
Living Conditions Quotes

There are 379 quotes

"I still love the United States. I choose to live here. I wouldn't live anywhere else. But I recognize that I am living in an uncivilized country that has many other benefits."
"The conditions are getting far, far worse and far less livable for so many people in that country that the government had to shift."
"If my toilet wasn't flushing, I wouldn't have stuck around either."
"The notion of 'refined poverty' is to buy luxury goods and exclusively wear branded clothing, despite living in abysmal housing conditions."
"There is no better place to learn how to live away from planet Earth."
"We happen to be in the one where they are nice, you know."
"If we live under capitalism and you want to critique capitalism, the only way you can critique capitalism is while living in capitalism."
"It's a great place, the UK, for trans people to live."
"A lot of people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck."
"No one with future prospects, no one with adequate living conditions, no one who's making ends meet is gonna be like, 'Let me go steal a thousand dollars worth of shit.'"
"Seventy percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"The well-being of living things should be maximized."
"When you start talking about people in America not being able to just maintain a living, people are literally living paycheck to paycheck."
"The earth used to be a terrible place to live...and now it's an amazing place."
"Freedom is not just the absence of government intervention, but also the presence of conditions that allow us to live a full life."
"Wages have stagnated, the cost of living has risen, the conditions for most people are getting shittier and worse."
"We're not great when half of our people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"I see a nation where 63 percent of workers live paycheck to paycheck...Living paycheck to paycheck leaves you with no sense of security; you can't breathe, you can't relax."
"The actual human beings that live there have been suffering for eight years, constantly getting shelled, constantly living under some of the worst conditions."
"Rest assured that we are all living in very interesting times."
"It's not acceptable to me that half of our people live paycheck to paycheck and millions of people trying to get by on 9, 10, 11 bucks an hour."
"The changing environment is changing our decisions relative to our circumstances about where we live."
"Affordable is nice but actually being paid to live someplace can be even better."
"It's a really just a wonderful, wonderful place to live."
"It's a great place to live and it doesn't rain all the time."
"Literally, when Jacob was here, I would sleep in an air mattress."
"It's good to know that the kids aren't having their spirits broken by pretty much living inside of a metro station now."
"You should not be a test case, you should be allowed to live."
"It's an expensive ghetto and that's not a good combination, people."
"Living under constant threat and smothered by a blanket of security."
"Let's go ahead and actually give them somewhere to live because I have not done that yet."
"63 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, including nearly half of six-figure earners."
"Wow, this house actually looks pretty nice. It's great we all have our own separate rooms this time."
"Practically the best city to live in America."
"Isn't hard to see why Austin is the best state capital to live in."
"7.5 million British people live in fuel poverty." - "People are freezing to death in their homes."
"What do you think is the best place to live and set up a business?"
"You can say a 60 to 70 square meter apartment can cost anywhere upwards of a thousand four hundred euros a month."
"You can't concentrate on anything else if you don't know where you're living or your next meal is coming from."
"You cannot social distance in the slums of Calcutta."
"I'm generally happy to pay my taxes... and if I'm not willing to record my mileage to minimize taxes, I'm definitely not willing to move to a totally different place to minimize my taxes."
"Plague had been something that all lived with in these houses forever."
"A powerful transformation or change coming that's going to be about where you live..."
"Why is Austin such a desirable place today? Lower taxes compared to other states, warm weather, great nightlife, and it's a relatively safe city."
"But what kind of conditions do we need to build for humans to really live there and not just survive?"
"In each of these self-contained conditions, there's a real profound connection between the inhabitants and the places they live because it can determine whether you live or die."
"If you're a conservative, you live in San Francisco, I'm sorry."
"People just don't have the money to pay for gas and electric."
"Singapore is one of the best countries to live in if you are in crypto right now."
"People cannot live on the salaries that they have right now."
"If you don't have free choice anymore, then you're living in a dictatorship."
