
Trump Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"Everything is lining up with a Donald Trump 2020 landslide."
"Trump’s biggest accomplishment was his signing of the First Step Act, one of the biggest criminal justice reform laws in American history."
"I think one of the factors that Trump was so attractive... there's this perception... that the progressive types... have nothing but contempt for them."
"The vote for Trump and the vote for Brexit signify is just a sense of exhaustion with the old establishment."
"He did his duty. President Trump unequivocally did not."
"Every day that Trump is on the defensive is another day he is not catching up to Joe Biden."
"President Trump then deployed Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to investigate what exactly went on with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden in Ukraine, among other issues."
"Was President Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden by withholding military aid from them?"
"The transcript came out yesterday, and the transcript basically showed that while President Trump was having conversations with Ukraine about aid, he was also having conversations about ways that he thought that Ukraine could clean up its corrupt acts."
"If you are inclined to believe that Trump was pushing a quid pro quo, then the transcript certainly does not disabuse you of that notion."
"Trump said, 'They're not coming after me. They're coming after you. I'm just in the way.'"
"Lev Parnas knows where all the bodies are buried on the Trump side of this whole saga."
"Why did Trump not appoint a special counsel such as Sydney Powell to investigate the fraud?"
"91% said they'd vote for Trump again... nearly 80% believe that the election was stolen."
"There has been a malaise across the West and this is why Trump's rampant patriotism has been such a welcome and refreshing change."
"It's going to be a god emperor landslide absolute Trump victory. Greenland pledges allegiance to the United States under Donald Trump and don't you forget it."
"Trump today is in a better position to win 2024 than he ever was in 2016 or 2020."
"Trump is surging in popularity with literally every single category of voter in a way he simply never has before."
"It gives Trump a fighting chance, still a long shot but it's a long shot from the 30-yard line rather than your own 30-yard line."
"Donald Trump knows he is vulnerable." - Jen Palmieri
"Trump's resilience stands out as protests, two impeachments, and legal indictments fail to diminish his political standing."
"Celebrate this month as a personal season of change, growth, and good fortune."
"Trump's been right on about this from the very beginning."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the most transformational political figure in the last let's say six or seven decades of American political life maybe you can compare it to Ronald Reagan in terms of the transformational effect and to uh FDR."
"Fanny is going to subsume all of the Trump prosecutions."
"They say Trump's going to undermine the Constitution okay, how? Trump's never going to leave office okay, he did last time."
"Apart from the material impacts of this... anything that happens on the border... will be blamed on Trump." - Narrator
"My wife has never considered divorce. Murder yes. Never divorce."
"The animating impulse of Trump's campaign was defense of traditional hierarchies."
"Opposition always helps Trump... he's almost unattackable."
"Is Trump permanently damaging or a fluke? Will things go back to normal?"
"Trump captured people who feel left behind by a changing world."
"We may be looking at the decline of the American Empire, and Trump is hurrying it along."
"Trump didn't invent 'fake news,' but he sure brought it to the forefront."
"Biden's calm town hall: a stark contrast to Trump's chaos."
"That Trump has a talent for selling without the truth."
"Looking back, it's not hard to see how Trump came to power."
"Never say never, they laughed at Trump and they said he'd never win, and they mocked him."
"I think Trump's team has really run out of options at this point."
"The core of it is, Trump has limited allies but these allies are going to need to step up to the plate."
"They're acting like the presidency is functioning. That's what's crazy about it."
"Are you feeling confident that could be the case that really closes down this whole Trump nightmare?"
"Beyond just the legal battles happening, the footage showed Trump's outbursts toward Fonnie Willis as a sign of bigger problems in society."
"The sheer hatred of Trump among various groups is going to boost turnout and conceal many of the weaknesses that still face the Democrats."
"Trump is a consummate performer. It's what he does for a living. He's not president for a living. He's a performer for a living who happens to be president. That's how he got here."
"Twitter Executives did not ban Trump even though key staffers said that Trump had not incited violence."
"The real reason Trump wasn't getting in front of the special counsel is because Trump talks a lot."
"Trump was one of the more stable presidents militarily."
