
Cultural Relevance Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"It's hard to believe that this movie came out just over 20 years ago, and it's arguably gotten even more relevant to the present issues."
"It allows us to make better entertainment experiences that are authentic, culturally relevant, and reflective of the audiences that enjoy them."
"The hero archetype story has to be reinvented for each generation to stay relevant and impactful."
"Bamboozled is a 2000 film by Spike Lee that feels like it was made in 2025 because its subject matter and themes have never stopped being relevant."
"It's a really weird concept right now where the talk of millennials and Gen Z is just the talk of the town."
"Illmatic by Nas barely went gold when it came out. Today's first album as well, yeah."
"You can't make Wizard of Oz references anymore; the kids aren't even going to get them."
"Fairy tales in concept are meant to be timeless and relevant to all generations, not just the current one."
"Black lives matter is something that needs desperately to be said in this culture and in this country."
"Mental health is a topic that emerged in cultural relevance."
"He just made an impact, till this day. You can be 21, you could be 51. What he was speaking back in the 90s is still relevant till this day."
"The legacy of Zheng He still means something to local people."
"Traditionalism has enduring relevance because it's not based on the ideals of one people at one time in one place."
"His writing would not be popular if he was not correctly distilling that zeitgeist."
"King of the Hill was one of the most hilariously relevant, timely and relatable cartoons ever made."
"When you hear your name in a song, it's always like yo, I'm playing it, let me hear that."
"Rhys James is the Arctic Monkeys, I feel like I knew about them a long time before anybody else would have been having watched him play."
"Barbie is the first movie that's truly and unapologetically delivered for its target audience."
"Money is a very universal stake that resonates all over the world in every different culture."
"It's a series of its time that's somehow timeless so long as there is an angry man sitting on his couch bitter that the world just isn't what it used to be."
"It's a really great mixture of older and newer material that feels right at home."
"It was just so perfect and right for the time."
"The psychedelic thing is super important for our leaders to be talking about right now."
"It's a story that speaks to people across the globe."
"Dude, money, yeah, you guys like are very much in the culture."
"Sonic still endures because while he is more than those things, he is still all of these things. He is a gaming icon that still matters today."
"Now when it comes to the world of animation, it's actually very rare where the medium can find a place to call home."
"It is time for everybody to watch or re-watch Dr. Strangelove because that is exactly the times that we are living in now and may have the same ending."
"As I played through Metro Exodus, I was immediately struck by how contemporary it felt, as though the developers saw that a game like this would be needed in 2019 and made it with that foresight."
"It's very much like I don't think kids today would probably even know what Sonic is."
"God of War Ragnarok is both the game we need and deserve."
"The show made rock and metal relevant in a way that it hadn't been in years."
"Kendrick is the last of a dying breed of conscious rap, where he's bringing conscious rap to the mainstream in a way that is not there now."
"The 2010 movie's themes feel more relevant than ever as our culture grapples with how untrue narratives can still possess great power to shape people's minds and thus the resulting reality."
"The story matters because it's about us, our culture, our preferences, and our future."
"This movie is gonna change things in a way that most movies can't."
"Ghost in the Shell' feels more relevant now than it ever did."
"What keep Star Wars so relevant for all these years isn't the nostalgia but the deeper themes just under the surface."
"In short, Midnight is a novel that speaks to and for our generation."
"I think this is the most faithful true Superman you can make."
"SEL devoid of culturally affirming practices and understandings is not SEL at all."
"This grocery store is what we need in the culture."
"Superheroes are figures that help readers process events in their own lives and the world at large."
"Many attribute this to the fact that a good majority of the jokes and references included in the series revolve around Japanese culture and history."
"Battered by changing times and changing tastes Superman always seems to emerge stronger than ever."
"Relevance is more important than yesterday's dominance."
"He jokes about what we joke about, he cares what we care about, and this is perfect for where the MCU is right now."
"Music is my platform to express myself. I be feeling like it's songs now, it's far from the Bible, the Bible been written so long ago."
"If we don't talk about what is relevant, what everybody is talking about, how can you even have a seminar about invading the culture or being relevant to the culture?"
"They're this endlessly fascinating organization. They have been for hundreds of years. And they still speak to us."
"Sunshine holds up better than ever in an era of nostalgia pandering."
"I think it's very much of our time. See, I like this kind of monster because it's a monster that reflects societal fears."
"I think every emoji has its day. It might not be like today. It might not be next year, but I have to say, virus was not doing anything. Then came 2020, and that was like such a good moment for it, along with soap."