"Equity is saying if Angela and I live together and Angela has a 100 million in the bank and I have $10 in the bank and Angela says well let's split the rent evenly that's that's equal it's not Equitable."
"And that's my hope for our society, is that everybody can have whatever it looks like, like a safe, comfortable place to live."
"Power outages, propaganda, and poverty: the harsh realities of life in North Korea."
"I feel very fortunate, you know. I am NOT locked into a small apartment and afraid to go out the door."
"So people are suffering or things are difficult housing costs are high uh money does not go as far as people want it to go but then there lie therein lies the debate on the policies of the future to try to ameliorate and correct that."
"No person in America should be too poor to live."
"You're not alone. There are people who care." - (No specific name mentioned)
"It's actually good value to live in a well-designed building."
"You know, it's most of us live paycheck to paycheck because that's just the nature of this business..."
"Prepping in an apartment is a problem... a small space makes prepping harder."
"What good is being the wealthiest country in the world if people can't even afford to live?"
"She just has to live with the well-deserved shame she's been trying to act nicer to Dan lately guess the grass Isn't So Green living with her parents."
"Nobody should have to live paycheck to paycheck being employed by one of the biggest game developers in the world."
"Remember how Taraji said the trailers were infested? Yes, our trailers blew up."
"More than 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"If you cannot be grateful living in this country, where can you be possibly grateful for every miracle that we live through?"
"A civilized society may ask itself whether control unit prisons like Florence and Westville are just tombs for the living dead."
"I take living in absolute abject shitty conditions if it meant my family was more together."
"It's hard to imagine that in the 21st century Chinese citizens are living a slave-like lifestyle. This is because they don't have human rights. This makes you a slave."
"Amongst the destruction, you'll still find people living there."
"The next thing I want to set up here is kind of upgrade the duplicants' living quarters down here."
"Living alone is next to Impossible you need other people."
"Living at this house, we don't know what's going to happen in the next 30 seconds."
"If I pay rent I don't eat and if I pay for food I'm on the street."
"Knowing where you live can explain your motivations, right?"
"Would I live during this time? Absolutely not."
"Democracies are better places to live than dictatorships."
"The real solution is technology. If we can have decentralized water supply and live spread out, a lot of these problems will dissipate."
"The trunk revealed a disorderly naked man who had actually been living in Bethany's trunk for three days."
"We have it so much better than anybody else. We had three meals a day, we were dry, we had one box free eight from from cavers would lend on it."
"It's not a way to live, and we shouldn't live this way."
"Sleeping is all about the freedom; if a place isn't about freedom, you cannot enjoy their freedom."
"Ask your boot terms of their living stipends that's something that has come up and if you live in Atlanta I think San Francisco Denver you might be eligible for some living stipend."
"Poor living conditions hamper children's ability to do schoolwork."
"This child living in this truck, in a shelter, on the street, wherever, that cannot be this child's future."
"Either way, I think we live in fascinating times."
"Once you affect them in the pockets, these are people that didn't have really tough lives. Now they're being affected by the cost of energy to the point where they have a problem with what's going on."
"Certain choices are not yours to make when you're living and dependent upon somebody else."
"Is that really how you want Texans to live? Is that how they want to live, sending their kids to schools that look like prison?"
"Janet is an extreme hoarder, she's living in absolute squalor. I've actually seen homeless people live a cleaner lifestyle than her."
"These people get a place to stay, fresh food, and clean water, and are protected 24/7 by an army."
"It just felt like I wasn't living... paying to live in a stranger's house."
"House redesign for improved living conditions."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to live in a home where you feel safe."
"Neighborhoods matter, place matters, where you live matters."
"Safety would be much better in Shanghai for sure."
"If you're making $35,000 a year and you're clearing $1,500 bucks a month after tax, where you sleep? Are you staying at home? You're living at home right? With your parents."
"Population growth isn't just from people moving, although the big sort is happening all over the country, people are moving where their values are going to be respected, where they're not going to be eaten alive by taxes and regulation."
"The purpose of a job is supposed to pay for you to be able to afford to live and that's just not the case anymore."
