
Pursuit Of Happiness Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"In the 21st century, we have two major agenda items. Firstly, there's going to be a serious bid for human immortality... Secondly, there's an intensification of the pursuit of human happiness."
"It's time to chase joy, happiness, health, prosperity—all that jazz."
"Our tradition of freedom based on and rooted in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness is a pretty good starting point for how to build a truly liberal and tolerant society."
"Please do not ever discourage anybody from pursuing happiness and from pursuing a journey and a life that they want and taking risks to get there."
"Every act...is aimed towards this goal: What will make me happier? What will make me self-content? What will make me arrive at an inner feeling of tranquility and peace?"
"America is about the pursuit of a more perfect union. The pursuit of happiness. America is about the pursuit."
"Invest in a movement of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for everybody."
"Living happily ever after is what you chase because it's perfectly attainable, because you're special, right?"
"We need to find a place where there's love and laughter out there."
"I believe any individual should be able to do, or at the very least should be able to pursue, whatever happiness they have in their hearts in this country."
"The Pursuit of Happiness...is actually a very deep commentary on the American Dream."
"The luxury is to pursue what makes you happy. It's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"Freedom, equal opportunity, pursuit of happiness."
"Happiness, that's the only thing worth knowing."
"Happiness is a verb, I think it's something you got to chase after."
"Everything that humanity has done on this planet is in pursuit of happiness."
"Success is constantly being in that pursuit of happiness, then you are always successful."
"Experience joy... that's a lifelong struggle, but you have to work at it."
"You can never catch happiness, it's uncatchable."
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness; you have to catch it yourself." - Benjamin Franklin
"If you're trying to be happy all the time, you're gonna think and be preoccupied in such ways that you are less likely to be happy all the time."
"The pursuit of happiness is a major moral achievement and a defining element in American life."
"Let me live my life, let me pursue my dreams, and let me pursue happiness. Pursuit of happiness, solid movie. I see what you did there, pretty clever."
"The current situation we have right now is radical."
"Remember that whole thing? Pursuit of Happiness means you are allowed to enjoy the fruits of your own labor."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Joy is a choice, just like love. We can either chase the feeling or we can choose the reality."
"Follow what truly makes you happy, it's owed to you at this point in time."
"The moment you're in pursuit of happiness unknowingly you're working against so many things."
"Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you."
"Follow your bliss. Follow your joy, follow your muse."
"It's worth it, it's worth the effort, find your happiness where you can find the kids."
"Whatever happened to us, we can find a way to heal and to change and to craft our lives into something that gives us happiness."
"You just have to take that leap of faith towards the things that you want to experience in life."
"We all want to feel that way and we all have license to seek that feeling in whatever way we choose."
"Happiness is something that you need to always seek to have regardless of your situation."
"Whatever this burden is, you're dropping it and moving towards happiness."
"Humans we always chase happiness and happiness always lies in the thing that we currently lack"
"You just want to feel good is that so wrong? You just want to feel good. That's all you just want."
"She was just chasing happiness on all the wrong roads."
"I believe in the right to protect yourself, to pursue life liberty and happiness."
"Life becomes a chase—always wanting, always looking for the next satisfaction, always waiting for the next big thing to arrive."
"Release regret and embrace the opportunity for happiness."
"Nobody has a right to happiness you should have a right to pursue it."
"Practice kindness, compassion, empathy, and love with both others and yourself. Give yourself grace, focus on living in the moment, love what you do, be grateful for it, and share it with loved ones. That is true happiness." - Alison Hagendorf
"There's never been a better time than to get serious about your joy."
"Your life is not about how other people see you but about yourself, about your pursuit of happiness and personal success."
"Life's too short. You need to do what you want to do."
"Live life to the fullest, excitement and happiness await."
"America is just an idea... based on individual rights and the pursuit of happiness."
"Chasing happiness is like chasing a butterfly. The more you chase it, the further it flies away from you."
"We all want to be happy, but those who seek out happiness directly often don't find it."
"Move towards your joy, your bliss, the things that we desire."
"As a nation we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of Happiness."
"It's time for you to move forward with things that you truly want to go after with love."
"A homeless person is not free to pursue happiness."
"Happiness as a byproduct of pursuing meaningful action congruent with our values."
"You don't belong in a place where you dislike it; you belong in the space of pursuing what you desire."
"There's just too much love and joy for us to pursue in life."
"This your last damn chance to have happiness, this your last chance to have a biblical covenant and find some people."
"Do not get comfortable with average, with mediocre. You deserve to be happy."
"Happiness isn't always easy, but life is inherently stressful."
"The pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness."
"Don't wait to do what you want to do in life, just go for it. Whatever brings you joy, find those things and follow them..."
"Love requires courage to pursue and happiness is something you have to fight for."
"Everybody deserves to fight for their happiness instead of watching it go by."
