
Free Expression Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The constitutional mandate of separation of church and state does not actually prohibit religion or the free expression thereof for public school students."
"What we need to be able to do is to ensure that people are informed because... when we allow free expression in the classroom... we are preparing these students for life in a democracy."
"Dress however you please, call yourself whatever you like, sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you... But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill."
"Free expression and free inquiry is the core value of a university."
"Ideas that one finds objectionable should be challenged and debated. The common good of society depends on the search for knowledge and its free expression."
"If you can't take an argument you don't like and just deal with it, at least to the extent of not trying to shut it down, you are the fascist."
"In every generation, there is a defined confrontation for those who favor free expression over those who don't."
"I would never argue against arguing for people's freedom of expression and certainly human rights."
"In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to handpick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the Internet."
"A wave of censorship seeks to silence conversation... this rigidly enforced conformity is a straight jacket on sensibility."
"The knee jerk reaction to censor people you disagree with has been absolutely terrible."
"The First Amendment means the government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content."
"I just want people to say what they think. Whether it's for Trump or Biden or anything, like I just want people to be expressing themselves."
"Our motto has always been more voices not fewer voices."
"Freedom of speech is the freedom to formulate ideas badly and awkwardly in public while you're trying to think them through, including offending people."
"It's very important that we all come together to express our horror at the illiberal turn that society has taken."
"The expectation now is that controversial ideas will be censored."
"The truth is nuanced and complicated, and we must allow it to be because the alternative is censorship, denial, ignorance, hypnosis, stasis, tyranny."
"I think you can joke about anything in the entire world if it's done correctly."
"You know, it's saying the stuff that the American people want to say and they can't say it. Final Boss can say it, we can say it, we could say it in the ring, some politicians can say it too as well."
"Let the tears flow, let speech go unhindered because it's going to be a fun few years."
"You have decided you're just going to say anything."
"The fundamental commitment to free expression is there."
"Any form of censorship is absolutely absurd and deserves to be pushed back."
"You have free expression in the United States."
"The right to speak their minds and voice their opinions in public without fear of being shamed or shunned."
"Tick Tock is a platform for creativity and free expression."
"Our country's amazing because speech comes first."
"We need platforms like this where we can express ourselves and give our opinions."
"As long as I am an American... I shall hold myself at liberty to write, to speak, to publish on whatever I please." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"Free speech is the whole reason why we have a civilization."
"If you can say anything that you need to if you can get anything you need to off your chest irrespective of how of how hateful it is then you know that the marketplace of ideas will shoot down or embrace it."
"Very sad for Count Dankula, being that he could never impersonate John Jay Trump without having to put parody in his own title."
"None of them should be censored, no matter how much we want to."
"We are free to criticize novelties in our faith."
"Be yourself; someone will give you attention for free."
"One of the things that's so important is that whatever side of the political argument you are on... you should have the opportunity to see films or see articles that give voice to people with the alternative point of view."
"Nobody got a memo, nobody was told what to say, what to do, and what to think."
"Sometimes you just have to speak freely though."
"A grown man with a nose ring should not have the ability to censor the duly elected sitting president of the United States."
"It is our job and duty to say what the [ __ ] we feel."
"In a world where we feel the threat against ideas and expression, debate is absolutely crucial."
"Anyone putting forward a legitimate scientific argument should be able to do so freely."
"More people are gonna have the confidence to speak their heart and mind without fear in 2020."
"The Donald is creating a space where the ideas will not be stopped."
"No candidate or ideology comes before our inalienable rights for free expression, ever."
"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."
"Freedom of speech rules in this comment section."
"Tick Tock will remain a place for free expression and will not be manipulated by any government."
"I can defend the free speech rights of everyone, regardless of their point of view or biological makeup."
"The real conversations are about to begin in the freedom zone."
"All ideas, beliefs, and ideologies are open to criticism, debate, mocking, ridicule, and other forms of scrutiny. Protect individuals but never ideas and certainly never religious."
"We embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide birth to free expression, even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful."
"Free speech is a hallmark of the Constitution."
"Some speech may be wrong, you may not like it, but more speech is the answer, not taking down speech."
"Free speech for me it's like eating or breathing."
"Groupthink stamps out free expression, and free expression is what sharpens arguments and policies."
"The Gezi Park protest marked the birth of a grassroots anti-AKP movement defending the right to free expression."
"Chinese activism is not dead, and the impulse for free expression remains very much alive."
"Creating transparency and accessibility for his fans, his dedication to free expression would prove to be a very important and successful marketing strategy."
"These institutions had wonderful heritages of commitment to free expression and open debate, and reason as a principle for resolving our differences."
"There's nothing like the First Amendment."
"Allowing people to say what they want to say, even if it's controversial, provided that it does not break the law, I think that's the right thing to do."
"Cultivate an embrace of free expression."
"We champion privacy, free expression, and innovation through litigation, policy analysis, and grassroots advocacy."
"Free speech is the crucial idea which underpins our democracy."
"Freedom of speech is really important."
"We are deeply committed to free expression but when speech crosses over into conduct that violates our policies, we take action."
"If you're not free to speak, you're not free to think."
"A person's right to free expression may be curtailed upon a showing that substantial privacy interests are being invaded in an essentially intolerable manner."