
Pandemics Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"We have overcome many pandemics and crises before; we will overcome this one too."
"These pandemics are coming. We've been saying it collectively for the last several years."
"We should help as much as we can... taking a proactive approach towards this will help us fight against future pandemics."
"There is an increased likelihood of pandemics in the future due to increased exposure to non-human pathogens, urbanization, globalization, and climate change."
"We've seen the climate change; we see with pandemics, there is no national solution to these."
"Animal agriculture has still been identified as a likely source for future pandemics."
"I say that Dr. Moore passed away due to two things, two pandemics, the pandemic, the COVID pandemic and the racism pandemic."
"I've always been fascinated by pandemics because they are these hugely disruptive events that come along in history."
"We do need more money, but we don't just need more money for vaccines for children; eventually, we need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There's going to be another pandemic."
"You defeat a virus with science and medicine."
"There is no certainty here. There is no world where the cases go down to zero."
"If people stopped eating animals in mass, we would dramatically reduce our risk of the emergence of killer pandemic viruses."
"I am optimistic that this will prove such a learning experience that when the next pandemic comes we will be prepared right."
"Bill Gates predicting or planning depends on how you look at it the next pandemic in 2025."
"One of the most devastating pandemics in British history was the Black Plague."
"So now we're calling an epidemic that is affecting countries pan-globally a pandemic, nerd!"
"Imagine waking up in a world where the constant threat of viral pandemics no longer looms over humanity."
"The virus spread throughout the world in barely six months, a new disease and a new virus had appeared in the animal world."
"Global pandemics will be solved by a global solution."
"While one doctor talks about how bacteria and viruses are the real pandemics, another talks about how fungi are actually the real threat."
"A history of pandemics: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.'"
"There are no experts on an unprecedented disease."
"Thankfully, we haven't seen anything like the previous Omicron peaks that we were worried about."
"Bubbles will defeat themselves but here thank God we have the perfect trigger the virus."
"It's inevitable that event. Hopefully it won't be soon. But eventually, there's going to be. There are going to be more pandemics in the future."
"Every time you have a war, the powers of the state grow... This war against this virus is exactly that kind of war."
"The pandemics highlighted weaknesses in different societies."
"It's a sickness that's really made a mark on human history, decimating populations all over Europe in pandemics back in the 6th and 14th centuries."
"Covid-19 is the third major coronavirus pandemic of the 21st century. A fourth one is brewing."
"The real way for the long haul to make outbreaks less serious is to build the global health system."
"It's a race between vaccines and variants."
"The Black Death ranks as one of the greatest disasters of the Middle Ages and affected much of the Afro-Eurasian world."
"But given the stakes, the risks are still unnervingly high: nuclear war and dangerous pandemics threatened the amazing global civilization we have built."
"Let's try and save the world from four horrific pandemics."
"Pandemics do make major changes in society. They speed up trends."
"The Spanish Flu pandemic infected 500 million people worldwide and caused 20 to 50 million deaths."
"There will be more pandemics but they will be they'll come in a different flavor and a different time with a different lethality."
"You just sort of adapt to what's happening and I think you're right. There's going to be an exponential growth of kind of pandemics, natural disasters, worsening climate, and we will nonetheless probably just adapt to it."
"I was a houseman when HIV/AIDS started in '82, and now, you know, as I've gotten older, we've got this other huge pandemic really."
"...stopping pandemics, solving climate change, they are cooperation problems that no one country alone can do."
"Pandemics have had an alarming increase in the world in the last 25 years unlike any point in history"
"The third leading cause of death, besides cancer and cardiovascular disease in the developed world, is COVID."
"Coronaviruses are a global health threat largely because it's a large family of viruses that generally dwell in animal reservoirs."
"How many pandemics have we missed because they're not much different in terms of their public health impact?"
"Pandemics are diseases that affect everyone."
"Pandemics can pull us apart when we most need to come together."
"In the course of human events, this is the pandemic to rule them all."
"The Black Death is the deadliest pandemic of all time."
"It ravaged a hemisphere and particularly a continent that had been spinning its wheels for centuries, giving just enough traction to get it out of the ditch of the Middle Ages and on the road to the modern world."
"Man, you really are the goat of pandemics."
"Pandemic outbreaks have occurred historically forever before even recorded history. It's a perpetual challenge and we need to be perpetually prepared."
"Mankind has been at war with the virus from the start. Sometimes millions of people die as in an actual War but in the end we always will."
"We need more global cooperation to defeat these types of pandemics."
"When really serious pandemics happen, they slam into society with extraordinary force and speed."
"Mega cities have tripled in recent years and when you get millions of people in a small confined space, it is the worst possible case scenario for pandemics."
"The world is at acute risk for devastating regional or global disease epidemics or pandemics that not only cause loss of life but up-end economies and create social chaos."
"It's very unlikely that things would unfold in anything like what they did in 1918."
"We work a lot on the underlying causes of pandemics: deforestation, climate change, wildlife hunting."
"A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread over a wide geographic area."
"Pandemics have a way of shifting the course of history."
"Pandemics don't see borders; our superpowers as a species is cooperation."
"We could understand how pandemics form and why particular flu viruses cause more disease than others."
"Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics."
"Pandemics unfortunately are inevitable."
"Networks can also be used to model pandemics and biological systems."
"Climate change and pandemics are where I'm trying to help the world get good plans so we don't suffer the huge consequences."
"Pandemics exploit pre-existing inequalities."
"Many today wonder what the next great pandemic will be, but perhaps we should look to past pandemics to understand what the future may hold."
"Science really is our best defense against pandemic viruses; we've had ten in the last hundred years."
"Discovering the origins of COVID-19 is vital to preparing for future pandemics and to save lives."
"It's perfectly possible, from a theoretical perspective and increasingly from a practical perspective, to create a virus that has the contagiousness of the common cold, the lethality of Ebola, and the incubation period of HIV."
"Pandemics come in waves and are not over in a matter of months but extend over more than one year."
"Pandemics come. The next one will be biologically different, might be much worse."
"Future pandemics are really inevitable."
"History has shown us that pandemics occur and almost certainly will continue to occur."