
Financial Motivation Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"With so many things in life, follow the money."
"Chasing money now feels more rewarding because I'm chasing money for the sake of being able to provide for my family better."
"Don't go into this one just because the pay is high; make sure it's something that you would actually enjoy doing."
"Don't let some troll tell you a million dollars is not a lot; it just means that it might be one of your stepping stones to 2 million, 3 million, and beyond."
"Anytime you stay in a situation just for financial gain and you are miserable, it's never going to end well."
"Congratulations, because you're actively trying to better your financial life and make some real generational wealth."
"There is so much money in the world, so if you're not where you want to be financially, I hope this pisses you off."
"If people don't make enough money to see a future of themselves being successful, they're not motivated to push towards that happening."
"We're all after the bag right; you got to do what you got to do."
"You use the one aspect of your life to get the ultimate coin, and you paid the maximum price."
"When there's a lot of money involved, nothing would surprise me."
"That financial piece leads to you taking a shot, you got one life, take a shot."
"Put me on Prime time, put me on the big stage, I'm hungry and I gotta get the rent paid." - Kayla
"I just understand other figures making all this money and don't want to be comfortable."
"I think she's right that the right has no actual politics and they're there to get money and hurt people."
"We have no other choice but to make money, man."
"Everyone is trying to get paid, everyone is trying to make bank."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"The hypocrisy of it is ridiculous—it's all about money with Manchester United."
"Nothing drives progress like competition, especially when money is involved."
"I'm telling you, y'all, this is a money grab. Period."
"Dividend investing is one of the best ways to invest because you're going to be motivated to keep saving and investing your money every time you see that dividend check hit the account."
"If you think it's hard to make a million dollars, how you think it's going to be living without it?"
"Okay, well, then okay, let me tell you something: if you think it's hard to make a million dollars, how you think it's going to be living without it?"
"Chris Hansen is desperate and will do anything if he thinks it will make him money."
"They bought Star Wars not because they're Star Wars fans per se, but because they want to make money."
"Finding a balance between creativity and financial motivation is hard."
"Who doesn't like making more money? You like making more money? Just make sure to hit the like button!"
"Why did I write this? For the money. But if I didn't care about creating it, it wouldn't be any good..."
"It's not red or blue, it's green." - Rupert Murdoch
"Truth has no consequence when the agenda brings money. Sometimes the commodity can be truth and people will pay money for goods."
"It was never about the money anyway, it was about the friends you make along the way."
"I just want to tell the youngsters, man, stay money motivated."
"It's never about the money, man. If it's about the money, I'm better off earning somewhere else, right?"
"An org is not going to change until the money and the audience says, 'Yo, you need to [ __ ] step up and change it.'"
"Invest for your financial health. Don't tell yourself that you can't become rich because that would be lying. Start building your financial fortress with one brick and then another and then another."
"There's no excuse for you. Get out there and make that money."
"Honestly, this challenge just comes down to knowing your opponent, and how much they value their life compared to the money."
"In business the sack of money usually finds a way."
"Of all the drugs on the planet, there was one that was his absolute favorite - money."
"I want you guys to go get some social proof, meaning I want you to go build something, do it in excellence, succeed at it, but then I want you to go teach somebody else how you did it."
"It's to bring this home for many reasons rent family you name it we go out and hustle my friends because no we don't do this pro bono we don't go and volunteer we go out there to make money."
"Beyonce ain't turning down no bag ain't she the same one that performed for Muma Gaddafi before they killed him wasn't her Usher Mariah that was all out there in Libya performing in two step in Beyonce ain't turning out no damn bag you know."
"Nobody should be surprised Beyonce has performed for dictators why y'all surprised that she's in Dubai to step in I'm not shocked you know gay Ally or not Beyonce's about her money."
"If you really care about making a lot of money, go and make as much money as you possibly can."
"If we have that kind of technology, is it all about money?"
"Give her all the money, man. That's what made people want to go in the first place." - Kevin Smith
"Get that paper, Dustin. Get some paper, Dustin. I mean, yes, man."
"When people say it's not about the money, it's about the money."
"These courses aren't scams but 99% of the time they're just shallow cash grabs."
"I'm a sellout who cares about money so sorry not sorry but that's the way the cookie crumbles."
"Money talks, so whatever that money is, that big."
"The psychology remains the same: greed, the hope of getting rich quick."
"Run with it. Don't be afraid to make money. That's when the economy is boosting, that's when we know that we're investing long term."
"If you're not making money today, if you're not at least trying to make money, dude, you're not gonna make it."
"Nobody wants to be you unless they know you're making money."
"Money, money, money, love that about the money."
"It's a movie that was a cash grab based on YouTubers who were popular at the time."
"I understand that, principally, this is a decision being driven by money."
"It all comes back to greed. It's great when everyone's making money like who cares man you know what I mean like you get lost in that sauce."
"The office is like a money-grabbing circus every day."
"Doing anything for a check is a bad decision."
"Frankly, I find the knowing that they will keep more of their own money has incentivized them to make more."
"Money motivates me... the freedom and the opportunities that it can buy you."
"Working for money will only take you so far."
