
Social Connectivity Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Physical distance doesn't mean social distance."
"When I got to college, I started wanting to build products that would let me connect with the people around me."
"People who are socially connected are more resilient, they get through hard times more easily, they live longer."
"A well-connected individual in a poorly connected society is not as productive as a well-connected individual in a well-connected society."
"Never before has community been more important on your planet."
"I know he's got a lot of friends who have Nintendo switches. If I get them an Xbox, they can play with their friends."
"I bet you it's a little like heroin, so don't start. It's great having that connection with people around you."
"2020 was the year that gaming became to the world what it always has been: this social experience that connects people straight away."
"The result will be increased connections between people."
"Share your location and find friends with the Find People app."
"People use memes to simultaneously express their uniqueness and their connectivity."
"Food is the widest door into any culture. It brings people together and has so many connective dots."
"Connectivity is the final nail in the coffin for men's sensual market value today."
"The nice thing is if you've got friends in different cities and they're playing the same game, you can both go online at the same time and play the game together."
"Just reaching out to them, texting them, calling them, whatever it is, just reach out to two friends for sure every single day."
"Games aren't always meant to be experienced alone. Playing online helps me connect with my friends in a time where in-person social interaction is pretty damn scarce, and the music, well, it's literally made to bolster those moments."
"Self-isolation doesn't mean social isolation."
"The more connected we are, the more isolated we have become."
"What do you love most about YouTube and social media?... I like the connection with everybody."
"We need connection, collaboration, conversation."
"I think our humanity is dependent on having – like the survival of our species is going to depend on how much of a sense of humor and connectivity we have around that humor."
"There's no strangers to Taylor. She never met a stranger. She would meet somebody and she would have that person feeling that they were best friends within minutes."
"It is great to have you guys as our community because this is one of the things that you can't shake you can't lose and that is great communities."
"Games can have a positive impact on your well-being and bring people together better than any other medium."
"You're one of those people that will be friends with everyone as long as they have a good vibe."
"The internet allows you to connect with people better than you ever could in your own micro-city."
"Back in high school, you were friends with everyone – your warmth draws people close."
"Stronger ties make for better communities and we believe our products and services are most useful when people are connected to people, groups, and organizations they care about."
"Gaming has really opened up that door for me and it helps connect you to other people in this world."
"When darkness sets in you can always turn to your Fox and wood friends ink quills and parchment paper for friends near and far."
"You'll be one of the people that everyone calls on a Friday night to find out what to do, the one that knows about every party before it happens."
"There's no substitute for this connectivity, right?"
"It's just way easier to connect with people."
"Enjoy yourself guys and I will see you guys tomorrow. Let's go!"
"We need to organize and stay connected more than ever before."
"We need a better way to connect with people."
"KaiOS is such a promising platform for people who just want to have the basic social stuff."
"If you look at a thickly connected network where people are interacting with each other... then the variety of people who are the source of information that people see takes on a completely different character."
"You're not just this narrow slice of cerebral activity; you're a body, you're in physical space, you're a social being connected to other people."
"How connected are we? How much trust do we have in each other?"
"WiFi has started connecting travelers... they start talking with each other, they start finding out, 'what did you do while you're here?' 'How long have you been in Madrid?' And they start sharing their ideas."
"There's a really wide range of people that I can use this with because I care about a lot of people in my life and I want to make sure I stay connected."
"The popular page was the key. It was the place to find out that you could follow anyone from around the world."
"The idea of six degrees of separation is that everyone in the world is connected to each other by six steps through a friendship network or acquaintances network."
"The six degrees of Kevin Bacon is based on the six degrees of separation concept."