"Crystal Dynamics has proven that they can take a callous sociopathic sex symbol of a bygone era in gaming and make her fresh and relevant and sympathetic and above all human."
"I just think that the artists have to change their art. They have to change what they're talking about."
"Metal fans should be happy that metal is a reference in any cultural artifact."
"Human rights are universal and cut across all religions and cultures."
"We all pretend we don't love it and that it's not relevant."
"I think it's a good way to start, especially for the Latin community on those times that we are right now."
"The M16 in one form or another will always have a spot reserved within the armories of our video games."
"You can't be two years behind talking about Lizzo and RuPaul. They haven't. No, no, no. What are you talking about, dude?"
"That '70s Show is actually closer to the '70s than that '90s show is to its setting in the '90s."
"It wasn't an irrelevance because of course it's a framework but certainly when you or members of the audience watch it I kind of hope that you will forget about period and see all sorts of modern parallels."
"The streets ain't trying to hit that. Greece don't want to know 'Love a Boy.'"
"This show is uniquely positioned for such a time as this."
"The thing about these stories-- they're so true. They're so profoundly true. The stories that last, that survive, are stories that still speak to our deep human need and our understanding, and what we need to be human beings and to survive."
"Meek's aligned with the kids, he [bleep] with younger artists, he stays relevant to what the conversation is at the time."
"And that's why I think like this album is like so important because a lot of people thought it was gonna be quiet for him and he can't stand that."
"Are we losing our grip on the trend, on the currency of pop culture?"
"I think Kendrick with this record, with his songs, with his talent and abilities, breathes new life into these ideas in a way that I think no other artists in music or outside of music over the past 10 years has."
"It really feels like Marvel is taking these new things and tying them into a lot of issues which people just looked over."
"With our mass return to natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and the influx of Black-owned brands catering to melanin's unique needs, now skincare products focus on a glow."
"She's constantly trying to hit the Zeitgeist."
"Have I ever failed you? Have I ever let you down with my astute analysis? I think that this is culturally relevant. I think it's something we need to talk about. This Barbie movie, it's disturbing."
"In my opinion, you've hit the timeless zone. There's records that come out and they're great for that summer, right? But then there's the timeless ones."
"So, I'm really interested to know if any of the younger people who do watch us, so Gen Z, if any of you guys even know some of the old stuff we might talk about."
"I felt like it was a good time to tell a story and then hip-hop needed it."
"Who gives a [__] what I think if people still care 10 or 20 years later like that tells you that they did something that was really special."
"It somehow feels fresher 10 years on from its initial release than it did when it was brand new."
"Listen, Alexander the Great was the most famous person ever 3000 years ago, if he was walking around today he'd just be an idiot in a toga."
"The Powerpuff Girls have remained relevant to this date, some might even say more now than ever."
"This movie is just as relevant now as it was when it was first released."
"Classics feel that way because they're always relevant."
"The cyberpunk genre is perhaps now more popular and relevant than ever."
"One key factor in how afrobeat songs have grown lies in how they mirror our daily lives."
"30 years from now, people wouldn’t understand it… It’s more important to have a body of work resonate with the reader than it is to have an individual gag resonate."
"Lewig is for hip Zoomers that are down with the times."
"It's important for people to be able to see themselves when they look up on screen."
"Timing is important... fast humor usually ages better."
"He's got this certain je-ne-sais-quoi keeping him in the popular consciousness long after the rest of his pantheon faded into novelty or obscurity."
"Final Fantasy 7 has always been pretty relevant and relatable."
"Rick and Morty deals with existential conflict and mental health, resonating with the generation."
"This should be not only a cautionary tale to people in South Africa, but a warning to people in the West."
"The Spartans, in many ways, are the very core of the Halo universe."
"So you could say without synths phasers wouldn't make any sense good one."
"It's more important than ever to have memes that we could still laugh about."
"The setting is New York City, Brooklyn respectively, where the plot is supposed to have a lot of connections to the local hip-hop scene."
"Stanley said Marvel represents the world outside your window."
"Nobody care about no lyrics until somebody just does some important [stuff]."
"A great premise, although I do wonder if the urban legends referenced are less familiar now."
"That just goes to show you that cace Owens is very necessary and that maybe there's something deeper that than just trying to sell books."
"Make Magneto and Professor X black to draw a more direct line to that inspiration."
"The problem is, is that you still have to honor the context of what these stories are taking place in."
