
Future Readiness Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"It's crucial that we change the educational system to adapt to what is happening in the area of artificial intelligence."
"We've got to stop living in the past... we really do need the 21st-century equivalent."
"The United States will not be able to compete and prosper in the 21st century if we continue to allow a broken and outdated bureaucratic system hold us back."
"We need to build a 21st-century safety net that takes care of all of our citizens, in times of crisis and in all times."
"Fear has no effect on the believer who stands and says, whatever awaits me in the future, I'm facing it with Jesus."
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
"The implications of robo-taxis and humanoid autonomous robots is going to be profound. It's going to change so many things about life as we know it today."
"Our work is going to be more essential than ever."
"The tools we need for a brighter future are right there, ready to be put to use."
"We can't win the future with a government of the past."
"The future of Transport obviously requires a sustainable energy infrastructure."
"People are looking for a new future that involves new skills and community."
"Healing from your past is crucial to moving forward."
"The future belongs to the technically Savvy."
"Teaching children to be capable of adapting to change is going to be useful... we don't know what's going to happen."
"Take the time you need to forgive yourself and others so that you can embrace the future with joy."
"Now is always a better time to have a pandemic than last year because we always know a little bit more than we did the year before."
"Are you future ready? Are you convinced? I hope so."
"Tonight is the beginning of a new era and through that door is your future. Are you ready to see it?"
"There will be always a new job new excitement."
"Empower communities to prepare students not just for today, but for tomorrow."
"We want to make sure that whatever we're building or using to address this pandemic, that when we come out the other side, it's a world we still want to live in."
"This will be the future. It is coming now. It's how you're going to adapt to what's coming instead of being fearful."
"And if you get this, you are going to be so ahead of the curve."
"We're setting up systems that make it easier for the next generation to take on."
"If you want to do something incredible tomorrow, learn today."
"Wi-Fi 6 is addressing our needs of the future."
"This old system might not be the system that takes us into the future."
"Even if I knew for a fact that everything was just gonna be magically better tomorrow, there still is so much work to do in decentralizing industry in this country."
"Everything that happens to you is just setting you up and preparing you for what's to come."
"He understood that for the country to stay together and grow you had to be ready for the future in these ways."
"God wants to know, can He trust you with what He's about to release in your life?"
"Every time I put it on, that tomorrow is in here and now."
"Make damn sure that when that day comes, they have to get to know you all over again."
"Innovation and R&D are key to our readiness for the future."
"We need to engage in that new generation of reforms."
"Your abilities lie deeper within your being and are of a nature which shall be most helpful in your future."
"The future is coming whether we like it or not, and it's up to us to solve the world's problems."
"Rethinking our institutions of education and higher learning is going to be vital towards making sure that that experiment continues to flourish in the years and decades ahead."
"Kids, I want all the students to be ready for the world when they leave here."
"It's the greatest opportunity in human history ready to the doorstep at our fingertips right now."
"It is my mission to feed you knowledge, knowledge to save you in the coming times."
"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob students of tomorrow."
"The gateway to the 21st century is technology literacy, and technological literacy is based on numeracy."
"Someone who plans for success, planning for the future."
"Major changes are coming, and you are in the driving seat of your life."
"Every organization needs to embrace the future."
"Humans need to evolve ourselves to deal with the problems that a future with all the tech we need will provide."
"What lies ahead, I am like an arrow shot from a bow."
"Let us explore and question and understand. Let us learn from our past to meet the challenges of the future."
"We've paved the way to make it possible to tackle those challenges together."
"You have to plan for there never being a cure."
"You are leveling up and getting prepared for what's to come."
"We have learned so much. We will be stronger than ever."
"I don't know what's next but you'll be able to handle it."
"Drastic changes coming in all areas of your life."
"I think it's time to face the reality that it's already happening and AI is here to stay."
"The future belongs to those who can learn more skills."
"Enterprise tech, cloud AI, data services, automation, security - these are going to be things that companies are going to invest in to actually put them in a better position."
"Being light on your feet, being flexible, recognizing that community, like-minded people, in finding your tribe is going to be one of the most important sustaining things through this very exciting and innovative period of Uranus in Taurus."
"You're young and useful at any age if you're still planning for tomorrow."
"Accept new things. You cannot carry the disappointments from the past or even human nature itself into the future because everything is starting to change."
"Competing is the minimum requirement for tomorrow."
"You could be stepping on the style that's the style that's going to get you all the jobs in the future."
"This is built for the future... it's gonna allow all kinds of high bandwidth super rich video."
"Future proofing is ensuring that the quality of a product stays relevant for much, much longer."
"We're gonna have to now reinvent management."
"For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, you cannot build a company that's fit for the future without building one that's fit for human beings."
"I really love the minimalism and having the screen with the eight cameras around the car just kind of future proofs the car."
"We must be willing to release the life that we have had in order to have the life that is waiting for us."
"2024 is your year. Focus on yourself, and everything will come to you when you're ready."
"Do you not feel that they are essentially future-proofing themselves by having the network?"
"We're going to get left behind if we don't innovate."
"Is it ready today to disrupt the entire world? Yeah, yeah it is."
"For now this definitely brings this car into the future and revitalizes it for me."
"If you don't embrace future innovation and believe in that technology, it's an incredible trap."
"Being optimistic, enthusiastic enough to be receptive to what the future holds."
"Don't Fear the Future you got to be a versatile prepper."
"A lot of people might be considering now to upgrade to full self-driving in order to future-proof their cars."
"I feel like the next decade or so it's gonna be about tackling really the crux of intelligence."
"Tesla will be in the best position to take advantage of whatever that ends up being."
"Technological dominance is going to be what's absolutely necessary."
"I'm ready for whatever the future in the world is going to give me."
