
Thought-provocation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It's such a thought-provoking sequence. The entire movie is just like packed full of so many social commentaries and so many powerful messages."
"You can get progressive messages across or at least give people food for thought without talking down to them."
"I'm just Dane Callaway, and I'm just here to make you think."
"I see my role as making documentaries, making people think, and exposing corruption."
"Freedom of speech was brought about to make people think."
"He may not have solved all the problems of philosophy, but he definitely gave the world something to think about."
"I love that about it, yeah, the dialogue's really good this maybe it really stood out to me how thoughtful is how it just gets you thinking about it."
"It's helpful to shake things up, to make people think."
"That's what this is about, making you think."
"It's such a silly question but again gets you thinking doesn't it?"
"I want to make people laugh and then make people think about something."
"Inform, entertain, and even provoke thought."
"This completely backwards, up and down, left is right kind of Orwellian euphemistic thinking is absolutely fascinating."
"I just want to stir you up and get you to thinking."
"An answer comes to nothing if it has not come from your own thinking."
"A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you. Let that little sink in."
"The utility of just calling Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert a fascist would be that it would get people thinking about it a little bit more."
"My goal here is just to float some ideas in a different way to get you thinking about things a little bit differently."
"God probes us, asking questions to make us think out loud."
"But if nothing else, I do hope that I was able to get you thinking about an aspect of gaming you may not have before."
"I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm just trying to raise awareness."
"I hope I've given you some food for thought. Thank you for watching and until next time, farewell."
"Anything that makes people chat and think is good."
"Whether it's Food For Thought or thought for food."
"The primary aim of Jizek's intellectual project is to encourage us to think."
"I love making people think and provoke thought."
"It's amazing how Araki can show two simple panels and spawn such vast thoughts."
"Perhaps it will provoke more questions in your own head."
"Art forces us to see the world differently, and good art will make somebody think about the world differently."
"My intention is to give you something to think about, to inspire a thought that will lead to a different conclusion, allowing you to shift your reality."
"Be prepared to have your mind fully engaged around this time."
"No matter what you think about that, just think about this for one second."
"I'm here to make you think. That's all. And if I can make you think, I'm successful."
"I'd rather make a video that causes people to think than 99% of the boring crap that exists on YouTube."
"Ultimately, it shakes things up and gets people thinking."
"I think it's an interesting philosophical question."
"I hope that I said something to stimulate thought."
"We're drawn along the lines of these apparent contradictions."
"They're meant to describe things, provoke thought."
"My job ain't to make you think what I think, it's just to make you think."
"I think that controversy makes people think."
"His art is meant to make you think for yourself and draw your own conclusions. He prefers to call himself a thought-provoking artist."
"We're not here to force you to believe, but we'll give you something to think about."
"Hopefully, it gets the brain turning a little bit, right? Like this is interesting."
"These are meant to be conversations and this makes you think of that and this goes to that."
"Your ranting keeps me entertained and keeps my brain thinking."
"There's something to be learned, there's something to stimulate thought, there's something to present possibilities."
"I didn't come to play, I came to make you think."
"I don't need to be right, I'm just here to stimulate thinking."
"He's forcing us to think, and it's provocative how he's going about doing it."
"If I said things that cause you to think, I meant to do that."
"What's the minimum amount people need to know about this topic, in order to understand it and then to continue thinking about it?"
"My role as the educational leader is really to provoke thinking and to inspire deeper thought."
"It's kind of our job to identify things and identify them in different angles and create things that offer thought-provoking ideas."
"I'm here to perform a service and that service is to get people thinking."
"It's not about what it makes the reader feel, it is about what it makes the reader think."
"These films blow your mind and make you frantically think."
"We're offering viewers to think for themselves, so that each person can imagine his or her own world."
"The objective for the talks is to leave you with something to think about rather than something to agree with."
"He thought you needed to change the way in which audiences actually thought, rather than just what they thought."
"It's the secret of good writing where it makes you think about these issues but it doesn't force you to see their point of view."
"The point here is really just to make you think."
"You want your audience to think at the end, not necessarily to be jumping about and going crazy."
"Art isn't always supposed to be entertaining; it's supposed to be thought-provoking and critiquing."
"My job is not to make you think what I think; my job is just to make sure you're thinking."
"It's not my job to make you think what I think, my job is just to make sure you're thinking."
"I'm not here for you to believe me, I just want to make you think."
"I think things that provoke the mind activate the mind in an audience."
"I'm trying to really open up your minds."
"I'm not doing this for you to believe, I'm doing this to make you think."
"Here's a movie that grabs you hard, provokes your mind, and ultimately lifts your spirits."
"It's the show that aims to get you thinking."
"Sometimes make you laugh, sometimes to make you cry, but most of the time to make you think and react."
"It's all just to get people to think, that's all."