
Perennials Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"We did leave quite a number of perennials, you know, that just catch snow and look beautiful."
"The goal is to get our hearty perennials started, so things that would normally winter over in our landscape."
"Perennial vegetables are the ultimate in low maintenance because you plant them just once and then they come back year after year and all you have to do is harvest them."
"From Spring's first blossoms to Autumn's Last Stand, these perennials keep your garden alive with beauty."
"Hellebores, nearly a perfect perennial perhaps because they're so easy to grow."
"You will love this, there are perennials on here that she said you need in your garden."
"Perennials are those things in your garden that give you that beauty throughout the whole season."
"I'm going to help point out to you some of the best tough-as-nails perennials that you can plant in your garden."
"I've planted thousands of bare root perennials and it is a great way to go about it."
"What's nice is the Evergreen perennials will keep their color underneath that snow, and so when the snow melts, you have color. It's just another thing to look forward to."
"Many of the fillers that are on my list are actually perennials so you only have to plant them one time or sew them from seed one time and they will come back every year with lots of gorgeous filler for you to use in your flower arrangements."
"Perennials are the ultimate in sustainable gardening and so they are probably my number one tip for the time poor or lazy gardener."
"Planting perennials helps have a seamless transition between the seasons because you'll always have something being ripe or something to eat while your annuals are starting or finishing."
"Scarlet Runner Bean is one of the amazing perennials that just pop up and you don't have to babysit them as much."
"I hope you've enjoyed walking through the garden today looking at all of the proven winter perennials that are currently in bloom."
"...I'm so excited it's making me want to plant more perennials today."
"These lilies are perennial in my area... they will come back every year and they will multiply."
"Hardy geraniums are just such an amazing perennial."
"Sedums are such a wonderful perennial for your late summer and early fall Garden."
"The beauty of perennial plants is that you don't need to keep planting them."
"This bed here is more of a perennial focused bed."
"There's just really nothing like a good amount of perennials to bring some nice color and interest to the garden."
"Perennials are like passive harvest that you can get for years and years."
"We're going to do that with shade perennials."
"The great thing about putting perennials in containers is that you don't have to fill it up as much."
"I'm going to cut back all of these mounds, it will make the garden look tidier but more importantly it will increase the space, the negative space in between each one of these perennials."
"Things that you put in place and they multiply and come back year after year, that just moves my heart."
"We are really interested in naturalized perennials, things that don't take a whole lot of effort."
"Great plants, super low maintenance, easy, you know, that's a kind of a plant and forget sort of perennial."
"Perennials over annuals whenever possible because then you don't need to replant them year after year."
"There are summer flowering shrubs and summer flowering perennial things that come back every year that you don't have to replace."
"Placing emphasis on perennial fruits and vegetables is something that we're putting priority over because it's something that will come back year over year."
"Perennial plants actually can give you much more yield in the long run."
"Grow perennials in the landscape, do what you need to do guys to survive and be prepared."
"One of the first things that I will do when I get a new place is I will plant my perennials."
"Perennials are the way to go. You plant them once and they give you beauty for summers and summers to come."
"By buying these type of perennial flowers or having someone graciously share theirs with you, you do not have to plant annual flowers year after year."
"The cottage garden is mostly perennials, so once they kind of get up and doing their thing in the summer, it's actually a lot more hands-off than the annual garden."