"You got Qualcomm's built-in X65G modem, a bit future-proof."
"God will give you a gift that doesn't fit where you are, but it's for where you're about to go."
"Tesla's V4 superchargers are absolutely built for the future."
"You either embrace the technology or you get left behind."
"Well, it's a good point and that's why people should have should be buying the tools that they need now for the future."
"They're coming out of a time of deep confusion, ready to move forward."
"At some point on your timeline, you're not in that space now, but you will be."
"The challenges are we are realizing like technology and science and society are realizing that there are these quite soon up-and-coming things that we're gonna have to tackle."
"The foundational skill you should be learning is how to use AI."
"We need a house that won't just fit today but we'll FIT tomorrow."
"The quicker you can let go of the past, the quicker what's meant to come in can come in."
"Celebrate, honor the road that brought you here, and prepare to take flight."
"I want you guys to be as ready as you can be because I want all of you to survive whatever happens in the future."
"The computers are coming after your job, understand that, understand multiple streams of income, embrace this new future crypto stuff like this, there is an opportunity here."
"The next few years are the time to prepare if you want to own assets that could skyrocket in value."
"We're gonna win the competition of the 21st century."
"If your job can be replaced by a robot or AI, it will be at some point... you have to prepare for that eventuality."
"Identifying the origin of covid is critical for preventing a similar pandemic from occurring in the future."
"The businesses that are going to do well are going to be the businesses that ideally are online."
"Vaulteq University: preparing for the future."
"Things are changing like crazy in just five or ten years."
"2024, it's a year for you guys to really upgrade and look at this, you have the wing here as well as here so a lot of your charms are matching with your cards here."
"AI is here to stay, and I don't want you to get left behind."
"I think Microsoft will be in pretty good shape for the next generation."
"My goal is to prepare you for a brand new world to come."
"You're getting ready to walk into your due season."
"Your financial destiny is determined by the decisions you make today."
"The M1 Max, of course, is going to feel more future-proof."
"Heal the past, enjoy the present, embrace the future."
"I've been getting ready. I never knew what for, but I've always known I'd know it when it comes."
"Once you accept your personal pivot, we'll start to see over time the pivot on a societal level."
"Be ready for a time when things change because they are changing quickly."
"The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." - Teddy Roosevelt
"If we haven't caught up to being able to utilize everything cohesively at 100%, what is the best strategy to do that to get there?"
"But it's important that we have these conversations and these ideas now."
"The best thing you can do though to prepare for the future of work is being open-minded."
"America's education system must prepare students for the unforeseen challenges of the future."
"Ultimately then what can people do to prepare for whatever's coming?"
"We are in for some huge changes in the days ahead... be prepared for those."
"Enabling the new architecture in your app or library is opting into the future of react native."
"Overall the drive the ride quality and everything about this car is absolutely exceptional and ready for 2024 and the future."
"21st century learning is a partnership formed by leaders in education, business, and policy. These skills are vital as they prepare children for the challenging demands of the future world: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking or problem solving."
"Your future has allergies; it's allergic to dust."
"There are only three things that matter when the future of the future is changing and when you urgently need to respond to that fact: education, education, and education."
"State-of-the-art skills, tips, tricks, and techniques we share with you here on Online Training for Everyone will help you today and in the future."
"Are you ready for your future life? Are you ready to conquer the Seas?"
"We live in pretty novel times, and maybe the old ideas need to be abandoned so that we can adapt to an uncertain future."
"Kudos to Algorand, they are positioning themselves for the future."
"Do the best you guys can in this tournament, and then when the next chapter comes, you'll be ready for it."
"MySQL is something you need to look through in the future and it's something you should always be ready to check."
"If you don't get with this technology, you might get left behind."
"Whatever you have gone through in your life prepared you for your next chapter."
"Getting skills in the digital marketing arena is going to be very critical."
"You are in the season of preparation."
"With all the future compatibility as well as all the smart features you'd expect to find with iCUE and Commander Pro."
"Prepare for that moment so that you're ready for the next chapter of your life."
"What we're trying here to do is to really help our kids get the skills that they're going to need in the future."
"Life is prepping you for a lot more."
"What do we need to start doing today to ensure we can get there?"
"And when you're ready, we'll take a much more important trip."
"It's time that we go about investing in self because what would prepare us better for any eventuality that may happen in times to come is how future-ready we are."
"Some of us are keeping our heads on straight so when the time comes, we can find out what the world has to offer us."
"You are going to teach your children outdated models because in 20 years time what we think and what we experienced will not be our children's truths."
"I will always be grateful for the opportunity, but I'm ready for what's next."
"If we're going to be delivering more education online in the future, we need to give learners the skills they need to take responsibility for their own learning."
"The objective here is not to predict the future but to position the enterprise for success across a broad range of futures."
"Everybody who is building these chatbots and generative AI, when you're ready to run it, you're going to need an AI Factory."
"I want every kid that I have in my sphere of influence to be battle tested and ready for the 21st century."
"East Carolina is teaching its students to think, to create, and to welcome the challenges of tomorrow."
"I'm opting into the future, I know that my stuff's gonna look good on great browsers, so please use great browsers."
"It's very important to actually educate young people that this skill exists and it is a very important skill for the future."
"This is really good if you want to automate certain tasks and it's a really helpful skill to have for the future."
"I believe that there is a skill, a person, or an experience I am meant to have that will help me for the next chapter that I can't see coming."
"AI is going to take over everything, so just get ready for all of that."
"It's also a really good investment for the country's future to make sure these kids are ready to learn and are absorbing their lessons."
"That's how you prototype quickly for a future friendly site."
"There's going to be enough room for both of them to co-exist."
"We need to build a better education system to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to compete for jobs in the future."