
Snow Quotes

There are 624 quotes

"Boxwood hedging really looks beautiful with a layer of snow on it, just a little bit."
"We did leave quite a number of perennials, you know, that just catch snow and look beautiful."
"The most fun thing to do in the snow is play tackle football."
"It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, where all the snow will fall."
"What are snowflakes if not pixels falling from the sky?"
"I'm still showing that we have chances for Texas and the South to get snow, could be a lot of freezing rain and Ice as well."
"Snowier snow is you sinking in snow or the snow will avalanche in some way."
"I really like the snow, I really like it when it's quiet and it's cold."
"There's a certain magic to the very first snow, especially when it falls on the day before Christmas."
"And just when you thought I would stop talking about snow... well its contours and shapes highlight one of frostbites incredible strengths."
"In the winter of 2018, the inhabitants of the Sahara Desert woke up to discover a thick blanket of snow covering the sand."
"It's snowing! It's like little teeny tiny bubbles everywhere."
"The storm, it had it all, just insane amounts of snow, hurricane-force wind gusts."
"The snow kind of falls and accumulates and then over time it kind of melts and sinks in."
"We're gonna wake up to a white Christmas almost for sure, you guys."
"This is my first time actually driving a rear-wheel-drive car in the snow and 10 out of 10."
"There's just something about the wintertime, the snow that makes me so happy."
"It's snowing outside, baby! Let's go, I freaking love it!"
"Snow is made of water. Oh man, that's ridiculous."
"I'm not too sure and it's only Thursday today and we expected like on a Friday for it to snow in the whole day and because it's already settled oh my god be really snowed in you know what everybody's getting is I'm not going to complain."
"I want it to look like there's really some fluffy snow on these birdhouses."
"Being snowed in is fun if you work from home."
"The first place I ever see snow was in Prague."
"Feels good, I mean I don't know what to tell you like it's not the craziest snow ever but you can see it's actively snowing."
"It's finally snowing. It is so wintry and just beautiful out."
"The snow is only white when it's fresh, and then life happens to it."
"I was shocked by how deep the snow had become already, how unrecognizable the landscape seemed."
"I am so excited by this snow event, though."
"It's pretty cool to have it be snowing at the Grand Canyon."
"Big fluffy white snowflakes were falling gently to the ground, and it was very, very gray."
"I'm going to make sure I get some content in the snow."
"It's been a long time since Jessica and I have seen snow, especially freshly fallen snow."
"The snow is absolutely beautiful and the city really lends itself towards winter activities."
"Snow, which is crystallized ice, can be 95% air."
"I love the snow, I just love it, it just makes me happy."
"...it snowed in the Sahara desert in 1979."
"The snow makes everything just look so magical."
"Snow is way less dense than water, and that's interesting."
"Snow itself is also just really cool."
"I've lived my entire life in Northern Ontario and so I've seen my fair share of snow but nothing like this."
"This movie is crazy I never seen anything like this before and the fact that it's in the snow makes it 10 times worse cuz it's slow in the down their whole momentum like they're just moving like snails at this point."
"...most of the year but once the uh snow comes we use the snowmobiles."
"I just thought it was so okay so there is a moment when Phil tells Rita when you stand in the snow you look like an angel."
"Starting seeds indoors is essential for us, even when it's still almost completely covered in white outside with snow."
"It's incredible how snow transforms the environment, creating an almost otherworldly landscape, a winter wonderland."
"Snow, snow, snow, y'all this is pretty freaking amazing."
"As the snow falls and the year comes to a close, we can reflect on all the cool things that have happened."
"This invention can save car owners from spending too much time cleaning snow and ice off the windshield."
"What do you do on a snow day as a kid? You go sledding but you gotta do it farm style."
"It's inefficient to drive in the snow and electric vehicles definitely struggle."
"The inhabitants of the Sahara Desert woke up to discover a thick blanket of snow covering the sand."
"This snow is like movie Magic. I'm 20 minutes away from seeing my girlfriend in the perfect movie scene, it's crazy!"
