
Self-centeredness Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"If you tend only to your own power, you are a disaster. You end up wildly unhappy and unfulfilled."
"The disease of addiction is so self-centered. It's like, me, me, mine."
"Our problem today is worshiping ourselves. I, I, I; iPhone, iPad, I everything."
"In order to be number one at anything, the world has got to revolve around you."
"Joy lasts forever. Pleasure is purely self-centered."
"The thing about being centered in your being is that if you're centered in your being, you can withstand suffering without becoming corrupted."
"Are you like a black hole, walking around, sucking in all the light? It's all about you, the spotlight needs to be upon you. Or when the spotlight is upon you, do you use that to bring other people into that spotlight, to promote them, to promote their life, to promote even maybe their ministry?"
"It's really all about what you want. That's what the whole universe is about."
"Arrogance is a lack of consideration for anybody else but yourself."
"The world doesn't revolve around you, or does it?"
"I think about me only. The whole point of life is to get out of yourself and help others."
"He is the chief narcissist, everything is about him."
"People who worship themselves always blame others."
"It's all about what you want, what's best for you, what makes you happy, and everyone else can go [ __ ] themselves."
"Donald Trump doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself."
"Love shows itself in its actions, not in his words, not by focusing on his own desires and bragging about it."
"It's like they're hosting their own game show based on themselves starring themselves."
"Not everything revolves around your interests."
"You need to be in the center of your personal universe."
"Focusing on some idea of others is actually quite self-centered."
"Pride is dangerously corrupt selfishness by putting one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of other people."
"In a world where the more of a victim you are, the more power you have, everyone will make everything about themselves."
"It starts with the attitude of entitlement which then, when people go into that attitude of entitlement, then it's a very short distance for them to also say, since it's all about me, I need to control you."
"It's all about her. It's 'I' over and over and over again."
"Self-worth doesn't mean I'm selfish, it means I'm centered on self. And that's okay."
"Solipsism is an interesting thought exercise, but you have to realise, you’re not the main character of the universe."
"People get into that thing where they're trying to, 'How do I make this about me?'"
"Michael was never after you, girl, get over yourself. It's not about you."
"The suspect always, always just really thinking about themselves."
"Virtuous victims are more than willing to be manipulative and self-centered but typically do not wish to engage in aggressive behaviors that may call their virtuosity into question."
"In the last days, the very first sign of this apostate church is that they're lovers of themselves."
"Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers..."
"Everything they're showing us is somebody who is so self-important and so about themselves."
"There's nothing more that makes you feel like the world is more about you than having two children."
"A small world is where the view is always stuck on you."
"But whatever its cause, excessive anger is a kind of insanity -- it reorients the entire world around oneself."
"All false religion is self-centered. The root is pride, and the fruit is bitterness and bondage."
"You're not gonna let her remove you off your center. Women play games, period."
"The game is all about me. I am the Alpha and the Omega of this game."
"I had no choice I had to do it see the opportunity or when I go everyone gonna Remember My Name Big Smoke."
"There's a saying that narcissists can cry for themselves um can't cry for somebody else um so they're just maybe crying over the loss of oh I don't have this person to use anymore maybe maybe I don't know it could just be more of the fake."
"Narcissism at its purest level is simply self-interest."
"Satan only loves Satan. He doesn't love anybody else. He only cares about himself and protecting himself."
"Be more vigilant of the people around you and don't be so damn selfish."
"The individual is the hub which all the identities serve."
"Maybe to be the ultimate greatest that we're talking about those guys are talking about maybe you have to be that [ __ ] where you're like this is for me I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else."
"I am the protagonist and this is my story, and you're merely just living in it."
"The tig is a very self-obsessed, self-centered blog where Meghan Markle talks about herself a lot."
"Enough about you. Time to start talking about me."
"Self-centeredness is another toxic behavior. Always thinking about what you want first."
"The endorsement, the 'this is all about me' kind of dealio."
"It's the incredible narcissism, you are at the center of the universe."
"The world revolves around you and just by your mere presence people will be inspired."
"99.9 percent of my thoughts go to me and the .001 percent go to me."
"You're the [ __ ] not everything is about you."
"Everybody on Survivor I think thinks the story revolves around them so everybody has that hope."
"They never put other people's feelings into consideration, they always put themselves first."
"It's just sad to know that when you bring over 50,000 self-centered people who only care about themselves into one place, this is what happens."
"He doesn't give a about any one of you he doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself."
"Makes every conversation about themselves without asking you anything in return."
"Make yourself your own mental point of origin and then you execute on that and then just be decisive with it."
"The queen did not care for anyone other than herself, and she cared for herself way too much."
"Staying above conversations keeps you centered, this keeps you grounded, this keeps you only focused on you."
"You've made this entire night about you and finding your soulmate."
"What do men enjoy talking about that keeps them talking? Themselves."
"The qualities celebrated in the cult of the self are antithetical to a moral life and to a society built on justice."
"The miserable, unhappy people who cause such misery and unhappiness to others are the self-centered people."
"It's everything is about me and how it affects me. They are at the center of the circle."
