
Continuation Quotes

There are 2482 quotes

"Sometimes life's a [ __ ] and then you die, right? Sometimes life's a [ __ ] and then you keep living."
"But literally as I was working on part five, the news came out that not only would Berserk continue, but Kentaro Miura's best friend, fellow manga artist Koji Mori, announced that he would pick up the reins and help Studio Gaga finish work."
"The Hunger Games almost gets it right by showcasing that taking down the Capitol and gaining control of Panem isn't the end of the story."
"We're going to continue; this isn't the end of the diversity, this is just the beginning."
"What Alexi has done doesn't die with him; it is now incumbent upon others to try to find their own way."
"The Elden Ring DLC looks like more Elden Ring and that is not a bad thing."
"The otaku hero's journey, however, shall continue."
"Steve Powell was arrested, and that is where we will pick up next time."
"This has been a fantastic learning experience for me, and I want it to continue."
"Just because this series is over doesn't mean that uh, we can't just start a new one, you know."
"I was very excited to hear that they were continuing with the movie."
"It's been a hell of a journey, and the journey continues."
"Looks like the stream will continue, hallelujah, it's a miracle."
"This is not the end of this experience, it's just a halfway point."
"We happy to announce that Nicholas Ted's son will be carrying on his legacy here at Gallery."
"Saved the world. But that's not where it ends, right?"
"When I win, it's just continuing your legacy for the next fight."
"That means what we are doing is working, therefore we need to continue to do it."
"Something continues after death: soul, spirit, or mind."
"We'll pick this up in part two, Straw Hats invading Marijuana."
"I think that's a great place to leave it... we'll continue unpacking it over the coming days."
"This isn't the end, this is just part one. I'll be back in a few hours for a couple of hours."
"Either you have something to say in response to what Hans said or you've got no further evidence and life goes on."
"It's the start of something new, continuing the saga that they started telling. It's continuing Chief's story."
"Rey will no doubt become the first of these new Skywalkers, and the title will pass down through the ages."
"Put those arms up, y'all, 'cause the ride definitely doesn't stop here."
"This game doesn't end once you've beaten all the movies; that's when the real game begins."
"The funky s was featured in last year's best retro handheld video and again this year because quite simply I love it and I want to see more of these miniature handhelds on the market next year."
"Humanity's Legacy: the continuation of those people."
"Black clover has just been absolutely amazing...we still have more to go."
"Don't worry, there'll be another one right after this one."
"This doesn't have to be the end of the story. Let us know if you'd like to see a sequel."
"Stargate SG-1 is a spin-off from the original film."
"Before moving on to the next season of Stargate Atlantis, you should take a couple of hours to watch the direct-to-video movie Stargate: Ark of Truth."
"Let's continue this conversation soon; I've enjoyed our discussion immensely."
"Sets up a bunch of games... let the madness continue."
"I hope that answers your question, but let's continue."
"The title was carry on mm-hmm because that's what Sam had to do after losing Dean yeah he had to kind of carry on and finish his life and then meet up with Dean at the end."
"Success. So Wambui is free to continue her journey, if only for now."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and let's continue on, shall we?"
"Her legacy is twofold really, her sons and the work that they are now continuing."
"Thanks for making this work and we'll see on the next video take care."
"Thank you so much, I'll see you next time for part 2, deuces."
"Our Pokemon adventure continues, I will find one more, guys, I will."
"I don't know what will come from it, but I almost get the impression that once they start the grift, they have no choice but to continue."
"The hunt will have to continue another day for what could be the most dangerous hunter in the Alaska Triangle."
"I love all of you who still support me. This is not the end."
"This is not the end of the Double Dare story. In fact, it might just be the beginning."
"So we're gonna go and do some more fun shenanigans in the tire Slayer so you guys don't worry that's not the end of this video or anything like that stick around we're gonna have a ton of fun."
"Thanks a lot for watching guys, we'll see on the next one."
"If you love these videos and you want them to continue, please hit the subscribe button."
"It's not over when we pass from this lifetime here or physical. It's Not Over."
"Let's keep going over the highlights and summarize here."
"Farewell, but not goodbye: Erza's journey continues."
"Please keep playing Wobble Dogs dude, I think I want to play more Wobble Dogs."
"The good news is that it's still really [__] good."
"We have to keep right on living, that's what we have to do."
"Thanks so much for watching this video guys, of course, if you did enjoy, and I will, of course, see one the next one."
"Having fun is important to continuing doing something."
"You're mistaken if you think this is the end."
"This is actually the Cliffhanger though right so in the next video we will cover what happens next thank you guys for watching and I will catch you all later peace."
"A triumphant continuation of the tale of the dragon warrior."
"There's no way that we would have been able to continue this without your support."