"The snow just makes me so happy, like nothing else."
"There's nothing more beautiful than the Canadian Rockies when they're covered in snow."
"Distribute your weight over a large area so you don't sink in the snow. That's what skis do, which is perfect for the pasta Bridge."
"The snow makes everything clean again."
"These tires were great in the snow, I drove in the snow, in the wet, on ice, on my road trip, and these tires do great."
"Now we're going to put some snow."
"I know all about snow. I know the beauty of snow."
"Those memories are so fun to me. Everything around you is encapsulated in a frosty glaze, bringing the world to a standstill. During those times when the snow was slightly falling, I always seemed to be the most at peace with the world."
"It's handling really well for being rear-wheel drive too we just had some snow the other day but as you can tell the roads are pretty clear."
"Living in Australia, I feel like the snow is such a magical rare thing that still blows my mind every time I see it and it can turn you straight back into a child once again."
"...these Vehicles really are great and they're front-wheel drive so if you do have to put into service in the snow you're going to have something that pulls through the snow amazingly well."
"I feel so happy and having all this fun in the snow, you already know with my guys and my girls, we're just out here in the curls and twirls, yeah."
"Feels nice to walk without having to battle the snow. But what is still buried in snow is our roof. And not going to lie, we totally gapped on putting up the snow guards."
"The money you can make in the snow could literally put you in retirement."
"I'm just laying in the snow like every cold oh yeah I like turned I had to turn and face away from the snow for a while and put my hands in my pocket dig my hands way down yeah and just try to warm up."
"Not just built for snow, designed to conquer the toughest ice and harshest environments."
"I'll give you a dollar if you fall in your face in the snow right now."
"...when the snow this morning started falling."
"It's going to snow all night. I feel it."
"Oh, glorious snow from heaven, bury us all in your whiteness!"
"Whenever it snows in the morning like this makes me so happy."
"I just love snow, it looks so beautiful."
"It's very fluffy, it has a snow-like consistency, yeah, that's what it is, it's like yellow snow, let's eat it."
"Oh yeah, it's going to cover the ground in a minute, ground's going to be completely white."
"This man begins blazing a path through unpacked snow quicker than anybody ever has ever."
"And so let it be a story apropos of the falling snow."
"...I relished the Solitude the beauty of the world blanketed in a pristine layer of white and the crunch of my footsteps in the snow."
"I walked the gentle snow, sloshing and slurping underneath my feet. With each step, the snow piled on the air grew colder."
"I absolutely adore the snow and it feels so good to be back here at home."
"But the really weird part was that there were no footprints at all in the snow outside the next day."
"We had to shovel snow today, and there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground."
"Every Christmas I hope for a white Christmas."
"It sounds like a single, a baseball team, the Utah flurries. Come on, no, not flurries, just flurry. Just the 'L' in there, like you almost want it to be fury. Like, the flurries just like, 'Woo!' You know, like a flurry of snow hits you and you're..."
"If you go snow, you gotta go blizz. Yeah, flurries are coming to town. Oh, Jesus, throw on your windshield wipers, you know?"
"Imagine a bunch of marine soldiers... out of the snow just comes this burning blazing tiger running on two legs."
"We gotta make this like the North Pole. I'm talking snow, I'm talking reindeer up in here."
"This car does very very well in the snow I've driven this and pretty much any kind of snow storm severe snowstorms light snowstorms and I have never had a problem."
"Look at that! So really wonderful black seed pods that contrast the snow and frost really beautifully."
"Guys, it is a winter wonderland in here. My shoes are sinking into the ground. There's so much snow."
"That is everything guys, that is everything we got last night in snowmageddon when we went out diving in the snow."
"It's nice to know that I have a little bit of a lift and I have the lockers to have the confidence around the snow."
"Breckenridge sees the same high-quality accumulation as its Colorado competitors."
"I literally love the snow it makes me so happy."
"I love when like the powder is like piled up on the trees. I love snow, I think it's so pretty, I think it's so magical."
