
Career Progression Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"Jamie Vardy is a bit like Ian Wright, I think Ian Wright came through quite late from non-league, and was clearly a fantastic striker."
"Build self-awareness and emotional intelligence. As you move up in your career, it's actually less about you working hard and more about your ability to relate and connect with people."
"You do some work for people, and then you get experience and your name gets around, and then eventually, you get to the point where you just work with the clients that you want to."
"Cody returns to SF5 as the mayor of Metro City... Dude went from jailbird to Mayor. That is promotion after promotion."
"I started as a social media manager and contractor... I worked my way up to $150 an hour."
"Messi's stats and trophies, simulated season by season."
"Bernard Hill was already a famous actor before starring in Titanic... after Titanic, things just got better and better." - Bernard Hill
"There's gonna be more choice in the objective system both in what you want to do with your time as you continue to progress."
"He's cooked in Summer League, cooked in the G League, and is now cooking the NBA."
"We're back folks, yes, this is the third iteration of park to prem, a YouTube series where we start unemployed down in the lower leagues of England with the objective of becoming a good Premier League manager and making some friends along the way."
"The higher up you go in the software engineering track, the more you really need to have technical brilliance."
"Once you go beyond senior at that point, like a very small percentage of people get there, and there's no expectation."
"Buster had worked his way into the top 10 heavyweight rankings by 1986."
"I would like to export my career mode fighter with all the stats and perks into other game modes."
"Nav is now he's found his space and he's gonna ride a little wave for a bit."
"She's an American success story from bartender to swanky luxury apartment renting congresswoman in the blink of an eye, and all because we need socialism." - Commentary on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"Real Madrid would be lucky to get him... He's ready for that next step."
"Anja Taylor Joy is one of our great young actresses whose career is on the upswing, I think this could only be great."
"The winner of this fight is certainly going to make a leap into that larger territory."
"It seemed like the only sane, sensible, and decent person with any sense of self-preservation on 'Soap' was Benson DuBois, the highly intelligent and sarcastic cook and butler for the well-off Tate family - played by Robert Guillaume."
"That's what Garrett did and it's safe to say he's only going to keep moving up in the music world."
"He's just going to be, I don't know, I'd be surprised if he wasn't very quickly a success wherever he goes."
"Yes, I think she's gonna get the promotion today!"
"Drake is a phenomenal rapper but I think it's time Drake does that mogul [ __ ] now."
"You're on a fast track straight towards success right now."
"Sakura in the Boruto series has displayed her progression as a career woman being the head of the Konoha medical department along with carrying on the duty of a single mother."
"We're making it now, I mean, we're actually a rising star, which I guess makes sense."
"I worked myself up from the bottom, pretty much."
"He's knocking on the door year after year after year."
"I don't give a [__] if you work flipping burgers, you can go from flipping burgers to being the person that tells the people to flip the burgers."
"He'd worked his way up from an unpaid Apprentice looking after his boss's baby to running his own successful auto repair shop."
"I thought it was just worth going ahead, passing the audition, and jumping forward to the gig."
"If they love you when you start, by the end of your career they might hate you. But when they hate you when you start, by the end of your career they're going to love you."
"James Gallagher moves on and moves on and who knows where he'll end up, he is something so special."
"What a chance for Cal Eleanor to move up to that next rarefied level."
"It's a bit of a mess of a situation, the champion wants to move on, they're essentially begging him to stay."
"At the end of the day, we just want what we've earned, you know? Real world title shots, not interim titles."
"End of shift, seconds been promoted to officer he will now make an additional $8 per hour for a grand total $28 an hour $160 bonus new clothes his next shift is Thursday here in 234 dollars awesome."
"I felt like I was taken over from David Haye. It's my turn now. Let's go."
"The further you rise within the company, the more income you make."
"So this all starts with a woman by the name of Rita."
"I've got to do it. But I'm struggling with being compassionate, being human, having empathy, versus continuing to climb up the ladder. Everyday struggles, am I right?"
"Career tanks have a very, very hard time climbing the guild ladder because it's all rooted in complacency."
"Young Thug had finally and truly bossed up, escaping the blocks of Cleveland Avenue, making a whole bunch of hit records..."
"Ensuring that you are continuing to move up in any given organization and be compensated accordingly is incredibly important."
