
Cultural Criticism Quotes

There are 614 quotes

"If you hire four pre-pubescent girls and teach them to do graphic adult dancing and then put that movie out for people to watch, you should be canceled."
"You look at our culture today, and the number one thing that's under attack is the nuclear family."
"It's funny how every time the protagonist of a Resident Evil franchise usually American, goes into any poor village... steals all their shit, buys weapons, and wipes the floor with them, and then they get heralded as the hero."
"If we're allowed to analyze why art makes us feel so much, how it can help heal us, we should also be allowed to analyze the ways in which it harms us."
"No other people in all of history would have looked at throwing softballs at one another on a school playground or in a gym and said, 'Right, this is how we're oppressing each other through dehumanization.'"
"It's a very, very good time to be a writer, firstly because there's so many unexamined presumptions in our time, and secondly, not many people want to tread on them."
"Nietzsche wanted to offer a new set of values, a new cultural orientation to the West."
"Culture is being evaluated for its moral correctness more than for its quality."
"You cannot understand the problem that we have in our culture at this moment without understanding colleges of education and teacher training programs."
"Faith, patriotism, hard work, family—these things have disappeared, and I think that leaves a moral vacuum in its wake, a black hole. And when you have a black hole that runs that deep, that is when the poison fills the void."
"Jay-Z knows damn well that Fred Hampton and the Black Panthers were anti-capitalist."
"We live in a moment of Western and particularly American self-loathing."
"I can no longer be an active participant in any culture or movement that encourages groupthink, outrage on demand, fear and violence, revamped segregation, fabricating history, cancellations masked as accountability."
"A radical awakening has two layers: the first is to understand that we are living in a man-constructed cultural matrix that has pretty much lied to us about our essence."
"Reason was invented by Western values that want to perpetuate themselves and dominate the world."
"We really have, I think we really have over the past few decades, call it Boomer theology, we have had this little Gnostic, pietistic, nihilistic bent."
"Masculinity's on the decline, it's being demonized."
"I love the lie in the movie: 'We're a generation of men raised by women.' I'm starting to wonder if another woman is exactly what we need."
"I'm sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies sexuality of unwilling participants."
"If you use words like cultural Marxism and you send cartoons like Ron Paul did with deeply offensive caricatures of other races and religions yes you are racist and bigoted and anti-semitic."
"Identity should be so much more than non-gmo organic gluten-free bread."
"There's a lot to learn from history when you take off the modern superiority goggles."
"We now live in an era in which the left insists... that we rewrite biology, language, religion, politics, art—all of these things must be rewritten so that we all stay woke."
"The reaction to cultural woke scolding is people in politics saying, 'You know what? I'm not gonna be scolded by these people. I'm just gonna vote for whomever is most likely to break things.' That's where this is going."
"Political correctness is a disease that has infected too many institutions in America."
"We have moved from being proud of ourselves to being told that we have nothing to be proud of, that the West is worst."
"This represents black women. Anybody who chooses to bear a child with Future is doing it from a place of self-hate at this point."
"Cancel culture has been here since the very beginning canceled abel and guess what it wasn't with a big scary ar-15 it was with a rock."
"This is America, y'all. This is not a [] third world country, my []. This [__] is bananas, bro. This is nuts."
"They're trying to destroy what made this country great if Tucker was still on the air he would be furious about this."
"When I hear people say that stupid pop music is empowering to women... I could only think that that is incredibly demeaning and insulting to women."
"If we sub out parenting and discipleship to a secular progressive government system, we are setting ourselves up for disaster in the next generation." - Kirk Cameron
"For centuries, people have claimed that lazy people are bad, lazy people ruin society, lazy people are useless. But what if laziness isn't even a real thing?"
"America is [__] lazy, fat, and in a lot of ways stupid."
"I think what's happening in this country is we are the most culturally and spiritually impoverished nation in the world."
"I just see us as Americans losing our way, losing that which made us great as a nation, all of that is going out the window."
"Cancel culture, free speech is under attack."
"Endlessly apologizing for our ancestors might make some sensitive people feel better about themselves and get them a few likes on social media."
"American culture is in shambles it's in Decay."
"We live in an age where the Scots make fun of us, and it's justified."
"This is dumb and it's dangerous and our brother nearly fuller talks about how black people we've been programmed to run away from constructive behavior."
"The weakness of a postmodernist analysis is that it doesn't take into account the actual problems and requirements of the people living in these societies."
"These policies have not just been wrong; they've in some cases been detrimental."
"To become intimate, to become awake, we need to be aware of how culture has lied to us."
"The housewife figure is routinely disrespected in our culture."
"So the reason why her complaints about the Christians on the flight rub some of us the wrong way is that it's consistent with a long-established theme, and that theme is Omar's lack of gratitude."
