
Social Integration Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Contact theory, growing up in diverse neighborhoods, growing up in diverse communities, increases the likelihood of a broader umbrella of what counts as an us."
"Vegeta slowly starts warming up to everyone... he's becoming a pretty alright guy."
"Your social inclusion protects you from dying. You work with other people, you cooperate with them, you play with them, you eat with them, you're dependent on their labor."
"I'm just trying to be a normal person and reintegrate myself back into society."
"If you want them to be able to be authentically themselves, you have to have enough of them all at once."
"This conversation I'm hoping will help people to integrate and understand more deeply not just what's going on but maybe how we can talk about it in a way that's going to promote some resolution, some peace."
"Why do we have over the last 10, 15 years terrorist attacks on the streets of London that are almost inevitably always committed by someone who's a Muslim? I think that there's real issues in terms of social integration."
"Our country is the country of diversity, and the diversity teaches us to live together."
"Every society on Earth has difficulty integrating people from a very different background."
"It's about building shared social spaces with people we disagree with, in an effort to move them over to our positions."
"It stars Brett as he gets over his fears of playing with these other kids."
"There's a difference between mandatory integration and the end of legal desegregation."
"Rehabilitated citizens with a criminal record can apply for federal government jobs and affordable housing."
"The future is like, you know, just co-existing with people."
"Well, we're not gonna understand each other better if we stay separated."
"How do we integrate and protect newly emancipated black freed men and women?"
"Come here with gratitude and an open mind and respect for the culture. Don't be a jerk, blend in."
"Men thrive when they fit into a social group in a symbiotic way."
"You'll feel more connected and integrated as time goes on."
"Encouraging integration and promoting shared values is crucial."
"The way my new friends accept different opinions by discussing them rather than turning them into a witch-hunt has made me feel so at home."
"Integration for us meant freedom from oppression."
"For the first time, we can build technology centered around people."
"We want you to have a feeling of belonging and to feel necessary."
"Women often, if they're with a man they love, that man, his friends become their friends."
"Men want to show you off, introduce you to friends and family. Be the woman he's proud to have by his side."
"Maybe the goal should be working on embracing what we struggle with or what we dislike rather than automatically ostracizing or trying to reject what it is that threatens us."
"Integration into each other's lives... you fit in well with his family and friends."
"America is a country where my child can play with children of all different races."
"I have a pretty strong sense of belonging actually."
"We've created a situation in which there is no place for you to helpfully integrate into society and so you're just pushed out further and further along the margins." - Unapologetic Live
"We have data that shows that literally less than 5% of people in our countries would have a problem living with someone from a different race."
"Ain't too many like us, we like fin bait and I don't [ __ ] with Busters I can't integrate."
"We're all part of the same system in a much more integrated and thorough way than we ever appreciated."
"Racial Justice uh, is integral uh, to workers' rights you can't have one without the other."
"You have two elite groups who are saying the same thing seeking to integrate into the social system at the expense of the masses of the people."
"Integration has delivered no great benefits for any of us."
"To break out of your shell, have one person you're comfortable with and then integrate with others."
"You're safer when you're part of a good community than when you're isolated."
"Immigrants become quickly successful. They adapt quickly."
"We need to keep the communication going, break all these barriers."
"It's hard to deny that they fit in better with the blocks."
"You cannot bring in people who are not tolerant of the values and the ideas that you have."
"Build an application infrastructure that has social built in."
"The baseball scene is meant to illustrate Sonic's emotional growth into someone who has a group of friends and a family."
"It takes a generation pretty much to integrate a large wave of people."
"The proof is in the evidence. As you grow into a certain lifestyle, you become part of that lifestyle."
"Encourage them to be the sort of people that other people really want to have around."
"The healthiest, happiest and even safest are Americans who live lives intertwined with their neighbors."
"A racially integrated biker club promoting peace, unity, and togetherness."
"We want you in our community, we want you here, we want you to be a part of this."
