
Credit Management Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Just make sure your credit score is good; that really does matter when it comes to debt."
"Can anyone get finance? Yeah, if you're looking after your credit, if you're paying your bills on time."
"If you fix your credit and you buy real estate, you'll save a hundred G's in interest over the time you own the house just for changing your credit a little bit."
"The problem is not credit cards. The problem and the solution is you."
"You are not taking advantage of credit. Credit is taking advantage of you."
"The average credit card loan rate is now over 20 percent. When you pay a 20 interest rate for a prolonged period of time, if you can go seven or eight years you're gonna You're Gonna Pay More in interest than you initially borrowed."
"If you control your credit, you control your future bro."
"Debt can be your weapon, make sure you can keep your credit, make sure you make your payments, it is glorious to borrow stuff that is a melting Ice Cube."
"Start early when they're young so when you get a little bit older, have a high credit score."
"A good credit score equals good money management."
"FHA tends to be the best for lower to mid credit scores."
"3.8 million on 10 gross profit, no credit line."
"If you're in credit card debt and how to use it correctly, okay."
"Eliminate all personal debt at all costs, especially credit cards."
"Avoid credit cards. If you can't pay for it, don't buy it."
"It's a lot easier to get higher credit limits on business credit cards."
"Increasing your credit score: Pay off credit cards in full and on time."
"The biggest benefit of having a great credit score in our 30s is it's going to give us a lower interest rate when we're trying to buy our first home."
"Just because you have a good credit score doesn't mean you're rich just means that you're not exactly drowning in debt."
"Building your credit wasn't about being irresponsible with money, it's simply about playing the system to your benefit."
"The general rule is that, if you can trust yourself with a credit card, you should be using it."
"One of my passions is not only helping building credit. One of the reasons I wanted to build credit is because I wanted to leverage credit to start building wealth."
"Believe it or not, one of the biggest reasons businesses get denied for credit and financing is because they submitted an application without a uniform online presence."
"Dispute credit report errors, it can go a long way."
"Stop worrying about a credit score. Start chasing the data."
"If you're late and maxed out on credit cards, you're losing over 350 points."
"When you have a business credit card that does not use your personal credit to qualify, people who otherwise wouldn't qualify based on their credit score are able to then qualify based on other information."
"Responsibility gives you a whole new credit limit."
"Once you understand credit, once you have the proper financial behaviors, your credit will never go bad."
"The better your credit score, the lower your interest rate."
"Why so many Americans have stopped paying their credit cards."
"Credit is dangerous, but with proper habits, we can leverage it."
"Business credit cards have been one of my secret tools...to make me more money earn me more credit card points and to have access to resources that I never would thought be imaginable in my life."
"Business credit cards don't report balances to your personal credit report...you can actually have up to zero percent interest with a promotional rate."
"Maintaining a good credit score is critical to financial stability and leverage."
"The most important thing you need to understand about money is credit and your ability to leverage it to build wealth."
"The longer your credit history, the better your score."
"Keep your debt utilization low and pay all bills on time."
"Freeze your credit if you're worried about identity theft."
"I'm Shahida Hill, getting you over the hill to home ownership and helping you confidently buy your first home with perfect credit."
"You're going to spend Wednesday figuring out where you are, how much of your available credit are you using."
"Having a good payment history is one of the most important things you could have on your credit card."
"Discover allows you to monitor your FICO score for free on their platform."
"Pay off your balance in full on time at the end of every single month."
"If you want to learn how to leverage credit lines to make passive income, this is the channel for you."
"Adding unsecured lines of credit can increase your credit score."
"Your credit score is really just a report card of how well you handle your money."
"Your credit score can quite literally be the difference in you building your net worth, getting the best deals on real estate, and getting free stuff."
"The higher your credit score is, the more likely you are to get access to a low interest rate, a mortgage, a personal loan, credit cards, banking services, and an entire secret world where Banks and lenders are literally just throwing money at you."
"Never put anything on your credit card that you can't pay off in full."
"Your mix of credit is vitally important because having a strong credit profile is how you go out there and unlock the bank's money."
"The best time to get credit is when you don't need it, the worst time is when you're desperate for it."
"Building your credit is probably one of the most important things that you can do to improve your financial future."
"Missing payments can lower your business's credit significantly."
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"Credit card rates are wild right now $446 of Interest has been stolen from you so far this year."
"Experts tell us one of the best ways to stop scammers. A credit freeze."
"I am a huge proponent and believer in credit cards."
"You should never spend a single penny in interest on a credit card."
"Keep your credit cards open... build an amazing credit history."
"Credit cards, when used responsibly, can unlock a world of benefits."
"Never don't pay late, don't overspend on your credit cards."
"Interest is like 15, 20, however much it is. That's so insane if you can pay it off in full each month."
"If you finesse and you understand how trade lines work, you can literally get a 30,000 and 50,000 credit card limit overnight."
"Discover features that and also your total credit card balance."
"Build a good credit score; lenders will give you a lower interest rate."