"Calling food exotic reinforces xenophobia and racism."
"I just think that this is just another sign of the decay of the core and the soul of this country."
"Korra isn't too Western because Republic City reminds you of New York, it's too Western because its creators can't break free from presenting the modern Western political and social model as the end goal."
"We suffer in the United States from what I'd call an idolatry of innovators."
"Can't you see you're not making Christianity better you're just making rock and roll worse."
"Our culture of shaming and misrepresentation is disrespectful and unaccepting of anyone outside its echo chamber."
"Entertainment should be Disney's. They have crossed a line when it comes to our children."
"They want to take away everything everything you love and value and replace it with emptiness."
"Wokeness is a religion, and it's not just us concerned with the damage it's doing to our societies."
"They're trying to take away everything, to fill our roles, trying to destroy nuclear families."
"For me, it actually-- I think about this kind of shame, the shaming that you're discussing, as being a cultural issue with femininity at large, and a kind of shaming and disrespecting of femininity as a power in the universe."
"Soph is a 14 year old girl who will not we call you the c-word, she'll do it while espousing views that go against modern progressive thought in pretty much every single way possible."
"Cancel participation trophies. Seriously, that's a big reason, that's part of it."
"Americans tend to always think America is the worst."
"I don't think he should be canceled. I don't think any of them should be canceled."
"If you wish to reverse this decline then perhaps our society should stop on a cultural level normalizing and championing Child free living as though it is an alternative good to choosing to have kids."
"Jordan Peterson said to Ethan Klein not to appease the people on the far left because no matter what you do they'll hold you to a higher and higher standard."
"I think the people who are always railing against cancel culture as a concept are often, it's mostly just an issue of they're not used to being held accountable for saying and doing really harmful shit like that."
"The values imposed on us in our schools and on the television and everything are abnormal when you look at ancient texts from our own culture."
"Everything have to be culture work? You know what I mean."
"The woke cult thought it'd make them money, then they got broke."
"My whole life's a lie, kids go and burn your sublime CDs."
"The truth is chloroformed in this culture, wherever you go it's a truthless society."
"Does anybody ever really think about the reason that 'get woke, go broke' is so obviously and dramatically true?"
"It's alarming, the inability for American people to think outside of the box nowadays."
"The trans cult does something else too... it attacks and destabilizes the family."
"We want to create a culture where you're looked at askance a little bit if you're making over a million dollars a year."
"There's a lot of dissatisfaction today with a materialist atheistic culture... people want to believe that there's something beyond the reality that we know and experience."
"I'm quite tired of the global assault on human values."
"Critical race theory, the 1619 project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison."
"We're allowing these communist shithills who genuinely loathe our civilization to use language to destroy it."
"Satan mimics everything God has put in place, he's tried to pervert everything as we see happening today."
"The hero's journey masculinity right... the better it is, the worse it does."
"Gotta get it out your house. All right, here we go. Harry Potter books, they gotta go. Every last one of them."
"Contempt for canceled culture is little more than contempt for democracy."
"I never dreamed it would get this bad I thought it would get bad but not this bad and so you wake up now and you you see the the sexualization of children."
"Wokism is the new religion of the West, redefining so many things, masquerading under the guise of compassion and justice, but underneath it all is an evil ideology." —
"Comfortable Christianity is largely to blame for why our country is in the place that it's in the last 20 or 30 years."
"In the post-Judeo-Christian world, when people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything."
"I think there does need to be some pushback against those kinds of this is basically you are you're crapping on our traditions you're using our traditions for your own politics not acceptable I think that kind of pushback does need to happen."
"Maybe culture is shifting... feminism is a detriment to women's mental health."
"Capitalism sells us movies about the end of the world, but it's almost impossible to imagine the end of capitalism."
"As for me, you know, I think what our culture lacks most of all is not empathy, it's not feeling, it's not pity or patronizing pats on the head, but truth."
"The woke stuff is not a game, this is not some patty cake."
"No country can survive teaching their kids to despise their own country and you see that so much from the left."
"All the things in culture, all the things in life must reflect the dictats of the woke left. It's the most authoritarian force in American life right now."
"I genuinely believe that we have a rotten culture."
"King of the Hill's writing effortlessly ridiculed so many crazy cultural trends, movements, and issues."
"This kind of moral hypocrisy is of course quite common among the woke."
"It's time we move past storytelling altogether, abolish all films and television shows and burn all books."
"Don't let government or corporate wokism or cultural Marxism bully you into being a sheep."
"The problem is people in Hollywood have always thought of themselves as America's moral betters and they just are not."
"I wish we were less prone to make fun of other people's interests."
"I hate how often we take the next step and say therefore anyone who likes Twilight must have terrible taste."
