
Winter Quotes

There are 3859 quotes

"If you live in the northern hemisphere and have stepped outside as of late, you've probably realized that it's colder than the farthest reaches of space. That's because it's winter."
"You can see just how like the seed heads here or the bloom stocks rather see that how they catch that little bit of snow and they can add so much interest into a space."
"My ideal version of the holiday spirit is the light snow on the ground, beautiful lights strung up everywhere, and maybe a little candles on the window sills, horse-drawn carriages in the snow, and frozen lakes and rivers. Quiet nights with the sound of jingling bells in the distance."
"In the winter, it's very dry, it's very cold, and so people's skin tends to get very dry; you lose a lot of moisture from your skin into the environment."
"Seeing the snow float to the ground, blurred by the frigid air, clinging on to the windowpane, beautiful lights wrapped around houses and trees, and in the distance, sleigh bells. Could it be Santa Claus?"
"One of the least snowiest winters in Michigan's history."
"Where I live, it’s that magical time of year again: Snow is falling! It’s cold outside. Roads are icy. It’s dark by like mid-afternoon. I guess now that I think about it, not my fave. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other reasons to be happy this time of year."
"Depression is real, and it's often worse in winter."
"It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, where all the snow will fall."
"This food preservation thing can be a lot of work, but then when we go to cook with it, it makes winter cooking a lot easier."
"Winter has brought you the worst it can bring, and now it will give you the promise of spring."
"Imagine having like a little hot chocolate here, maybe sitting down watching like people ice skate. It's a very romantic location actually."
"On this coldest day of the year, as the mercury dips to negative 30, we are enjoying a cup of coffee in the warmth and comfort of our little cabin in the woods."
"Snow and football is a magical combination when you're watching in the comfort of your warm and cozy living room."
"The winter definitely teaches us to slow down. It also teaches us patience."
"This winter will determine our future and the risk it will take."
"No winter lasts forever; a vigilante thriller about mass shootings."
"Let's continue to dig deep into our roots and manifest the spirit of Yule, the spirit of the new year, and the wonderful winter season."
"A crazy ice storm had frozen two pumps in our raw water system and made them burst."
"It's a snow day, the most magical of days in a young child's life."
"Winter's cold and unforgiving, and now they're in a situation where they're having to deal with what the beds that they laid in."
"Look at the giant snowflakes, they're so big."
"Man saves multiple deer stranded on frozen lake in Ontario."
"Let the snow be there, kicked the [__] off my balcony, I was fine."
"Vitamin D supplementation of 4,000 to 10,000 international units per day is recommended in winter."
"I love playing in the snow! Mom, did you get a Nintendo Switch Light? What do you have, Mom?"
"The trees and bushes here are colored white because they're meant to be covered in snow."
"I saw Sierra and Hudson kiss outside in the snow."
"Sweden has announced a $133 million winter Aid package for Ukraine."
"Snowier snow is you sinking in snow or the snow will avalanche in some way."
"There has to be a better way to get the ice off the car, yeah, I mean I'm using a discount card so I'm only getting 15% off, I love his laugh, his laugh is don't give it a half off rate, nine nine."
"Winter season is cuffing season because it's cold, you want to cuddle with somebody, you want to have somebody to call your forever and always."
"If you put winter tires on a Model Y or a Model 3, it's pretty good in the snow."
"One of my favorite drinks for this time of year is a hot totty."
"Concerns are also rising about power supplies as temperatures fall."
"I'm going to enjoy this snowfall out here for a little bit soak it up here with some van life because I tell you what winter time has been my favorite time of the year to go out and live in my van."
"Liquid water even in the winter is superior."
"Snowing and ice cold makes everything 100 times harder, you know what I mean? A lot more fun."
"Snow and ice and cold makes everything 100 times harder, you know what I mean? A lot more fun."
"The answers to your prayers and affirmations are fully realized in the winter months."
"Don't take my parking spot. I just feel like it's pretty obvious if like there's a shoveled spot and the rest of them aren't shoveled that you probably shouldn't take it because someone's coming back, you know?"
"There's a certain magic to the very first snow, especially when it falls on the day before Christmas."
"Let's go outside, the snow is falling down, and every child is having so much fun!"
"Putin's game plan all along has been to let winter take care of it."
"I hope that this proves that you don't need to give up your fashion you don't need to give up your skirts your dresses any of that in the winter."
"Frozen pants parking space: an unusual way to reserve spots."
"It's a beautiful day in the winter with the snowflakes falling from the sky."
"I love white, and I want to give the most gorgeous, glistening snow angel." - Trixie Mattel
"I look like a glacial goddess. I am glamorous, I am sparkling, I am the queen of the North Pole." - Mayhem Miller
"I am serving you the princess of the Northern Lights." - Kameron Michaels
"It's snow angel time the whole family is making themselves some birthdays snow angels I love how they just like flop themselves onto the ground when they do it it's actually adorable and hilarious."
"It's kind of nice having like a winter birthday even if mum and dad are kind of a bit more concerned with arguing with each other then they are about celebrating birthdays."
"I love that it gets dark at like half four. It makes me feel so cozy."
