
Historical Battle Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"In the Battle of Longewala, the Indian soldiers, vastly outnumbered and using outdated weapons from World War II, show us the importance of defensive tactics and unconventional warfare when countering a numerically superior enemy."
"One of the greatest phalanxes ever had been crushed."
"The Turanian noose grew tighter around the city."
"Conan’s sword-arm alone that won him Tarantia and its Ruby Throne."
"The Caledonian assaults were terrifying and seemingly relentless... as the ninth Legion was about to find out."
"The black prince had snatched an improbable and total victory."
"The plan was don't try to fight napoleon and this plan worked tremendously."
"The Rashidun triumph at Sufetula is frequently touted as the point at which Roman Africa was forever lost to the Empire, and while it was a back-breaking moment for the province, this is far from true."
"The heroic actions of Sagittario, laying a smokescreen under concentrated fire, managed to save the flotilla and return to Greece unharmed."
"The ensuing battle, one of the most critical in English history, has become known as the Battle of Hastings."
"The Spartans decided to make a stand at Thermopylae."
"Burnside's men had done it, but not without great sacrifice."
"Joshua defeated 31 Nephilim Kings... the greatest battle ever fought in supposed millennia."
"Richard had secured another famous victory over Saladin at the Battle of Arsuf."
"Caesar moved forward in classic formation, three lines of troops against the helvetii, the tribesmen who were used to fighting man-to-man felt back against the double hail of javelins towards that mountain over there."
"Dawn breaks over a dispirited and weakened Crusader army, surrounded by Saladin's fresh troops, all eager for battle."
"King Richard personally took part in the fighting, charging at the forefront of his cavalry."
"Then he made his first and last mistake. He allowed Caesar to trap him into a direct confrontation."
"The Sid's conduct during this battle was an inspiration to a noteworthy young man present for the occasion."
"Countless thousands of men are about to lose their lives."
"In the finest tradition of the Imperial Navy, we shall engage the enemy in night battle."
"This one battle changed the landscape of Japan forever."
"The British sent out the RAF that absolutely took out the Germans like an absolute bunch of legends."
"Henry V's victory somehow winning through against all the odds."
"Caesar's victory at the Battle of Pharsalus showcased his tactical brilliance, overcoming Pompey's larger army."
"Nearly 23,000 men have been killed or wounded."
"It's a battle and a part of history that's easily overlooked, but something that definitely deserves to be remembered."
"Richard was now in numerical inferiority against the Ayyubids."
"The Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, slaughter, and destruction."
"The psychological effect of the Battle of Hamel was electric and startling."
"The loyalists' last stand: defending Magma City."
"As the last rays of sun fell upon the blood-soaked decks."
"The Battle of Montgusard remains the best symbol of his reign when the teenage leper King flanked by a small band of Templars and knights charged the vast forces of Saladin and won."
"Charles Martell's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tour dashed all hopes the Umayyads had of moving beyond Iberia."
"Verdun is often viewed as the iconic battle of the First World War."
"The Battle of Agrigentum was a major victory for the Romans, destroying any Carthaginian hopes of supplying their forces through southern Sicily."
"The bayonet's most famous use in the Civil War was in defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg."
"Sweden had approximately 12,000 troops during the war of liberation, against 27,000, yet ended up winning with less than 4,000 casualties."
"It's a hard-fought battle with Grant's core narrowly defeated."
"Cannae was a masterpiece of military strategy."
"More than 16,000 Roman soldiers died at Trasimene."
"Joan's victory at Orleans was so vital for Armagnac morale... proof that God was on the side of the Dauphin's cause."
"He watched on as his uncle Marius fought in the Social War, and he beheld him fighting against his arch-rival, Lucius Cornelius Sulla."
"Arnold defied his orders and at the Battle of Bemis Heights he charged at the British and obliterated them."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"Bolívar defeated the previously invincible General José de Canterac at the Battle of Junín, a fierce skirmish decided by the superiority of the Colombian cavalry."
"The Battle of Plassey had been won by the British of the East India Company."
"Germanicus launched a brutal two-pronged attack against the Chatti."
"Gradually, the tide of battle turned against the Germans."
"The Battle of Coronel serves as a reminder of the complexities and consequences of imperial ambitions in the age of colonialism."
"Seize the initiative and ordered his ships to begin ramming the disorganized Japanese fleet."
"The Battle of Agincourt remains as proof that seemingly insurmountable odds can be overcome with the right strategy and the desire to never give in."
"The Battle of Salamis in 480 BC stands as one of the largest naval clashes in history."
"Then a battle cry by Philip of Artois was heard as he seized a banner of the Virgin Mary: 'Forward in the name of God and St. George, today you shall see me a valorous knight.'"
