
Voting Behavior Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The people who vote the people who tend to vote vote for partisan loyalties and social identities."
"The tragedy is that educated, well-intentioned people have been so inundated with smears, with slander, with total falsehoods about Democrats that they would vote for Trump again."
"In France, people vote twice, first with their hearts and then with their heads."
"Voting against Trump doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a lazy ass."
"The reaction to cultural woke scolding is people in politics saying, 'You know what? I'm not gonna be scolded by these people. I'm just gonna vote for whomever is most likely to break things.' That's where this is going."
"The intensities to vote against Donald Trump are off the charts."
"Black folks, we've been the most loyal voting bloc for the Democrats."
"The effect of the pandemic on voter behavior."
"The voice of the people might be the voice of God 51 times out of 100, but the other 49, it may be the voice of a devil or of a fool."
"I think that on something like the Affordable Care Act, you have people who are benefiting right now from Obamacare who either don't know it's Obamacare or consider that as a given and then end up voting on Second Amendment rights."
"My father always said, 'Vote for the person, not the party.' It's critical that we become less partisan and find common ground."
"College-educated voters tend to be the highest propensity voters that turn out the most no matter what."
"Her present vote... will be looked back upon as a true Profile in Courage."
"We're only voting for the greater good, and we have to vote autonomously for one person."
"The far right ended up accidentally on the correct side of this because they are voting against everything they said they wanted."
"The Saints are now the team to beat in the NFC South."
"This effect occurs so frequently, economists have given it a name. It's called the median voter theorem."
"If you can't vote for a Democrat, vote green or vote independent. Just do you."
"There's a reason why black folks do tend to vote for left-leaning candidates more so than right-leaning candidates."
"People vote in what they think is their best interest."
"It's shocking a lot of people in Virginia and is motivating them to vote against the current establishment."
"When I first noticed these music boxes and the songs they play, I couldn’t believe what a cool reference this really is!"
"He has an opportunity to put his money where his mouth is and vote for it, he votes against. How difficult is it to vote for something you believe?"
"The president fully understands the impact of putting money in people's hands right before they go into election polling place."
"People vote their damn temperament, giving you more understanding of those who sit on the other side of you politically."
"You can't go with this 'they stole us so we're not going to vote' mentality."
"The emergence of gendered politics... where men and women are seen as two separate and opposed voting blocs."
"64% of Americans say they will definitely not vote for Trump."
"Trump probably did have the white racist vote just like probably every other fucking Republican candidate has had."
"People don't vote their reality, they vote their dreams."
"Throwing your vote away for a third party that won't do anything is not challenging the status quo."
"Thoughts of mortality swung the vote for Bush away from Kerry."
"Democrats should vote with their heart and their heart should say anger, not solidity, not stability, rage."
"I vote purely for chaos because I think the entire system is rotten down to its core."
"Propaganda can work and we're seeing how people vote against their own interest."
"I think a lot of people saw how good the economy was in 2019 and they'll see Trump and they'll be like, 'I'm not going to tell my friends but you know I'm voting for Trump.'"
"Do most people vote because of policy or personality? No, personality."
"It's a total distraction they don't care about the black community they care about the black vote"
"Just don't vote for chaos. Just stay where you are. Things are actually improving."
"If the rocking chair supports a black agenda, I'll vote for it."
"Voting for free money for yourself is literally the only thing rich people do."
"We vote with everybody in mind. When black women go to the polls, we vote for everybody. You can trust our vote."
"The middle class, the working class in the Midlands, the north coming over to the Conservatives."
"How dalits are going to vote will change the equation."
"People are voting for their interests, they're lining up behind people that they don't look like or get along with based on their interests."
"Black people voted with their insecurities, white people voted with security in mind, they voted with their interests right."
"Women are never going to vote for chaos, why? Because the rudimentary aspects of femininity is security, right?"
"Labour absolutely dominated everyone aged 18 to 45, the Tories dominated from 45 upwards, and the problem with Labour's young vote is that it's solid, it is pretty much unchallenged."
"Everyone who votes for Donald Trump or this party is okay with racism, the racism isn't a deal breaker, that's the bare minimum we have to accept."
"Christian nationalism has been able to persuade a large section of the American public to vote for political candidates that the movement favors."
"We're playing out a game whereby left and right are becoming more polarized and people who have always voted blue or always voted red some of them are really digging their heels in and it's becoming more and more extreme."
"DC is a place where 94% of the population voted for Biden." - Dinesh D'Souza
"Your location has become a bigger indicator of how you vote."
"Women have been a majority of voters for decades now."
"There is no reason... for you as a moderate Republican to not vote for the Democratic party."
"If you're trying to shame people into voting strategically rather than about the [ __ ] that they actually care about you have lost already."
"The first time I did, I did still vote for him, the first time. Oh yeah, 100 percent I vote, I voted for him both times."
"If you don't talk to people of color about how hard it is for them to access resources in their neighborhood, then you're not going to vote accordingly."
"You have to vote according to the Bible. You cannot vote for that crowd to be a Bible-believing Christian."
"You're of no use to the game if you never talk, you never give info, and under discussion, don't vote, skip your vote."
"Americans are going to vote with their wallet."
"For people who really care about politics, not reflexively voting for Joe might actually be a difficult and certainly very active and maybe yes ultimately a brave choice."
"The 28% of you who didn't vote for 10,000 gems I'd be really interested in hearing why please leave a comment on that poll."
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"People tend to vote for the ones who are most like them or that they aspire to be."
"People vote for others who share common values with them."
"Vote Republican. It's not so simple and it never is."
"If you're of conscience, you have to stop voting for this duopoly."
"I don't know if you know, but voter shaming doesn't work."
"Remember the state of Florida voted for Obama not once but twice."
"Democrats who voted for Biden will tell you in many cases that they were really voting against Trump."
"Real tangible leftist political momentum is funneled into the meat grinder of cyclical lesser-than-two-evils voting."
"Voting for someone is not an endorsement of all their views."
"The logical vote is more the four vote. The emotional vote is the anti-vote."
"Race is the most distorting factor in taking people who share a set of left of center policy positions and making them vote for team right."
"It's kind of like a tail as old as time, people continue to vote outside of their own best interests."
"Enthusiasm matters more than approval in voting."
"You can't vote for the extreme left and the extreme right and expect to get anything but extreme left or extreme right. It doesn't make sense."
"When is it going to get bad enough that people are going to change voting patterns?"
"The fact that I was correct about Trump and I ended up voting for him doesn't mean I have some sort of undying admiration for him."
"In the absence of any left organized opposition, people will either not vote or vote for the clown because he's the disruptor of the system."
"Regardless of whether they're crossing the aisle completely and checking the box for Trump."
"In multi-ethnic societies, people do not vote based on their economic and social interests, but rather based on race and religion."
"They realize they don't have the luxury of voting for their own best interest; they have to vote for the best interest of everyone around them."
"Retrospective voting is based on the track record of the politician."
"Prospective voting is based on the potential future that a candidate can bring."