"It's so funny when Christians will look at like Muslims and they'll be like you wear the hijab like how oppressive and then they'll turn around to like a woman in a mini skirt like what a disgusting for I hope she gets a rape."
"It's a failure of the Western mind to get what you want and still hate yourself."
"The pressure to conform to perversion... the abnormal has become normal, when right has become wrong."
"Teenage girls were spoon-fed terrible advice in the 1960s."
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"I'm worried about the kids who get this, the teenagers who get maligned as awful bigots, racists, xenophobes, transphobes just for having an opinion that may not go with the, you know, the mainstream."
"We're not being given positive inspiring male Heroes to look up to anymore and the ones that we used to enjoy are having their legacies slowly eroded and undermined."
"If there's an opposite of the Renaissance or the Golden Age, we're living it now. I mean seriously, it's the dark ages of film."
"When it comes to the creation of culture, the establishment is failing miserably."
"The Karen remains such a useful cultural touchstone because she can be adapted to almost any situation where someone's being unreasonably difficult."
"This is deliberate destruction of pop culture."
"Sure we can laugh at how silly Al and the other Bundys are but can we not want them to do better too and maybe do better in a way that isn't just tearing down the people around them."
"We reject this woke ideology. We seek normalcy, not philosophical lunacy."
"If you're going along with all of the fashionable woke ideas of the day and particularly of the past six months then you're wrong."
"Wokeness is an attempt to recreate the dynamics of Christianity without Christ. It's an attempt to reconstruct a kind of Marxist form of Christianity."
"Imagine the people who defeated the Nazis then being called Nazis by some diversity wank who sits behind a desk."
"Wokeness is the left's religion. Banning critical race theory or the 1619 project won't fix the problem."
"We've got to grow the economy, reduce hydro rates, stop the woke culture, and put a check on lobbyists."
"The closing of the campus mind has become the closing of the American mind." - Dinesh D'Souza
"They float in this kind of spiritual but not religious flea market."
"I think Bill Styron knew exactly what he was doing. He played at the worst fears of white America, fantasizing about the lustful feelings that black men had for white women."
"Mental colonization... it's quite appropriate that Estelle is worried about makeup."
"Geopolitics, Global power, the reach of Empires, the history of great Nations is not something to be trivialized the way Hollywood and contemporary thinkers try to do."
"Everything is a virtue signal because they don't have god, they don't have religion, they don't have faith, so they need some other religious substitute."
"Maybe we don't have a bunch of different Protestant faiths as it pertains to the socio-political environment, but I think that we would all have to agree at the very least that America has become a system of cultural paganism." - Candace Owens
"We will puncture the pomposity of our elites in politics, business, media, and academia, and expose their growing promotion of cancel culture to the threat of free speech and democracy that it is."
"The hold of Islam over the Muslim populations was mainly a matter of ignorance."
"This is the worst, most insufferable amped up modern female empowerment girl boss cringe I have ever seen."
"The culture's in trouble because you have pursued another God."
"There are no moderators left in our culture."
"Their problem isn't Star Wars, their problem is being threatened."
"Truth and freedom are always connected in a post-truth culture. They're disconnected, but according to Jesus, they actually are connected in a particularly intertwined manner."
"Culture and even like, yeah, shows like 'Say Yes to the Dress,' 'Bridezilla'... telling women that they're worthless if they are alone."
"Black Culture is trash today, it promotes this contention, this 'I don't give a [ __ ]' attitude."
"I just don't have to contribute to a culture that's just toxic."
"We have a fundamental problem in Western societies with multiculturalism and mass immigration."
"Wokeness is the modern left liberal culture formulated by social media algorithms it is characterized by cult-like adherence to Liberal social Orthodoxy that's all it is."
"People no longer have gratitude for their country, for their family, for their God. It seems like we're in more of an entitlement society than a grateful society."
"The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gains over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end."
"You can't be politically correct. You can't gauge something that's creative and artistic and then it has to fit a certain criteria in order to be great. If something's great, it's great. If something's good, it's good."
"Only by first destroying civilization through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity could liberation occur."
"Multiculturalism is an asymmetrical system in which Europeans are expected to celebrate other cultures."
"I'm surprised George Strait hasn't been canceled at this point."
"I hate Indians, they are beastly people with a beastly religion." - Churchill
"This is very emblematic of the utter state of the Western woman: rejecting the natural order of things and wanting more, yet ending up empty."
"The more people that have that attitude, the less the cancel culture people will fade into the background."
"I think that they don't care about that what they truly care about is pushing their view of America as innately flawed."
"Why does Hollywood seem to hate the idea of business?"
"Audiences don't hate diverse characters, what they hate is being slammed as bigots for rejecting bad work from pretentious, unskilled activists."
