
Biblical Analysis Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"There are mistakes with respect to facts we know outside the text of the Bible, but there are also just contradictions within the Bible."
"The book of Revelation is fairly obviously metaphor; it's not meant to be taken at literal face value."
"Isaiah 53 is the most central, the deepest and the loftiest thing that Old Testament prophecy outstripping itself has ever achieved."
"Chapters 9, 10, and 11 is the genius course of not only the book of Romans but of much of the Bible."
"You missed a video maker were the one who brought up the regulations on slavery, and you were the one who quoted Exodus 21 to defend your position. All I'm doing is actually looking up the things that you're referencing in the Bible and actually reading what's there."
"I hope if nothing else, you're being sharpened in your process of thinking things through biblically so that you, as a precision instrument evaluating the text of scripture and comparing it to real life and tough questions, get better and better at this over time."
"Scripture is analogous to itself, it is its own best interpreter."
"There is no Trinity in the Bible. There is none. Not one word, even the concept is not there."
"No other book on the planet earth does that."
"If you gave 10,000 people who'd never heard of the bodily assumption of Mary Revelation 12 and the rest of scripture, would one out of 10,000 come up with a bodily assumption of Mary? I don't think so."
"I find the book of the revelation a book of majesty, a book of mystery, and the book of misery."
"Even if it was self-fulfilled after the fact, it doesn't make Daniel wrong."
"Not only does the Bible not teach Peter was the Pope, he wasn't even a leader in Rome."
"The fact that the Bible has something in it that's true doesn't mean that every verse in it is true."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"Apocalyptic literary style, which you find a lot of in the book of Revelation, was used by Old Testament prophets when they were prophesying concerning world events."
"Every chapter of every book in the Bible speaks to, and points to the person of Jesus Christ."
"I don't think anything was put into the Bible by accident."
"In closing, the works of Christ here are always meant in Mark to point to the person of Christ and the greater work of Christ."
"Sharon and I are going through the book of Revelation right now, it's a weekly study we're doing for Sky Watch TV called 'Unraveling Revelation'."
"We have to differentiate between prophecies that take place within the Bible that we cannot prove and prophecies that are natural."
"My big point is this where is the church in chapters 4 through 22?"
"This text is a bottomless well of biblical truth and reality."
"The Bible is a living word, it reveals truths beyond surface interpretations."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"The Bible doesn't focus on individuals, it focuses on systems and kingdoms."
"Acts is not describing the way things actually happen; this is a fictional narrative."
"How could a literary work composed by 40 different authors over the course of 1,500 years accurately predict the conditions in our present world?"
"The key to interpreting The Book of Revelation is to recognize its symbols."
"The amazing thing is Hosea here gives a time frame for when the nation would be revived, and history shows that this prophecy was spot on."
"The Bible is our best attempt to explain things."
"All I'm doing is actually looking up the things that you're referencing in the Bible and actually reading what's there."
"You get all that now look at the story in let's say Luke's Gospel what don't you find you don't find that you don't find the clues that we're dealing here with a generic mythic story."
"Are you good at Tetris, Chris? I'm the best in the business."
"The presence of vague prophecies in the Bible kind of negates the idea that God is any wiser than me and Google."
"The longest part of the New Testament that focuses on government is Romans 13."
"Understanding these words unlocks an important theological claim being made by the authors through their ancient understanding of the cosmos. Let's Dive In."
"If we took just the verses to talk about prophetic things, just the ones I say that the prophetic verses, they come out to 8,352 verses of the Bible that talk about the future as they were written."
"Could it be that the big secret of the trip to Gadara is that actually Jesus failed?"
"So people really like this imagery of Kings coming um but the author Matthew didn't I mean he's saying Magi here for a reason."
"The Bible provides some hints that can help us unravel this mystery."
"So the question is, what did Yaakov do that Avraham Avinu didn't do, that Yitzhak Avinu didn't do?"
"The numbers connected with the life of Moses are amazing."
"But you see, whilst the bible tries to provide some context for Shechem’s actions for some reason, (perhaps in an effort to humanise him?) it doesn’t take away from the fact that he still crosses an unforgivable line."
"'Maybe they were upset over John the Baptist's death, that Jesus didn't do anything about that, and then he was taking care of all these multitudes, thousands of people, and not taking care of John the Baptist. Maybe that's it.' - Discussion on divorce and adultery"
"The vocabulary in the Gospel of Matthew that is unique to the Gospel of Matthew happens to be a multiple of 7. It occurs 42 times at 7 times 6."
"The harshness of the old host and the Levite as well as the monstrosity of the men of Jibea leaves us speechless before the Abomination."
"It's a case of a really bad misreading of 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2 that leads to placing Paul with the black hat and Jesus with the white hat and then pitting them against each other when it comes to the roles of women."
"... the old style of English isn't the clearest but it seems that Jesus at no point denies the existence of ghosts in the Bible he simply claims that he's not a ghost..."
"The biblical Corpus is a walk through the statistical relationship between all the ideas."
"I thought both speakers were the opponents both raised good questions and made good points," comments John Ferguson in Calgary, Canada, about a discussion on a difficult passage in the Bible.
"The Bible emphasizes Samson's exceptional nature, detailing his divine conception and his status as a Nazir. Yet commentators note that Samson's life starkly contrasts the Nazir as described in Numbers 6:1-8."
"Every detail in the Bible is there by deliberate design by the Holy Spirit."
"It doesn't make any judgment claim to the veracity of the four gospels specifically."
"The fiction in the Christian Bible points us in the direction that this person did exist."
"There's lots of types of Christ in the book of Judges; it's an amazing book."
"The Book of Jonah is one of the most sophisticated and organized books in the entire Canon of scripture."
"So the Bible contains the word of God but the Bible in its totality is not the word of God."
"We must interpret that in a way that does not contradict other specifically Paul's and others' commendations of women leaders."
"I know of no passage in Revelation that makes use of the Old Testament that scholars would unanimously contend violates the Old Testament."
"If we go to Daniel wanting a biblical view of resistance, we're doing the same thing and it's problematic because then it becomes our view, not the Bible's view."