
Presumption Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"What happens if you're accused of something falsely... let's slow down, don't judge, let's presume the good in people."
"An indictment returned by a legally constituted and unbiased grand jury is presumed to be valid on its face."
"Actual Prejudice is not needed when the extraordinary length of delay raises a presumption of actual Prejudice." - Grizzard V State 301 Georgia appeals 613
"A good criminal defense lawyer always starts with a presumption of guilt, not a presumption of innocence."
"If this person is innocent until proven guilty, then this person is also honest until proven otherwise."
"He loved you so much that he was willing to die, but don't presume."
"That just doesn't sound like the voice of someone who's about to take their own life."
"Faith versus presumption: a crucial distinction."
"Every rape accusation should be treated as true initially."
"That's presumptuous of you, which is a good thing, right?"
"All I know is he's innocent until proven guilty."
"Every defendant is presumed to be innocent."
"I think you're innocent until proven guilty."
"My philosophy has been to assume ignorance before malevolence."
"My worry though is as you're so overly concerned about presuming upon God's grace, you end up pushing people back toward the extreme of legalism."
"The defendant is always presumed innocent."
"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty."
"I just want to put out there, of course, we're going to be talking about a lot of different people, but with no named suspects or persons of interest, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"They're innocent until proven guilty. It's just for the record, they were all guilty, but sure, I have no doubt."
"If you're free of a crime obviously like the reason why people assume guilt is like the same thing with this completionist situation right."
"If the price is going down it's guilty till proven innocent. If the price is rising it's innocent till proven guilty."
"I had initially presumed that they were looking for the medicine we keep locked in the storeroom."
"A child is presumed to be competent unless you show otherwise."
"The baby is yours until proven otherwise."
"There is a presumption whenever money changes hands, that the presumption is that it's a loan and the other person has to present clear evidence, the person who gets the money, clear evidence that it was otherwise, that it was a gift."
"Every defendant is presumed innocent. But that doesn't make you factually innocent."
"The presumption of innocence is fundamental to our system of criminal justice. Without it, we risk punishing the innocent."
"Sometimes things have presumptions around them or things that happen afterwards that scandalize what happened before."
"Innocent until proven guilty. That's the American way."
"Under our system of justice, a defendant is presumed innocent of the criminal charges against them. Would you be able to follow this principle of law?"
"Just don't presume that they are nefarious, presume that they're just wrong or they have a different opinion to you or they don't understand."
"It's super presumptuous to think anyone could know the mind and will of God."
"Teach your kids this: you assume the innocence of everybody unless you have evidence to the contrary."
"There seems to be a pattern of the Post Office assuming guilt"
"They can't ask him to leave, he needs to stay in court, he's innocent until proven guilty."
"I may be charged but I haven't been found guilty."
"You're being convicted by the public before you even see a courtroom."
"Until the court of law, a jury, their peers says, 'Hey, you guys are guilty of this,' I leave it."
"It's very dangerous to presume that you know the intention of God."
"Just because you flew on the guy's plane doesn't mean you diddled kids."
"They just presumed that he had passed and unfortunately they never found him."
"Those accused of crimes are considered innocent until proven guilty."
"He is the truly presumptuous man who, when the Bible has said a thing clearly and unmistakably, refuses to receive it."
"There is this presumption of guilt that gets assigned to black and brown people in this country. It's a presumption of dangerousness."
"Pride can lead to spiritual presumption. Just because I'm a child of God doesn't mean I can do whatever I want."
"I'm not one of these people that thinks people are innocent until proven guilty."
"The natural inclination of everybody's, all of y'all is to say thank God they caught him or her. Thank God that person is in custody. And you did something that's so natural, we all do it. You presumed him or her guilty."
"There are no fence sitters. You are guilty by default."
"That sent two tons of German scholarship to the flames and so it brought us to the conclusion that an ounce of evidence is worth a pound of presumption. It's a great point to recognize."
"An ounce of evidence is indeed worth a pound of presumption."
"Innocent until proven guilty, but circumstantial evidence counts the same as direct evidence."
"The presumption must now be that Paul Sheldon is dead."
"Presumption is the mistaken belief that you can enjoy God's promises without complying with His conditions."
"We presume innocence. We don't guess."
"We have the presumption that the defendant is innocent and the burden is upon the state to prove guilt and must prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Presume that the defendant is innocent."
"Innocent until proven guilty, right?"
"The law presumes the defendant to be innocent unless and until you are satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt of his or her guilt."
"There is a presumption of innocence in this country."