"President Trump has so much momentum going into the 2024 election."
"I've been very outspoken about the fact that Donald Trump is an imminent threat to democracy and not just him but what he's created in trumpism."
"Trump NFT digital trading cards: humiliating, cringy, desperate, weird. The definition of Trumpian."
"Trump's polling numbers against Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical Republican presidential primary have fallen to an absolute new low. Donald Trump is getting crushed."
"A courtroom showdown between federal prosecutors and former President Donald Trump's legal team. They're in a legal battle over Trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized during an FBI search of his Florida estate."
"We believe that the evidence described by my colleagues today... warrant a criminal referral of former President Donald J. Trump."
"Trump is fighting for legitimacy... the best path for Trump to get legitimacy is on January 6 at this point."
"Evangelical Christians support Trump not because they like him as a person, but because they favor certain political policies."
"Trump is screwed that nobody's really talking about."
"There are real reasons why Trump might actually win."
"There's a weird obsession that President Trump has had with getting rid of whatever accomplishment was achieved by President Obama and Vice President Biden."
"Trump did more for black America than Obama did."
"Wearing the flags. Part of the success of Trump and Boris is the fact that they're wearing the flags."
"Yeah they don't even hear it, man. Trump will appreciate that stroke there."
"Trump followers exhibit a loyalty to Trump that is so intense and so unshakable that it exerts a cult-like gravity."
"The Republican Party has to cleanse itself of what the damage Trump has done to it."
"The rise of Trump would have been facilitated in other countries other than the U.S."
"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn't lose supporters."
"Trump is a symptom of a deeper moral malady."
"It's an asset dump movie where former president Donald Trump disappears for a millennia only to return to Earth after it's been conquered by the space-based Illuminati made up of a bunch of hideous aliens."
"Meanwhile Trump is attacking everyone - the Republican Party, Mitch McConnell, Glenn Younkin, Ron DeSantis, Paul Ryan. Trump is more unhinged than ever before."
"Things are not looking good for President Donald Trump's re-election chances...it does seem like he is moments away from being declared the victor."
"Trump may lose... it's looking like a Trump loss..."
"Trump's policies were an enormous success. Trump is his own worst enemy."
"If Trump is convicted, the weight of public opinion swings totally against Trump and says and send that Rascal send that bastard into a prison for a long long time why."
"The only way we're in for more crazy years that at least continue freedom and capitalism is through Trump."
"Democratic governors are sounding the alarm on Trump's reelection."
"Trump is a force unlike any other in American and maybe even World politics... it feels like he has turned American politics forever."
"The crime isn't that Trump was incompetent, it has to do with concealment, destruction, mutilation, and obstruction."
"Giuliani created the template for the Trump presidency."
"65 percent of respondents said Trump has acted in an unprecedented way since taking office."
"Trump is a genuine wild card, you have no idea, and the irony is, Trump doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"People who come out for Trump, boy do they come out for Trump."
"President Trump's immense influence remains unmatched."
"The swamp that needs to be drained now is the Trump swamp."
"Ron DeSantis is now beating Trump in a presidential poll."
"Big news in special counsel Jack Smith's criminal case against Trump."
"There is no more Republican party, it's now the party of Trump."
"Trump has been grooming his supporters to push back on any impeachment talk with this simple demand: read the transcript."
"Whatever happens, Trump wins. I'll just leave it at that."
"I think Trump played a big part in that... giving in to big business. Look when it comes to big business, big business has gone woke for too long."
"The impact of Trump's movement is not just in the US, it's international."
"Any hour of a delay is a good hour for Trump."
"Politics for so long, it was you wanted the perfect candidate...and then you just had Trump who owned it."
"I think Trump should run on the open borders and inflation."
"Trump and his supporters have moved to neutralize."
"But of all the things that have gone wrong for Trump this week, the thing that may be bothering him the most..."
"What's the likelihood President Trump runs again in 2024? I would say somewhere between 99 and 100."
"This is the face that Democrats want to present. This is where President Trump should be putting his focus, not on the investigations, not on the impeachment stuff."