"I love the snow, I'm straight out there with my boots, my scarf and gloves, playing in the snow."
"Snow in October is not really my favorite thing, but flying this gorgeous Mooney behind me, that's definitely something fun to do."
"Oh my gosh, I literally love snow so much."
"It can withstand any amount of snow on the roof."
"Colder temperatures often make flakes with more pointy and fancy arms while snow crystals that are made in warmer temperatures and air with less water in it tend to be smaller and simpler."
"New York City's first real snow day in like 2 years so pretty."
"It started snowing at 4: it stopped around like noon and now I think it's warming up so all of it's already melting."
"It's full on snowing out there, like the most snow that I've seen so far this year. It's kind of wonderful."
"It looks so much prettier when you rip it because it has that look of snow just like it has just fallen."
"It's amazing to see the snow down on the ground as well."
"Wolf Creek stands out for its snow, often seeing the best accumulation totals in the state."
"I bolted right to my dad and mom and woke my dad up crying that a woman was standing at our back door in the snow."
"There's a little snow in the village, and so it makes it a Christmas movie."
"I really love how every climate is snowy but like it's different climates, I feel like some a little bit lighter color so a little bit darker."
"It snowed all day and I felt like I was living in a Christmas snow globe."
"I think there's like something that feels good about plowing through the snow, I think is the... what feels good. You're like crunching everything in your path."
"Those snowball thingies have the weirdest texture ever."
"There's something magical about snow, it just makes everything look so beautiful and makes winter more real."
"There is nothing quite as cozy as being home with a hot cup of tea looking out the window at the beautiful snow it fell so quickly I was really surprised but then just like that it disappeared so I'm glad we got to have this little snow day."
"We're steaming like crazy and oh, it's just awesome. We're next to a big snow bank."
"...the base is not soaking on it's not like a suction cup it has to let some snow friction through."
"This snow is beautiful and I love it. It's been great having it around, especially for the holidays."
"The snow was falling and I watched it through my windshield, slow and silent and entrancing."
"It's a bit soggy in this snow really."
"This is the most incredible snow experience of my life."
"Look how cold it is, it finally snowed."
"It's supposed to start snowing like the minute the show starts."
"Oh my gosh this is so amazing I'm so glad we got snow we never get a white Christmas at home so this is just like making me like a giddy school girl it's absolutely wonderful out here."
"Anyone who's managed to make it to work is given a mop to get rid of the melting snow."
"Oh that took some doing but digging B Towing thought we're going to be stuck look how deep this is though man look at this that is one snowy trench yeah proper photographic Adventure this we can't beat it love it man love."
"That is just the most satisfying thing ever drawing tracks in the untouched snow."
"In my case, I know that I don't want to have snow on my landscape."
"Snowing at school is just the best because there's like a thousand people just throwing snowballs."
"This has been so much fun playing in the snow with you today."
"I'm going to take snow. First snow of the year is celebrated. Snow gives you a lot of activity: tubing, skiing."
"'Snow? Yes, it would be snow, I suppose.'"
"...they go outside to do backdrops in the snow."
"This is the new map. Oh, God, it's got camera loads of snow."
"We still have a lot of snow here, winter was quite long this year."
"The weather gods were mad at us this October and I saw more snow than I have witnessed in 24 seasons of outfitting."
"Snow is so beautiful, especially now in the morning at the sunrise."
"Absolutely stunning place, isn't it? Snow is so beautiful, especially now in the morning at the sunrise."
"Have you ever seen a puppy encounter snow for the first time? He burrows his nose into it with this look of perplexity and sheer Delight because he can't understand where this white thing came from that is both fluffy and cold."
"Perfectly round snowball that looks amazing."
"I love to be outside in the snow and it really feels like a luxury to do something as simple as to just take out a really hot steaming cup of tea and just stand or sit out there and feel that warm liquid while you're standing in the cold air"
"There's nothing like a fire like angels in the snow."
"Snow is blinding it's worse than the Sun"
"What was Brian Redman eating? Oh, that's right, snow. What was Brian Redman drinking? Oh yeah, that's right, uh, snow."
