
Scriptwriting Quotes

There are 333 quotes

"This series has a script doctor... there'll be like little pieces of dialogue that quickly explains something right away to where I'm satisfied."
"A good script gets the audience to buy into its world by explaining the rules of that world coherently and concisely… and getting the heck on with the story."
"The script for the game was massive, with the final draft weighing in at 360 pages with over 30,000 lines of dialogue."
"The thing that makes contra points videos really great is that Natalie is really smart and it comes across in the scripts that she writes."
"I love it when I look up and I'm like who are these writers where'd they [__] come from."
"Every single line in this whole film script just seems to be polished into something just pure solid gold."
"The script for the next 10 15 years is not written."
"Writing a script forces you to think through everything about the issue, to have a much deeper understanding of it."
"You couldn't script that if you saw it in a movie, you'd call [ __ ] on it."
"I dread reading scripts that have no women involved in their creation because in every crisis situation, any woman should know what to do."
"I think they could keep him. I think they can easily write in like 'oh yeah when you know remember that yeah I was I was overseas in Europe studying Zadar they'll figure something.'"
"The writing and the dynamics with the bad guys, with Mojo Jojo, with the Professor, with the three girls, the writing was really, really good."
"Writing a script is like putting together a puzzle."
"I think the best part of writing a script is when you've visualized the whole entire puzzle."
"This is the script that everyone wishes they wrote, right?"
"The utterly broken script was bleeding errors with every second of screen time that passed, and stating the conclusion at the end of the analysis is only natural."
"This show is entertaining, well done, the writing solid, it's good."
"It's really really beautifully animated it's nicely written it's extremely violent."
"These are the people who will write your scripts that you'll be riveted must see TV from the future."
"You just happen to say this is not no this is like somebody wrote like a six page script for this woman."
"It actually feels like it was written by a human being."
"The role of artificial intelligence is a new concern for Hollywood writers and actors."
"Every scene, every detail, every line of dialogue is part of a grander mystery."
"Hands down this is probably one of the best written scripts I've seen in years."
"Every scene should advance either story or character and thus serve a larger integral purpose."
"If you have a problem with the third act, the real problem is in the first act."
"At one point, the British playwright Tom Stoppard was paid $120 thousand dollars to do a rewrite of the script."
"So far there is no delay, and we did also hear that The Last of Us Part Two writer Hallie Gross is part of the crew as well."
"I think it holds up. Like, I watched it and I was like, 'This is a great story, it's a great plot, it's good writing.'"
"A thoughtful and hilarious script counts for a lot, as does the film's eye-meltingly beautiful animation style."
"Is there a scriptwriter out there? Well, you bet there was."
"You can make anything work if you write it right and perform it well."
"This is the stupidest [ __ ] script I've ever read in my life... But it really holds together."
"This show never ceases to amaze; the writing is just top tier and the acting is phenomenal."
"It's smart to hand it over to people who may know it very very well to let them take a look at it write a great script..."
"You have to write a script, and finish it, and hand it off, so that the process of it changing 1,000 times can begin early enough."
"It's no secret that WWE heavily scripts the majority of their promos."
"Politics is a peculiar kind of theater... but you actually have far greater reach if you're not merely an actor but you write your own lines."
"Chat GPT is a game changer because this software can create amazing scripts for you in a matter of seconds all you need to do is tell it what to do."
"Stallone began writing frantically on a script, that script was Rocky."
"Imagine the head writer of your favorite TV show becoming an actual on-screen figure... making all of your favorite characters seem pathetic and stupid as a result."
"Logan became the first comic book movie to get a nomination for Best Screenplay."
"There are just too many lives staining the pages of the script."
"Stop imagining on your own. I have my own screenplay ready. Wait there. I'll come over and explain."
"What happened next was nothing short of a miracle, a Deus ex machina so fantastic that Hollywood scriptwriters would call it ridiculous."
"If they don't write a good script, it won't matter."
"This movie was amazing. I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't your typical Christmas movie... I love the action... I loved the writing."
"Without writers it's just Ethan doing a bit."