"Sony announced an actual partnership with Discord to bring some level of integration to PlayStation consoles."
"Integration and engagement and openness have a pretty good track record when it comes to the causes of peace and progress."
"Integration made you a guest, it means you're guessing what other people own and control."
"You got to have communities to hold wealth. All these civil rights folks keep talking about social integration. That's wrong."
"If you fit in with anybody, even if it doesn't feel completely comfortable, it's better than being by yourself."
"You guys are starting to attract the people that are likeminded um and you're not adopting yourself to fit in."
"Integration turned out to be a bag of ones because it told us we had to be dependent on other people other than ourselves."
"Your opinion means a lot to me because we're all in this together and we all are pieces of this huge jigsaw that is the source matrix."
"New in town, I'm making friends, alright? A lot of friends."
"She was humanized, she wanted to fit in just like Bart does, just like Lisa does."
"If you want to stop racism, you don't stop black people from coming to a neighborhood."
"The MC is becoming more accustomed to his environment and the people around him."
"I guess for a young boy, the best way to fit in was through sport."
"Building a strong social network might take a bit more time. It's one of the greatest challenges that we migrants face."
"...you can get to know the local community it gets people used to you."
"I cannot extricate her from society. She lives in this society."
"Yeah, it's not so much about learning how to fire a rifle, it's about delivering skills to that kid so that when they get out of there they're of more use and respect society a lot more."
"I have come to learn that after ten years that they cannot have real true social integration, unless you have economic integration, and you cannot have economic integration, unless you go back and redistribute some of the wealth and opportunity into the hands of black folk."
"... these routines represented all the ways in which she had become part of the social fabric of colon Nebraska."
"I just think you can slowly incorporate people into your life if you want them to have the path that you have."
"There's a certain kind of Chilean that just loves the Mormon way, loves the church, and they flourished under it."
"If you want people to actually have a little bit more intermixing of our different classes, you want people to feel like the American dream is accessible to them."
"The edificio Mirador was built in nine distinct blocks, each containing a different type of compact housing aimed at integrating different social groups and lifestyles."
"Croatia is often held up as a model for how Muslim minorities can be a seamless part of European society."
"...we have teachers and intellectuals who are doing the work of trying to build bridges...where we can be authentic to our faith and at the same time be good members of society."
"These cryptids were tired of hiding; they were ready to integrate into human society."
"When you say someone is not well socialized, or when you're trying to help somebody to resocialize into an environment, usually that is viewed as beneficial to the person in a way that isn't forced or coerced."
"The degree of social integration of someone is a more powerful predictor of longevity than whether they quit smoking or drinking."
"Rumour has it that the PlayStation 5 controller will replace the often ignored touchpad with a touchscreen that links to social features."
"Where else but in a leisure center can we draw together the troubled strands of our society?"
"Where else will you find young and old of every class and race playing with each other on the gymnasium floor?"
"Understand the culture, the language, the people."
"They care as much that their buildings deal with the environment... how we live in them, how they are socialized within the environments they live in."
"The child is incorporated into the body of society."
"The goal with the travelers was to settle them and get them accepted into normal society."
"The myth of technological determinism reminds us that it is not technological discoveries themselves that explain why a particular technology becomes an embedded social form."
"Is that really integration? Can you imagine? That part of it was told as well because it's easy then for people to be like, 'We're good, it was so long ago, and we fixed it.' But did we?"
"Dignity is people want position and society, people want an integration in the social network, people want to feel that their life is worth something and people want to be live in dignity."
"But first, I'm a person. I want to learn from my friends, be equal with them, find my own way about in society."
"I've always been able to integrate with a large amount of people."
"Groups in America move to the mainstream."
"It's all really about helping them to find a slot in the world where they're not going to adversely affect other road users."
"We will be implementing a full social integration... to be more engaged in the fight against climate change."
"He wants you to meet his friends and family... it is typically a great sign."
"Integration into the shared and normative order is what makes social order possible."
"Integration nits people together via a cultural and community subsystem."