water."
"Flask provides utilities to protect against common web application vulnerabilities like CSRF and XSS."
"Having it in a separate utilities.js file basically means that it's going to be easier for us to make changes to our application later on."
"You can get 1% cashback on eligible utility bills like paying your gas, electricity, and water."
"React.children is an inbuilt utility from React itself."
"Utilities have produced strong growth figures with the highest five-year real median returns since 2000."
"Utilities are good at responding to variability. They've been doing it for decades."
"We're completely off-grid here, we have all of our own utilities."
"PowerToys... it's a bunch of little system utilities that give you more control over your computer, which is freaking awesome."
"The plumbing is finally done; we've got running water, drainage, and compressed airlines everywhere."
"All we are done with the first part of the storm, and we got our power and water back."
"New carpets throughout, full painting, reconnection of main utilities, and most of all, a touch of love and care that the house has been missing for a very long time."
"Electricity, running water and sewerage - we are provided with all modern conveniences."
"Relatability is something we all want. If your power stops powering your devices, if your water starts running, it's kind of a big deal. But if it works, you just totally ignore it."
"Luckily, power and water was restored, which was my birthday wish this year."
"The best piece of land is a piece of land that already has utilities on it."
"Most utilities will let you download at least 13 months of bills."
"Stay clear of fallen power lines or any broken utility lines."
"What I really want to see is that utilities are including storage as a viable option."
"Utilities all over the country are required to provide energy credits or cash back for you doing things that make your home more efficient."
"Utility stocks are best known for the amount of income or dividend income they produce."
"Historically speaking, when XLU utilities outperform, it is usually a leading indicator for a recession."
"Once a place is big enough that it's become a utility, it should be regulated under the First Amendment."
"The best thing that I think is that once these things are utilities, they should be in accordance with the First Amendment."
"Transmission and distribution of electricity is exempted."
"You don't need to pay for gas, electricity, or water."
"Make sure you got plenty of water because the power might go out, the water might go out."
"I'm tired of paying more for power; I want to pay less for power."
"The more of these strategies that you use, the better chance that you have of lowering your utility bills."
"The strides made in Tesla's ecosystem integration truly signify the promise of a dream product offering comprehensive utilities for users and delivery fleets alike."