"Credit cards are like a pit bull: if you do them right, they can save your life."
"Delinquencies right now for credit cards are 3.1... people are broke and starting not to be able to afford their bills."
"Credit cards can be a really amazing way to build your credit and get rewarded for the spending that you already do provided that you use them responsibly."
"If you can't use a credit card responsibly and pay it off on time then you should really think twice before applying for a credit card."
"Pay on time, pay in full — you just covered 65 of your credit score."
"Opening more than 10 credit cards is actually the only way to get your score above an 800."
"Straighten it out, pay off your debts and anything on your credit - the smartest thing you can do in life."
"Building a great credit score is like your resume."
"It helps you hedging that credit risk at least."
"Make sure you address your consumer credit, make sure you build your business credit, make sure you manage your business bank account responsibly."
"Why would anyone not want to make their credit better?"
"Roughly 30% of your credit score is your credit utilization."
"Your credit matters, particularly when you are trying to borrow money."
"Protect your credit score because that's your access to credit lines down the line."
"You can leverage business credit cards strategically so that they benefit you instead of damaging you."
"You're taking unsecured debts credit cards personal loans these things are unsecured which means there's no collateral which means that that that that if you stopped paying on a credit card they can't come get what you bought with the credit card."
"The only way to make big money I know how is to borrow money you got to use the bank's money and they're not going to give you money if you have crappy credit."
"Always pay your credit card balance every month, never pay credit card interest."
"I took the $4,200 combined it with my wife's sterling credit history and together we got a new car which was great."
"Prevention is better than the cure... it's way easier to prevent bad credit than to cure bad credit."
"It's leveraging it's just understanding how to leverage credit like in like what you said about helping people do their credit for free the key to that is like listen that's the foundation of it."
"Having a good credit score can really help you in a lot of ways."
"Get your credit right, get your money right at the same time. Make sure your businesses are operating at a level where you can afford a house."
"There is zero downside to keeping a free card open."
"The secret to getting a credit card: tell them an income that they want to hear."
"Having credit can literally mean you live somewhere or not."
"It's not like we would actually be opening a credit card to use it."
"Try to keep your credit usage optimally under 30%."
"Increasing all your credit limits can help decrease usage percentage."
"Never cancel your first credit card – it goes a long way towards your credit score."
"If you're someone who's responsible, that pays off your credit cards in full each month like I do, then there are a lot of great ways to capitalize on things like this out there versus just getting into debt."
"Credit cards have actually ruined people's lives. It can get really out of control if you don't use it properly."
"There's a lot of money to be saved here if you're carrying a balance on your credit cards."
"If you don't feel comfortable using a credit card, then don't do it. But if you feel like you're ready and you can handle it, then quit leaving money on the table and go get a credit card with really good rewards."
"As long as you can control yourself and treat it like a debit card and auto pay it in full every month I cannot wrap my head around why you would not have a credit card."
"You should never pay a single dime in interest. You should always pay off your entire credit card in full at the end of every month."
"Paying your bills on time and having a good credit score is going to save you thousands upon thousands upon thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime."
"Your credit score is one of the most important aspects of personal finance, dictating approvals for homes, loans, credit cards, and even jobs."
"Banks have less stringent guidelines when it comes to revolving credit."
"Credit is a tool. Don't let your credit use you."
"Get your credit clean and then you'll be a millionaire with the money in your hand, not sitting in the damn properties."
"Build credit. You guys are over maxed out on that."
"Shout out to the Chasers that's paying off their credit cards and taking care of business."
"The key is to use your credit to your advantage for sure, but make sure you're looking into your money behaviors."
"What I want you to do with these credit cards is to pay off the balance completely every single month. If you're doing that via a direct debit, it's a great way of doing it."
"If you're wanting to build credit and that's the reason why you're doing this, you want to go and put the balance on your credit card and then repay it in full after the statement is generated."
"If you continue with the cycle of buying inventory on personal credit cards as you maintain high utilization, your personal credit score is likely going to suffer."
"Paying off your credit card is a healthy Financial habit but who wants that because it makes you less profitable for the credit card companies."
"The interest rates you have on your credit card right now, what is it, 18, 28, whatever it is, you know you can do better." - Jim Ross
"Pay off your cards in full; it doesn't matter what credit limit you have, if you pay it off in full, everything always works out in the end."
"I've never carried credit card debt month-to-month."
"How many credit cards is enough? How many credit cards is too many? It really just all depends on your preferences, your spending habits, what benefits you need, and all of that."
"The first rule of this hobby is you always avoid interest by paying your credit card in full."
"Chase is one of the few card issuers that lets you reallocate your credit limit between cards."
"Pay your bills on time, not to have too many debts, and don't open too many accounts in too short of a time."
"Checking your credit report, minimizing the applications, not relying on credit."
"When I tell my friends and family that I have 10 credit cards, they usually have two initial reactions: shock, and then they always ask why."
"I use my credit cards the right way, that is only buying things that I can afford, paying them off in full every single month."