"The fact that that's controversial is a statement about what's happened to our culture."
"Once Europeans stop farting around with all this equality and democracy nonsense, I think we will go to the Stars."
"In her essay 'The Rise and Fall of the Disposable Black Girlfriend,' Yomi Adegoke describes the disposable black love interest as a race-bent gender-specific version of the disposable fiancée or romantic false lead tropes."
"This sort of cancel culture on steroids is a very dangerous thing."
"We've seen the left come after actors like Chris Pratt for the great sin of going to a traditional church that suggests that men and women are different. How dare he?"
"We're kind of in this spell right now in American society where they are pursuing this plotline everywhere that the villains are actually the heroes."
"I don't understand how there is such a degree of conformity and you're now seeing... they're literally pretending that it didn't happen."
"For the past few years, I feel like a lot of people have been walking on eggshells, unable to fully breathe almost because we're so afraid of saying the wrong thing, offending someone, and then having this authoritarian mob jump down our throats."
"We need a revolution of the mind of our culture we have to again appreciate the common good cuz selfish consumerist unfettered capitalism is a death spiral that's where it leads."
"They really think the rest of the religions in the world are just insanely stupid."
"It's fed by the rise of cheap speech... a boom industry based on selling outrage... has infected the Catholic world as well."
"The notion that it's doing terrible psychological harm to have a boys and girls section of a toy store is idiotic."
"It's like the pendulum has swung us back into the dark ages."
"It makes sense for him to urinate on a Grammy, a sign that he's alright, rejecting white exploitation."
"So I do think it's very funny that the two things which are gonna last the longest are like the pyramids which we all learned about in history and then like just Mount Rushmore is just an eye rolling thing awful that whole thing was."
"The woke have gone crazy, we need Law and Order."
"Why are all these secular lost rock groups talking about September and talking about the leaving of the church and talking about how they can't wait to rule in their kingdom?"
"Leftists, they suck the fun out of everything."
"You create this myth they don't care about human rights."
"We are an entertainment culture that treats people as disposable commodities and then we're shocked when people are treated as disposable commodities."
"There is evil in the world and that evil is in the form of democrats and people in hollywood who are satanists."
"We are incredibly self-absorbed at this moment in our history."
"Don't ever spend a moment of your life trying to make woke people happy because by definition they are permanently unhappy."
"We say that the Babylon Bee speaks truth to a culture that no longer believes in truth, and we're just looking for ways to do that."
"Painful but necessary discussion of why we should replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. Spoiler alert: he was a total a**."
"Vaporwave is inexorably tied to a discussion of the detritus and forgotten artifacts that capitalism leaves in its wake."
"It requires a certain amount of privilege and having won the culture wars to be able to cancel someone."
"Time you tell me about cultural appropriation right there."
"I just thought of another idea, I'm gonna try to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid."
"Anyone's entitled to their own opinion, but trust me, I don't think the devil is scheming to build the metaverse."
"The left has ruined a particular form of fiction that I used to be really fond of."
"This is cultural degradation, this is moral decay."
"They can say that Stephen Crowder's jokes are just racism under a veil of humor but when I say that Dave Chappelle's jokes are just transphobia under a veil of humor, I'm being ridiculous."
"We're obsessed with problematic... the only historical figures we're still allowed to honor."
"We sometimes hear in this country, 'You know, always number one.' And I cringe at that."
"They want the world to be completely joyless, humorless, and frankly sexless."
"It's about destroying the cultural integrity, it's the vulgarization of American History."
"Culture does not exist to serve the genome...you are taking it on faith."
"Seuss's caricatures are hurtful anachronisms."
"Former U.S champion Adam Rippon talked about the culture of starvation in figure skating... poor nutrition often led to stress fractures that later developed into worse injuries."
"You grow up in a culture that's very authoritarian... if your body or psychological state fails it's because you're weak."
"Any person with a modicum of instruction in the affairs of our time clearly sees the current inferiority of Muslim countries... This senseless pride is the radical flaw of the Muslim."
"We need Hollywood to mock this shit, but first they need to realize how idiotic they look."
"Trying to control it just so other people don't have to think makes you no better than Anita Sarkeesian."
"Those ugly totems...all of these collectivist detritus...are now being exposed fully to the light."
"We will continue to destroy reverence for all historical figures with human flaws until people are morally perfect or our country lies in ruins." - Mayor Bitterly
"Modern culture is stagnant, man. They keep regurgitating the same stuff and injecting whiteness into it. It's garbage."
"This is a much needed film. They're working hard feminizing the men and boys out here so we have to counter that type of stuff."
"Cancel culture is the most illiberal thing you can imagine, and the campuses have become ideological centers rather than free-thinking centers."
"A culture like what we see in Afghanistan under the Taliban is bad in every sense of the word."