"Actual policy, not all of this talk about it. But I understand, listen, if it were me and I were under attack all day by the Democrats, any human being would want to fight back against that the way President Trump is fighting back."
"If Trump loses, he ain't gonna vacate the White House."
"64% of Americans say they will definitely not vote for Trump."
"Without President Trump and his movement, the Republican Party is one of unnecessary wars, unfair trade, and unchecked elitism," - National Police
"The GOP should acknowledge President Trump as its leader, the MAGA movement as its lifeblood, and work to grow the almost 75 million voters in order to be a force for generations to come," - National Police
"In reality, the raid on Trump's home is an extension of the political persecution that is the January 6 investigation."
"I think Trump's economic policies have been good for this country, and I fear Bernie Sanders' economic policies."
"Trump made his way to Trump Tower this evening... facing 34 Class E felony charges."
"Trump's moment of Reckoning has finally come."
"The only thing that unites Democrats at this point is that they're against Trump."
"Probably Trump just because DeSantis is doing things and Trump just opens his stupid ass mouth."
"President Trump is one of the last politicians in America actually fighting for a colorblind society."
"They've learned from Trump, and it's a strategy that the Boris Johnson government, when their Cummings era, pioneered."
"Voting Trump out of office seems to be a much more effective voter turnout strategy than anything Bernie ever could have proposed."
"What's animating Trump isn't Trump, it's the populist demand for someone like Trump."
"The Republican Party's a walking corpse. That's the only thing that keeps it alive is Donald Trump."
"I think that people are much more horrified at the crowd's reaction that they laughed along with Trump on all of those things."
"Trump is going to be a free man... buckle up because it's going to be a wild ride."
"I don't think that two years from now, four years from now, eight years from now, barring Trump, I mean Trump is a wild card in all this."
"The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as their president I will fight to keep them safe." - Trump
"These are not acts of peaceful protest... These are acts of domestic terror." - Trump
"The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God." - Trump
"This is big news folks, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has been subpoenaed by special counsel Jack Smith."
"They just want Trump destroyed, whatever the collateral consequences."
"Had they actually listened to President Trump, January 6th never would have happened."
"Do whatever you want, Trump's been indicted."
"I think this will not hurt Democrats. It will hurt Trump because it just makes him seem extraordinarily chaotic."
"It's surely been a strange and interesting journey following the rise of Trump."
"President Trump is the most Pro faith president in history."
"I just want to thank President Trump for all of his leadership on behalf of America."
"The plans that the team has put in place under the president's leadership have produced economic miracles for this country."
"What was remarkable is after the first official bilateral meeting in the G-20, Donald Trump went out of his way to seek out Vladimir Putin on the margins of the G20 summit."
"The left is calling Trump racist for pointing out discrimination against white people."
"Thing about Trump here is you are watching somebody at the end of a long con that has been more successful than any other."
"None of the things that made Trump popular have been accomplished."
"Trump is a little bit nuts, and that's why he has the courage to take them on."
"There's no equivalence between Barack Obama and Donald Trump."
"Put an end to the political witch hunt against President Trump."
"And then you fast forward to 2016 with the rise of Donald Trump."
"Trump is basically declaring war on the Republican establishment."
"Trump is basically the perfect modern media product."
"This is the problem with Trump he doesn't believe in accountability doesn't believe in rule of law doesn't believe in the Constitution has an authoritarian mindset he is an autocrat wannabe he is a monarchial individual."
"Trump is, without a doubt, the master of four-dimensional chess."
"Trump’s plan is working. He’s strengthening his support among those who voted for him last time to guarantee that he’ll at least have their votes in 2020."
"Donald Trump, whether you love his policies or not, on one hand you're going well there are certain lines, when he pokes fun at the but he means this."
"There was actually nothing funny about how seriously they were discussing ways to keep Donald Trump in place as president."
"The violence of January 6 was an extension of Trump's Reckless lies."
"Donald Trump had help in his attempt to dismantle democracy."
"Trump is unbeatable as we stand today. Trump is absolutely unbeatable."
"Now Trump's got support from every demographic you could want."
"Foreign policy under Trump isn't particularly well-documented but it seems that Trump kind of likes it."
