
Past Mistakes Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Whatever you have done in the past, Tawbah (repentance) will take care of it, but never allow your previous mistakes to hinder you from moving forward."
"Does that one mistake define that person for the rest of their life? I don't think so."
"The mistake I made 12 years ago at the age of 13 is not something that defines my life."
"Hope gives you the ability to forget and bury the mistakes of yesterday."
"Stop letting people keep you attached to what you did."
"The thing that I really hate... is the idea that if somebody's done a bad thing or something that you disagree with in their past, therefore they're not your ally, you can never work with them."
"If you are that now and you made the mistakes in your past, you better deal with it."
"The person who made a mistake in the past is not the same person who is alive now."
"Everyone's got a past. The important thing is you're trying to make up for it."
"A person who made a joke ten years prior and apologized for it is not the same as a person who makes hateful attacks to this day."
"Their only regret is that they didn't apologize to you sooner."
"You can't change the past but you can still move forward."
"Your future is more powerful than your mistakes."
"Document it. Learn from the mistakes of our past."
"I'm not good. I can't make the mistakes of the past."
"We can only hope that they have learned from their mistakes."
"We've all got a past, we all make mistakes, but anybody can change."
"I will always be deeply sorry... for the dumb vile I've said in my past."
"Every single one of us who's a human being has cringe moments from our past."
"If you have made a mistake in the past, don't worry."
"They're steadily coming to terms with the fact that they cannot outrun the bad decisions from their own past."
"Jack's determined to make up for the errors of his past."
"Cut those chains off, forgive yourself for past mistakes you've made."
"Actively trying to forget the past is a good way to avoid learning from it."
"We should never bring up someone else's past, especially if they haven't tried to improve themselves."
"Our worst mistakes are our deepest chains, forgotten."
"You cheated on Gizelle, got somebody pregnant." - Highlighting past infidelities.
"Sure I've done so much wrong but I've done so much right since then."
"We cannot make up for the past by destroying the future."
"Don't give up. Make a decision to not keep repeating your past mistakes."
"They stopped basically, they sabotaged their chance with you in the past and they know that and they want to try to make a comeback."
"God is not holding you hostage to what you did when you were in college. You're holding yourself hostage."
"The hate be so real, you owe yourself an apology for all the stuff you accepted and allowed when you knew you deserved better."
"All you can do is realize that it's your past. If people love you in your life today, they'll see through it or they'll forgive you."
"It feels like they've done crappy stuff in the past so don't be sad about this crappy thing feels a little weird."
"You're a good person regardless of anything you did in the past."
"Do not look back or lament past mistakes, it is necessary that you do not cling to what can no longer be."
"It's almost like you're playing against the mistake of the past versus the one in front of you."
"One act of faith erases everything of your past."
"I'm always going to look back on myself and be like yeah could have should have would have done that better."
"Jimmy Fallon apologized for a joke he told 20 years ago. There is no excuse for this."
"I screwed up, and so I can't be defended for what I did 5 years ago. It was bad, it was wrong."
"This is real love you're learning that, and you're not making the same mistakes that you did in the past."
"This person really wants you badly, but they clearly did some [__] things in the past. They're not happy about it."
"...can we reflect that same non-judgmental attitude towards ourself can we look back at our past mistakes our transgressions uh our regrets and go you know many human i did that because of the road i walked because of the situation i was in at that time."
"I won't allow my past mistakes or lingering attraction towards Sam to interfere with my determination to do right by my daughter."
"Yoda wasn't defeated, he was poised to right the wrongs of his past."
"I've cheated before, I'm not gonna lie. I was sexually greedy in the past. I was going through a stage."
"She hadn't failed this girl as so many years ago she had failed to ensure Justice for her mother."
"A lot of times we think about the times we was [ __ ] up and we had nothing."
"The reality, having done this for many years, is that oftentimes those secrets reveal sins, sins of the past, sins of poor care, poor interventions, excessive conservation."
"Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire."
"I know that I'm never going to emotionally abuse anyone again, I'm never going to physically strike a woman."
"I'm certainly not perfect and I'm not to be taken as a role model because of my past because of my mistakes."
"I think we're all far enough away that we don't necessarily need to hear it anymore, but yeah, the old office there were moments where I was just like, 'Go into my files in my computer, delete that, throw that out, never pretend like that never existed.'"