"Looks like this is what Santa and the frost fairy were so busy with tonight, making fresh snow for everyone."
"Adding a few more darks in the foreground as well for contrast against the white of the snow here."
"It's everything just looks covered in snow."
"Many resorts pushing back their opening days by a week or two due to a lack of proper snow cover."
"It's soft to the touch but it's robust."
"It's a really effortless, very special feeling that type of snow."
"The snow is bomber and the terrain is ridiculous."
"We're the only ones with footprints or marks in this snow."
"Just walking around in the dead silence... deep snow does tend to mute sounds around you."
"Wow, that's just the most incredible thing I've seen. I know, this snow just makes it ten times better."
"It's like Christmas, sometimes we don't even get snow on Christmas."
"When life gives you snow, make a snow angel."
"Exploring the wilderness: 'Whoever thought snow would be this peaceful?'"
"Making memories: 'When life throws you snow, have a snowball fight!'"
"It was really exciting to be able to go out and enjoy the snow a little bit and see our landscape immediately around us just transformed. It was really special."
"It just slices through snow. It is so magical."
"Is there a better feeling than walking through fresh, unmarked snow? I don't think there is."
"It's fascinating to me in this part of the country where we see snow so seldom."
"Not just a fan of the snow and the cold in the mountains. I'm just a nature fan in general. So even being in really cool places like this, to me, it makes me just as euphoric as being in a giant snowstorm."
"That drive was gorgeous and there was barely, well, there's a little bit of snow at the beginning. I'm happy with my decision."
"That's why I got the Jeep. That road is so much fun, and that snow was the perfect snow."
"Everyone loves in Canada to have beautiful snow on the ground at Christmas and if you don't it's kind of sad."
"I love how, because I'm from the Northeast, I only talk about the Northeast. Like, anywhere else that gets snow, irrelevant."
"Actually seeing a train running through cold white stuff is a pretty rare experience."
"It's just not Winter Wishfest without snow."
"Snow drifts form when it's windy and when the snow is carried sideways by the wind and it starts to pile up."
"Snowshoes are special shoes you wear so that you can walk on deep snow."
"I had so much fun doing like wintery snow activities."
"You think there's enough snow for a snowman today? I think so."
"The snow is falling down, and the storm is on its way, but as long as you're around, everything will be okay."
"We've had a good time today so far, witnessing the beauty of the snowfall."
"One single snowflake alone, so delicate, so fragile, so ethereal."
"Buffalo New York is known for its snowy winters."
"Finally, we've got some snow. Look at that a little bit. So beautiful."
"I never saw snow, and I don't mean drugs."
"The snow was a white blanket on the ground."
"Just an observation, Mr. Oliver, snow is magical."
"You were right, Toad," Oliver called. "There are some magical things about snow."
"You were very brave to take on that snow without a plow," said the Fat Controller.
"I love snow, I'm not gonna lie, although that might be the Canadian in me speaking."
"Going up into the mountains during snow season is like rolling the dice."
"Steamboat's snow quality is a strong point."
"This snow is fantastic and it's just out of the box."
"There's not that much snow just yet, but it does feel really good to be back up here in the snow. I've been waiting a long time for this. This is a big moment."
"I can't believe it's snowing right now. What a wonderful day."
"Wow, final stint, 20 minutes to go and the views are looking pretty damn good with them steep old mountains covered in the snow."
"It was all snowy; it was magical."
"I found some tracks in the snow about a mile away from town."
"It's been snowing for a couple of hours now, white-out conditions."
"Always a beauty when you can walk on top of the snow."
"It snowed last night and it was absolutely gorgeous."
"It's Christmas tomorrow, and it still hasn't snowed."
"It was snowing everywhere on earth and on the stars, the whole universe was full of snow."
"It doesn't really feel like Christmas until it snows, you know?"
"It's snowing out here pretty good guys, this is awesome."
"The snow drifted down and down, all in ghostly silence, and lay thick and unbroken on the ground."