"I'm well aware that my children will lose many mittens this winter season."
"One of the things that the locals said to my aunt when she first moved in is that the winter time you need to lock your doors."
"There's no reason why we can't be growing in the winter."
"It's a great way to get some fresh nutrition in your winter time diet."
"This is something again an easy easy fast way to get some good healthy green things in your winter diet."
"So you guys I hope that we have inspired you to do some growing either inside this winter or maybe in a little greenhouse."
"It's snowing! It's like little teeny tiny bubbles everywhere."
"Cozy boys season is an all-out assault on winter."
"Winter clothing is absolutely essential especially for a bug out situation."
"Where do I go from here? Will it be long before I come face to face with this fascinating creature? It'll be a very long and interesting winter."
"That deer is just sleeping in the field covered in snow."
"Very sunny weather in the middle of crazy winter."
"Winter is here, ladies and gentlemen, as well as the Night King and his army of the Dead."
"Fun fact: 135 days through winter, freezing your ass off."
"It's gonna be a lit day, the only thing that sucks about today is we woke up to snow."
"This is a silly game about a girl who has licked an icy pole in the winter, and her tongue has gotten stuck."
"Despite my best efforts, I have slipped heavily into winter depression, all I want to do is play stardew Valley and rot in my bed."
"This soup is so delicious and it is perfect on a cold winter day. There is nothing as cozy as having a big old pot of soup simmering on the stove all afternoon."
"Plus one for clearing of snow on the multi-use pathway... grateful for that."
"It's great for those coming out of the winter time if you're in the Midwest and you're still experiencing some colder temperatures."
"What did the snowman say to the snow woman? Snowballs."
"Adding a festive touch with snow-dusted greenery."
"A beautiful addition to any winter-themed display."
"It's usually a vitamin D deficiency especially if it's in the winter."
"I am literally gonna wear this every day in December."
"Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh, over fields we go, laughing all the way."
"She literally looks like a snow angel like, oh my goodness, seriously."
"Wow, winter weather advisory number 255 of the Year 2024. It is a gorgeous, quiet snowy morning."
"The first picture I have of him in the snow is the most genuine smile I think I've ever seen on his face."
"It is currently winter in Montreal and I need to start dressing like it."
"It's perfect because it matches my new white boots that I just bought, so this will definitely be a winter staple for me."
"Because winter survival will require a constant heat source, this means that you're constantly going to be burning a fire."
"I want it to look like there's really some fluffy snow on these birdhouses."
"This is a beautiful winter day, and these two are just enjoying each other's company."
"It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you."
"This in the wintertime is going to be such a treat to wear because you guys know me, I'm obsessed with hoodies."
"I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, I like winters."
"Best believe the winter is here in full force."
"This was a night to stay inside under some blankets."
"Ingenuity was never designed to live through winter."
"It is winter though, and Ingenuity was never designed to live through winter."
"I love this, this snow is definitely adding to the creepy eeriness of this place."
"My town had been experiencing a harsh winter that year; it was snowing heavily outside to the point that if you looked outside you wouldn't even be able to see."
"It's finally snowing. It is so wintry and just beautiful out."
"Once it starts getting into like February, I want it to be winter, like actually snow on the ground."
"My breath turned to visible vapor as it left my lips, and the cold air felt like an ice cream blanket on my skin."
"Winter is supposed to be a time of rest."
"Big fluffy white snowflakes were falling gently to the ground, and it was very, very gray."
"Why do I cry when I'm walking in winter? Your eyes may tear up because the corneal nerves are more sensitive to cold."
"Living off-grid in the RV in the middle of the Canadian woods, with winter finally here, staying warm has been more of a challenge than expected."
"It's been very cold here, as you can tell, we are snowing into winter now."
"Beneath the frozen surface, the lake is still; no wind-driven currents or swells to muddy the water, only the sound of exhaled breaths bubbling to the ceiling of ice."
"Deciding to purchase this timberframe cabin while we regrouped for the winter was the best decision we could have made."
"It's such a stunning day, so I'm gonna walk to my meeting and try not to freeze my toes off."
"Rainbow chard is one of my favorite things to grow in the garden, especially during autumn and winter; it brightens up a winter garden, it's so colorful."
"You guys have a fantastic wintery day."
"I woke up to snow fluttering down onto my cheeks."
"It's like a winter wonderland out here, we are going to go in and get ingredients, on a day like today, okay, snowing, it's cold out, nothing sounds better to eat than some venison chili."
"Oh, the weather outside is frightful."
"Silver is a great neutral color especially for the winter time."
"Even in winter, the beach is beautiful and relaxing."
"After an entire winter on their own, the two have become hardened survivors."
"Some fresh baked waffles on this cold winter morning."
"For winter was coming and it would not be merciful."
"I recall it was a lovely winter night, very close to the Yule tide, and a gentle snow was falling outside."
"It's literally a winter wonderland."
"Both Lauri's battalion and the winter weather in the form of frostbite inflicted huge casualties on the Red Army divisions."
"It looks icy, it looks like a winter wonderland."
"So that's how animals like polar bears survive in the winter."
"At the end of every brutal South Dakota winter, I'm all amped up to shake off the cabin fever and get back out into the field."