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"Within seven years, life on the planet may become unbearable due to extremely rising temperatures."
"Life in the United States is not perfect, but I feel safe here."
"Rumia living with her mother in a bigger Rumia."
"This is the best place to live in the United States and everyone knows it."
"You're totally isolated from everything and you're at this old decrepit hotel and you know, nothing, no offense to the facility people there, but a lot of the people who were at the hotel were living in the hotel."
"One of the best things about living in Cincinnati is how affordable it is."
"If you don't mind negative 40 in the winter I don't know why you haven't moved to Minnesota yet"
"We either live in this country and accept that's what it does, or we go somewhere else."
"Nothing lasts forever. As long as it makes sense here, we will live here."
"It's a great place to live, especially when you see how cheap it is."
"I feel like living in a small space, we're gonna round our rough edges way faster."
"Imagine living near that. Imagine that, bro. Like, well, I'd be worried that it's going to expand out, start caving in and expanding that out, you know? You gotta be a brave soul to fall asleep next to a hole that big, I'm just saying."
"The great thing about that is, that gives me an extra 20 inches of living space to work with."
"A more pleasant experience than most jails, heck, more pleasant than most college dorms."
"The whole concept of Bastoy is to provide a more pleasant experience than most jails."
"Austin genuinely is one of the best places in the United States."
"It's more expensive to live in poverty dollar for dollar than it is to live in wealth."
"North Carolina's got to be one of the greatest states in the nation to live just the parks The Greenery it is stunning it is beautiful."
"This is no way to live. This is no quality of life."
"Now you're stuck as a serf, renting your home."
"The nation hasn't changed but the time I rose for the weary to go into disguise, so the way it is in these guys, just like each and every one of all of us living in Nigeria who pretend to be sane even when our entire country is one giant asylum."
"I was living in here for probably a month and a half with no ventilation and sometimes it's fine if it's cold outside it's fine when it's hot it is hot and it gets humid and it gets stuffy..."
"In the mountainous regions of Tibet, conditions can be tough for nomadic farmers."
"I do not get living in an all-glass house where anyone with a decent telescope can see whatever you do."
"People are literally living in piles of garbage."
"Everything Changes in a couple of weeks... our way of living... is going to start to degrade at a faster Pace."
"Who would have thought that a killer would be living in a tent by a railway station."
"If you can't get your trash collected, I don't want to live there."
"You won't really have anywhere to live in 50 100 years time that won't be there anymore."
"Always things that we can fix so definitely getting a bigger place."
"The rise and fall of Sparta played an important role in the future of Western civilization."
"If you look at just the numbers, it's very difficult right now to find a place on earth that is statistically a more dangerous place to live than the United States."
"I thought I had fucking problems like this last week living with you. I've never seen anything like these second term edibles too literally ugly like you are supposed to eat them but they're not actually food."
"Quit worrying about where you live because you're not concerned about what they're going to think."
"Having such smiles and laughter around the Hermitage would certainly make it less lonely."
"We're living in a demolition site for a while."
"That kind of makes me think that she can't have a baby when there's this many people in the house."
"If you live paycheck to paycheck, that 'eventually' is not okay."
"Nobody can raise a family or pay the rent or take care of the necessities of life on these poverty wages."
"This is the singular issue of our time that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live."
"78% of Americans right now are actually living paycheck to paycheck."
"Look, people are literally held hostage in these homes."
"This is definitely an additional punishment on top of what they've already been sentenced to."
"Your living space is about six feet, and that's a very tight space to share with anyone."
"So before we go inside the total of this bed house comes to 33,000 so it's pretty cheap so if we walk inside we got out bedroom SL living room slash kitchen there's a lot of things going on."
"You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier. You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier."
"You better have a hot plate, and your refrigerator gonna be this small."
"There's a rising gap between the rich and the poor... many people live in very poor conditions."
"There's limited sanitation and trash disposal... poor sanitation in the cities."