"How funny can we make this? How can we make this really emotional and really funny?"
"This entire scene between tetus inject is one of the best written interactions in the entire game."
"We finally have a new Star Wars film with fantastic characters, excellent filmmaking, and its Sharman witty script."
"Williamson took a gamble by crafting a screenplay that blended horror and comedy."
"Oh, bringing a line back because people seem to really like it is tight, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"These were two of the very best written and executed seasons on any superhero show."
"The characters are really well written into the overall narrative."
"The acting is amazing, the script is excellent even the jokes that I thought wouldn't land ended up Landing."
"The writing is just so tight and well thought out."
"Nowhere is the brilliance of a good script easier to hear than in the mouths of the characters."
"I thought it was quite a ballsy move for the writers."
"Honestly, every time we sat down to write the script, it was like, 'Do you know what I really need to do now? I need to log on and play some more.'"
"Writing what you know is just a good starting point."
"Think of your script as an experience and metaphorically strip on stage."
"I started writing the script for the history of Red Ribbon Army and that motherfucker's gonna be long bro."
"Oh, this dialogue, I love how natural it feels."
"Having a funnel full of high qualified prospects and leads... is really important if you want to stay in business."
"I'm giving you my social media scripts that convert... it's exactly what to say when you find prospects on social media."
"The positives of Candyman: the script and the writing."
"I did my research and believe it or not chose my words very carefully when piecing together this script."
"It's awesome concept, hilarious writing, and lovable characters really proved victorious in the battle against time."
"With preparation, Dora can preemptively prepare the script and plot before it even starts."
"That's what the strength of the show is really, the writing."
"The library of Babel has the script to every one of my video essays."
"Seinfeld's writing seems to be at its best when he sets up a simple situation and then sees how characters react to that."
"You could just write your own roles, you know? Write something that's as interesting as you are."
"That's what happens when you have different writers every week."
"The writing is so good for these characters that even if I don't guess what they're gonna do, everything they do feels right."
"He focused on writing good scripts over having great visuals and successfully made it his brand."
"Major props to both the writing and the acting."
"The writers went into Season 2 wanting to make Rick more human."
"I can instantly write up a YouTube script. I don't have to chase down my writers. I don't have to annoy them to rewrite certain words in certain paragraphs."
"Being told you have an hour to write a scene takes the pressure off like you can just be" - Katie Delaney
"There's lots of creativity and fantastic writing crammed into the production of this project."
"We're gonna need a script office to actually write movies."
"Every time she would say something that I had written, a piece inside of me died."
"Superman writer Tom Mankowitz submitted a script in June 1983 titled 'The Batman.'"
"Dialogue... it felt natural like I really feel like whoever wrote the series really had a great sense of touch and time with the dialogue."
"It's like when you get like, um, if a white guy writes the script for a black guy..."
"Act 2A, the beginning of act two, that's got to be when he's looking for her."
"Life can give you the details, the context, but it can't write the script."
"It would be fantastic... if you become the head writer for a future Marvel Endeavor script."
"The majority of my issues with this movie are script issues."
"Abbott's perfect companion: In issue number 360 of Doctor Who Magazine, Russell T Davies revealed in an interview that Paul Abbott had at one point written a script for a series that revealed something astounding about Rose Tyler's history."
"Brilliant writing with the performance to carry it."
"You know, when I watch the show, the writing is just incredible. It's just so good that you don't want it to end. You know, as a fan of the show, I just... That hour goes by so fast, it's like I never want it to end."
"Thank God I'd like they got the writers and it's the same writer from Birds of Prey which is why like okay she's probably got a plan for Gotham."
"There's consistently great one-liners littered throughout."
"Batman only does what the writers write him to do."
"I write out an initial script that is essentially me ranting on a keyboard."
"Their interactions stayed true to the characters, and they didn't sacrifice who they were for the sake of writing."
"Honestly though, what's worth talking about here is the way that the writers do adapt stories."
"Good storytelling starts from one thing: a good script."
"Quint's monologue is a classic scene that was put in the script by uncredited contributing screenwriter Howard Sackler."