"Addiction is grounded in self-centeredness and selfishness. It is at the root of our disease, and I truly, truly believe that."
"I think that's the biggest realization for me is everyone's so [ __ ] focused on themselves, yeah, that they don't give a [ __ ] about you."
"I'm just craving that. I just would like life to be about me for a little."
"If it ain't about me, let's get next."
"...you are doing things for you, and you're much more self-centered, and not in a bad way, but just like rooted in this is what I want, I'm going after it."
"They often choose themselves almost like a bit of an address."
"'I ain't gonna lie, her hair is on point though.' But they are self-centered, at least from the way that y'all presented her."
"If someone is demeaning you and putting you down, they're narcissistic. It's all about them, only about them, all the time."
"Rory doesn't listen always and gets very preoccupied in her own problems."
"Constantly focused on themselves, lacking empathy."
"The world doesn't just revolve around you."
"Do you know that with George Galloway, the only thing he cares about is himself? He is self-aggrandizing to the max."
"The narcissism of it, I can think about me separate from everything else, is actually the one of the core drivers that everything up."
"Nobody cares about you. They care about themselves."
"I realized quickly that she was a world-class narcissist and had no interest in anyone but herself," I lamented.
"Seeing the world only through your own lens."
"This kind of revolving around the self."
"He made the whole thing about himself. It's so funny."
"Aries are pretty self-centered from the start they're trying to create this they're trying to turn their vitality into something really bold and really worthy."
"Let's talk about me for a second."
"It's all about myself because I'm thinking the total opposite."
"When I was with this person, there was nothing about me. Everything was about him."
"I love birthdays because that means it's all specially about me."
"The world doesn't revolve around you."
"I'm prepared to cut the suit. Absolutely not. I want all the memorials back home to be about me, just me."
"If it ain't about me, then I'm a kiki first on the dock."
"Nobody likes a youtuber with ego that makes the whole video about themselves."
"I think most people are thinking about themselves."
"If it ain't about me let's keep keeping this."
"Pride is lifting up self while putting down others."
"Put aside whatever's happened in the past. This isn't about you right now, this is about me."
"Little by little, the self-centered person is punished by being left alone."
"If it ain't about me, then I'ma kiki. First on the docket, I'ma talk [__]. Got my sugar, honey, iced tea. Do you wanna sip now? Period. I said what I said. Now, move along."
"We're not talking about you guys. We're not worried about you guys. It's about us."
"Your person thinks about these things, but I'm not going to lie to you guys, as much as I feel like this person does have possible feelings for you or they care for you, this person is mainly focused on themselves."
"Offended people cannot see beyond themselves that's why offense is dangerous because you only see you."
"Music challenges self-centeredness."
"All you really have, at some points when you're so selfish, is you. And that's just so lonely."
"I make everything about myself, not only as a psychological problem but also as a comedy trope."
"Pride will cause you to think everything is about you."
"They behave as though everything must revolve around them."
"People truly believe they can do what they want when they want because the world revolves around them."
"You probably think this is all about you."
"Extremely insecure people... lack empathy towards other people because it's all about their issues and they have a lot."
"If you're living like it's all about you, you're gonna have one miserable lap around the track. I'm gonna tell you that."
"This trickle-down effect of the more egocentric side of being so special instead of understanding from an evolutionary perspective."
"People who are classic clinical narcissists tend to be extremely self-focused and self-centered."
"Your ex was a narcissist; everything he did revolved around personal gain, pleasure, and gathering attention at the expense of others, including you, divine feminine."
"I don't really give a (beep) about anything besides me and my happiness and the (beep) that's important to me."
"Just say what you're really thinking: 'Everybody else is less important than me.'"
"I knew somehow this was all about you."
"The quickest way to get off your mission is when your narcissistic, egocentric, individualistic, self-saturated believer can only say 'me, me, me, me, me.'"
"Comparison will always start with this phrase: 'But me.'"
"...a child is by nature self-centered and in a healthy family gets to expect their parents to complement this self-centeredness with support admiration appreciation and love."
"She was there to help and you included her and helped her, and it's like this self-centered person who truly is describing your wedding as their day."
"You invest yourself in yourself, and you become very self-centered and selfish."
"It's a very self-centered sort of thing to be depressed."
"Following your passion is a very me-centered view of the world."
"She cannot help herself. She's got like this tick where she can't not make it about her to her own detriment."
"It really does feel like I'm the center of the universe and everything needs to be fixed for me."
"When life is about you, whether it's sex or your job, you are living separated from reality."
"A narcissist preys off others, using them to meet their own needs through grandiosity, entitlement, and attention seeking."
"The only people they ever want to talk about are them."
"The world does not revolve around you."
"Narcissism is a short-term way of saying that there are some individuals who are so consumed with having their way that they have no particular need to factor in the needs of other individuals."
"There's hardly any room in their minds for thoughts about anyone other than themselves."
"Relax, sorry, because I, a main character, want everything to be about me."
"Give no [ __ ] about nobody else. You're, they're narcissists."
"The spiritual life should free us from a preoccupation with ourselves, but all too often, it just becomes another way of being preoccupied with ourselves."