"Some fellas are eligible for, um, cash incentives."
"We're here for the social equity but we're also here for that financial and awesome."
"I love having money. I'm gonna never stop working."
"It becomes more about who gets the money and who's going to be successful by the end of the film."
"Every struggle that I've done before this has always been when you're young you're looking for money for the weekend."
"You shouldn't be in the music industry for the money."
"I was a boxer, but I stopped at a young age because I wanted to make money and experience life."
"It shows how they're viewing this app, not as a long-term project, but just as short-term cash grab."
"What moves the world is money, so the athletes have understood that and they've adapted to that."
"If there's money behind anything it's going to lend itself towards corruption because people want to make money."
"You don't want to do research just for the sake of getting a PhD or making money."
"They're actors. They know they're lying to you. They'll lie to you whatever it takes just to make sure they're earning that money."
"Being rich doesn't mean that you don't want to make more money."
"If you start doing that sort of thing just for the money or you try and jump on the trend you're already too late."
"Follow the money, let's always remember that one."
"Because... when you're not just motivated by money?"
"I'm just a dork, you know, just a guy trying to make a buck."
"There's an inherent conflict of interest driven by the desire to make money."
"It's a lot, child. These people, they do whatever they can because they're making the money."
"Damn, when I see that drawing you do, all I see is like numbers going up in my eyes, the dollar signs in your eyes."
"They love big deals man, they go blind everybody's capable of this."
"I'm in the deal for the money. Like, I buy a deal 'cause it makes money."
"The point of getting a job is to earn a paycheck, not for you to expect the company to revolve around your personal decisions."
"None of this, I don't even give a [ __ ] because I know this guy's a piece of [ __ ], but just seeing Jason sit there and let him lie to him... these people just don't give a [ __ ] about nothing but money from."
"Attention and revenue is the name of the game for them."
"It's not just about the money. It's about respect."
"Claim your piece of that trillion dollar pie by going to brilliant.org."
"It's a vindictive calculated crime by a woman who just had one thing in her mind and that was financial gain and murder."
"Life is too short to focus on a business purely around money."
"She planned and prepared to execute this murder for the sole purpose of monetary gain."
"It ain't about the bread, it was never about the bread."
"What do we have to do to get this stock up? We need to get something going here."
"He's sounding a little bit like a gold digger."
"I'm not excited about being a TV star or movie star. No, I didn't say excited. I said, you the money in."
"There's a point where you can want to help somebody else while at the same time wanting to make money."
"You might be getting too money hungry or being too materialistic."
"When you succeed, you get all of your money back."
"Happy players equals happy spenders. Take care of me and I will want to give you money."
"Don't ever throw in the towel. Don't hit endgame. It's all a scam."
"He only cares about the money. Floyd Mayweather only cares about the money. And that's okay. That's okay. Nothing wrong with that."
"Everybody wants to make a little bit of money so that they can hopefully better their own personal lives."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to make money doing something."
"One thing you might want to do is trim your videos."
"Some false teachers are just in it for the money."
"Find the appetite, find your why, what is the fuel that is getting you going on this horse to manifest more money."
"That's true... there's a financial incentive."
"If you see an ad, that means that I make money and therefore I'm going to encourage you to do all the things that make me money."
"The glazers will probably sell it to the person offering more, even if they're like the glazers."
"You can't live in here turtle, you're gonna go out there, you're gonna apply pressure and do what you can to get your money. Win, lose, or draw, you have to go get your money."
"Understand, Amy is your inspiration. There is money everywhere for everyone."
"Investigators believe she was in a frenzy of greed."
"Overall, the book feels like a cheap quick cash grab."
"Don't chase the money, if you begin to chase the money it's going to become a job."
"The reason they got back together so quick is because when you got two people that are getting money together, that are married and are under the same management company... it's a business deal."
"I purposely bought this house that I cannot afford because it's going to make me work harder."
"You come to get rich but you stay for the revolution."
"I want them to find the people that did this and to explain to me why they had to kill my brother over $50,000 or $60,000. And I want to know why that happened."
"When the red light's on, he's ready to go and he's ready to make that money."
"People are more likely to spend money on something that they believe is going to make them money."
"You are sick and tired of being broke. Get fired up and wired up."
"What this all boils down to is one simple fact... there's way too much money to be made."
"Some people say, 'Well Armando if you're changing people's lives why don't you just put on the internet for free?' Because I love money."
"Get in the course, man! Stop being a [ __ ] brokey."
"Follow the money. This is about resources. This is about who gets what."
"Celebrities don't really know or care about the products they're pushing other than the fact that it's making them money."
"There's nothing wrong with stating that everybody in this world, we like money."
"Let's just pay a fine, let's just move on with our lives, you guys get money, which is what you want anyhow."
"Start a YouTube channel to make money. Absolutely. Start the fucking channel."
"Barney then agrees to fight in the fight club if he can make money from it."
"You're going to be feeling very inspired and very in this like really great big bold energy to like get moving with your finances."
"Money should be something you should do so you can go be like James Bond."
"So far it's difficult to see the glazer's purchase of manchester united as anything but for the benefit of their bank accounts."
