
Cryptocurrency Stability Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"I'm 100% confident that Bitcoin is never going to zero."
"Crypto assets that will follow regulations are here to stay."
"It's becoming the stable coin of sort of crypto... it's certainly getting to that level."
"Bitcoin is here to stay. I think it is a durable mechanism that will take the place of gold to a large extent."
"Bitcoin isn't likely to burst in the near future or ever. Institutional demand is through the roof."
"Bitcoin is the rock, the foundation of crypto."
"Should money be managed by banks... or should we enable this peer-to-peer system in which we can all act in our own best interest?"
"Bitcoin has proven itself to be resilient and safe... I don't see this action as something that is threatening the future of bitcoin."
"Imagine if tether disappeared... that would be very, very good for the rest of the system."
"It would make me a lot more comfortable to go heavier on crypto if tether just disappeared."
"Bitcoin to me is definitely here to stay and I see a really good future for bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is still Bitcoin, if you have lost faith in these exchanges and these altcoin projects and these leaders right that are giving you false hope well don't lose hope in Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is just fine. Realize that this is temporary. It's going to be a drop in the bucket versus where things will be in the future."
"Bitcoin will probably not go to zero, it'll probably be a few pennies."
"Bitcoin has well and truly moved past the point where it will go to zero."
"Ethereum is the most proven asset and has survived the bear market."
"52% of Bitcoin in existence has been held for longer than two years."
"The most powerful narrative and the only reason anything in cryptocurrency goes up is because people buy and hold it."
"ADA's chart looks compared to most other projects... it is standing the test of time."
"The fact that ADA is holding up this well... shows you just how strong the project is."
"Cryptocurrency is here to stay guys. Here's my price prediction again, it's probably not accurate but you can see how it underestimated and we still see a lot of growth."
"Bitcoin is the risk-off crypto asset, it's like the sovereign if you're looking for the long bond or the sovereign debt of crypto."
"The constellation of greatness in the founding years of the United States is almost divine."
"Cardano is here to stay, whether the industry likes it or not."
"I hope you all are feeling okay. Everything's going to be fine. Crypto's going to continue existing."
"Bitcoin's not dead at all. Don't fall for the FUD."
"Bitcoin is slow but proven, and emotional attachment ensures its longevity."
"It's very clear that bitcoin is going to be around for a very long time."
"Bitcoin is the only one guaranteed to be here in ten years."
"If people in mass lose faith in bitcoin and don't care at all about bitcoin in the slightest then yeah certainly I think bitcoin would in that case die."
"I've been around for eight years and I've seen ten thousand cryptocurrencies come and go none of them have ever taken over bitcoin."
"I think it is a very high certainty that bitcoin survives and thrives."
"For the educated, an economic crash is the best time to get rich."
"At this point, bitcoin is doing just fine, all coins are doing just fine, but even if it goes down, you guys know the story."
"Bitcoin hasn't fallen to 25,000 like some people said it was gonna happen."
"Nobody's gonna ban Bitcoin, all right? There's a two trillion dollar asset class in crypto that's not gonna go away."
"Bitcoin's never going to zero. There's enough people around the world see it as a store of value."
"Crypto's here to stay... but I think it's gonna be like the stock market."
"Bitcoin is in a category all on its own, it's the most established and therefore the one that gets the most votes as a store of value."
"I think Dogecoin will stay in the top 10. I honestly think it will, I don't think it's going to go anytime soon."
"Bitcoin on track to become less volatile than fiat money says on-chain analyst Willie. Woo! People really like that."
"But overall long term bitcoin is solid. It's gonna continue to expand. It's going to continue to get more scarce."
"I want to buy it, I want to hold it till the end of the decade basically what you said, I said okay, Bitcoin, Ethereum, you can do that, like those two aren't going to go away ever."
"What are Bitcoin and Ether doing? They are, I mean by the very fact that they're being considered flight to safety like gold, that's really interesting."
"Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and most importantly XRP are here to stay."
"Cardano still looking good. I don't really have any major issues with this thing."
"One bitcoin equals one bitcoin. That's never changed."
"Cryptos can't go bust because they don't have leverage against them. They just exist."
"I am more worried about some of these brokerages than I am about potentially bitcoin or ethereum."
"Bitcoin always does its thing, continues to move forward."
"Ethereum is not going away and this is more and more evident every day."
"I don't see ethereum going away, but I do agree with AJ on the fact that I don't think the flippening is going to happen this cycle."
"I have to agree with Ben because I don't think ethereum is going anywhere for the foreseeable future."
"We're not out of the woods just yet. This is a very crucial time for bitcoin's price."
"BTC is the definition of steady wins the race."
"Bitcoin will hold its value better than a lot of these altcoins."
"Cardano's probably gonna do the same and build some support in a much-needed zone."
"If Bitcoin went down to a hundred dollars, I would still believe in it because of the technology."
"Celestia has actually been a stable coin considering it's a new layer one, a new modular blockchain layer one and it's got insane volume at this point, it's basically been a stable coin this past week."
"Tether has not collapsed, and that's the final domino in the cryptocurrency space."
"Stay with Bitcoin, stay with crypto overall."
"Bitcoin holding above 60,000, which is great."
"XRP ain't going anywhere. I know times are scary out there in markets for typical retail speculators... but this has nothing to do with long-term viability, has nothing to do with fundamentals."
"XRP and Ripple are not going anywhere, folks."
"Bitcoin is literally here to stay because these institutions have kind of told us so."
"The entire stock market is down, but doge is holding steady."
"Ethereum is holding its value big time right now."
"Bitcoin is becoming more stable and it is reducing volatility."
"As Bitcoin continues to grow mainstream, the more stable and secure it's going to become."