"It's not like they're handing him a script that they wrote for him to say."
"I couldn't [ __ ] believe the script that I'd written."
"The writing in the first season of Game of Thrones was impeccable."
"It's much harder to make a bad script work and then clean it up in the editing room."
"It's fantastic. It's such a well-shot, well-made, well-written."
"The script was finally completed by British writer, producer, and director Jonathan Lynn."
"The battle between the rebels and Imperial forces on Hoth was played into the story by Lucas because originally Empire didn't have a great closing battle."
"Here's a good example of how you can write a tight script that works and it's not full of holes."
"There's always three scripts, the one you write, the one you shoot, and the one you cut."
"He's managed to sell one of Sang-yu's old scripts."
"Learning how to pitch a TV show is just as important to learn as writing the script itself."
"When I'm writing my own script and I know where I'm shooting, like, I know the angles I can get, I know what's feasible there so I can write the script around what I've got available to me. It just makes it like so much [__] easier."
"Tarantino is god tier when it comes to writing scripts."
"It's a stand-up family write the [ __ ] script and suspenses."
"The number one reason why people do not finish a script... they don't know where they're going."
"I felt like I was watching Jordan Peele's notes more than I felt like I was watching a fully fleshed-out script."
"All of it has payoff in the end, all of it has a reason to be there, all of it has this narrative through line to some sort of explanation or some sort of destination later on in the script."
"The best scripts are the ones written from personal experience or feelings."
"We do everything from script writing to narrative direction to sensitivity and representational and inclusive reading."
"Miller specifically stated that he did not want to set Mad Max 2 in a post-nuclear environment because it would create a lot of problems for the script."
"No, that's a good question because it's something that, you know, that is like five to six pages of script and it's a very important thing, of course."
"It's hard for me to look at people that ask how do I get my script read because I know how it's just you have to cast such a wide net and it's so hard."
"I wrote a script, a love story, not really a romcom, just a real one."
"You write the script and then you try it out on set to figure out if I wrote the script in the right way or not. I love when the actors are saying, 'I don't like this line. Why should I say this? It doesn't feel right.'"
"It's really hard to find a great script. It's really hard to write a great script."
"A pilot script has to over a short period of time lay out the rules of the universe that the story exists in, give us some backstory of what was happening up until now, and tease us with potentially intriguing storylines that might emerge from here."
"The script took an incredibly long time to write and part of it was because so much was dependent upon all these little details, all these little clues."
"That was the most simple, beautiful script."
"It's kind of a good idea...writing a script actually turns out to be kind of a good idea."
"Because they had just killed five college students in four days, apparently inspired by those nightmares, one day Kevin Williamson woke up from one, and it took him just one weekend to bang out the entire script."
"Before you start writing a script you really need to understand what it is you're trying to achieve."
"I think a lot of it is in the script and trying to make the script exist on different levels not just one level and not just be like this sort of plot-driven thing."
"I wrote this script, it was just words on the page until these six people made every person in this script come alive."
"Well-written scripts are forever."
"The original version of Gladiator 2 would have seen Maximus coming back from the river sticks but the script has evolved since then and is apparently now much more grounded."
"That line was astounding, man. I need to know who wrote this script because it is flawless."
"With this being a political thriller and having a darker tone, it leads itself to a better script."
"It's a most spectacular and well-written script that I've ever worked on. It's... it just has really great writing in it."
"When I'm writing a draft of a script, I don't format it in any way. It's just the dialogue, just a long list of the dialogue."
"The script has the power to elevate or sink any project regardless of its budget or cast."
"It's amazing to me that people rejected this script for four years, that gets the old William Goldman 'nobody knows anything.'"
"When we pulled the cast together, I knew that we were going to massage the script throughout the entire process."
"The most important thing is the script. You can have the best ideas in the world, but if the script is not good, you're not going to have a good film."
"Shane's contributions to the script brought much the family dynamic to the film particularly the father being a copper and the effect it had on the rest of the family and the humor we've come to know from Shane is present throughout."
"Carrie Fisher helped polish the script."
