
Book Club Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"It's an absolute must-read and when I set it for the text for my book club, everybody raved about how endearing the chaos was."
"Ladies and gentlemen, in this time, for a repeat of what happened last season, which took the book reading world by storm, we could have never guessed to be a part of something like this."
"The first book of book club 2.0 is... 'The Mastery of Love' by Don Miguel Ruiz... we love love around here."
"Join the channel's Discord server for community events like the book club."
"We have our book of the month and, oh, real quick too."
"I really enjoyed his character and like everything to him and like the usage of the book club and the romances that he liked... I really am enjoying his character."
"Tune back in this week for our show literature book club breakdown of Jessica Simpson's memoir 'Open Book'."
"Do what makes you happy... book club time, let's get into it."
"Yeah, I like reading with you; it's like our own little personal book club."
"They messed with the wrong book club."
Consider starting a book club to discuss Crime and Punishment; break up heavy reads with shorter works like Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog."
"We're going to be doing the Eisenhorn book club very soon, read that please."
"The first rule of book club is that you definitely do because this is basically all anybody in the Vatican is talking about."
"One of the greatest things about Book of the Month is their really affordable pricing."
"Our first official month of doing the book club will be October. Let's seize the day!"
"I am reading currently the book club hotel and I'm enjoying it so much more than I thought I was going to."
"In our book club, Maria says, 'This is not a book club, this is a prayer group.'"
"Tim has probably already assembled a new book club with C.S Lewis and Herman Bavinck."
"I really love our little book club... it's helped me read different genres and books that I've been wanting to read forever."
"We're starting a book club. These two, we follow each other on Instagram. We're gonna chat with them. It's gonna be so fun."
"If you guys also have any sort of requests or anything for what you want to see for book club... I would love to get your input and talk to you guys more about books that you love. It's a club, it's a community, so I really want you guys to feel included."
"Do you guys want to start a book club?"
"Incredible, this is one that would be great to do a book club again with Tom, you know?"
"You guys make book club what it is. I'm just here the voice reading."
"Join Mod's book club. Read a book, it'll be good for your brain."
"BOTM is a monthly subscription service where you get to choose a book."
"this book club is now dedicated to reading big books and we have picked six books for 2024 and we get 2 months to read each book"
"So my biggest surprise of the month was 'Girl, Woman, Other' by Bernardine Evaristo. I read this for my Patreon book club, so there's a reading vlog and a discussion live show over on my Patreon for it, but I loved this. I thought this was incredible."
"Your guys' comments on every book club video and even videos in between make me so happy, and it's so hard to portray in a comment on how much it means to me."
"Book club is amazing. Let me know if you guys have read these books, what your thoughts are, if you're gonna read any of these books, let me know what you're gonna read."
"Joining my book club will not cost you anything."
"You can even start your own private or public book club."
"Joining my book club would absolutely mean the world to me."
"...this was my patreon buddy read for the month and I was really excited about this one because it's fantasy romance..."
"I really do want to do the book club."
"Zoom book club... I think that would be so much fun."
"A fun light read and I can't wait to discuss it at the end of the month for the Comfort Book Club."
"I love a good book club. I'm so thankful when my friends ask me to join their book clubs."
"I adore the book club chat, everybody is so smart and thoughtful."
"I'm so excited to discuss this in book club."
"I started a book club while I was in prison."
"Every single one of her book club picks features a female protagonist, and it's really about a female's story."
"With Reese's book club, she's always picking from a wide variety of genres."
"These are some books that she's had for her book club that I have really enjoyed so far."
"I'm absolutely desperate to start some kind of wine and Christie crime book club."
"Hello friends, it's Kayla. I am the host of a thriller mystery horror book club called the Literally Dead Book Club."
"The book has a lot to say, and for that, I think that it would actually make for a good book club discussion."
"It's really a great book club book."
"Book of the month is the perfect way to make sure you're keeping your collection up to date with new releases."
"Definitely need to do some reading this week because we've got our book club meeting on Sunday, which I'm really looking forward to."
"We're gonna do a book club of Dorian Gray, so I'll see you soon."
"Everyone loves reading, that's right, and we should do a book club."
"For the book club, we want something a little bit happier for this go round."
"Welcome back to the nightly morning show... no, the nerdy wordy book club."
"What would you guys think if I started a book club?"
"Let me know if you'd be interested in a book club."
"This is actually the first year that I ever had a five-star read for the book club that wasn't like a reread."
"This is the kind of book that I think would make for an interesting book club."
"Book of the Month does have the best price for new hardcover fiction."
"Good morning everybody, welcome to the Nerdy, the Wordy, the Book Club."
"Whether you're looking for a fun beach read or a heady, heavy-hitting memoir, Literati has the club for you."
"I'm excited to get into it, to talk to you guys about it, to see what Ellen is thinking about it, and just to have a good book club experience overall."
"We meet almost every six weeks, and we read the book, we discuss the book, we drink a lot of wine and eat delicious food, and we talk, and it's awesome."
"They're just having a group of friends with a common... It's just a community; it's a book club."
"Church is just book club that's been stuck on one book for centuries."
"I'm liking it so far, I got this one for my book club with my offline friends from uni."
"Desperate to escape the monotony of her everyday life, she found solace in the local women's book club."
"As the days grew colder in January 1993, a sinister plot began to unfold within the confines of the book club."
"This book was so interesting and I feel like it was such a great pick for the book club."
"I'm just really thrilled that we had it as our book of the month."
"Transcendent Kingdom, which was so good, that was our book club pick for the month."
"This is the anti-racism book that we're going to be reading for my July book club."
"He ends up becoming part of this book club where it's a bunch of Nashville's elite top men read romance novels to use them as guides for how to treat women correctly."
"If you want to have like a book club discussion, this is a great book for a discussion."
"Thank you so much, Jeffrey, and it was great to see you at this month's book club."
"I'm so excited for our next book club book because we're reading 'Gathering Moss'."
"I'm really excited for the book club."
"I'm gonna be recapping every book I read, that way I actually have reviews and you guys have a page to go to, it's KE Book Club."
"We are going to be reading Daisy Jones and the Six in January, which I'm really excited about."