"And that's the end of the battle there. The medieval knights did manage to get the dubski."
"I am cut in two I want to see hazlitt hazlitt bends down on this rock to hear his friends dying words and he is shot dead upon the body of his dying friend."
"Had the battle of Gettysburg ended right here, it still would have been the bloodiest battle of the Civil War."
"Franco's Elite Army of Africa units led the way and were obliterating far larger Republican militia units with ease."
"The Battle of Issus was a stunning victory for Alexander."
"But despite Porus's fearless leadership, the battle ended in a decisive victory for Alexander, winning him control of the Punjab."
"Utter victory for the French and just complete defeat for the allies."
"The negative impact of his decision on Iraqi forces in Kuwait was compounded by the geography in which the fight took place."
"The French are breaking and I think that's safe to say that this battle is over."
"Charles Martel's stunning victory at the Battle of Tours earned him the nickname 'Charles the Hammer.'"
"The Confederates' defeat at Gettysburg cost them the North and served as a major blow to morale."
"Alexander's superior tactics resulted in a stunning victory at the Battle of Gaugamela."
"The Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war on the Eastern Front."
"But this was a war they had no right to win, you don't go to war with the Goddamn sea and expect to win - except, that's exactly what they did."
"Sweden actually makes a bold move there and breaks some of the French lines, that was huge."
"Company forces there the British won a decisive victory against the Indians at the Battle of Plassey."
"They actually look like they're holding on for dear life, a lot of those horsemen gonna be going down"
"The battle of Borodino was fought, one of the bloodiest battles in history."
"At this crucial moment in the battle, 2 British heavy cavalry brigades, including the elite Household Cavalry, charged the French lines."
"The World War II forces just now crossing 100,000 kills, and the zombies have not killed a single one of them."
"The French are controlling this battle the entire time."
"Pushing really hard and try to get on the flank of the Prussians."
"With thousands dead on the field of Agincourt and even more prisoners slaughtered in the din of battle, the terrified remainder of French forces retreated."
"God must have been with the english that day."
"The English archers would have joined the men at arms in the final assault."
"Valiant defenders of Salah who fought an unequal battle with inferior equipment deserved to be remembered."
"We're finally getting the job done against the Syracusans, a long time coming."
"That is gonna be the battle guys and club levy too strong man it was just cool to see the club levy everywhere like they beat Athens they went over and fought Syracuse and then fought smarted."
"In the face of overwhelming odds, Sparta and Athens led the resistance in the narrow pass of Thermopylae, the gates of fire."
"The Battle of Amphipolis ended in a spectacular Spartan victory."
"Henry V credited the victory of Agincourt to his archers and their arrows."
"Napoleon utterly defeated the Allied Ostrow Russian army at the Battle of Austerlitz."
"It was a complete victory, with the British capturing 18 enemy ships."
"The French Emperor deliberately weakened his right flank to lure the enemy in."
"Despite a Staunch defense the Garrison Was Forced to surrender a Little Over a Week later."
"The Parthians turned back launching more arrows at the Romans as they quickly caught up with them and encircled them."
"The best thing that the square can do when it's being initially charged by the cavalry is actually to hold their fire."
"The naval conflict was no less vital than the struggle in the trenches."
"Be well and have a great rest of the week, bye bye."
"For example at the Battle of Mursa in 351, Emperor Constantius the Second would finally claim victory thanks to the combined efforts of both bow-armed and lance-armed Klibanarii."
"In one hour the Nova Scotians, the Highlanders without kilts, would gain control of Hill 145, overrunning their objective."
"Let's end this battle, the battle at the gates of Rome, and we just got absolutely butchered here, my Rome and her allies."
"Fully armored elite European knights must have seemed like a tank battalion from hell to lightly clothed and increasingly expendable peasant conscripts from the Ottoman dominions."
"Hey girl, you're standing in a revolution. This is not the end."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"The Battle of Britain began on July 10th, a crucial test for Fighter Command against the Luftwaffe's onslaught."
"Never had I seen so great courage, nay not amongst all the Nephites."
"It was a bridge too far for Montgomery's plan to work."
"Richard charges alone straight towards the rebel ranks."
"Twenty five thousand nine hundred Finnish deaths and one hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred Russian you got to give props to the Finns on this holy cow look at this lob sighted victory."
"Few other battles in the history of warfare can claim to be as iconic as Charles Martel’s clash against the Umayyad Caliphate at Tours in 732."
"During 43 days of combat, Midway flies 3,339 combat sorties, averaging 121 per day, delivering 2,000 tons of bombs and missiles on enemy targets."
"Not a single Spartan survived the Battle of Thermopylae."