"Spike Lee just gets better and better... he comes out with a movie like this."
"I'm just ready to step in the cage Sunday and show the UFC and show the fans that I'm ready for that next level of competition."
"I just think it was fun, you know what I mean? Like, okay, maybe how many girls do you really know that are really climbing the corporate ladder?"
"Just don't be stagnant. Always be looking for that next step."
"You're gonna be working super hard. Come November, you're going to just put your head down and work, and you'll be like, 'What I put out there is going to speak for itself.'"
"When you get to that place you're looking ahead to, you'll be able to take charge and find the best job for you."
"I'd like to see NXT Sami Zayn or even when he first came up to the main roster Sami Zayn."
"From side hustle to main hustle to millionaire."
"I really respect people that work their way up in industries. I think it's very admirable."
"The second act of Green's Hall of Fame career has only just begun."
"It's possible that he'll adapt and become better and better in the midfield too as he reaches his peak years."
"Nobody tells exciting stories to the grandchildren about the time they finally got that promotion middle management to upper management."
"You can flip the switch. It's a great example when you look at the guys like The Rock."
"We went from sleeping on people's floors to staying in nice hotels and playing in giant venues."
"My rate was far lower and I was maybe doing like one or two [brand deals], but um, I was an assistant."
"MMA was just the next logical step in my mind."
"Her steady rate of improvement warrants a TBS title run."
"I think he's a brilliant striker that needs to take the next step up to a top club like a really big club and be the number nine and be a goal scorer."
"If I would have been promoted that fast, I would own Supercell by now."
"I think Jake's on a different level in terms of he wants to fight credible boxers now."
"I had a great hot streak here and then things kind of slowed down in mid-2017. Last year, my January, things really took off again. November, December, January, and then they slowed down a little bit and then they took off again."
"Everyone's talking about Felix Cash. On we go, European title next or world level, guy. You know, Felix has the ability to go on European and definitely fight for world titles."
"His plan worked. By 1978, Dimon graduates Summa Cum Laude from Tufts, and is accepted to the Harvard business school."
"Scott Frost quickly climbed up the coaching ladder, made a name for himself, had one of the quickest turnarounds in college football history, and was ultimately pegged as the Savior to Nebraska's program."
"Starting at the bottom is the most exciting. When you get to the top, it kind of gets boring."
"You deserve this, you've got like three promotions this week."
"Exciting career and money breakthroughs look for the fullness of that around October 2nd where you're going to go whoa, that's what that's about, I'm so excited."
"So many janitors become CEOs... they just start at the bottom and they grind."
"When are you going to unlock everything that there is to be for this career mode?"
"It's crazy though because even with J Cole you met him, of course, as a fan, and now you're also a peer."
"A lot of these awful, awful people tend to fail upwards."
"Moving up is showing it's a slight evidence that your time might be up."
"I'm not gonna put my future and my self-esteem into the hands of people who have never promoted a black man in a hundred years."
"This next chapter, oh my gosh, like king of Pentacles, I see you leveling up."
"This was another step in the right direction for Stone Cold Steve Austin."
"Lois has gone from selling perfume to managing a boutique hotel by the sea."
"From player to lead designer - a journey worth noting."
"Probably though his best season at Manchester United. Been joined in the summer of, what, 2018? Was very disappointing in his first."
"Your story is amazing. Your rise in China, your exit from China, and now the position that you're in in the United States."
"Super performance from Aidan Lee on what a talent he is and what a run now."
"He's on the right track towards a title fight within two to three years."
"From the moment of birth to the moment of tenure, you're applying unintentional but pervasive and important differences in the ways that male or females are perceived."
"He's currently ranked number six and climbing."
"I came from the bottom to the tip-top in battle rap."
"Most great CEOs don't come out of nowhere. They had some sort of learnings or experience along the way."
"I think I'm hitting my stride with this real estate thing. I'm so happy and thankful and excited. Life is just too good right now."
"Victories like this for Santana Ortiz are only going to continue to help them climb."
"Damien Lillard has gone from an all-star type player to an MVP level one in the matter of a few seasons."
"Frazier climbed the ranks by knocking out one opponent after the next."
"His entire reputation is on the line here. And the truth is that even if he wins this defamation lawsuit, the 'I stand with Amber Heard' herd of sheeps here are still going to believe that he's guilty. That's the truth."
