
Nonlinear Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Life isn't this linear thing that we think it is; it's a constant journey, a spiral."
"Unlike Red Dead Redemption 1, the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 won't be entirely linear."
"Shadowman offers a uniquely ambitious game for its time with a non-linear structure that rewards genuine exploration."
"You can't plan the whole journey because it's not like that, life is not linear, it's organic."
"Opportunities that take you from the bottom to the top, sometimes the journey is not linear."
"Optimization is about being a little bit better tomorrow than you are today, not in a linear path."
"It's a form of progression that is not tied to your level."
"Healing doesn't happen in a straight line. It's not linear."
"You have experiences in this game, you don't have narratives."
"Progress is not linear, but with determination, it is inevitable."
"One of the difficulties of telling a story in Magic is that it's non-linear, right? You get 15 or 16 little windows into the setting and the story that we're trying to tell."
"The future belongs to groups that are fluid, fast, and non-linear."
"...Nolan visualizes Leonard's amnesia through a deviously non-linear narrative..."
"We could trigger these from midi and as we play this now instead of playing straight linearly through."
"It just completely dispels every myth of like this very linear path of life that the modern world has created for us."
"I just ask everyone not to start at the chronological beginning over here because you're not going to get through. It's also interesting to tour the timeline backwards or jump into the middle and kind of break this idea of history as a linear progression."
"Healing is painful, healing is messy, healing is not linear."
"It's really weird how healing is so not linear."
"Time isn't a straight line for us anymore, allowing all the previous events I talked about to occur."
"Power progression in Naruto is linear but the line isn't straight."
"What nobody tells you is that healing is not linear."
"History is not merely a linear connection of points that we pass through on a timeline."
"These type of things take time. Progress is not linear."
"I think Tarantino's great strength in these... these first couple of movies is that he has told these... he tells these stories you know nonlinearly and you never get lost, yeah, at any point, totally."
"Strategy is not a linear process."
"Tipping points are very much not linear. Once we cross them, even by a little bit, big changes can happen abruptly and irreversibly."
"Long story short, this is not going to be a nice linear video of how to align a model 2200 Panasonic radio."
"As the story progresses, it's not really like we start at the beginning and we make our way to the end. It's more like adding on information, not so much a linear kind of point A to point B."
"It’s a very non-linear, chaotic, complex process that we as historians get to study."
"I tell people my journey was not linear."
"Time is not a line but a Taurus, which is kind of like a doughnut."
"Grieving isn't linear. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"You don't have to do everything in a linear fashion with shadow work."
"It's not a straight line, it's happening all at the same time."
"Creativity cannot be measured and it doesn't work linearly."
"A series where everything exists in the same universe, but you don't have to read all the books in order."
"The most gratifying way forward isn't always a straight line."
"The most fascinating parts about that movie was that the way their language was constructed, it's not constructed, they don't look at time as linear, they look at it as circular."
"The path to healing is not always linear."
"Truth, fiction, time, place, logic, and cause all fold in on themselves, creating an Escher-like narrative structure that refuses to be linearized in any kind of story map."
"Time ceases to be the measurement of normal movement; it increasingly appears for itself and creates paradoxical movements."
"Cybernetics offers models for understanding processes that are too complicated to model in terms of linear cause-and-effect."
"Growth is non-linear... Your growth as a player is not going to be linear."
"It's a non-linear transformation of my input."
"You think linearly, and that's not what this is about."
"Your journey won't be linear; you're gonna have ups and downs."
"Secularization is not inevitable and neither is it a linear process."
"Time is no longer linear but simultaneous; past, present, and future coexist, all exist in parallels."
"Social change isn't linear but rather it moves in cycles."
"Confidence is not linear, you know."
"This is a journey that is not linear."
"The secularization theory cannot be interpreted in a linear or uniform fashion."
"Sometimes creativity is not necessarily a linear path."
"Embrace the sloppiness... the most effective learning isn't linear and straightforward, it's actually kind of scattered, it almost seems disorganized."
"Stories could be cyclical, they didn't have to be linear."
"Creativity is anything but linear."
"For us, sacred time is non-linear time."
"Because since when has creativity ever been linear? Brains don't work like that!"
"Most things in life don't follow this linear path; instead, most things follow a curved one."
"Ascension was cool because it showed off the non-linear way that the prophets think."
"It's just important for you to remember that all these stages are not linear... it's a process and the more you work at it and work through it, the better off you're going to be in the long run."
"GAMS give us a framework to model in a flexible way non-linear relationships."
"Revelation is not to be read in a linear chronological fashion."
"History does not always march forward. History can travel sideways and sometimes backwards."
"Evolution is a spiral, not a straight line."
"Progression is not linear and regression is not linear either."
"We need nonlinear interactions between photons."
"Healing is not linear. I have bad days and I have good days."
"We really appreciate a movie that does things out of chronological order well... because you have that moment towards the end when everything crystallizes and it makes sense."
"Learning isn't this linear process... you are always jumping from all of these different processes, going up and down and back to things and forwards through things."
"In the fourth dimension, our experience of time is not always linear, and in our sleep, we can access this fourth dimension."
"Everyone's path is never going to be linear and definitely going to be different."
"The path of Spiritual Development is not linear, and each step forward is a step closer to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you."
"The collector's journey is not linear."
"Our career path doesn't have to be linear."
"Success isn't linear; you can take different paths to achieving the things that you want."
"There's not a linear path to success... there's not like one straight path to what you want to do."
"Retirement spending more mimics and looks like a retirement smile rather than a linear line moving through time."
"The design process is not a linear one; it's an iterative process."
"My journey in this has been so non-linear, every single time up and down."
"Time itself isn't presented as linear; there's flashbacks coupled in between current happenings."
"Your life is painted, and a lot of people see linear journeys."
"That there is no linear path in life, that you're actually here to jump from one letter to the other and it doesn't have to be like a, b, c, d, e."
"Not everything can be explained in a linear fashion."
"The creative journey and learning anything is up and down the whole time, always. It's not linear."
"It's a non-linear process; it's an emergent process."
"Progress happens not in a linear fashion whatsoever, it kind of comes in waves."
"It's a nice command, it's based on this what's called an Elder Mead simplex method, and it's a way of doing nonlinear curve fitting."
"Learning a new skill is not perfectly linear."
"Evolution isn't linear, we didn't evolve from something that was a chimp, and it's certainly not directional."
"Creativity is more of a wave than a linear line; it ebbs and flows."
"I don't write an outline; I don't write in a straight line."
"When we're dealing with a non-linear analysis, things get a little bit more crazy."
"It's not a straight line, but it is progress."
"I didn't go straight into healthcare administration straight out of college from an internship or from a fellowship; my journey to get to where I am was not a straight path."
"Nonlinear problems are becoming increasingly more tractable because of computational techniques."
"The healing process is not linear. I've gone through many ups and downs."
"My journey on social media is not going to be linear either and that's okay."
"This journey is not a linear journey."
"Achieving the extraordinary is not a linear process."
"It digresses freely backwards and forwards in time, there is no linear narration."
"Healing is never linear, we heal at our own pace."
"Scientific advance doesn't occur on a linear continuum; it occurs in fits and stops and jolts and cliffs and abrupt changes."
"Growth is never a linear process; it's always ups and downs."
"Time is not linear; it's mutable."
"Success isn't linear; it's more like this and all over the place."
"It's a very interesting way to tell a story because it kind of jumps. It's not very linear."
"Your journey isn't linear; it's a constant period of evolution and growth."
"Happiness is not linear, don't let anybody tell you that it is."