"Helping the audience understand what it really means and why that meaning is so important to the character, I would say that's one of the biggest things that people miss when they're writing scripts."
"'The film is enhanced by a tight script, sharp images, and superb performances.'"
"He's a part of the script writing on the show. Yeah, he's going to be able to use it. And if you didn't, if you guys can't tell by now, but Frankie's officially part of the Straw Hat game."
"I could not be happier with where the script has ended up."
"It's not impossible to sell a script but it's much easier if you can actually film your own script and then show someone what you've done."
"You've got to live by the written word. Stick by your script, and the amount of success you'll have is exponential."
"It starts with a great script... and it's just not shoot them up... it's trying to find the subtext in that action."
"A competent script can go a long way."
"It was just beautiful on the page, I didn't realize at the time that Darius Mada was the guy who co-wrote 'Valentine' and plays beyond the Pines, two movies I just love with such heart and um, I just love the script man."
"The script is a structure of a conversation. You have to internalize that, so when it comes across, it comes across very conversational, very confident, in a way that serves the consumer."
"The most exciting part is when I read a script and I know it's written by someone who can really is a Storyteller you know who's the real deal."
"David Fisher brought us 'Stones of Blood' and 'The Leisure Hive.'"
"So the first thing we need to do is just write up a simple script."
"It's like Pixar tight scripts where every scene moves it to the next scene, it's like really well paced."
"An unbelievable script for the year."
"If Major League Baseball could have gone back to December and written a script for the WBC I don't think anybody on the planet would have written the script that we got the witness."
"You become the empowered scriptwriter of the story of life."
"The healthy habit at this point is trying things like script writing. What would I write my story to be like if I could make it come true?"
"There's so many things that can change a script in the process and Naren fought for that moment through every step and so many people like do we really need to do this and everybody's like yes we really need to do it."
"Give this guy an actual funny script and I think he'd have me in stitches."
"The script handles its characters and themes so well."
"The script in this is so tight but also it doesn't feel like it's over-scripted. There are times where the conversations will run long, where they'll meander and run off topic but they always feel so in character and so funny."
"Needs more jokes, I can tell from the weight of the script."
"A script is not just a document telling the story but it's also to give instructions and directions so the entire creative team in terms of what the creative vision is."
"I love the writing of these shows, seriously, like the story, it's just they pull [ __ ] out of like nowhere."
"Armed with determination and a strong will to change the course of television, they wrote their own shows."
"He was the director and the writer of this script, and he did it with a purpose."
"When you write a script, you experience a movie, you experience characters."
"The script sets the foundation of the project, and if that falls, then everything else goes down with it."
"The script was so tight in terms of its characterization."
"The biggest problem it seemed was getting a script that everyone could settle on."
"You couldn't write a script better than that."
"When the actors are this good, the script writes itself."
"If you're writing your script, it's important to have a strong opening."
"You have to rely more on camera work, you have to rely more on good acting and good script writing."
"It's exciting as an actor. You wanna be surprised and you wanna be inspired by the scripts."
"I have a way better understanding of how to make scripts now."
"It's unscriptable. How can you script something like this?"
"Nothing is done on accident; no line in this show was just put in for no reason."
"The first three pages have to be the best three pages of the script."
"There's nothing as humbling as realizing you're the person who messed up your script."
"It's great to have an amazing script, but if you do not have a network in which to share it, then you're at a loss."
"You write the script to your life; no one else."
"Wow, the rain is actually picking up. This is fantastic; you couldn't have written a better script for this."
"It left me emotionally and mentally drained to write that script."
"The scripts are laugh-out-loud funny."
"I'm so into writing and scripts and structure, I can't help myself."
"It's really well scripted; it defies most of the Hollywood Love Story conventions."
"Scrivener can handle scriptwriting and with some constraints, some limitations, it handles it really, really well."
"The script is a work in progress right up until the moment that it gets laid down on film."
"We improvise constantly when we're coming up with the ideas for the script."
"This scripting is amazing; I am being drawn into this on an almost visceral level."
"You would never build a house until you had the blueprint to build from; the scripts are that blueprint."