"In total, more than 400 American officers, sailors, pilots, and Marines perish in the Battle of Santa Cruz Islands."
"So the victory at Kharkov is against 8 to 1 ratio, ... that's why it's a miracle."
"The Americans were absolutely astounded at the amount of damage that she took before she finally rolled over and sank."
"It got so bad that it was almost suicidal to even poke your head above a trench."
"The Swiss, who had lost around 1500 men, obtained a stunning victory against a numerically superior enemy."
"The German offensive had been blocked and then reversed."
"In less than half an hour two thousand Zulu warriors laid dead upon the field the 17th Lancers were pursuing the fleeing remnants of the army without."
"The Zulu victory at isandlawano may have been the worst defeat for a British Force by an opponent who fought without the advantage of Firepower."
"We get our first glimpse at this seminal Spartan formation during the first battle sequence."
"Hannibal painted a masterpiece in Roman blood."
"The quintessential example of the lethality of civil war combat is the infamous advance at the Battle of Gettysburg."
"With him was a new chief of staff General Herbert Kitchener who only the previous year had ruthlessly crushed the Sudanese at the Battle of Omdurman."
"While the Battle of Montgisard had ended in victory, it had also cost the Crusaders men and, in a region where reinforcements nearly always had to arrive from the faraway Latin West, this backup was slow in coming."
"Raynald soon distinguished himself in one of the most significant military encounters between the Christian Crusaders and the Muslim lords of the Levant and Egypt during the twelfth century, the Battle of Montgisard."
"It was a narrow escape... made the difference between victory and defeat at Waterloo."
"It was Frederick's first battle, and he's running away, but his infantry, the great gift from his father, will stand and fight."
"Ultimately, the battle of Rorke's Drift was certain from the start, never in favor of the Zulu kingdom."
"The effective use of guns in the Battle of Talikota was key to the Deccan Sultanate's victory."
"Yeah, we just got massacred at River Raisin. Oh fart out west, William Henry Harrison."
"On the battlefield of Hill 70, 8,000 Canadians have fallen dead, wounded, and missing."
"All in all, while the English suffered minimal losses - probably around a hundred or two, the French had lost at least 2,500 dead - including Clermont and many other nobles."
"The Battle of Samar is widely considered one of the greatest upsets in the history of Naval Warfare."
"The battle of Lacato: a calculated gamble that ended correctly."
"Norseman's descendants against Norseman's descendants for the moment."
"To convince the Northerners that their tiny flanking unit was actually the whole army retreating, the Southerners looped around and marched down the same route before making the twelve mile trek into the Northern army’s rear."
"The Battle of France was a resounding victory for the Panzer divisions."
"Hitler called off the offensive and the Battle of Kursk was over."
"This Band of Brothers had proven their worth in battle."
"The defeat at Stalingrad in February of 1943 was a major blow to German morale, shattering the myth of the Wehrmacht's invincibility."
"When Pharnaces’ men began the climb up the valley to Caesar’s position, Caesar apparently could not help but laugh at the absurdity of the tactic."
"Frederick emerged as a truly brilliant military commander. Loynton would become the most celebrated battle of Frederick's life, a triumph that would seal his place in history as a military genius on a par with Caesar and Napoleon."
"The brutality of the battle made Russian soldiers fear for their lives."
"The Battle of Adwa secured Ethiopian sovereignty and became emblematic of African valor and resistance."
"Agrippa’s legionaries would very probably have had the advantage in hand-to-hand combat over whichever auxiliary force Antony had garrisoned there."
"Julian’s magisterial charisma induced the disgraced cataphractarii into turning their mounts around and returning to battle."
"Dumas led a cinematic bayonet charge across hard ice to take an enemy fortress, capturing 900 foes."
"It is estimated that anywhere between 18,500 to 21,500 Japanese died on Bougainville..."
"Despite overwhelming odds, 8,000 men defeated an allied army nearly five times its strength."
"Fierce counter-attack reversing the Italians gains almost entirely."
"The antiquated Ningpo was no match for the steel-built, steam-driven British battle cruiser, which promptly captured her in one of the very first actions of that ship's career."
"They attempted to take the island of Midway, but the US Navy was ready for the attack, and they sank Japan's carrier... actually, they sank a lot of them. It was a battle which the Japanese Navy would never recover from."
"The pivotal moment arrived in the year 923 at the Battle of Swason, despite their success in slaying Robert during the battle, Charles the Simple's army suffered defeat."
"In 1177 at the Battle of montgusard 500 Templars and a few thousand infantry defeated Saladin's masked Army of 26,000 soldiers."
"Winters and the second Battalion played a crucial role in the Battle of the Bulge, thwarting Hitler's desperate bid to turn the tide of the war."