"Happiness and fulfillment is an art, not an event."
"You got your perspective. Don't you wanna be happy? Don't you wanna be happy?"
"The spirit of a quality pursuit of happiness: life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
"Learning from her experiences, growing, and finding happiness."
"What matters is finding happiness and you're not going to find that yelling at each other on the web."
"How do you find happiness when it seems like there is none left?"
"Move towards happiness, make the choice that makes you happy."
"It's not just about the pursuit of happiness, it's about the happiness of pursuit."
"Join us on the ultimate quest to find better balance, deeper connection, and true happiness within."
"You have to look reality square in the face if you want to have any hope of joy and happiness."
"When it no longer feels good, move towards the good."
"We all deserve respect. We all deserve happiness."
"New Lilia is going to be about conquering her fears and anxieties and doing things anyway, especially if it makes me happy."
"New beginnings, end up delays, a change in direction that offers happiness."
"In order for you to get to that happiness to that love to that money to that success that stability that you're wanting you have to cut you have to cut the tower."
"Seeking greener pastures, finding happiness."
"Most people in life are just looking for enjoyable things to do."
"If you cannot pursue what makes you happy in life why do you exist what's the point?"
"I'm inspired by your action of pursuing something that's making you happy right now."
"You're in pursuit of happiness, putting your own needs first."
"Happiness was achieved by working with every fiber of your being to secure the happiness of other people."
"True happiness requires developing and using our gifts to bring to the world what we're capable of."
"You should do whatever the fuck you want to do because it makes you happy."
"Never apologize for what brings you Joy Leo, only you can understand where you truly belong and where you can find your safe space. Follow your bliss unapologetically."
"I just wanna be happy, don't you want to be happy?"
"Follow your bliss. Find what excites you and turn it into abundance."
"Life is too short. If something makes you happy, go for it."
"The pursuit of happiness is like planning your own surprise party."
"Being happy is a big deal, bro. A lot of people are too afraid to live in this energy."
"To arrive at such a state of happiness, one has to struggle in the beginning."
"Somebody wants happiness here, and they're like, 'I'm not gonna let this go.'"
"It's time to stop being ashamed of normal human struggles and start feeling better because you deserve to be happy."
"Money will bring you some [expletive] happiness."
"I was just medicating myself to get in a space of happiness."
"You deserve happiness... You deserve to be happy."
"I just wanna experiment and figure it out and kind of take a minute for the first time in my life to just exist and be happy."
"Happiness is a byproduct of a life well-lived, not a goal."
"Move towards the sun, the sun is your happiness."
"We all want to be respected our personal bodily autonomy we want to be happy we want to be healthy we want to have families."
"Don't deny yourself the happiness that you truly want to have, don't let fear override your desire to have this quality of life."
"You have the power to shift our desires and our beliefs that have been created in the past to more closely get us to happiness."
"You just need to find a little bit of happiness."
"Life is short, so whatever fun is for you, go do that."
"It's just chasing a good feeling to go that wow that feels really good very good."
"Move towards your happiness, plain and simple."
"You know that something is going to bring you happiness, you just have to move towards it."
"The more you chase feeling good, the less good you actually feel."
"Your current path isn't leading you toward the happiest possible outcome, so why not change it?"
"You're on towards your happiness, nothing's gonna stop you."
"Once you know the feeling, you don't chase the results, you chase the feelings. That's what we're after. When you're after the feeling, the results are going to come. It's a proven fact. Let's run it."
"I'm going after what truly makes me happy."
"You shouldn't judge people for chasing happiness... you never know what they went through in the past."
"You're turning your back to this person and pursuing what makes you happy."
"You are just now following your bliss, and I want you to take action toward that."
"Do what makes you happy, and if that doesn't make you happy, switch do something different."
"Life is too short to wonder what if. It's time to chase your dreams and create a life of beauty, adventure, and meaning."
"Live your life; chase your bliss, but not too much."
"I'd rather stay aware of some level of unhappiness and fight for a truly happy future."
"I will do everything within the bounds of the law, but I do have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"They want to move towards you. They want to move towards their happiness."
"Don't make the mistake of letting the fear of losing what you have prevent you from chasing what you truly want."
"You enchant people with your incessant pursuit of Happily Ever After."
"Follow your bliss for something new coming through."
"I think freedom is... it's just not really obtainable but I do feel like the pursuit of happiness is a long road and I think at the end of it is like love you know love is the pursuit of happiness."
"We all deeply seek happiness and we all deeply know that we are unhappy. That's the dirty little secret at the heart of human life."
"The feeling of that in that moment is something that you experience and you keep chasing."
"Feelings are everything, our emotions are God, this is all that matters is pursuing happiness."
"...you have to be ready and willing to lose the stuff that you're saying you don't want anymore if you want to get that life that you do want..."
"It's about love and leaving something or someone behind to go towards happiness."