"His legacy is in good hands with his son. 100%"
"The parties now have to go back to the council and continue the case."
"I hope you enjoyed my lesson; I will see you in my next lesson, likely next week."
"Mistakes happen, let's just roll on with it."
"This historic season will continue in Columbus."
"Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward continues the events from Zero Escape: 999 into a new Nonary game."
"You can't quote this fire right now we've just got a keep it we've just got to keep it 100 hope that he continues his you know takeover and all we can do as fans is continue what we started on friday just build up the pressure."
"Everything we've seen so far from rebirth suggests it will continue in a similar manner serving as a reimagination of the original game but focused on a different part of the story."
"I'm sorry, we ran out of time, but we will do part two."
"Just Cause 5 should be the last game in the current run of games."
"They don't want this to end, they see you as compatible."
"Let's continue with that protesting spirit into every facet of our lives."
"Oh man, I kind of wanted this one to die. I guess it keeps going."
"This is an extension of that same conversation."
"The rainbow man's Legacy has lived on in many forms since his incarceration."
"Apologies for the delay, but we're back and ready for more adventures!"
"The Stardew Valley journey is over actually no there's still so much left for me to do."
"Subscribe down below, we'll see you guys next time!"
"To be continued... I think there's something in that photo album that we didn't see yet."
"I thank you for being the voice of Black America rollers we have now we have to keep this going."
"I think I'm gonna have to wrap this one up right now and we will continue our mission to Elu in the next one."
"Ultimately, no matter what the future of the Gears of War franchise may look like, its Legacy will continue to live on."
"This is the start of this matter, not the end. We are going to continue the work that we were doing three years ago."
"You can't help but wonder what happens next."
"The anxiety picks up right where we left off...holy [ __ ] go!"
"I won a big election. I want to continue doing what I'm doing."
"Rick and Morty will continue marching on into season 7 whenever it's ready."
"That's the thing, like at what point do we stop? So far, we'll just do one more thing."
"The rest of the tour went off without any further experiences, but that was just the strangest thing that I can't explain."
"I'm very curious to see if Sierra's haunting continues."
"So that's going to finish off part 1 of this tutorial if you enjoyed leave a like comment subscribe and I'll be back shortly with part 2 so don't go anywhere."
"Thanks, carrying on, carrying on, cool thanks."
"Mary Poppins Returns really is the next chapter."
"The clone war may have ended, but the civil war is about to begin."
"The world just kind of continues after the ending that we get, and you can assume what happens, but I'm still looking forward to it."
"As always, I want to thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video."
"Major wars begin and the longer they keep going, the more profits."
"Thank you guys so much for watching the show and we'll be back at it making more babies in the next video. Bye!"
"Every child that we are merit to bring into the world is another link in the chain."
"I'm so glad you didn't take that step and stuff going."
"Thanks for watching, be sure to come back next time for more!"
"Life has to go on, guys. I'm sure he would have loved you."
"We've wasted so much time talking about this, but I don't even feel like it's a waste of time. I feel like this is like actually a serious discussion we need to continue later."
"Grindelwald is defeated, but the board is set for Harry and Voldemort to take the spotlight."
"She is just going to continue on and on and on."
"I'm going to braid so then I start another arc."
"It still ends enough to want to stick around."
"This isn't over, and that's the best part of all of this."
"What's going on? This probably should be the final season, but I don't know, I don't really feel like stopping."
"But Twitch, we're gonna keep the party going."
"We are going to be back next time, shalligators!"
"Classic Sonic is a good example of how to continue a series in a proper and respectful manner."
"Anyways thank you all for watching and i'll see you all my next video."
"Just when you think we're done, dude, what's with the glass?"
"The tragic tale of Horus does not end with his death."
"That's gonna do it for this video, I'll see you guys later."
"You were the one who made me realize my folly... picking up where she left off as a true defender of the people."
"It's just Luke saying nope, the war is just beginning, the rebels are back and this ain't done."
"I saw various timelines, I have every reason to believe that this journey's not quite done."
"I had another fun... I had a lot of fun doing it so I'm considering doing more of it."
"The organization is continuing and yes they do deserve to be known as a legitimate religion."
"Endings and beginnings are very much connected, and an end is just like a semicolon; there's something else, there's a continuation."
"It's finally over, it's my lifelong journey with Punch Out, it's not really over."
"It's still a force after that... and it's really is capable to continue to fight."
"The New Testament doesn't end with the Gospel of John but the Acts of the Apostles."
"Every single Pope since the council has contributed to this problem. Francis is the logical extension of this, the final stage of this."
"Thanks for watching! Keep practicing, and I'll see you in the next video."
"Thank you all very much for watching I really appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one."
"All fire and blood again. Perfect. Yeah, we're gonna make so much with this."