"I'm presuming kindness on the part of Harmony in this answer."
"You are presumed innocent until you are proven guilty."
"It should always be a case of someone being innocent until proven guilty."
"Presumption of innocence until proven guilty thought to have originated during the era of the good emperors."
"Rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is iniquity and idolatry."
"The American justice system was built on the premise that all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty."
"Innocent until proven guilty, our entire system of criminal justice is based upon that premise."
"In America, you are innocent until found guilty."
"Remember, innocent until proven guilty."
"Now of course, being British, we have the presumption of innocence."
"He retains the presumption of innocence even for the charges for which we're talking about."
"Everyone in this country is presumed to be innocent."
"You're presumed innocent until you're proven guilty."
"American jurisprudence requires that the accused be afforded the presumption that they are innocent until proven guilty."
"A man or a woman must always be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty."
"Innocent till proven guilty is what I thought."
"You innocent until proven guilty."
"The presumption of innocence is a bedrock concept in the American criminal justice system."
"The principle of innocent until proven guilty is fundamental to the criminal justice system in the United States."
"Everybody is innocent till proven guilty in the court of law."
"Everyone's innocent till you prove otherwise."
"He is innocent until proven guilty."
"If there is any presumption it is the other way, against holders of power, increasing as the power increases."
"I am a believer that you are innocent until proven guilty."
"I think that you should be innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around."
"You're proven innocent until guilty."
"The presumption of innocence means that we presume the best about people; we presume them to be blameless."
"The defendant has a presumption of innocence."
"I mean, yeah, we could presume it's a sperm whale."
"Everybody is innocent until proven guilty."
"Everyone has to be innocent until proven guilty."
"Forgive me for thoughtless presumption. I should have anticipated that you, of all women, would not react in the time-honored customary fashion."
"Allegations are credible until they're proven false."
"There is a heavy presumption against government claims of prior restraint."
"It's supposed to be like innocent until proven guilty."
"A courteous and decent way to look at your fellow human beings is that they are presumed innocent until they are found guilty."
"Quentin Vidal Tellus had a presumption of innocence that maintains or stays with him throughout the course of the trial unless and until the state has proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty."
"The fallacy of presumption is when the conclusion is presumed in the premises or vice versa."
"We have lived presumptively, as if there's nothing about our relationship with the Lord that should be questioned."
"Every person in the United States is presumed innocent till proven guilty, and we have to give him the benefit of the doubt."
"You are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law."
"Right now, he's innocent until proven guilty."
"Under the demonstrable reality test, courts may not presume the worse of a juror."
"It is presumptuous to think that we are legitimately the only ones that exist."
"You're guilty before proven innocent, that is a really unfair way to treat you or anybody in life."
"Every person is presumed to be innocent unless and until the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of the defendant."
"In America today, you're innocent until proven guilty."
"Every defendant is presumed by law to be innocent."
"The presumption stays with the defendant as to each material allegation in the indictment through each stage of the trial unless it has been overcome by the evidence to the exclusion of and beyond a reasonable doubt."
"All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"He's innocent until proven guilty, right?"
"Veterans who have been presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange, if they have certain respiratory conditions, we can presume those are due to that Agent Orange exposure."
"You're entitled to the presumption of innocence."
"Innocent until proven guilty, remember?"
"A defendant in a criminal case is presumed to be innocent."
"A man is presumed innocent until proved guilty."
"The presumption that you're innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt is the most common one we talk about in a democracy."
"She is innocent until proven guilty."
"They are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"Carelessness and presumption are the characteristics of this age."
"The law presumes the defendant to be innocent."
"The presumption of innocence has always remained with the person accused of a capital offense even during trial."
"He is innocent until you say otherwise."
"Everybody's innocent in this world until proven guilty."
"Everybody is proven innocent until guilty, and remember there are two sides to every story."
"You have the right to presume innocent until proving guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The defendants in these cases are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"The accused is innocent until proved guilty."
"Everyone we speak on is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"Innocent until proven guilty, I suppose."
"Everybody in this country is presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"She's innocent until proven guilty, everybody knows that."
"Presumed innocent till proven guilty."
"The person is charged, presumed innocent."
"We have a thing we call in America innocent until proven guilty, and there's systems that they put in place to make the system have to prove that you're guilty."
"Someone who is put on trial is always considered innocent until proven guilty."
"We tend to believe what suits us and we tend to also act on presumptions without taking enough time to verify."
"All defendants are presumed innocent under our constitution."