"I just need a little bit of happiness, I think."
"all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights including life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
"...we've got to enjoy it too, 2400 years ago, he they put that down, right? Then flash forward 2000 years, they write the Declaration of Independence, you know, the famous phrase they put in there, everybody gets life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Happiness is hard to find. Excuse me, happiness or happiness? Don't tell me you don't see it."
"Everybody in the world that seeks any particular good is in coly seeking a summum bonum, a highest good."
"How often have you sought happiness and it never stays?"
"Follow your dreams and create happiness for yourself."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That sounds really good, doesn't it? But well, maybe it's not."
"They are on a pursuit of happiness, seeking meaning and inspiration in every aspect of life."
"It takes a lot of guts to be you, and it takes even more guts to pursue your own happiness, but it is so rewarding."
"We love you all, chase them, pursue it, and hopefully you can find your own happiness."
"Liberty is critical for pursuing happiness, but achieving one's own happiness is something you must earn, and the state cannot ensure it."
"If something in your life isn't bringing you joy or making you happy then don't be afraid to see what else is out there."
"You have a right to live, to thrive, to seek things that feel better and better and better, and to seek your own life and have your own life."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we substitute the word happiness with the word comfort."
"When you chase God, you will have happiness because your soul is satisfied."
"More and more Americans are having difficulty realizing that pursuit [of happiness] in part because they're less likely to be married."
"If you can define the parameters of your life, be a startup entrepreneur, then you can pursue your happiness."
"The problem is like we're putting a ton of energy and effort into becoming happier we're just doing it wrong."
"America had emerged from World War II with surging prosperity, and people felt free to search for a better life."
"I'm pretty sure the founding fathers of this great country had this thing in mind when they put the pursuit of happiness in our constitution."
"Gotta slay a few dragons to get your prince."
"All humans are born with systems of addiction ready to go because we're wired to feel good and to pursue happiness."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's important, yes sir."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: going after the things you want in life without ruining the lives of other people."
"What we are really chasing after throughout the generations is some kind of happiness."
"I'm out here doing the thing I love the most."
"Find that thing that you can do and you love to do and carry on doing it because when that thing brings you happiness and brings you real passion, fam, your life will change."
"Honestly, I just want to find another sort of happiness somewhere else..."
"...chasing that feeling of just rightness."
"Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and everyone deserves to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, damn it."
"Government is instituted in all for the protection, and [for] the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the right to acquire and possess property of every kind, and to pursue and obtain happiness and safety."
"I hope you see me as the girl who is pursuing things that make me happy and not afraid to mess up and fail and for it to get messy."
"Totally support them going after what they go after because that's going to give them the juice and the fulfillment that they are looking for in their lives."
"For doing anything, well, to what end? Because ultimately, we just want to be happy, yeah? And sometimes I think there's a misconception that the bigger the success, the happier the person."
"Money buys freedom, and freedom gives you the time to figure out what makes you happy."
"If you like something, you deserve to like it and go for it."
"It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish their government and to institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
"We've been chasing happiness for 244 years. That's the great American experiment."
"I'd love to find some happiness again."
"Every time we pursue happiness, we end up finding the lack of happiness that lives within us."
"Ultimately, our intentions, the goal of our intentions ultimately is to be happy."
"We're all here together. We all have a life to live and the thing is, you got the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Everybody is looking for happiness, not suffering."
"They want to be really happy. They don't stop until they're happy."
"It's your way to find happiness wherever in this world."
"People want to be able to pursue the things that make them happy."
"I quit my shitty job to pursue my dreams and have fun and live life."
"It's all for happiness, that's all I have to say."
"Do they want you to be happy? If the answer is yes, you need to keep going through the days."
"I'm excited for new changes and just to be happier this year."
"Happiness, love, and fulfillment - that is what you need to do next. That's what you're working towards."
"Try new things, question things, and experiment with how you live your life to see what does and what doesn't bring you happiness."
"Everyone's got a right to happiness, right?"
"Being a super attractor isn't the person that's manifesting billions of dollars all day long; the super attractor is the person who lives in the pursuit of feeling good."
"That those rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, that's what our founding fathers meant."
"I've got all the material things I could want, like, but um, you want to go for more and more, don't you? It doesn't bring any sort of happiness as such."
"If you're sort of looking for happiness, you're just more likely to find it."
"Follow your dreams and pursue your happiness."
"I know you want to be happy, but you won't be, and I'm sorry."
"The freedom to pursue happiness is not being guaranteed to us; we're just asking that we'd be left alone."
"Happiness you're always going to be chasing, but joy is always going to be there for you."
"We all have the right to pursue happiness; sometimes we get it, sometimes we don't, but the right to life and liberty, you can't take that away from us."
"You want to be happy, and you're ready to take your life into your hands."
"We're all going through something. We're all trying to find that happiness."