
Theological Perspective Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"Christ wasn't killed by Rome or Israel... my sins and your sins crucified Christ."
"Anything that you know about the nature of God that's not seen in the person of Jesus is an inferior truth."
"The greatest problem of mankind is sin and the death that it causes."
"Thomas Aquinas is best characterized as someone deeply in love with Jesus Christ."
"Either Jesus is right in his way of Salvation or you're right."
"The bulk of Jewish people in the world rejected it."
"Humans created god not the other way around."
"We don't earn our salvation, it's a free gift by grace through faith in Jesus."
"This represents God as the bad guy in the situation and Michael Todd as the distinctly good guy."
"Man is a Dominion, meant to be a king that rules over a domain."
"God can bring a greater good even out of the worst evil, such as 9/11."
"The worst thing you've ever done doesn't Define you and the greatest thing you'll ever do that doesn't Define you either you don't get to Define yourself God defines you"
"Grace is not a license to sin, but Liberty to live above sin."
"We cannot trade the message of divinity for the rhetoric of humanity."
"Sin is replacing God and the result is addiction of spirit."
"Could it be that God is inviting his people not to focus their attention on a geographical piece of land in an Earthly temple in Jerusalem?"
"Jesus suffered in his life and his death; he experienced The Crucible so that you and I could be connected and reunited with him throughout eternity."
"God gives you the free will to make the choices you want to make."
"God's plan of redemption was not a knee-jerk reaction."
"God crushed his only begotten Son under the full force of his holy hatred against your evil."
"We're not better than anyone else. So to put certain people in a category and say God couldn't save them or they're too far gone or this must be is done it's like we have to realize that God can save anyone."
"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against Powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age."
"That's the way God's kingdom works, by the blood of the Lamb, not by the blood of these Nephilim bloodlines."
"We're not saved by good works, we are saved for good works."
"What you most need is not Lazarus back, what you most need is Me."
"Change is not always good, but God uses it for good."
"Life spans were eight hundred nine hundred a thousand years... it's our misunderstanding... we are a fallen race."
"You only really matter because God put you here."
"God has not only everything under control... He certainly is not causing all the evil that we see..."
"God does not want anyone to go to hell, and that's why he created it."
"Jesus didn't come and die on a cross just to make bad people good. He came and did it to make dead people alive."
"If man was really truly bent on doing what God wanted him to do, we would achieve that."
"If you find out how it got started, you can appreciate how God is going to restore everything back."
"He died for your ability to choose when he God creator King of the universe he could have forced he could have forced Lucifer from the beginning to essentially be wiped out and not go through this whole thing but he didn't."
"I think religions are at their best when they're antithetical to negativity in society."
"Sin is a disease and Christ came to heal that disease."
"Declaring our independence from God is the root of all sin."
"God said, 'I created good and I created evil.' And good and evil is subject unto God. That's right."
"Anyone who does not exercise the right to vote is an abomination to God."
"Ultimately, we're not even these people every single person that Jesus healed in the end guess what happened to him they died they're not here."
"Sinners simply cannot free themselves from the bondage of evil by the power of their own will because the will itself is enslaved to sin."
"God really allows man to have free choices that God does not want us to make."
"What matters is God's attitude, what He means by that term, and its effect upon all of us."
"Forgiveness isn't cheap, it cost God His only begotten Son."
"We're a white pill show, we're not a black pill show like there are, there's always hope God is in control."
"The kingdom of God will be radically inclusive."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"Everything that's happening... is really the work of God."
"You look at God in terms of, you know, love your God, love your neighbor as yourself."
"Anything short of hell is the mercy of God, because that is what you and I deserve." - Justin Peters.
"God does not hate you, he only hates the sin you are committing."
"God created us to create stuff and He made us to make stuff."
"There's nothing random in our world. Everything's by Design from a Biblical perspective."
"We're living in these days when people are thinking that they can save the Earth, and Jesus is saying, this Earth was created for man's good, man is supposed to have dominion over it."
"True racism is anything that wars against God's will for the human race."
"Satan can't do anything without God's permission."
"If you don't believe in an Akhira, how can you possibly understand the wisdom of this world?"
"God's wrath has been poured out through history, and God's wrath is being poured out in certain ways now."
"If he's making shots, they're basically unbeatable."
"God is not in need of no one ever was in need of him."
"That is at the heart, really, of sin, it's self-determination, and rejecting the notion that anyone, even God, should tell me how to live my life."
"If the decision were easy, the value of Jesus' sacrifice would be diminished."
"God is more concerned about who you are versus what you do."
"Christ is the open door to all those who believe."
"The only explanation the biblical writers see behind anything is unless the Lord ultimately brought it to pass."
"Only a slimy serpent mixed with the depravity of the human heart can convince mankind that we can be our own god."
"Love is God and love is not condemning people to hell."
"Hell is God's great compliment to the reality of human freedom."