"Let's go out there and get it, let's go out there, be greedy, just go out there and get the money that you rightly deserve."
"Money is the trigger to everything else, it has a ripple effect."
"All of it makes me puke that these two once again are going to be reigning muck all over their families not just for the global titillation but for hard dollars 80 million dollars which is why they're doing it."
"This channel is about making you money because the more money I make you, the more you watch this channel, and the more we spite the haters."
"Don't pick your career based on money." - "You don't pick your career based on how much money you can make."
"I think we're more mature than they give us credit for."
"Every football player or every person who works wants to earn money for their families." - Oscar
"Baron just wants all the cash, I think so, man."
"Explore why the character became the class they did. Delilah became a paladin because she needed to earn money."
"It's always about making money and helping you make money."
"Anyone successful never feels like they have enough. It's about progress, not just money."
"He also has basically exploited this issue to make himself a lot of money."
"Transform yourself from average Joe into savage Joe let's get this crypto I will see you in VIP right now after this video let's get this crypto."
"But I like, you know, I like to get money. So if something ever happened, it ain't like, 'Hey boy hopping up, uh.'"
"The motivation here is obviously to make money especially since DMV budgets are typically underfunded"
"Start your damn new life start your damn new life new beginnings with money."
"You're either here to make money or you're not. No two traders are the same."
"Anything I've ever done in my entire life that I did for money first turned out horribly wrong."
"Cash rules everything [ __ ]. Get the green dollar dollar bill y'all."
"You'll come for the gains but you'll stay for the Revolution."
"A celebrity endorsement is not always the gold stamp that whatever the product or the service is it's legit because at the end of the day a celebrity is a person and this person is trying to make as much money as possible."
"For the first time in my life, I'm able to make a living doing what I actually love, and that makes me money hungry? Cassidy, aren't you the guy who would delete every video as soon as it gets demonetized?"
"He needs money so sponsors okay so I'm supposed to list all my cars because I have over 100 likes."
"Money pretty much drives everything. We've said that on the channel before. Whether it's right or wrong, the rules tend to follow the money."
"Make sure you choose a career path you love; don't just do things for the money."
"Surround yourself with inspiration... Try to surround yourself with inspiration that's going to make you feel motivated and want to continue saving money."
"There are a lot of players right now who are going to Saudi Arabia and saying I will take a massive guaranteed paycheck right now because what I see coming down the pipeline is significant risk to my well-being."
"I don't know how to break it to anybody but you know, forge in it for the, well, money."
"The struggle for the money is the biggest prize."
"It's all about the money, hit them in the wallet."
"Rubio will probably run again for Senate. He's making too much money where he is."
"People don't really want money... it's about status."
"I definitely want to make money. I like to make money and I'm not gonna ever apologize for wanting to make money."
"He was not bankrolled to put his life on the line like that for so many dollars."
"He’s crawling through haunted tombs because he’s… trying to make rent. That’s relatable."
"Forget about it, stay where it's bright and crowded, ignore anything unusual, and get paid at the end of the month."
"I'm in this for the bank book, not the scrapbook."
"Every single Next Step means more money for him."
"...but when you do 85 videos about the same guy because you're trying to make money for your YouTube channel, that comes off as a little bit obsessive and it doesn't even give you space to correct the mistake."
"When the cafe was completed, I focused on serving customers because I needed money, and money is something that I got."
"Topps Chrome Update feels like it's only introduced because of money."
"I was making money for one, and for two, I had to part from a good friend of mine because we were cool, you know what I'm saying? Like, 'Hey man, that's still your boy.' You know, you just can't live with him."
"He saw how much greener the grass was for some of these other ex-WWE stars and he wanted to be paid accordingly."
"If the question's like should we go out to make a ton of money yes because if you're doing that make a ton of money means you found a prom that's not yours you're gonna take responsibility for it you're gonna try to change that thing."
"Money is not a copout, money is a real reason."
"They care about one thing and that's money. I have to, like, always push this, you know, really man? Like, come on. Some levels, some of them kind of also care, just, no. No, no. I would say 90% money, 10% 'no.'"
"That's the greed part. I mean, a lot of these guys like me didn't grow up with a whole bunch of money."
"It's more of, hey they're making lots of money I want to make lots of money too."
"Motivation and investing go hand in hand."
"If you are learning code for the money, there's nothing wrong with that."
"There's nothing wrong with learning how to code for the money, totally fine, don't let anyone stop you, and keep going."
"Peace out, rock on, and go and make some money."
"Make saving money a competition with friends or family to stay motivated."
"People need to do what they're passionate about and stop doing what they think gonna make the money."
"It gives you an incentive to save."
"He is dedicated to art, and I am dedicated to money."
"If you are going to make me money, I am going to treat you well, period."
"These money goals can't just be a list you write out; they need to be the driving force behind every single financial decision you make."
"Money's the motivation, money's the conversation."
"If you don't find a way to make money, you're going to work until you die."
"All we want to do is solve this problem, pass the FE, get the six thousand dollar raise, and move on towards our PE."
"Never underestimate the power of a woman, or maybe they should have said never underestimate the power of a fast buck."
"The best use of money as a motivator is to pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table."