"If it does come back, it needs to avoid the pitfalls of the previous runs."
"...people I've known for so long are taking this opportunity to like, bring out like skeletons out of the closet from like seven, eight years ago and I'm just like, 'Dude, like why would you do that?'"
"I think she lived in an unstable time, she made some youthful mistakes, she was surrounded by men with bad intentions and some women with bad advice."
"I did content in the past that's kind of cringe, I don't support it, I'm not gonna do it going forward. If you don't like that, get the [__] out."
"Oh you got the strap I see you did a little calm over not a day goes by then I wish I could take back what he did he did not put a guy sure I was desperate like a lot of people back then but they don't change damn."
"We need to document, learn the lesson from our past."
"I've learned from my past mistakes that you basically gotta keep the stuff that's outside out."
"That person want to apologize, they want to apologize for being in this toxic ass energy when y'all were together, for listening to the devil and you know, telling lies and cheating, whatever they did, they did a lot with the seven of cups here, they did a lot."
"Past mistakes sometimes that's what it takes, imma keep a positive mindset."
"The mistakes of your past will no longer obstruct the miracles of your future."
"Every failure, every disappointment, every letdown, every mistake you've ever made is behind you."
"I was a damn fool in my 20s and never again."
"It's no use crying over spilt milk."
"Just because you made mistakes in the past doesn't mean that you are chain-locked to those mistakes."
"People do change, people are not the horrible choice they made as a teenager."
"I don't have the best track record, but that doesn't mean that I don't deserve to be happy."
"If you get too wound up on stuff that's happened in the past or mistakes you've made, it kind of eats you up."
"One of my favorite adages is don't trip over what's in the rearview mirror."
"You're not a villain either, so stop beating yourself up for mistakes that you've made in the past."
"You may start to think about the structure of your life, you may start to think about the mistakes you've made."
"I was young, I was stupid, but that made me the person I am today."
"We made some mistakes, made a lot of mistakes, but we also did some good."
"I'm no longer going to be the person that I used to be, people are no longer going to know me by my mistakes."
"No need to forgive, no need to forget, I know your mistakes and you know mine."
"Everybody's got change in them, no matter how messed up your past is."
"The mistakes of your youth will serve only as a testimony for your future."
"Don't let guilt of the past or failures of the past ruin your future."
"Life is too short to keep repeating the mistakes of the past."
"I forgive myself for past mistakes."
"Your sins are forgiven, they really are. Do not ever hold back because of what you've done in your past."
"Remember the mistakes of your past and the consequences thereof, so that you do not repeat it."
"I've come to some pretty meaningful realizations, many of them revolving around the fact that I got a lot of things wrong in my past."
"Regrets are like used tissues; you could carry them with you, but it's best to leave them behind."
"It's never easy owning up to the mistakes you made in the past."
"To me, he seems like a people pleaser, you know, I think that because he did make some mistakes in his past, he's trying to correct them, he's living a different life now."
"You will not repeat those mistakes. You are not what you did, and you are not what happened to you."
"You're aware of my pasts, but as long as I continue to try to do better, a past is just a past."
"I've made so many mistakes, I don't have to speak on you, I just speak on my mistakes of yesterday."
"We're good now, we look back at it and we laugh at it like that was so dumb."
"I'm not going to give Jill up, I made that mistake once, no more."
"Don't look back, don't worry about your past mistakes, if you mess up just keep trying, don't give up."
"I realized I had done fucked up things in the past and I'm a better person now."
"Life is not over yet, the mistakes of the past if they can be worked on now, do it."
"I know you two made mistakes, but that don't mean nothing. You don't got to live in the past."
"Our past mistakes don't always define our future."
"I love history too, that's where you learn not to repeat the mistakes of the past."
"Your heart, a vessel of profound love and humanity, is too invaluable to be shadowed by the echoes of past mistakes."
"By the grace of God, you can be forgiven for the past."
"They made all the wrong decisions in the past and they just hope that you can forgive them."
"It's not what you've done in your past if you've learned from your mistakes, it's what you're doing to make this world a better place."
"You're not allowing the mistakes of the past to keep your head down."
"They don't want to make the same mistakes as they made in the past."
"In this company we have the habit of judging our employees by the work they perform in the present, not by the mistakes they may have made in the past."
"We can assure you that you have recovered from every mistake you have made in the past."