"So could you live here? Yes. What will your lifestyle be? Well, that's another question."
"I can definitely see myself living in Denver."
"Living in America often feels like flying on Ryanair."
"Our goal is not to get rid of everything right it's to get rid of all of the extraneous stuff that is making your house unlivable."
"The conditions on Skid Row... are worse than the conditions that Syrian refugees are living through in Greek refugee camps."
"Most states are not a bad place to live." - Hickok45
"Look at the conditions in which we live under right now, and you will feel our pain."
"The Smoke Odor Eliminators, developed specifically to combat the smell of smoke. This is great if you live in an apartment or any type of shared space."
"Living in the vents and walls for extended periods of time is not what I would call a good time."
"This little living space made us feel safe during a time when we were unsure and vulnerable."
"it's not easy to survive in America it's a good place to live compared to other countries but it's still difficult to live well"
"We had always had really small kitchen counter space and we always wanted more kitchen counter space."
"Neil and Tracy Bantleman live here, but they don't feel protected anymore."
"They have fought for freedom of the people but they should also be free and to have their freedom in terms of living conditions."
"Just because you're living in a beautifully designed harem, that doesn't change the fact that you are being victimized."
"You shouldn't have to live in that kind of fear."
"The possibility for reconstruction of this building is very complicated so people live in half destroyed buildings without windows without hitting without wall water."
"We're living in hell. Drisking, it's Hell in our own reality."
"He's living in a small space, which by the way he doesn't own."
"All right, stead, if you say so, as long as I don't have to sleep underneath the staircase anymore."
"Your right to a happy, safe, comfortable living space does matter."
"So we do not like the toilet pulls out from under the bed and you're sitting in front of your kitchen going to the bathroom like why do you want to take a crap right next to your kitchen?"
"A white noise machine can help drown out the noise of potentially noisy neighbors."
"If you're living in a tent on the side of the road in the winter, it's affecting you."
"Canadians can't afford to eat, heat, or house themselves."
"There are parts of Florida that are okay if you happen to be at least in the upper class, I suppose."
"I do not feel it's appropriate to take away a bed from a child and to demand that they sleep on the floor."
"There's still nowhere for the slaves to go, like dang, they just grew up there and that's all they know so what are they supposed to do?"
"Iowa: one of the best places to settle down and raise a family."
"By the standards of the day these were good buildings people had good living conditions they had a good diet and a good time was had by all."
"We never talk about the living, we've got to fight like hell for the living too."
"Living in a crowded environment versus a sparse environment."
"You might actually have to move States like certainly when I was living in California that's a very very hard place to live by yourself or even with roommates."
"When people are looking for lower density housing, that's going to be their option unless they can get into the urban core."
"There may be lots of places now in the world that are better to live in than say California."
"The livability is truly unlike any other floor plan that's ever been built..."
"The inside of Jackson's house was described by officers as unfit for human habitation."
"Do you believe at any point I used this as anything other than hey I think my memory is damaged because I was living with a broken furnace that was leaking carbon monoxide and poisoning my brain for nearly a decade?"
"She doesn't really have any Windows, how's she gonna know when it's day or night."
"It's funny how cozy doesn't always mean comfortable."
"This will be into the end right into the return of Christ and the United States would be an incredible place to live during end times because of what happens."
"Living in a nice neighborhood with nice neighbors and having this community around me is really refreshing and really nice."
"If you're an adult whose rent is less than four thousand dollars a month, you're still a child."
"You should never have to sacrifice your right to a peaceful living environment for the sake of someone else."
"It's creepy too because Nina's like yeah you're gonna have to live up in this little attic space that's basically the size of a closet and it also has a lock on the door from the outside."
"Poor living conditions... can almost always be directly traced back to human decisions and government policy."
"In ancient times, lives were so simple that people lived in caves in winter and nests in summer."
"The best part about living underground is the insulating factor."
"To paint a picture of our living situation as well, when it used to rain in my bedroom, water would leak onto the roof and seep through the walls and land onto my bed."