
Year 2020 Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Live and love boldly like you never have before in 2020."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, in the true spirit of the year 2020, a year that sucks incredibly bad, I figured hey, let's run it back."
"I don't know about you, but for me, 2020 has been a bit of a stressful year."
"2020 was supposed to be a huge year for us...watching those drop like flies, it was really hard, seeing everything that we had worked so hard for."
"Nothing will ever be the same in 2020, nothing will ever be the same."
"This might be the best accessory made in 2020, period."
"2020, the year when rules went out the window and chaos reigned supreme."
"There is no better way to actually sum up the lunacy and the height of how weird 2020 has been."
"Losing to Ninja in rock, paper, scissors. Absolutely 2020."
"Say what you will about 2020, the bean economy is popping off."
"2020 turned out to have one more big surprise up its sleeve."
"Sht's absolutely fcking wild. All of 2020, every single month has had something new and massively horrible happen. It's crazy."
"History will remember and celebrate the heroes of 2020."
"I think every emoji has its day. It might not be like today. It might not be next year, but I have to say, virus was not doing anything. Then came 2020, and that was like such a good moment for it, along with soap."
"Cancel 2020 if we can do anything with cancel culture we must cancel last year."
"I think it's the perfect summation of what is 2020. Agree? Just a weird-ass year. Nothing is making any sense."
"I am incredibly impressed with the resilience that this nation has given the problems that 2020 presented."
"Few people around the world can even say they've had an actually good 2020. And without a doubt, Gigachikadze is one such man."
"Vision and 2020 are kind of different things."
"If there's ever been a year where we need some laughter, it'll be this year 2020."
"2020 needs a little bit more fun injected into it."
"A lot would be happening in that year. I mean it'd be a crazy year but if you had explained 2020 to me I would have said no that's crazy that would never happen and it did."
"In 2020, the veil of all of these elite is coming down, people are seeing them for who they are."
"2020 just feels like a second punch after a second punch after second crunch and it's just relentless sucker punches."
"Truths are coming to light in 2020, empowering you and setting you free."
"What a wild time, anything can happen in 2020 even these bizarre combinations of goods such as pumpkin spice mac and cheese."
"People are dying because of the color of their skin, and it's 2020."
"If the year 2020 was a sound it would be this."
"Despite all you've done to us in 2020, this is really good."
"One good thing that happened in 2020."
"Our system is flawed, there's no doubt about that. But 2020 has actually been a year which displays a great improvement in our development system."
"It's the perfect antidote for all of 2020."
"It's 2020, you know I'm saying, positive vibes only."
"Hope you're getting through 2020 adequately and that the rest of your day goes well."
"2020 is just so weird, what is even happening?"
"The face of 2020 as you all know, the significance of the bat in that year, that is awesome."
"It's gonna be a good year, my friends. I've got a good feeling about 2020."
"Everything is awesome, everything is really cool in 2020."
"Well, 2020 sure has been interesting."
"2020 is all about hindsight, right? Isn't that the expression?"
"Life happens, especially in 2020."
"It's just like the year, man. Yeah, 2020 is a blunt, it would be just a [expletive] stem."
"Congratulations on making it through such a crazy year that we've had in 2020."
"I don't know if anything sums up 2020 better than falling up the stairs."
"It is a good representative of what 2020 was all about."
"It's hard to believe. It's been wild. 2020 has been something else."
"If 2020 was a blunt, it would be just a stem."