"Putting that tour that didn't get quite finished aside, we're gonna be going back to Boston Airport and doing a bit more building."
"His life's not over yet, they'll make a fourth one."
"Thank you for sticking with us for four years; we got plenty more on the way."
"Let's keep it rolling here though, come on now, let's see what we can do."
"Please do continue to leave your support on this series."
"I'm super excited to continue on with The Boys season two."
"Whenever it is, we should come back and finish this season."
"Round of applause for these guys right now, unbelievable!"
"Hold on, wait a minute, y'all thought I was finished? Nah, nah."
"If you guys want to see another 100 days of this, make sure you let us know."
"Batman is going to be continuing to be a meat grinder for the foreseeable."
"But you know what's really great about this? This isn't the end for us."
"Life goes on and so do we. Oh, and how we do it is no mystery. We we started it all as life goes on one by one."
"We've got to keep the momentum and the excitement going."
"We are the ones that are going to carry on the legacy of this music."
"I'm of the belief that when you have one, two, three, four..."
"We're very much looking forward to the second half of season 3 and beyond."
"I just wanted to keep doing it. Congrats, you guys. Thank you. I appreciate it. You're good. So I just wanted to keep doing it."
"Their marriage is the end of Jessica's story. Or is it just the beginning?"
"We'll just finish off this area next time yeah next time we'll finish off the area."
"Diplomacy is the continuation of the war by other means."
"If you learned something from this video, that's awesome, but don't quit with this video."
"This isn't where the Chernobyl video games story ends."
"It's a long series itself the long series you've got a bit older since then lots has happened but we're back for another one." - Alex
"There's more to come after Destiny, and this isn't the end."
"I think, now that our needs are back up, let's continue on with our challenge."
"We've officially made it though like I said a few times already the next video is going to be what we've been waiting for a lot."
"It's been an amazing ride but it's not over, so take it easy everyone and I'll be seeing you all tomorrow."
"Welcome aboard capsule Endeavor, continuing the dream."
"While the main story of Save the World is complete, there are still adventures to be had."
"My work will be continued by those who suffer." - Carl Gustav Jung
"There's a chance it could resurface as long as it's still in existence."
"The Black Panther is not a burden story must carry alone anymore her brother is gone but wakanda is forever now."
"You gotta take the blows, the bad luck, the things that don't go your way, get onto the next one, do better."
"I hope you guys are still here because I have a lot more cute stuff to show you."
"I hope you guys enjoy this video and I will let past me continue on with the rest of the content for today."
"Their first mission was to go... [continues from there]."
"Arts do not stand alone. There is more to come."
"Valve's David Speyrer confirmed half-life will continue after Alex. Does this mark a full return to the series?"
"Without any further Ado, let's dive in and finish the story."
"It's not over, there's still the bloopers video to come out along with the 45-minute long full movie."
"Hope you're painting along and I'll look forward to seeing you next time."
"What was done it's so unfair and honestly like if anything this teaches me that like this shit's gonna continue to."
"This is a legacy which will continue to go on."
"You thought the contest was over? It's just getting started."
"But like it's because of that meaning that we will never stop what we're doing and that is the ultimate way that I know Dad will live on with us."
"Let's see if we can get an incredibly high amount of likes on this to continue the series."
"We have more cutting to do. By the way, we want more regulations."
"The gas thing was crazy but the insanity continues..."
"We're gonna keep going, we're gonna keep popping off."
"I appreciate all the feedback you gave me, so that series is going to continue."
"We're going to wrap up for tonight but finish this Frankenrunner installation tomorrow when we're fresh with new energy."
"Thank you so much for watching and see you in the next part."
"The story does not end here."
"I love projects like that where you feel motivated after you're done to keep going."
"Lots of big things happening this year, we are not going to be one of the YouTube channels in 2024 that is closing up shop."
"There is nothing and no one to prevent you from continuing the joy you've produced with a second step, a second breath."
"If there are no objections, then they continue the ceremony."
"Death is not a period; it's a conjunction."
"Disney and Sony have finally patched things up and reached an agreement, and Spider-Man would continue in the MCU all with a brand new deal."
"It's an honor to be able to carry on that legacy."
"This would be a great opportunity for you to get up and have a stretch, get yourself a coffee or tea, and whenever you're ready, join me in part two."
"I've always been fascinated with this template to continue it on with other forms of music."
"Let's continue the Chronicles and crack on."
"Naruto Shippuden is the continuation of the hugely successful Manga and Anime 'Naruto', created by Masaki Kishimoto."
"You said this was all a game to you. We've chosen to continue."
"Don't put a period where God's put a comma."
"I sincerely think the Arkham verse will continue past this game and we'll get something great from Rocksteady again."