
Value Recognition Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"I know my worth, I know what I bring, I know my value."
"They recognize the value of the powerful friendship and compassion that you've demonstrated."
"Knowing your value is more important than taking a job that is clearly not valuing the candidate on any level."
"Hopefully Rumble recognizes that they have value in allowing different voices on their platform."
"God highly values what you are about to destroy."
"People deserve leaders who value them exactly where they are."
"Know your worth, and understand what value you're bringing to the table."
"They're like, 'Okay, well you make me feel amazing or they see your value and they're like it just makes sense for us to be together.'"
"They understood that when you put value into a person, it empowers that person."
"They definitely see your value... They see that you are a catch... they do have these feelings for you."
"It means that when a team selects a player, they really, really want that player."
"If they don't respect your money, no one will."
"I would rather someone come in that sees the value... than to have this just shut down."
"In your absence, they see your value, they see how special this is."
"It's really funny how disrespected JuJu is. I'm not drafting JuJu, but I also recognize, like, he was the wide receiver 18 last year, and he was actually valuable."
"If you're not getting paid for [your value], then it's time to move on."
"Defense, my family calls it my superpower. It's my ability to see value in things that other people might overlook."
"Eventually they're gonna take a leap of faith toward you because I do see your value as the queen of Earth here but I think you're gonna be like oh no no no."
"Recognizing the many types of ways that critique occurs, even in good faith environments, is valuable."
"Even if everybody else does, don't see value, trust yourself."
"You're gonna realize who values you and who [__] doesn't spell manifestation ooh"
"If you're strapping your butt to a rocket, I think that's worth something." - Former NASA astronaut Terry Verts
"It takes rain and sunshine for us to all see a rainbow, but for this person, it takes getting through really difficult parts in their life to see your value a lot more."
"Know your self-value and what you're supposed to get."
"A lot of us we really do sleep on the value outside of the money that a man can bring."
"It's good to tell them that they have value and that they have shortcomings right and that they can improve that's how everybody should think about themselves all the time."
"They see the value in that because they understand us and they respect our creativity."
"I respect that... you've worked hard for 10 some odd years to earn that value."
"When major videogame publishers don't fucking like something, it usually means it's a pretty fucking good something."
"If people think this is valuable, they should contribute to help you continue to do your work."
"There's an intrinsic value to your soldiers."
"Don't chase them. Go find somebody that will value what you are."
"If somebody sees your value, they will want you to know how they feel, period."
"My advice in regards to breaking into the industry is to- I think you should be your own biggest fan, give honest value to your work."
"This right here is gold. It's absolute gold."
"Now he gets why the others were so excited in its value."
"It wasn't about the money; it was about knowing that there was at least a chance that management valued me as an employee."
"Practically nothing is completely bad and devoid of value."
"You can't accept that as rejection because someone does not need or want the value that you bring."
"They surely were unaware of their own worth."
"I want to pay these people fairly what they're worth."
"If someone sees you as valuable, they will put in the work."
"Men go after what they want. If they're not going after you, it means they don't really want you."
"There's a value in being the first edition of something."
"Average is not insignificant... You're not insignificant."
"The most threatening thing on planet earth to a woman is a man who understands his own value to women."
"There's going to be people sometimes even on your own team that don't see your worth."
"Quality is quality, there's no getting around it."
"Know efficiency, understand a bargain when you see it."
"If you strip the name off Bitcoin and you present it to an academic, they'll say, 'Of course you should have it.'"
"You guys are amazing, incredible, and damn valuable."
"Likes aren't compensation for the hours of hard work."
"I would rather just pay people what they are worth paying in what they've earned."
"So, back to non-conscious action again, but you must value the thing first before you try and set the boundary."
"There's value to be found in everyone's channel."
"You want to get through the process long enough that they start seeing your value."
"A guy should be lucky to have a woman like you, he should feel like oh my god, look at this great woman I got."
"You guys are realizing that you can have anyone you want in this room, and you're not going to pick the person that doesn't see your value."
"Someone's going to miss out on someone who's really going to want to take them seriously."
"You definitely should pay people what they're worth."
"People want a chance with you because they see your value."
"It's possible to see things in thrift stores that you know are good and walk by them."
"but unlike them it's managed to survive for 40 years because this is one car that really is greater than the sum of its parts"
"You have to admit when something is valuable."
"When you see that they're really making an effort to make you feel comfortable, valued as a customer, I don't mind giving whatever it may be."
"For each of us is an original. We must forsake all jealousy that diminishes the value of others."
"Not everybody recognizes the value in tiny houses, but I bet a lot of people do."
"I am optimistic for a number of reasons, I'm optimistic number one for the very reason I started out with, it is when we are losing something that people recognize its value."
"When you know how something's made that intricately, it makes you appreciate it."
"You want a person who has patience to follow the process, who can identify the value of gold."
"Those who know the value are entitled to ownership."
"You learn how to figure out when people see value in you and want something from you and you know how to adequately express that you want something from someone else."
"Know what you have before you lose it."
"A woman is no less valuable just because she preferred to be a mother to her children rather than get involved in politics."
"Your ability to recognize values improves, I feel like."
"How many things have come in the pockets of your experience that you have thrown out and not used because you didn't understand its value at the time?"