"God picked a group of people because they were a group of people, not because of their pigmentation."
"Racism is a terrible thing. But when you start with the Bible, we all go back to Adam and Eve. So how many races are there? Just one."
"At the resurrection at this Triumph they'll say oh happy fault the fall of Man yeah they'll say oh happy fault yeah that one for us so great So Glorious a redeemer."
"Freedom is not a gift from government. Freedom is a gift from God."
"The Christian answer to a world filled with torture and murder is a God who was tortured and murdered."
"Good is God; we wouldn't have good without God."
"I think everything that happens has some kind of significance. It's not just happening by chance, it's happening because God is now fine-tuning events to fall into place."
"All human conflict is ultimately theological; we come from God, we've been made by God, we can't get away from that."
"Clearly, you cannot explain Jewish history apart from God. True, you cannot."
"There's a difference between people who sin as a pattern and the people of God. There's a big yeah."
"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome, is God's way."
"God might allow COVID because it forces us to re-evaluate where we place our trust and find our meaning."
"God's call is to be fully human to live and to love and to be and then to try to build a world where everybody has a better opportunity to live fully as a response to the god of life and to love wastefully as a response to the God of love."
"If everything happens for a reason, thank God decided in advance."
"The reason we value people's questions is because behind every question there's a questioner, a person who's created in the image of God and therefore has value and dignity and should be treated with respect."
"All the children in the world belong to God, so the war on children is a war on God."
"Wrath is not for the bride of Christ; wrath is for the world that rejects Christ." - Billy Cron
"Jesus was a human... He was divided, but he was expressed as in his thirty-three years on earth as a human being."
"There is only God in this world, so when you say I am and I say I am, it's the same God, but we have arranged the structure of our mind differently."
"This is God's universe and God does things his way now you may have a better way but you don't have a universe."
"God views time, especially a thousand years, as really irrelevant."
"God will deliberately confound them. So even if mankind tries their best to bring control with the best intentions and it sounds nice, God's gonna still confound them."
"We're not coming back to an ogre, we're coming back to a loving Heavenly Father."
"God's sovereignty over mankind is such that he will even use the rebellion of the wicked for his own purposes."
"Accept all the evil that will befall us in this life as coming from the good loving hand of God."
"We are all born with it and we can't outrun it."
"His ways are not our ways. He sees things in enormous blocks of time that we can't. He's the alpha omega."
"Faith worketh by love. What's love got to do, got to do with God? Absolutely everything."
"You receive your identity from your creator, from Jesus who died on the cross."
"God's love has boundaries, and if God's love had no boundaries, love cannot be love at all." - Brian Melvin
"These builds are going to be crit instead of non-crit, and especially Perfect Agony got a slight buff."
"Election is more like this: I choose Christ and whoever is in Christ."
"That's true, yeah, in other words, we are created in the image of God and therefore infinitely valuable."
"God can use the devil to accomplish his purposes. Remember, whenever you think of the devil, just remember he's God's devil."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"Just because we don't understand the function doesn't mean it doesn't have one. God is a perfect creator."
"To honor the queerness of God is to honor the omnipresence of God."
"Jesus died for you as though you were the only one for whom he died."
"Our times are in his hands so we know God allows all things to happen so that everything can fall into place."
"Who ends up in hell? The arrogant, obstinate, and those who reject the truth."
"Read the Bible without the spectacles of the Trinity."
"Even in punishment, God's heart is moved by love and mercy."
"God is human in Jesus and what this shows us is that he was disappointed in their relationship."
"In heaven, even suffering and death exist, so be prepared for anything."
"I found a much more robust and theologically sound systematic in what is often called the corporate view of election."
"The people are only tools and means used by God."
"Faith is trusting that what Jesus did on the cross is all and more than you could ever need."
"In the Bible, where the man and the woman are in view, God creates distinction."
"Jesus came for the world, but he came to Israel... He came for the world God so loved."
"It had everything to do with spiritual condition, had nothing to do with ethnicity."
"God is on his throne, everything happening in the world is under his watch and control."
"Christianity says we really don't have a skin problem, we have a sin problem."
"Humans have a tendency to create their own gods and ones that suit them, ones that make them feel comfortable."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"Evangelicals are never amazed by grace, because they don't understand grace, because they don't understand sovereignty, because they don't understand God."
"God permits what he hates to accomplish something that he loves."
"We're not looking for the Antichrist; we're looking for Jesus Christ!"
"The pinnacle of God's creative activity was human beings made in the image of God."
"At conception, an unborn child is a human being that God is forming."
"The truth of Christianity actually shows that we should expect that because Christianity says that we're all sinners."
"Jesus is the lens through which we see the world in a totally different way."
"It's not about a stimulus check. It's about salvation by the blood of the lamb."
"Nothing by the magisterium ever outweighs scripture."
"Men in particular, like we were just made to work, that's the way that God made us, like we were designed to work."
