
Wrongdoing Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Doing wrong is one thing, insisting on doing the wrong is where the wrong is. You are not a failure because you fell down, you are a failure because you decided to stay down."
"Victims of any crime, whether it be sexual, violent, or otherwise, is absolutely wrong."
"They were harming children and they're wrong."
"What they did was wrong at the end of the day."
"Disconnect from those intent on doing harm. Shun participation with those who perpetuate wrongdoing."
"It's never a good thing to learn that someone has done something like this."
"Malice, a conscious intentional wrongdoing of a civil civil wrong."
"You've gone way too far, countless innocents harmed."
"It's just wrong, it looks wrong, it smells wrong because it is wrong."
"We're gonna commit some arson, all right? I'm gonna commit some arson."
"You did bad, you know what you did, you copyrighty whoopty right and you ain't never do nothing for this jet."
"Shame? How about disgust? She freaking spiked your drink, dude!"
"If you commit a rape, I think you're objectively wrong."
"The fine embodies a social judgment that this is wrong."
"Stealing from elderly is like hurting a child, but worse; there is no parent to protect them."
"We cannot have forgiveness without repentance, and we cannot have repentance without admitting we've done wrong."
"I need you to just do us all a favor and admit what you did was wrong."
"Remember, stealing is wrong, cheating is wrong."
"Someone here has done a lot of evil-minded stuff in the background."
"You wouldn't need forgiveness if you hadn't done something wrong, right?"
"Justice doesn't come in when life is great, but when there's a wrong done."
"To sin is to miss the mark, to fail to take aim, to aim badly, or to not aim at all."
"Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him."
"He was wanted for financial fraud."
"It's wrong and it's got to stop. And it hasn't stopped."
"Wrong is wrong and accountability is definitely the justice."
"When somebody does wrong, who they really violated is God because none of us have a heaven or hell to put people in."
"There has been a lot of shady business."
"Bolton was definitely in the wrong for how he treated them, and the additional kidnapping and attempted murder was just icing on the cake for this guy."
"Guilt is God's alarm system, watch out sir, you've blown it, you've done wrong."
"He's evil. He's just killing people."
"It's so wrong, it's so right. Some things are wrong, like murder, but we all do it every now and then just to let off steam."
"Max has committed almost every single sin in the book."
"You cannot ask for forgiveness for something you have not done and you cannot accept forgiveness if you have not been wronged."
"He knew DN well in his sick [ __ ] head what he was doing he knew what he was doing to me and he knew it was wrong yeah very wrong."
"How would you characterize what they did? Evil is the first word that comes to me."
"Sometimes, some people sin, they do the wrong thing, everybody knows they've done the wrong thing, they are the only ones who don't know they've done the wrong thing."
"Abuse is abuse. What are you talking about?"
"A person who is wrong seldom accomplishes the magnitude of his own wrong without some help from somebody, and the person who has wronged us could scarcely have achieved this neat accomplishment unless we had contributed to it ourselves."
"It wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't push people down the stairs."
"Sin is thievery, taking what does not belong to us."
"You took monstrous advantage of women."
"...this person know that they really [ __ ] up with you and they did you wrong like I'm hearing that this person is saying they didn't have to do you like this, they know they didn't have to do you like this."
"People habituate to their own wrongdoing."
"To sue someone is basically to say, 'You've done something wrong, and now I want money in return.'"
"But there's repercussions, that's what happens when you do something wrong, right?"
"This is so not okay. There is so much wrong with this."
"This is beyond inexcusable. Yeah, it really is."
"A lot of people make money doing bad things."
"Crime is crime. It's a bad thing. If you're doing crime, you're already on the wrong side of the room."
"We have acted very wickedly towards you."
"Silence is a tool that has been used for centuries but especially in recent decades, it's a tool that's been used to allow people to do wrongdoings and quiet, so people move on and forget."
"In times of fitnah, explain the ayat to make the wrongdoings clear."
"Just because you feel guilty, it doesn't mean that you did anything wrong."
"Transgression means you go too far, you break the law. It is an intentional, deliberate disobedience."
"Iniquity means intention to hurt, intention to damage, intention to do evil."
