
Visual Interest Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"You can see just how like the seed heads here or the bloom stocks rather see that how they catch that little bit of snow and they can add so much interest into a space."
"This turned out by using repeating elements such as wood and color we also used varying heights and groupings to create some visual interest."
"Adding color contrast with lighting to your frame does a great job of creating depth, dimension, and visual interest."
"Tips for creative composition: place the subject and the horizon off the center frame with the foreground."
"Angular clothing folds can add interest to the image."
"Mika looks more visually interesting than she did in Street Fighter Alpha 3. Has more cool moves and has more weight to her attacks. I think Mika looks really damn good."
"Creatively using color draws attention and interest."
"Contrast is key in creating engaging designs."
"Take a look at the inside of this UDM Pro, it's pretty interesting."
"Get tall plants or tall lighting. Add visual interest taller up in the room."
"If you caught this event on your camera... I would love to see what this actually looked like."
"From above, it's clear to see that there's a heart carved right into the spawn location."
"Visually it's really interesting, bizarre, and I am certainly curious to see what the heck it actually is."
"It's those Miniatures that you want to look at over and over and over again."
"Even if you don't like what you're looking at, you couldn't say it's not interesting."
"Adding variation not only adds visual interest but also makes your scene feel more realistic."
"Look at this little guy on the bottom left, he's like he's a messenger, he's holding a scroll."
"It just adds a little bit of like background visual interest to everything."
"Look at that absolute Beast of a chimney here wow so cool."
"Contrast or perhaps we could call it variation is what makes things interesting."
"Wow, I was not expecting the scorpion vibes."
"Lean more into creating visual interest through the color."
"It just gives the message a little bit more visual interest to use those formatting options."
"There's enough visual interest from that brush seam that it's far from boring."
"I love to layer pieces and I feel like it adds a lot of visual interest."
"...it's more subtle but it really provides visual interest without being so blatantly I'm a cable."
"Manipulating scenes with people can enhance the visual interest."
"Mixed lighting can actually be a beautiful thing when it's used well and it can add a lot of visual interest."
"That's what you want a poster to be like, full of focal interest."
"Hey, look at that painting. Which one?"
"Utilizing many different plant pieces can quickly create something visually interesting."
"Texture creates visual interest in a subtle and nuanced way that can be especially good for modern and contemporary styling."
"If you can't move the lights or can't move the product, best you can do is at least rack focus and have control over where the viewer's eye is going."
"We started this tank with, you know, just something to look at."
"If you have something yellow and then something green and something blue it makes such beautiful interest in your garden."
"I like to use as many miniatures as I can without it looking overcrowded."
"When you start to do a picture... you still have to figure out where the center of interest is and say that's where I want the eye to go."
"The layout isn't signaled prototypically, but the signals still add a lot of interest to the layout."
"They're so exhibitable because when you put them in a case, everybody looks; they're just marvelous to look at."
"So now with that little bit of dimension behind it, it's popped up; it stands out a bit more from the background."
"The mark of a sophisticated dresser is being able to combine patterns and make the outfit visually more interesting."
"By putting the proper emphasis on an accessory or the accent piece, you can dilute the monotony of shades and make your presentation livelier in the eyes of others."
"What if there was an artist whose art is characterized by the absence of color? It still manages to draw the eyes of many people."
"Just scattering objects makes the scene so interesting."
"It's quite interesting to the eye; it's beautiful in its own way."
"Adding the Ken Burns effect or zooming into our clip is going to help bring it to life more."
"The jump cut is a great way of adding more pace to your footage because it cuts out all the boring visuals and audio in your videos."
"The tower changes color based on the air quality of Seoul."
"Layers is what makes art interesting; it's what draws it to your eye."
"Most of the visual interest of this thing comes from its primary shapes."
"Those little flecks that you see in there really add interest and help to elevate the food."
"It's so cool to see how certain features are accentuated."
"Interesting walls or textured walls... provide some visual interest to the wall."
"One way to direct the viewer's eyes in interesting ways is to notice the lines, shapes, and textures in your subject."
"Whenever you're creating a simple card design, that Dimension can really make it stand out and add a lot of interest."
"With these kinds of stones, you never get bored."
"Just something to give the eye an opportunity to wander around."
"This is already more visually interesting."
"Layering is a great technique. Don't forget about that because it keeps your projects thin but creates a lot of eye interest."
"Focal point is just the area or the space where your eye goes first."
"The best photographs are made on the edges, where there's really interesting information."
"By adding more contrast, you will be able to add more visual interest, bring these elements closer to your audience by accentuating the shadows and adding a better sense of dimension to your work."
"All in all, the character designs are some of the most interesting that I've seen."
"How much more interesting is it gonna be with all that texture and different colors of shimmer coming through from the variegated gold leaf."
"And just a thought about this one, if you have something that is beautiful yet sad, then you can create a conflict, and that also makes an image more interesting."
"It's better to have a little bit of texture and life going on in the background rather than just being completely flat and a bit boring."
"The right pair of socks will serve to tie your outfit together as well as providing needed visual interest to the bottom half of an outfit."
"If you start to put that in your drawings, instead of having like three equal-sized buildings, maybe make one big, one medium, one small; it makes it more interesting."
"It is so architectural and so interesting to look at."
"The purpose of a necktie is to frame your face and a pattern creates additional visual interest, which will draw the viewer's eye toward that area."
"Who wouldn't want to have this out on their desk so that it will catch the eye of everyone walking by?"
"It's like a push and pull relationship with just trying to bring things out so it's not so flat and it just has more visual interest."
"Asymmetry is a surefire way to add some visual interest to your figures."
"I love the dangly bits, it adds such interest to the tree."
"The eye kind of loves to go to a place where there's some sharpness, a different visual language."
"I absolutely love adding gems or pearls to the patterns on my cards because it really adds a lot of interest."
"It just brings the whole thing to life and it really draws your attention."
"It's a powerful technique for creating visual interest."
"I love the pops of blue; just breaks everything up."
"The rule of thirds says that your elements are gonna be the most interesting if they fall somewhere on the third axis points."
"I like kind of the weird something that makes you look twice."
"Things that have variation, things that have like that sense of big, medium, and then small."
"It almost looks black, but it's not, it's a shade of red, and it makes the object look a little bit more interesting."
"I just wanted these, the crayons part, to pop out a little bit more from the blanket."
"It's always fun to show if this were all dark blue, I think it would just be too dark, so I wanted to add some of the lighter pieces."
"The lightest light and the darkest dark should be where your center of interest is."
"It's kind of a nice effect to have a little bit of visual interest behind my text, behind my titles, behind my caption, just to show a little preview of what's going to be there, a little excitement, a little bit of context."
"I love the fact that it has color yet it still has monochrome in it as well."
"Gradients are really, really powerful for visual interest."
"When you change up the textures, they kind of speak for themselves and create an interesting look."
"Texture is anything that gives your fabric something interesting to look at."
"Landscape photography is finding areas where you've got different things meeting: different luminosities, different colors, different structures, different geometry, different atmospheres."
"I love the woven design on this, it has texture and I think it gives it a little bit of visual interest."