
Cuba Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Cuba on the verge of collapse as country hit by blackouts and runs out of food."
"If sanctions worked, Cuba would be a Caribbean paradise, not a country in disrepair."
"We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but, you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad."
"I'm hopeful that Cubans will find a way out of their subjugation."
"Cuba however, seems to be concerned about their people and is known to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world."
"I have been inspired by the scenes of courage we are witnessing in Cuba, young people in particular have been stepping up and making clear that they refuse to become a lost generation."
"America's treatment of Cuba... Let people travel, let people have economic relationships."
"The blockade has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars from the Cuban economy over the past over 60 years."
"These hardships are caused by the blockade and Cuba's socialist system."
"Is Castro in Cuba because the order wants in there?"
"What Cuba is doing is pretty good, I can't imagine if they were unembargoed and had the money like that they deserve what it would look like."
"Cuba: from freewheeling capitalism to nationalizing industries under the Communist Party."
"If this was the case, Cuba might become a place with the rule of law, civil rights, and many opportunities to help Cubans make money and lift themselves out of poverty."
"That's fine because the same National system takes care of 11.2 million people in Cuba despite the fact that Cuba is under an embargo and completely unjustifiable illegal embargo with public centralized health care."
"Cuba, a sanctioned third world country targeted by the largest superpower ever known, has a thriving and efficient healthcare system."
"A new era in Cuba was very clearly dawning, and it was evident that Fidel Castro was going to be the face of a new Cuba."
"Cuba is the country that stands on the podium of human dignity."
"One of my great dreams, of course, is to one day be able to go visit Cuba."
"They're not even really that expensive to make."
"Guys really I fell in love with Cuba and you all need to try it."
"Cuba's overall production of bottled water and soft drinks today is 10 times lower than it was only four years ago."
"His cunning and his continued unwavering commitment to what he believes is best for Cuba cannot be denied."
"Socialism can go anywhere just like Cuba. Look at Cuba if you go back a few decades it was a beautiful country roaring economy and then if you look at it today you'll see that it's completely different."
"These are anti-communist protests now taking place in Cuba."
"The Cubans have a well-oiled system of preventing and protecting their because they're not driven by private profit the way we are."
"Cuba's electric grid is old, inefficient, and obsolete."
"Over the last 10 years, Cuba's difficulties have worsened."
"Foreign investment is being sought to alleviate Cuba's economic crisis."
"That's right, a reformist former President Castro was gaining popularity there."
"Things got really crazy in Cuba, Fidel Castro had taken complete control of the military and political power and was now Cuba's Prime Minister."
"Over the course of the next six to 12 months, it is very likely that we will see Cuba getting closer to these countries and the East-West divide is likely to strengthen."
"There is simply no basis for doubting that the Russians have a fully equipped, fully manned combat brigade in Cuba."
"Cuba is once again exhibiting extraordinary internationalism, sending doctors to Italy."
"Fortunately for Italy, it can look across the Atlantic for aid from the superpower on the western hemisphere: Cuba."
"Cuba trains more doctors than they need and sends them to developing countries around the world."
"We all believe this is a real syndrome in Cuba, this is concussion without blunt head trauma."
"Japan defeated Cuba 10-6 in the championship game to win the inaugural World Baseball Classic."
"Cuba is a vibrant island nation known for its rich culture, beautiful beaches, and iconic landmarks."
"Cuba's failures are not born out of their structure of governance, their failures are a direct product of having incredibly limited trade partners due to the largest imperialist superpower stamped on top of their asses right there."
"The promise of President Kennedy to liberate Cuba died with President Kennedy."
"Protests are happening in Cuba and this is massive for anyone who hasn't seen what is going on."
"Cuba is going through its worst economic crisis in the last 30 years since the year 2020."
"80 Cuba is really doing good once you're up above the 70s then this Cuban team can really deal damage to anyone in the world truly anyone in the world so they have some of the most dynamic arms and some of the most dynamic players in the world."
"I'm Tony Montana, a political prisoner from Cuba, and I want my human rights."
