
Reflections Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"No one on their death bed looks back and says, 'Gosh, I wish I'd spent more time at the office or I wish I'd accumulated more riches for myself.'"
"Most business owners, in their 50s when they finally hit it big... they're like, 'I really should have started small at stopping to smell the fucking roses in my mid-20s or mid-30s.'"
"I regret my actions; I wish I could turn back time."
"The beauty is not in the final destination. That's actually the saddest part of the journey is the end."
"Love is not something that induces pain and trauma. Think about that when you think about love."
"Not everybody gets a perfect ending but yeah but you know there was another message about like you know we I hope you replay this and when you do I hope it's some celebration."
"This is what's important: family is important and I remember thinking I've never been closer to my family."
"That just makes you think like what could have changed if I made this decision or that decision, you know."
"Overall, Destiny 2 has been able to run because of the changes that we saw in Destiny 1."
"Life's lessons: each chapter should have a lesson. If something bad happened, what did you learn from that bad mistake?"
"It's gonna be one of those things that you always look back on, you're like 'damn think about if I wouldn't have ever went to that party.'"
"Mirrors are very powerful, remember as we're looking at past, present, and future, it's reflections and projections."
"I actually liked what they showed, especially with all the voices talking to her and her staring at her own reflection."
"Thank you, happy holidays... this year has been amazing."
"When Auntie Lil turned 100, I interviewed her on camera and asked her, 'What do you think love is? What do you think life is about?'"
"End of the year content... my favorite content to watch... love roundups... endings... new beginnings."
"It's crazy how things change over the years."
"This game having reflections? That's insane!"
"I think something for the generations is there to be learned. I really mean it."
"I didn't have anything else to achieve... there's no like party at the top of the mountain."
"Your kids get all your personality, not just the parts you like." - Parenting reflections.
"This is my last one here, I think I'm just gonna call it."
"Believers claim that reflections are an easy way for spirits and higher beings to access our reality."
"There are days that I go to bed and think I wonder what it would be like not having five kids."
"At the end of the day, it's like... I'm glad I did. I wouldn't do anything differently."
"The silver lining to being hurt for two years was that I had a lot of stuff come out."
"There's definitely something to that happens to us all the time, right? Places we go to, we're like 'wow, it's really quiet' and then..."
"I've spent all my life in jail after so long I've realized it's probably not the way I want to spend the rest of my life."
"Good Lord, this is literally one year me and Chip have been doing the fellas, and now the fellas is ending."
"Whenever I see families now I sort of smile to myself and I think it's absolutely lovely, but it's also very bittersweet."
"How they talk about other people... you can see a lot of people's insecurities and tolerances through their opinions of others."
"It's finally coming to an end, but what a ride it's been."
"Reflections on love and race: unpacking societal influences in dating choices."
"The point is like i look back at my life what things have i said are done and because my friend of color or my friend who's gay or my friend is this or that laughed about it i thought oh that's fine it's fine."
"Sure, it was kind of stupid that we didn't get that championship on Monday Night Raw, but at the end of the day, there are also a bunch of positives."
"The clouds are so cool, dude. I think the bone breakage really depends on what we hit when we land."
"Don't despise your living. It's all of those encounters, the joys and the disappointments, the ups and the Downs."
"Robert found four personal diaries of his father, which he kept, filling with innermost thoughts, for ten years, starting in 1963."
"The movie did have a bunch of good life lessons as well."
"i'm trying to reduce the reflections on this bowl but yeah i think we nailed it now that's looking good"
"Perhaps some good has come from all of it. The Republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers, nor I a better friend."
"The narrator acts as a storyteller providing viewers with insights and reflections on the lives of the Walton family."
"Specular reflections occur on very smooth surfaces like a mirror, metal, or even water."
"So those are some of my thoughts after six months and 5 000 miles of ownership."
"2023 was a really great year it had its ups and downs as every single year does and remember social media is a highlight reel."
"It eliminates reflections on cars, which means you firstly don't have to edit as much but also just keeps the car looking really clean."
"So when I finally got to the point where I was okay with my life coming to an end, I actually remember like exhaling, and feeling at peace, being completely at peace."
"2024: A much better year for the card world."
"The dead are referred to as shades or pale reflections of the men and women that they once were."
"You can see you have some nice HDR lighting going on here and you can also then in your Eevee settings here up in the render settings go ahead and enable screen space reflections."
"I'm always looking for dynamic color and reflections."
"Early reflections... give the room sides; if it takes a long time before you hear the first echo, you think you're in a big space."
"I really love capturing reflections, you know, people at intersections."
"Reflections... depending on how we focus on them, we can make interesting compositions."
"The Reflections in the water are always going to be a little bit distorted because of the lighting and because of the movement of the water."
"Soft light gradations and much more interesting reflections on your model."
"Reflections are a very good way of communicating that you're listening to a client."
"It's going to be really focusing in on the reflections to really make our materials more believable."
"This building has just been amazing; the reflections, the colors, the tones, the shapes."
"Out in the middle, it's easy to become disoriented by the blue on blue reflections as water meets sky, blurring the horizon."
"I just love reflections, I've always been obsessed with them."
"It doesn't look like much in this view, but that will offer some nice reflections when we actually do render."
"If you want to take reflection images, right after sunrise is the best time to do that."
"The new Blender 3.0 now has a built-in shadow catcher that does a great job with reflections."
"What's really cool about that is I now have my shadows and my reflections set to a separate piece of geometry."
"Reflections are one of those things that are easy to overlook, but they're so important."
"If we consider the point one two, when we do all possible reflections, we're going to wind up with eight points."
"Take a boat ride across the lake, marvel at the mirrored reflections of the mountains, and make sure to disembark at Saint Bartholomew's Church."
"It's just very important whenever you're doing Reflections to know what those lines Y equals X and Y equals negative X look like."
"Reflection probe is something that's going to allow you to specify a location to where you're going to get much better realistic looking reflections."
"Seeing here, there's some nice like reflections on these buildings."
"Wildly creative but his ability to capture reflections is just mind-blowing."
"That way each piece of glass makes many, many reflections that create the kaleidoscope's beautiful symmetrical patterns."
"The water takes on those blue kind of tones, you get beautiful reflections, and it is just such an amazing spot to sit in and watch what goes on."
"The reflections are wonderful, very pretty."
"It's really pretty that as the sun moves through the stained glass windows, the reflections are seen on the opposite walls."
"I'm going to have a ton of reflections of the colors that are around this vase."