"It's just kind of not in my vocabulary. I don't really know how people accept that. Look down the barrel of your wedding and say it's not about me. Of course it's about me. It's my freaking wedding."
"Selfishness is the worship of yourself."
"Me, me, me, me, talk all the time."
"Sagittarius are natural narcissists."
"Some of you guys really do feel like the world revolves around you."
"You don't have to be an egotist or a narcissist to be egoistic."
"The world revolves around me and your mere opinion doesn't mean [__] to my facts."
"There's never been an entity more self-centered than a teenager."
"Do you know what I mean, everyone thinking of themselves so much they're never actually looking at you."
"I don't think this person can really see anything but their own troubles that are in front of their face."
"God exists to make me happy, basically."
"He's the human Twitter feed. He talks in little phrases and everything's about himself."
"Nobody actually does hate her. The real problem here is that you can't stop thinking about yourself for five [ __ ] seconds."
"It's about me. Everyone get on board or leave me alone because for the next couple years it's going to be about me."
"The only way that you can succeed as a recording artist is you've got to take a pretty large chunk of your teens or your 20s and just be a total [ __ ] and just be like it's about me."
"Fools reject God, worship themselves, and mock sin."
"The basic problem we have is a worship problem. Most people are worshippers of themselves. Our basic problem is a worship problem."
"This is your world, and everybody else is just living in it. The world does revolve around me, actually it does."
"Strife is primarily a manifestation of self-centeredness."
"They wanted you to think that nothing mattered more than what they said, what they did, and the betterment of themselves."
"Being egocentric doesn't serve us or the people around us."
"How to be perfectly miserable: If you want to be perfectly miserable, only think about yourself and talk about yourself."
"Everybody's world revolves around themselves. They don't actually think about you, believe it or not."
"Remember hearing a preacher years ago, he literally says from the pulpit, 'God got a good thing when I got saved because it's all about me, it's all about me, Jesus.' Wrong, wrong."
"These people are always miserable because their self-centeredness, their attachment to four of the eight worldly concerns, their rejection of the other, their mind is so revolved around this that they can't just let things be."
"We mess things up because we're just thinking about ourselves."
"The world definitely does not revolve around me, but sometimes you gotta think like, I wonder if Alani was like, 'Hey, let's push these cherry slashes out there.'"
"The date is about them, bro. They'll be there talking about themselves for a whole two hours."
"It is part of the general solipsism of our time, part of what Dean Fitch refers to as the odyssey of the self-centered self. I count and nobody else counts. Under the circumstances, that which gives me pleasure is, in and of itself, a venerable objective."
"It's crazy how some people need things to be about themselves and crave attention, even if it's negative."
"Narcissists have such a strong sense of 'I' and 'me' that they don't really make room for 'us' and 'we.'"
"Everybody is the center of their universe."
"The root of all sin is rooted in self."
"One of my biggest social peeves is people who don't ask questions and who just talk about themselves the whole time."
"You're the beginning and end of your own world, Steve, and it's so small."
"Nobody wants a friend who constantly talks about themselves."
"...we have lived self-centered lives and taught our children to do the same."
"The narcissist's nearest and dearest are reduced to mere representations, avatars, extensions of himself."
"Everything is not always about you."
"The world does not revolve around you, and people do not notice your failures as much as you do."
"I don't like this is something about grown-ass people who act like the world is supposed to revolve around them."
"Feel as if the world revolves around you in a non-pretentious way."
"My definition of a narcissist is someone who's self-absorbed, someone who thinks the world revolves around them."
"If you live for yourself, you'll be an empty, isolated, lonely person."
"Taking things personally is the ultimate expression of self-centeredness because it's the assumption that everything revolves around you."
"Selfishness and self-centeredness are the root of our troubles."
"Self-centeredness is the root cause of all sin; Christ-centeredness is the root of holiness."
"Greed is always self-centered and never satisfied."
"More and more Americans realize that we can evolve and start to think about ourselves as the centers of this economy rather than inputs into this giant capital efficiency machine."
"The greatest sin among us is lovelessness, and that lovelessness is rooted in self-centeredness."
"You're already in the best spot you possibly could be, right here, right now."
"Selfishness and self-centeredness that we think is the root of our troubles."
"We fault the sun for being the center of our universe? No, because if we did... our seas wouldn't rise and our oxygen wouldn't... when we start looking at the importance of being self-centered... things begin to function in harmony."
"Not everything's about you, and you can't always take everything personally."
"A narcissist is a person that has an inability to experience empathy, does not really know how to put another ahead of himself or herself, is consumed with self-preservation and self-elevation."
"Jesus came to deliver this old Covenant self-centered people into a god-centered people."
"If you are so narcissistic that everything in your life becomes about you and not the other people, then that's a much more serious problem."
"It should orbit around me; I don't have to do anything, I just walk."
"Desire is something that is me-centered; love is a state of being."
"Ego is what is destroying us. Our inability to displace our loyalty away from the unique locus of space and time represented by our own bodies."
"Self-centeredness has been glorified in our culture."
"This is going to be all about you."
"The alternate name for my book should be 'Quit Being So Self-Centered'."