
Comets Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Comets are like cats; they have tails and they're very unpredictable."
"Comets are vile Stars. Every time they appear in the South, something happens to wipe out the old and establish the new."
"That which may have given Earth life, and comets may have also delivered the water to Earth that we now enjoy, that which creates life, takes it as well."
"But the mystery of missing water need not haunt comet scientists if they will question their theoretical assumption that water is necessary to create cometary displays."
"We now recognize that X-ray emission is a characteristic of all active comets."
"More energy will be released than expected because of the electrical contributions of the comet."
"Multiple objects from a single cometary nucleus - a new concept in astronomy."
"Amino acids found on comets hint at life's origins."
"Halley's discovery changed the status of comets from mystical omen to real and physical threat."
"Comets are like cats. They both have tails, and they both do precisely what they want to do."
"A large comet several miles in diameter would punch right through the atmosphere."
"The important thing to remember about comets is that they're like cats."
"This is a huge cloud in the outer limits of our solar system. It consists of a bunch of comets and other cool rocks."
"It's softly implied that there could be strange other dimensional entities sending these comets."
"People would argue that you should preserve the comets for posterity, but doing a violent study on one that is just typical of a whole class seemed to us to be the right choice for science."
"While comets can be emissaries of death we're learning that surprisingly they can also be agents of rebirth."
"Water ice deposited there Long Ago by comets..."
"The solar system contains plenty of comets that can melt into a puddle the size of Lake Erie."
"Comets consist primarily of chunks of water, dirt, ammonia, and carbon molasses."
"There are around 4000 comets we currently track and likely many more that we don’t yet track."
"Comets, the visitors to the inner system from deep space, are potentially one of the best paths for us to settle and colonize the inner system, and to get into deep space."
"Asteroids are made of metals and rocks, whereas comets, in contrast, are mostly ice and dust."
"Main belt Comet 238p red shows us something unexpected on the left is an artist's illustration of what it might look like with all that ice and dust vaporizing because of the heat of the Sun."
"Comets always created a sense of instability and what was going on."
"Comets come from the very outer edges of the solar system."
"Our Earth is almost totally made up by matter brought to it by comets."
"Comets were simply leftover fragments from the solar system's formation."
"This river, if you can call it that, is so tenuous that an average human is unlikely to see more than a scattering of its isolated particles, which we call comets, in a lifetime."
"Comets are showoffs; as a comet approaches the sun, dusty ices on its surface heat and light up, turning into a cloud of gas and dust, often having a trailing tail that can be millions of miles long."
"Comets are like cats; they have tails and they do precisely what they want."
"Objects which exist far beyond the orbits of Neptune are inert all year round, but if they were to be brought in close to the sun, they would turn into comets."
"Blazing through the night sky for brief periods of time, comets have long fascinated humans."
"The official version today is that the 'Wow! Signal' came from the hydrogen clouds of two comets."
"The measure of a comet: of all astronomical phenomena, none have longer and more thoroughly ignited the human mind, for better or worse, than comets."
"If you look really, really close at the eclipse, you'll see there's a comet in the background."
"But while comets can be emissaries of death, we're learning that surprisingly, they can also be agents of rebirth."
"We can look at it in a whole new light, not simply as a harbinger of death, but as a potent instrument in the evolution of life."
"We don't understand that much about smaller solar system comets for instance, and then there's an incredible amount of diversity in the compositions and properties of the comets that we do know of."
"The composition of these ices in dense clouds... surprisingly similar to the inferred composition of ices in comets."
"This theory known as panspermia suggests that microbes may have hitched a ride on a comet that crashed into Earth."
"Organic matter could have been brought to Earth by comets since it has been found on several of them."
"The Kuiper belt is a huge region in the edge of our solar system where the Comets live."
"Comets should no longer exist. We still see them. So, where are they coming from?"
"The Divination by Astrological and Meteorological Phenomena is considered to be the first complete atlas of comets in world history."
"It's a cloud of comets and the cloud is named after the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort."
"We've actually recorded about 140 long period comets that we think come from the Oort cloud."
"The fact that we still see long period comets in the present day must mean that there is somewhere that they can safely exist for a long period of time."
"Now it used to be that comets would instill dread and fear in the hearts of men and women everywhere, but now, pure delight when we are so lucky and fortunate to see a nice comet in the sky."
"Comets are some of the coolest astronomical phenomena that amateur astrophotographers can set their sights upon."
"We know that only about 1% of the impacts on Earth are from comets and 99% from asteroids."
"Water may have been brought to Earth by comets and some even propose that it may have extraterrestrial origins."
"A comet has two tails and one of those tails is the result of radiation pressure."
"Each year astronomers discover new comets."