"South Park... Captured the zeitgeist to a tee even after surpassing its 20th season South Park remains more experimental and thought-provoking than most long-running cartoons."
"Who knew that the Karen would still be just as relevant if not more."
"Lil Nas X just understands how to reference current pop culture."
"I think that just like sex and City I think that that young people younger women will find it and they will love it the old stuff yeah I don't know about the going forward I think it's gonna be a more of a challenge."
"I love how it's framing Shakespeare as something very relevant, very real... Shakespeare is still relevant, he is still important."
"It's not just a western thing, it's a global thing."
"Smart, thoughtful storytelling in the year of Our Lord 2024 is way past overdue."
"Enchanted doesn't desperately try to seem hip and trendy."
"I'm always gonna be biased to that, people are 2018 and my man Breezy's where it's at."
"It really seems like it will never truly get old as much as vaporwave seems to be evolving and coming out incredible groundbreaking albums and musical projects."
"NASCAR is trendy, or at least trying to stay on that same trajectory."
"You're not going to be disappointed about how many people unironically are saying they like it and they want it in 2023."
"Because what's funny is funny, you know? You make fun of what's happening, but you still love it. I mean, we've done that for 75 years, and it's still relevant."
"Sarah Paulson portraying Nurse Ratched with bone-chilling authority is probably the only thing that's right about the world today."
"Stick around me this year though this year's about to be lit AF that is me trying to be hip cuz we all know I'm not alright."
"In the years since the film's release that has continued to entertain, inspire, and challenge viewers."
"I really love that this movie actually hit on those themes."
"K-pop has changed the entire genre of music right now."
"The history of this game is not the sole part of the conversation; it's a continuing thing."
"Nobody cares about Avatar anymore? Okay, sure, believe that if you'd like."
"South Park managed to predict events ahead of time, like the recent China story."
"The founding fathers: Alex Cooper and Sophia Franklin."
"This is why people say, 'Well, it's not the Bible.' It doesn't mean these other things aren't important."
"The issues that Meryl's character is facing feel like they could have been plucked directly from the pages of the Feminine Mystique."
"The Worst Person in the World... is automatically one of the canonical millennial works of art. It's about turning 30, not having your life figured out, but it's not melodramatic or whiny."
"This is one of the reasons that Miss Universe is still very relevant and still a very sought after title."
"If culture doesn't engage in those great conversations [about climate change], it quickly becomes irrelevant."
"I just feel like immense in perpetual darkness is a weird thing to see in 2019, I don't know if I'm ready for that reality."
"Black culture is still relevant and now we can show people something from this lens."
"Shakespeare is more relevant than Kanye West."
"For as much power as some give them it seems sort of like a dated idea at this point right."
"I think it's elegant but it's interesting and culturally important."
"The film is gonna hit home, no matter what we're talking about. The focus is humanity in love versus hate."
"I think a significant proportion of Jordans popularity is that he's talking about the meaning crisis because I think it's exigent right now and perhaps even urgent."
"Elon is the man and he gets it because Elon actually plays games and understands it."
"There's just so much to the show, and I really think that that more than anything is what's carried it for these last 20 years."
"It's not distancing itself from the audience. It is the audience, and that's why I think those films have such appeal."
"If love Jones came out right now, I think people would go, 'Oh my god, gotta see that movie.'"
"Nina Simone's infectious music still speaks to us over half a century since she first performed her songs; her influence is immense."
"Culture might not be interested in you, but culture is interested in you."
"Rap works because it is our vernacular; it just needed someone from the hip hop generation to come along and synthesize it."
"I'm trying to stay relevant, you know? I know you're a young kid, you're on TikTok or whatever."
"We are in the age of relevancy, is being but it can't Paulo Conti."
"When are we gonna get some people writing down some cool cool books about what I shouldn't like 3,000 years from now?"
"I think it's very clear what heroes are where it's at right now."
"This has a really good chance of capturing the real mood of the zeitgeist."
"The Vampire Diaries came out at the perfect time."
"The answer has to be in the text. We should be creating all the content based on what we find in the text, not some artificial thing on the outside happening in culture."
"There's something here for not just the state of Colorado, but really just everyone in the Americas, that it is a human story."
"The coolest, most culturally relevant aspect stuff passing into the public domain has less to do with the works of media themselves than the concepts contained within them."
"And if what you're looking for is to recycle formulas that are believed to attract audiences, as opposed to taking new ground in a kind of exploration into what it means to be alive today in our culture, and to recognize the vitality of that, then you're missing out."