"Join us as we delve into another key point of the Pacific War: the Battle of the Bismarck Sea."
"The battlefield would have thundered with noise from early cannons, the screams of the dying, the sound of horses falling, and the clash of metal."
"The Battle of Bennington, a resounding Victory."
"Nasby was fought in June 1645, and it came after nearly three years of bitter warfare between the forces of the king and the armies of parliament."
"The new model army changed the face of the war, and it got its first major action right here at Nasby."
"The first pitch battle came at Edge Hill in October 1642."
"They moved the British column back across that field and back through the yard behind us and eventually, Barry sent them reinforcements which helped them outflank the British."
"Edward delivered a crushing defeat to the Vikings."
"There stands Jackson like a stone wall. Let us go to his assistance."
"The thunders of battle never disturbed his equanimity."
"We poured such a deadly fire into them that they left their last piece and ran for their life."
"I've always thought if we could watch the whole battle of Gettysburg on TV, I bet we would be surprised at how slow it is."
"The Navy learned how to fight, discovered its warrior spirit, and when Guadalcanal was taken, the Japanese were beaten in spirit and broken in will."
"Being a stern-wheel boat, the Carondelet required room and time to turn around. To avoid being sunk immediately, she turned and retreated. I was not such a simpleton as to ‘take the bull by the horn,’ to be fatally rammed..."
"Spartans give their last breath to defend it."
"The southern line of battle ran along that wooded Ridgeline as far as you can see."
"The mighty navies of Rome and Carthage go head-to-head in an epic battle."
"The magnitude of the battle was almost unbelievable; as the time approached 2 a.m., life in Savo Sound was a violent blur with ships up and down the line fighting for their lives."
"A weird, unforgettable pageantry that Dante himself could not have dreamed up."
"The combined efforts of the Spaniards and the Luzones warriors was able to resist the initial attack."
"Well, it didn't turn out so well for the Earl of Pembroke today."
"The game represents a battle that has been called the greatest aircraft carrier battle in history."
"Our losses were light, the capture of this stronghold will give us command domination of Dutch New Guinea."
"The battle of Heliopolis wasn't going to be just a tactical victory but also a strategic one."
"Union defenders on Cemetery Ridge said that they could see this red mist hovering above the Emmitsburg Road as these southern troops were just being eviscerated."
"Gettysburg saw Lee's Army of Northern Virginia heavily defeated, with nearly 25,000 of his 75,000 man army either killed or wounded."
"God be with you, Richard. I have heard the reports from Spain; you will be fighting against a very determined Napoleon."
"Wellington watched as the French left flank became increasingly strung out and knew it was an opportunity too good to miss."
"The situation for Cornwallis was hopeless, and in mid-October he surrendered to the Franco-American forces."
"The British won the Battle of Trafalgar because their guns could fire really quickly and the French and Spanish couldn't."
"On October 14th, 1066, the Battle of Hastings goes down between the Norman French army of Duke William of Normandy and the Anglo-Saxon King Harold Godwinson."
"At the Battle of Covadonga, remnants of Visigoth leadership, alongside local allies, had defeated a Muslim force."
"After heavy fighting around Tilly-sur-Seulles, elements of the first armored brigade have been ordered to exploit a gap in the German defense line."
"Pope John Paul II said we are living at the time of the greatest battle between good and evil that the world has ever known."
"The roar of musketry was so intensive that a great portion of our command did not hear the order to fall back."
"The decisive battle came at Magnesia on the border between Pergamum and Syria."
"The mainers crash into the demoralized rebels and their bold gambit pays off."
"The white rose of York combated the red rose of Lancaster in the first battle of St. Albans."
"The stage was set for one of the most important battles of the Pacific War."
"Saladin is watching his troops as they do battle with the Crusader Knights beneath a pair of Peaks called the horns of Hattin."
"The heroic last stand won more bravery awards than any other battle in British military history."
"It was one of the few times a battle resulted in an indigenous victory and represents so perfectly the relationship between Comancheria and the Republic of Texas in the mid-19th century."
"The victory at Kings Mountain was considered a turning point in the war in the south."
"Marston Moor was the largest battle ever fought on British soil."
"Busaca was the place where the Portuguese learned they could beat the French."
"This was a testament to the ingenuity of her defenders."
"Like a great wave breaking itself upon a cliff, the siege was broken through a mix of Greek fire, intervention of the Bulgar Khan, and blood, sweat, and tears."
"For the next hour, Toombs’ Brigade and Hancock’s brigade, reinforced by the 4th Vermont, continue a heated exchange of fire across the ravine."
"Ahead of them lay a heavily fortified mountain that would soon earn the grim moniker ‘Hamburger Hill,’ and their mission was to take it – at any cost."