"The Undertaker is moving on. This one's not close, the Undertaker is moving on."
"I earned it by fighting myself through the ranks."
"I feel like he's evolved as a rapper... evolved... step in the good direction."
"Nothing thrills a general more than to promote somebody from cadet to lieutenant and lieutenant to eventually general."
"Every actor, concept artist, whatever they were a beginner at some point."
"Imagine four years at your job by then you're looked at as a person as a veteran on your job right so much can happen in four years"
"The sooner that we can specialize, the faster that all of our efforts go into one direction and the faster that we actually end up in a position where systems will serve us." - Greg Hickman
"I think there's a good chance that by the end of this year we view Mike McDonald as not just one of the better defensive coordinators in the league but as a potential head coach candidate for somebody else."
"The Irishman has gone from showing great potential to his potential to be special."
"What we really need to do is just keep hustling, moving forward, and they'll come back on your path when the timing is right."
"Why aren't you a Master Chef? To be a Master Chef takes 20 years of your life."
"From the streets of Venice Beach to the grand stages, Harry is now receiving the well-deserved recognition."
"You can go from working in a farm to being a diplomat, and that is the American dream."
"The American dream: from farming to diplomacy."
"But later on in your career you fall more into greed and day to day I definitely suffer a lot more from greed than fear at this point."
"You gotta give it to Cardi, fragile walks so Cardi can run."
"They should have known at some point he would get an offer to coach major college football. I was talking on the game called the good."
"And then suddenly here we are season four and you're a writer, right? Just like that."
"He really started from the bottom. Now he's here, you know?"
"Young Dolph over the years went from being offered 3 million from a record label to be an offer 22 million."
"From undrafted to two MVP awards in only eight seasons."
"We all start somewhere, climbing the ladder one rung at a time."
"That's kind of how it was, just one of those things where marine biology morphed into quality of life performance."
"The skill set that got you here isn't the same one you need to move upward."
"When you beat the number one contender in a division, there's only one place you go next, and that is for the person with the UFC gold."
"Promotions equals money, money equals furniture, furniture equals happy Sims."
"Javonte Williams makes the jump from Star to Superstar."
"I don't think it's going to be long before he's fighting for world titles."
"Active careers in the base game. Advance through jobs and careers."
"I guess yes, I mean I think being funny... a few years ago and I kept working."
"I went from being on a bench in the Championship of English football to play Dortmund away."
"I went straight into Arsenal after that and yeah luckily I got in so I haven't looked back since then really."
"You have a difference maker for the next decade on your roster."
"I became their first employee and eventually became vice president there."
"I'm not saying be a mop or a cashier for the rest of your life, no. Be a mop, then be a cashier, then be a shift manager, then be a manager, then be a general manager, then be a district manager."
"He is now moved up a notch, he is in the realm of those drivers who can win races."
"I've been doing this as progress like as the Internet came out I started doing it online in the niches condo involved and Here I am still doing free stuff for everybody."
"He got his job after third semester when fourth semester was yet to be completed. He got his job, his first job salary was between 60 to 70 thousand dollars and within a year he got another job and that salary was more than 50% raise."
"Confidence is often the deciding factor about how far people go."
"I went from selling phones to Mattress Sales to selling cars."
"He always had a different model because he was a player, then a coach, then an analyst. Think how few people have actually done that and definitely not had the success that he's had in all these different regions."
"If you've been waiting a long time for a promotion or raise... it is in the works, it is going to occur."
"Seems a long time coming but they say that I'm one of the fastest ever to rise through the ranks, huh? Can't wait to get started."
"I could totally see him having an awesome run in the Juniors at New Japan."
"Working your way through the ranks will also help if you wish to make a life yourself here."
"Starting at the lowest rank, we'll rise together."
"The real boss has employees that's better than him because he wants them to take his job one day."
"Wow, I've been assigned this mission, lieutenant. Thanks."
"There's a whole process that you have to do if you go from Herbalife distributor to like actual business owner."
"Barry Brittle has just passed his final evaluation. So, he's not being promoted. He's now been promoted fully to a full officer law enforcement officer."
"I went from working at a call center to now I am running a full staff."
"The quiet rise of the mid-card and the future coming fast."