"Never charge on a credit card to go hunting or fishing."
"The credit control area is an organizational unit which grants and monitors a credit limit for the customer."
"Start using credit cards, don't let credit cards use you."
"You need credit cards, you need credit, you need to understand debt and understand the difference between bad debt and good debt."
"It's really important for me to always stay on top of paying the full balance of my credit cards because I do not want to incur 20% interest."
"The higher your credit, the lower your interest rate, and that's a good thing because that's less money that you're going to be paying on interest."
"I spend five minutes when I open that credit card to set up this autopay option, and I mean that is as simple as can possibly be."
"Credit is not just for emergencies and rainy days; it's about leveraging your credit in so many ways."
"If you want them to raise your credit limit, you have to show them that you can use the money, you're going to use it, you're gonna pay it back."
"I recommend having a utilization as low as possible, even as low as zero percent, but anything under 10% is ideal."
"Your credit score tends to be the highest when you have an installment line of credit that's almost paid off."
"You want to prove to the lender that you don't need their money."
"Whether you currently have collections or have accounts that may go into collections, this will be the most important video that you watch."
"You can also get free tips and suggestions to help you manage your credit."
"Credit cards should be used to build your credit."
"Don't ruin your credit trying to look rich; get rich."
"Avoid credit card debt. Having no debt on your credit cards makes you be able to save faster towards the things you really want."
"The best way to increase your credit score is just pay off your bills on time, not to have credit card debt."
"Credit cards are one of the many tools we have in our financial tool belt."
"Your credit card is not an emergency fund."
"Always pay your credit card balance in full every month."
"We recommend you pay your card in full every month and if you can't do that, then this hobby will destroy you. Be warned."
"I didn't have to use any of my own credit, I didn't have to use any of my own cash."
"Leave your credit card at home... it's going to help cut back on how much you're relying or falling back on your credit card."
"I pay all my own bills and work my butt off. All I am asking is you plan and pay your bills so my credit score isn't affected."
"Get your credit right first, then get your financing in place, then go purchase your vehicle."
"Making your payments on time is the most important thing toward getting a good credit score."
"A general rule of thumb is to keep it 30 or lower across your credit cards."
"They tend to be more generous when it comes to credit limits, approvals, and they also have great customer service."
"This protects your personal credit because the cards and the debt you carry on those business credit cards don't show up on your personal credit."
"Credit is important; you use it to your advantage, make sure you understand it, and win at life."
"Having low utilization is an indication that you have credit and are using it responsibly."
"The most crucial credit hack is to always pay your bills on time."
"Payment history and amounts owed/credit utilization are two of the biggest factors that are going to impact your credit score."
"A good rule of thumb is keeping your overall credit utilization under 30 percent; however, 10 percent is best."
"Be good with your money, watch your credit, don't let them do you dirty."
"There are legal ways to get this stuff removed off your credit reports forever."
"Keep all your ducks in a row, just make sure that your credit is as good as it can be."
"Keep your balances low at all times."
"The golden rule, the number one rule if you have a naught percent balance transfer credit card that you've moved money over to, is to work out how much you can afford to pay every single month to clear it by the time it ends."
"If you have a no annual fee credit card, never close that card."
"Opening too many credit cards all at once is a huge red flag."
"Keep the balance below 30, and in six months, your credit scores will develop, and you'll have great credit scores."
"Keeping an account open gives you access to more credit and makes it easier to maintain a lower overall credit utilization."
"Once you pay it off, do not close the credit card. That's your record that shows, 'Hey, I had a high balance, I paid it off, I'm responsible.'"
"Every single cent that you save goes towards your credit card and you don't use the credit cards anymore."
"Teach them how to properly budget their money as they earn it, how to build savings, what credit is, and how to responsibly manage it."
"Cash is cool, but credit is power."
"You use those cards responsibly, you have nice activity on it, and you're getting return on your money."
"Never spend more than you actually have in the bank on your credit cards that you can always just pay it off."
"Credit is good, Trey. You just have to be responsible."
"We can't cut credit cards up, we gotta learn how to use them to make them work for you."
"If you have the self-discipline, store credit cards aren't necessarily any worse than other forms of credit."
"Raising your credit score is and keeping it high, saving money, budgeting, paying off your bills on time, not being in debt."
"Business credit scores range from one to 100, with higher scores indicating lower risk."
"Debt is neither bad nor good; it depends on how I use it."
"I want to congratulate you for taking the first step towards cleaning up your credit."
"Get your credit right first, that's what you need to be working on."
"I'm gonna keep doing what I need to do, I'm gonna keep taking care of my credit."
"Business credit is much different from your personal credit."
"Accounts receivable is not only one of the branches of accounting that forms the basis of adequate and orderly accounting; it also provides the data required for effective credit management as well as for liquidity planning."
"Accounts receivable is really important for any organization if you sell on credit because there's no point in selling goods if you can't collect the money from your customers."
"I'm going to someone who's going to help me with my credit and a financial advisor."
"Get your tax money up, get your credit game together."