"But also in the broader Cold War context, it's useful to think about what else made HIV a global disease. And in this case, we should think about Cuba and its role in the Angolan Civil War and the fight for independence."
"Cuba was amazing, absolutely amazing for so many reasons."
"That's what I love about Cuba, it's so counterintuitive."
"What a match what a performance by Canada what a performance by Cuba."
"I'm back down in Cuba you know I come down here for work but I didn't work this afternoon."
"Cuba is home to 27 active MLB players and there are some absolute studs from here."
"The people of Cuba know how to party, and any time of year, you can find yourself in the middle of a great festival."
"When I was in Cuba, I felt no animosity as an American."
"This is one of the things that I think people love about going to Cuba, is that wonderful love of life in the streets."
"The rhythms of Cuban culture pulse like a strong mambo beat."
"It's 94 miles to Cuba from this buoy, closer than it is to Florida."
"Cuban solidarity should be on the top of our agenda."
"The Cuban people have free universal healthcare, known around the world as one of the best health care systems."
"The right to free health care has been constitutionally enshrined in Cuba since 1976."
"Contrary to popular belief, the Internet in Cuba is actually open these days."
"Far from inciting a rebellion against Castro as was the aim of the sanction policy, the embargo turned him into a hero."
"The largest island country in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba."
"Castro himself came aboard my ship, and I later was his personal guest on a tour of Havana."
"It shows you just how alive and well baseball is in Cuba."
"Cuba has spent a lot of time playing a lot of really good baseball in the World Baseball Classic."
"What I love most about Cuba is the climate, the beautiful beaches, and that the people are very friendly and very warm."
"The most important event in the world for Cuban cigars."
"We reached the final destination of our tour of Cuba, we crossed almost the entire length of the country from Viñales to the City of Santiago of Cuba."
"To understand this Revolutionary movement that would take over the island until today."
"The Cuban Son comes from this land of Santiago de Cuba, the mixture of many musical sounds of the Caribbean."
"Cuba, despite being a small island, played a massive role in the Cold War."
"We cannot come to a general conclusion about Cuba without knowing it all or at least trying."
"It's so surreal to be here with your Mercy. This is country life in Cuba."
"We got to go to Cuba and the VIS and back through the Bahamas and spear fishing with friends and barbecues on the beach."
"Cuba has been extremely generous and this is a spirit of heart that is cultivated and promoted and cherished."
"The captivating island of Cuba... had witnessed a remarkable journey of the mafia in the 1920s."
"We should first try to figure out why there is even this type of sanction embargo against Cuba in the first place."
"If you really want to feel Cuba, a broader truer sense of Cuba, talk to the people."
"Cuba was actually called the Paris of the Western Hemisphere in the first half of the 20th century."
"If there's one thing they do right in Cuba, it's healthcare."
"The Cuban people have free universal healthcare."
"We have been able to bring to the United States and freedom more than 8,000 escapees from communist Cuba."
"The American novelist Ernest Hemingway spent a lot of time in Cuba."
"Imagine you're just a peace-loving citizen of Cuba, and your country is basically stuck between this tug of war between the Soviet Union and the United States."
"Let Cuba open itself to the world and the world open itself to Cuba."
"If Cuba could do it, why not to make a substantial international effort for this small, proud country and culture always oppressed because of some retaliatory sense?"
"Through the eyes of Cuban artists, historians, and scientists, you can take a look at what makes this island nation so unique and vivacious."
"Dear Mr. Castro, if I had one wish, it'd be for Cuba to change because I think that all the Cubans are in pain."
"The coolest place I ever trained was this place in Havana, Cuba... the weights are like a broomstick with a paint can."
"Medicine in Cuba is absolutely free."
"The Cuban story in amateur boxing really is one of the remarkable stories in all of the world of sports."
"Castro is immensely popular in Cuba; he's seen as someone who's toppled a corrupt regime."
"In the 90s of the 19th century, Cuba remained one of the last Spanish colonies in the New World."
"Havana, beautiful city, what's your favorite thing about Cuba, my friend?"
"The music and the culture is pretty amazing here."
"We want young Cuba to be taken to the court right now, according to the law."