"We've seen growth, musically and personally."
"Without competition, you have no one standing in the way between you and the top."
"I want to fight the best. I was a lineal champion at 135, I was a lineal champion at 140, now I'm looking to do the same thing at 147."
"Having the uniform back on you just feel so close to accomplishing the dream."
"She's promoted to a locker room attendant, beautiful."
"His mechanics are our night and day from rookie year to this year and then to the third year every year he's taking a step."
"You start off trying to make a living and then once you figure out how to make a living, you try to make a difference."
"Why are you going to work for the promotion if your boss only has his job because he's privileged?"
"Progress is important up to a point but if that's all you got you're going to get your ass fired."
"You're gonna see women like Asuka and Io Shirai move up the ranks."
"Success happening, feeling damn I'm progressing."
"I went from water to cat food and then maybe they'll give me the hard food one day."
"There's too good a caliber manager out there to go straight from Hootel to Cooper."
"Ronan was so good at the job of accuser that he eventually became the accuser."
"The opportunities that Chris is going to be able to get at 32, 22-year-old Chris, that will be impossible."
"Men who tend to continue working full-time see their probability of becoming a manager doubling over the following 10 years."
"Two wins on the bounce, that has certainly got to start attracting the attention of bigger teams."
"Marduk Motorsport is on the rise, let's hope I can continue to ride that wave."
"Because of his age, certainly, I think he's a very talented player and he has the opportunity like Andy says to really push on and go to the next level."
"You worked in life from here on now we trust you."
"You're doing very well, you got further in your career quicker than expected."
"Thank you Lori for all that you do and your hard work."
"You worked on this movie after working on King Kong."
"It's great to see drivers who have success on the local level get opportunities like this in the top levels of NASCAR."
"I'm looking to continue to pick one top super middleweight off at a time."
"Overall I'd say I've been able to maintain a pretty good work-life balance throughout my first six months."
"I think Declan Rice goes to a bigger Club than West Ham and becomes an even better player."
"I'm ready to take over right away here as we go to year four."
"By the time you get to 50 Cent's level of status, you have to have done every single door."
"It's a really big period for Arteta as well to show can you really go into that next category of manager."
"Now I'm a Senior Systems Engineer for a major tech company."
"Declan Rice is a baller, we all knew that once he actually signed for a side that was going to be in the Champions League regularly."
"Well, Oscar Isaac ain't PO no more."
"Before he was the Phenomenal One, AJ Styles was the lower card one in WCW."
"Every working professional artist will grow and change over the course of their career."
"Yes, he became Minister for State for Technology and then took a role…"
"I was you know I went up the ranks quick."
"It's exciting times you know I'm seeing a lot of the girls that I was in NXT with they're now in the May roster."
"It's as if her whole career was leading up to this job."
"Every move I have made in my career post those films I have only been able to do because of those films."
"I went from a guy who was fighting for a contract to the most dominant champion in TNA Impact Wrestling."
"I was grateful you know for the opportunity that I was given there and I was one of the first players to move up the Sydney I was right behind that move and looking forward to it."
"Senior software engineers mostly don't code anymore. A lot of them spend their time writing design documents, coming up with presentations, routing emails, synergizing, or making YouTube videos."
"It's hard to jump straight from an indie gem to blockbuster success, but that's exactly what John Watts did with Cop Car."
"I am thankful for that opportunity that he got me because if I didn't wrestle that match against Matt cross in the opener of Allin I wouldn't have been offered a contract."
"The progression from an analyst to a portfolio manager... thinking about sizing, and thinking holistically about a portfolio as opposed to just looking at an investment on its own merits, I think have also been areas of evolution for me."
"He's gone from the depths to now he's one of the top in his industry."
"Tracy went from averaging under 20 minutes per game as a rookie to a top five player in the league in year five."
"I finished school, I went to work for the Shreveport Fire Department, and guess what? In 10 years, I was fire chief in Shreveport."
"In just two years time he went from some obscure bedroom producer to being a world famous DJ."
"All of the best admins, developers, architects, business analysts were first admins."
"There's this feeling that you get as you sort of reach a later stage in your career where you feel like you're good at what you do."
"You have to be really careful about wanting it all within the first two years of their career, because it just... you're doing that talent disservice."