"Sin, transgression, and iniquity. Each of those stories explains one of the three kinds of rebellion: sin, transgression, and iniquity."
"...this [__] is just straight up corrupt."
"It was definitely wrong and I take accountability for that."
"They probably did something they're ashamed of."
"People who have wronged you, who have hurt you, who have betrayed you, they're all receiving their karma for that."
"It's insane to think that he got away with what he got away with for as long as he did."
"I think they've truly convinced themselves that they haven't done anything wrong."
"There is an innocent person here who didn't do anything wrong."
"When you talk about someone that has done something that is wrong, then you hold them accountable for their wrong actions."
"I genuinely thought that might be one of the most egregious things he's done."
"You can never stop all wrongdoing, but if you don't punish it, then it proliferates until anarchy wears the robes of tolerance and understanding."
"It comes about through attempted murder, greedy slave dealing, and heartless deceit."
"Everyone knows it's wrong. There's just no way."
"No one deserves to be abused by their partners and what he's done is wrong."
"...people are perfectly capable of just doing what they know is completely wrong..."
"He has no right. He didn't even apologize."
"But then, like, he was killing everyone, even the crew and innocent people. This is definitely wrong."
"Did it ever occur to you that perhaps what you were doing was wrong? Oh yeah, yeah. It was a violation of privacy. Going in and getting access to other people's information is obviously a gross invasion of privacy and it is wrong."
"It hasn't been my argument that I didn't do anything wrong and I didn't deserve to be punished. My argument was what I really did was trivial in the sense I caused some loss nowhere near the losses the government has accused me of."
"There are evil people who do evil things. Murder is one of them."
"You've done some things that are just... unforgivable."
"Choose wisdom and purity in response to wrongdoing, maintaining purity in motives."
"Doing something that is actually bad and people being mad at you for it is quite a thing."
"Despite whatever they're saying to you, they know their actions are wrong. They know it."
"The elders of the house of Israel were doing this in the dark, every man in his secret chamber of idle pictures, for they say, 'The Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land.'"
"Our conscience makes us feel guilty when we do wrong, it accuses us."
"Whether you steal something that's cost a little bit or if you're still something that costs a lot, wrong is still wrong."
"Wrong is still wrong whether you steal something that's cost a little bit or if you're still something that costs a lot. Wrong is still wrong."
"Crashes are a signal to you, the attacker, that you've actually done something wrong."
"Cheating is wrong at the end of the day."
"You always get that guilty feeling in you, like you've done something wrong, you know?"
"God hands them over to do what they should never do."
"The abuse that went on here is unforgivable."
"I knew I had done something wrong but I hadn't realized what I had done. I just felt numb like I couldn't feel anything."
"I do the wrong and first begin to brawl."
"We have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules."
"What I did was ultimately very wrong, and I feel a strong sense of shame when I think of the hurt and the pain that I've caused."
"I need redemption; I did a lot of wrong too."
"They're afraid of the threat of punitive violence because they know they're doing something wrong."
"All the wrongdoings that have ever been done on Earth do not ever go unseen by God."
"She admitted there's no excuse for what she did, and she knew it was wrong."
"Your moral experience is the abuse of an innocent child is always wrong."
"I understand what it was, it was somebody who was doing the wrong thing."
"It wasn't the crime; it was the cover-up."
"It's not morally right, it's not okay, and there's never an excuse for it."
"It ain't right what he was doing to people around here," she declared.
"You don't steal someone's dog, that's taking it way too far."
"He knows that what he's doing is stupid and wrong, but he can't stop."
"He's a good kid with a good heart, and she had absolutely no reason to do what she did."
"I ask you, please forgive us. What happened to you was wrong, it was evil, and it should have never happened."
"She clearly knows what she's doing is wrong and feels remorse for it."
"Lies and silence are the same; they are equally wrong when wrong is being done."
"Recovery from wrongdoing is very possible, but it's not easy."
"You did wrong, son, though less wrong than you could have, and for justifiable reasons."
"There's no right way to do wrong."
"...malice can be the intentional doing of a wrongful act with an intent to inflict an injury."
"My Lord, save me from people who do wrong."