"It really doesn't make Trump look as bad as the press wants it to look."
"Is it safe to say Trump wasn't that bad after seeing a year of Joe Biden?"
"Trump is dangerous but his path can bring peace."
"Texas is totally possible in 2024 especially if Trump's in prison."
"They're upset that Trump had the audacity to ask information on Biden's misconduct. How dare you, Trump!"
"The fact is, if every single person voted in this country, Trump would win in a landslide."
"Trump is truly one of our great all-time presidents."
"Trump's the DJ, Trump's the maitre d', Trump's the guy who comes through saying, 'Is there a Flynn here?' It's all getting wacky."
"God bless, it looks like they're opening it up for Trump."
"You heal the country by holding Trump accountable."
"I'm sure that he's paid attention to what Trump did and realizes that it is a good strategy."
"This isn't about Trump the man, it's about Trump the movement."
"Trump's popularity is soaring to unprecedented Heights. It's a testament to a man and a movement that is very much alive."
"It's a warning to The Establishment: underestimate this man and this movement at your own Peril."
"The Republican race: a tale of Trump's grip and DeSantis's slip."
"In the final days of Donald Trump's presidency, we're learning more about his relationship and falling out with former Attorney General William Barr."
"Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud."
"The last time Trump said he tested negative for COVID-19 was in May."
"I expect there's a very high chance that Trump gets reelected in 2020."
"Trump is not a great strategic mind... there's no real long-term strategy for how his life is going to be."
"Kellyanne depicts Trump as a feminist. A feminist, I said it three times because it's not easy to absorb that word."
"The Republican Party is not in the image of Trump."
"You've got Trump like... trying to go to war with Russia."
"She wouldn't want dude my pinky finger should have been able to beat Donald Trump."
"Colbert offered a poignant reflection on Trump's State of Mind, characterizing his rhetoric as a manifestation of self-delusion."
"Trump is truly on track for a potential landslide this November."
"We also got Trump because of anti-intellectualism, xenophobia, racism."
"Trump lied about his assets. He's not worth the billions. This is going to bankrupt him."
"They're absolutely terrified by the man. Trump is not, however, the only solution. He's only a small part of it."
"These are politically motivated charges... everything about what Trump did was politically motivated."
"President Trump, he's not the most perfect man, but he has exactly what is needed to allow the Lord to do his work."
"Trump should do it... Trump has 80 million followers on Twitter... Trump is perhaps the greatest tweeter of all time." - Dinesh D'Souza
"Trump's historic impeachment not once, but twice."
"I do think Trump is on track for reelection."
"There's something beneficial in the grotesque amplification Trump represents; it confronts us with the truth of our society."
"Trump understands that there is a way of stoking the culture war so that the left will be so deranged as to supply him with fresh evidence that he alone can protect middle America."
"I think what Trump did was rather remarkable in that he fundamentally altered strategy in a way that was at odds with consensus in almost every way and then led not only the public but the elites in the same direction."
"Donald Trump was the first politician willing to challenge the chimeric consensus."
"Trump's general approach to negotiations is he tries to win you over. He tries to be really nice to you. He tries to be really suave and debonair and charming."
"Their inclusion in the special Grand jury's final report reflects the widespread efforts of Donald Trump's desperate and anti-democratic attempt to cling to power."
"Trump was the most transparent president we've ever had."
"Treat him like a baby with a binky in his mouth. Treat Trump like Mitch McConnell, treat Trump like Mike Pence if you don't like Mike Pence."
"Let's come together in helping President Trump—the second American Revolution is here."
"Trump comes out stronger whether he runs again or not, he's still going to be the strongest voice in the Republican Party."
"It's helping Trump. Trump was an outsider, gonna stick a thumb in the eye of the establishment."
"They don't even think about their hatred for Mr. Trump is completely consuming them at our expense."
"The main headline is that Donald Trump is going to win this case."
"There are not five votes to remove Trump... from the ballot."
"Both of them are pleasing Trump, are pleasing Vladimir Putin infinitely." - Illustrating alignment of interests that might be surprising or questionable.