
Sensory Processing Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The brain is modeling your retina and it's modeling your skin and it's modeling the sensory surfaces of the body."
"We see in the visual cortex in the brain and yes if the eyeball is gone if it's broken or something yes, you know you will not it's like your ears if you don't like the signal will not be received properly by the brain."
"We're very hyper aware of the information coming in through our senses."
"The brain learns to extract many layers of features from sensory data."
"The motor messages going out, 'move that, go there,' and the sensory messages coming in, 'smell this, feel that,' occur in darkness."
"Autistic people see, hear, and feel the world differently."
"Remember: lateral for light, medial for music."
"The thalamus is a relay station for three types of information: limbic system, sensory, and motor."
"Perception is a continual dance between sensory input and perceptual prediction."
"Your hair literally scans the environment, brings signals back to alert certain types of amino acid structures. It's an extension of your nervous system."
"Conscious awareness is very different from sensing the world... there's a reduction of a factor 1 million from sensory intake... what we experience is what we share with other people."
"Perception as a process of inside out or top-down prediction, and the sensory data is just there to calibrate our predictions."
"At each stage in sensory processing, there's a partial processing and a partial solution sent back to the earlier stage to bias the processing."
"Your eyes perceive, your brain receives, your body reacts."
"If I don't have an auditory stim, I cannot really function."
"They do struggle when there's a lot of background noise."
"Don't shame autistic people for gagging on a food. You don't know what happens in the brain when a certain texture hits the mouth."
"When identified whether someone was a sensory sleeper or a sensory Seeker that can help manage fatigue."
"Movement is also one of the sensory systems in a really powerful system to help children calm and to organize."
"Sensory processing is really just the neurobiological processes of how we use what we sense to make sense of the world, and it's as simple as that."
"...every aspect of life if you think of a domain of human function sensory processing supports that domain and that aspect of development..."
"The sensory information from the world is noisy. Ambiguous."
"The parietal lobe integrates things in space, putting together all of those sensory inputs."
"Cognition as all the processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used."
"It's a different way of processing knowledge, sensory input, and emotions."
"Most sensory information is forwarded to an area of the brain known as the thalamus or Waking Center before that sensory information is forwarded up to a specific area in the cerebral cortex."
"Sensory processing abnormalities can make life challenging for people with autism because it is through our senses that we learn about and understand the world around us."
"This is a real condition and it is part of the way our nervous system processes information."
"People learn by auditory, visual, and kinesthetic."
"So many of our little guys are so busy trying to make sense of that internal noise that's happening, but they really can't listen yet and they can't learn yet."
"Transduction is when stimuli are converted into neural impulses."
"It's okay to have sensory issues."
"Children classify foods based on how much oral motor work it takes to get that food down and what are the sensory properties of this food."
"Together our five senses process 11 million bits of it every second."
"The somatosensory cortex processes information relating to touch, pressure, pain, and temperature."
"80 percent of the information that we process from our external environment comes from our eyes."
"Over 75 percent of the neurons in our brain that are processing sensory information are processing vision."
"Our perception of time is governed by the speed at which our mind and body process sensory information."
"It's very good in combining what's and where's, to integrate information at a time."
"Anything that's new is difficult, anything that's a change is difficult, anything that has lots of sensory input is really difficult for him."