"The worst you can do to a reboot is make it too trendy. What was trendy then is now a punchline to us today."
"No cap, this trend right here has been around for a long time."
"Marvel and superheroes are so irrelevant now."
"...the good news of Jesus is basically the Greek of the streets, so Greek of the people right to reach those who were oppressed, that's good news."
"I didn't think anyone cared about Britain's Got Talent anymore, but apparently, 324 million people do."
"Day trading attention. Influencer marketing is one of the greatest opportunities in marketing today. This is a skill of day trading all of pop culture distribution creative variables."
"It was like the right place at the right time culturally I think."
"What are you doing with your life if you haven't read the Green Bone Saga yet?"
"It's a good pick... it is one of the signature movies of this year but you never would have said that on January 1st, 2000, you know? But in 2024, on these green couches with six of my closest friends and colleagues, it's a number one pick."
"They're like whitest white guy or the [__] that has no Street connection being like the reporter from some ghetto [__] you know King Vine's story is like super I mean he's like legendary to people he has a huge fan base people love him and [__]."
"The New Testament gospels talked to the people in a way that was familiar yet also different, tapping into the heart of their culture by using their culture and subverting it."
"Can this movie still bring out the laughs as much as it did all those years ago, or did this age so badly that the movie itself needs to be shipped off as well?"
"God reaches people where they are and ministers to people where they are and within the culture in which those people live."
"People still talk about 'Howard the Duck' or 'The Room,' but there are forgotten movies that just never come up."
"It's just the most baffling thing. Twitter is completely broken, provides its users with no value whatsoever, and is not growing. It's not culturally relevant in the slightest."
"I think it shows that as a people that were relevant because a lot of people tend to dismiss you know tribes is like either not even around anymore or just stuck in the past."
"No one could ever doubt Yo-Yo Ma's commitment to music. Over countless beautiful, timeless recordings, to all of these amazing performances that don't just speak to fans, but often speak to the moment, to what's going on in culture and society."
"I think the invent Marty McFly inventing rock and roll has probably aged the worst as a concept."
"Marty McFly inventing rock and roll has probably aged the worst as a concept."
"...there's a lot of historical importance to this season."
"Too many times Christians shrink back from popular culture, letting the secular world interpret the evidences through their own presuppositions."
"Why is it that people want to give hip hop an expiration date?"
"The world isn't waiting for the next AC/DC album and hasn't been for 25 years."
"I think as a movie buff I might like the cinematography where, like movie wise, and story-wise I probably won't just because the age gap already irks me in of itself."
"There's gonna be some comments that go on a whole spiel about why this movie is so culturally relevant, blah blah blah."
"The huge success of the large Ford XF Falcon hit the Aussie bullseye."
"South Park is still pretty funny and that's something The Simpsons can't claim."
"Is there still a place for that in a post-Sy Snyder world?"
"Apologetics is about explaining and communicating what is fundamentally important and attractive about the Christian faith at rational, relational, and imaginative levels."
"Justice should be put in the historical and cultural context."
"Nowadays, everybody in this world has some form of relationship with The Simpsons at some point of their lives."
"We've sort of managed to capture something in the zeitgeist, gotten people's attention in this crazy day and age of so much content out there."
"We need Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek now more than ever."
"Family Feud has never been more popular or more relevant than it has been under Steve Harvey."
"It's so culturally relevant, and I'm just liking what I'm seeing for that time period that they look like they're trying to represent."
"I consider classics albums that stand the test of time that you can go back to today and they're still culturally relevant."
"Greek myths are something that back in Antiquity were constantly re-envisioned and retold to mean something to a contemporary audience."
"We've realized that in order to continue to fulfill our promise and place in culture, especially as it evolves, we must change."
"Working with data alongside cultural interest in the space is key to making a successful brand."
"The Greco-Persian wars are among the best known and most culturally relevant conflicts in both Western and world history."
"That teachers are actively and continually exploring cultural relevance in their classroom."
"We're becoming more accepting of the fact that these are still a relevant instrument today."
"The Simpsons no longer reflects the reality of most people living in America."
"The strangeness of the church at Corinth gave Paul the opportunity to lay out some of the greatest truths in ways that are surprisingly applicable to different cultures."
"Some cinematic works of art have such an intuitive prescience into the human condition that they seem as fresh and insightful today as when they were produced."
"I'm just happy Beethoven's made a comeback; it's about time."