"The Bible isn't about your goals and your ideas. Fundamentally, it's about God's goals and God's ideas."
"Allah did not design us as perfect because He already has angels. We're not even designed sinless. That's the design of Allah."
"God allowed the enemy because of a loving response of his heart to try to drive us back to himself."
"Morality doesn't save us. Salvation is through Christ and what he did, not what we do."
"I'm a fan of orthodoxy. I am the way the truth and the life, but I am a fan of unity because if you are not one, you are not mine."
"God is not playing with us, things aren't falling apart, they're falling into place."
"God's wrath is the expression of love's perfect justice."
"It's not the church anymore. It's basically light Gnosticism, I mean, it's narcissism for the uninitiated."
"God is the source, everything else is a resource."
"He's the only one who paid all the price for your sin."
"You cannot manage a human. They have a will. Even God can't manage a human. He paid the price for their salvation and still can't save them."
"God can't make it happen right? No one may, no one, see God is such a gentleman."
"This doesn't become Enoch because God caused it."
"Why fill my mind with things Jesus paid a price to do away with?"
"God wants to find you more than you want to find God."
"God isn't always like that... God's sovereignty means it's impossible everything, including evil itself, will serve God's good and perfect ends."
"God wanted us to serve a god who knew what it actually felt like."
"Understanding the severity of hell makes you appreciate your salvation more."
"God's punishments always have the goal of repentance and restoration."
"Every other religion is man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to man."
"The Bible is not the word of God. Jesus is the word of God. We need to follow and interpret laws like he did by the spirit."
"This is God's economy, this is how he wants you to operate."
"God's ultimate goal is union with us. He wants us."
"Our day to day lives do matter which Protestantism by and large rejects."
"Jesus is love. Love's not what he does, love is who he is."
"The church always goes beyond national boundaries."
"God's ways are not our ways. He rules the affairs of men. My ways are above your ways."
"God's word is written in your essence, not a book."
"If you asked me what is a woman, I would simply tell you, 'Acts the God who made her.'"
"God is good. He's not the source of sickness, death, or problems. However, He is the solution."
"Pain happens in life but it does not make us more worthy of god's love."
"God loves people. He loves people that are in hell right now."
"The Incarnation according to sapochko is the ultimate Mercy."
"You didn't get blessed when you received Jesus; you were blessed before the world was put into place."
"God's will concerning healing is clear from Genesis to Revelation."
"Ultimately, the reason dinosaurs went extinct is because of sin."
"Repentance is not a work we do to earn salvation; no one can repent and come to God unless God draws that person to Himself."
"There's a way of looking at the law... where God is setting the world up for the gospel."
"For the Christian, death is like a door we walk through into the world we were created to be in with Jesus."
"God uses the weak things of the world, the despised things of the world."
"God made all things. God made good and bad. They all work together to show you what not to do."
"The goal is not to become God, the goal is to need God."
"I wanted to include a defense of the church."
"It's not faith in faith but rest in what God said."
"A book is not inspired because men made it canonical; it is canonical because God inspired it."
"God doesn't forgive us in our sins; He saves us from our sins."
"If Jesus lived then Jesus died I have no problem with this carry on."
"God doesn't need any of us to do what we do, and yet He has chosen us."
"There is good and bad because obviously Tengri who isn't described as being the kind of perfect God as you have in the Abrahamic traditions."
"Mankind was once perfect in his created state of life."
"God is not a cosmic killjoy; he wants you to enjoy his creation within the right boundaries."
"Unless you believe in Giants, you're not a Bible believer."
"The real suffering of Christ was not the physical suffering... God laid on Him the sins of us all."
"You need to see how the devil needs you, not how you're stuck on the devil."
"Jesus hates sin, but He loves the sinner. He hates it."
"The risk of judgmentalism and arrogance without the doctrine of original sin."
"Faith is not a good thing you do for which God returns salvation. You're not earning anything with faith. The whole idea of faith is you're nothing, God does all the work."
"If you lose your seat in the kingdom of God, rest assured that you never had one."
"Resurrection is not the end, restoration is the end."
"When you understand the role of God in Israel's history, you understand it's not a man-made story but it's a God-made Nation for his purposes."
"The Christian gospel is the only system in the world of thought that gives you a radically and totally different identity."
"Adoption is seen as a very positive thing in scripture... we're adopted as children of god through Christ."
"Everything is connected, from a biblical perspective, from a prophetic perspective."
"While Christ is the first and the last word... it is not necessarily the only word spoken to the entire universe." - Dr. Christopher Corbally.
"We are justified by his death but saved by his life."
"The vast majority of professing evangelicals reverse the order of that... the necessary condition for faith is rebirth not the other way around." - Dr. MacArthur
"The rapture doctrine should scare you to death... it should comfort the believer."
"Time is an interruption in eternity. God took a piece of eternity, gave it a beginning and an end, and that's called time."