"I am just beyond happy because it has been winter for way too long back in America."
"Christmas falls on winter solstice so once it passes and you turn the lights off each day is technically getting longer."
"Estelle reflects on her dislike for winter, associating it with cruelty, especially for the less fortunate."
"Crunchy snow can be a challenge, but it can also be an advantage if you use it to your advantage."
"Winter is a time for rest, reflection, and recharge."
"Definitely a solid all-round winter boot."
"have you been keeping active consistently throughout the winter"
"There are some really simple things that you can do with your winter outfits to really just style them up to make them look more gorgeous, more luxurious, more beautiful, and you never have to break the bank by the way."
"One of the colors that I think is the most luxe or the most expensive-looking in the wintertime is white."
"When winter hits and I can finally wear that cute hat and matching outfit I got on sale last year."
"...layering with a base, mid, and outer layer working best."
"...most of the year but once the uh snow comes we use the snowmobiles."
"Feeding all the animals way more than we normally would because staying warm burns a lot more calories."
"So now I actually have beef stock chicken stock and turkey stock and this will last me all winter it tastes so much better and I won't have to buy it from the store."
"He was even quoted saying 'I like it in the winter. Winter conditions make it a bit more interesting.'"
"I could smell the keen breath of a winter night in the Border South and something else as well, the smell of peppermint."
"I'm so jealous of anyone experiencing cold like white Christmases."
"A winter wonderland here at Last Manor."
"You'll be ready for everything winter has to throw at you with the Explorer 1000."
"The point of soup is sodium. You need that salt to make sure your joints and your skin feel all fat and bloated on a winter's day so that you don't die."
"This is how you make your first snow angel."
"You can also find things like thermal socks gloves and hats at Walmart which can really save you in a winter power outage"
"How can we keep our skin happy throughout these more challenging winter months?"
"Hands, they really need a lot of TLC all year but especially in the winter."
"Watch out for your heating. Be mindful of your heater because they do lower the humidity and that creates impetus for water to exit your skin."
"It's been a good session, been a good start to my winter campaign."
"Winter slumbering in the open air wears on his smiling face a dream of spring."
"I just love everything about Autumn winter."
"Grandmas in cozy shawls, fine ladies in flowing coats and gloves of leather, men with scarves pulled up over their mouths and hands thrust deep into pockets, children bundled up round as bread rolls... even the arctic hare was wearing her white winter coat."
"The taller screen is a big relief in Winter because it does push the air above you and it does keep you a little bit warmer."
"It was like driving through a Christmas card."
"It just like screams winter... it's my favorite bag to bring out during the winter season."
"It's time to stay inside, light the fireplace, and get cozy."
"Ethanol-based liquid on windshield wipers prevents sticking even in harsh winters."
"I hate dressing for the winter. That is my everyday struggle nowadays."
"After a long cold day, what could be better than a stew? Plenty of fresh-killed meat, hearty vegetables like carrots, onions, and potatoes, a good broth. It's just what you dream of eating as the wind chills your lungs and numbs your fingers."
"People would go to Boulder County jail for the winter."
"They have a ton of winter items 75% off I found gloves and mittens and caps and beanies and things that you might want to pick up now at such a discounted price that you could set away for stockings Christmas colder weather and the holidays."
"It's about having a nice nature walk in the winter. If I'm in the woods and it's 30 degrees outside, go inside!"
"If the truck is inside, outside yes we are going to drive it outside but we can get in all bundled up and we don't have to walk outside."
"Here in the Northwest, the winter time is one of our favorite times of the year to ride."
"I love it when you can still see some winter structure."
"Seeing the Capitol city come reluctantly to rest, highlights the power of winter to give even the biggest of cities, a small town feel."
"With winter settling in and the snow finally here to stay, we are reminded that this is a time for slowing down, a time for rest and reflection, and spending time with the ones we love."
"If you want a quick wintry thriller, this is perfect."
"Winter is coming and with winter comes salt and with salt comes Rusty Vehicles."
"Winter has arrived and so it is soup season."
"There's nothing more fun than being out in the woods whenever it snows overnight."
"Believe it or not, if you root fig cuttings over the winter, there is a very good chance that you can actually get fruit by late summer or early fall."
"The spears were eight feet long and made of ash... their beards were full of ice and the falling snow had given them white hoods."
"... if it stays warm like this I'm really hoping we can get the deck in before it's really the ground is really Frozen."
"Winter plus kids plus glasses it's just really not a good combo."
"You can get away with a good set of winter tires on a front-wheel drive model."
"I am going to be doing indoor activities by the fire: reading, puzzles, games, cooking."
"I think the hunters in the snow is an unforgettable painting."
"It's just a fantastic fragrance for fall and winter time."
"Kevin and I absolutely love to have fresh lettuce salads through the winter."
"100,000% the best full Glam SLS soft Glam winter makeup look that you could put on your face."
"Le parfum from the house of Lalique is quite yummy delicious to wear in the winter time."
"Your head helps keep everything else very warm. When I'm trying to keep my head warm, it starts with a hood. You lose a lot of heat coming out of your neck up from your torso."
"I can't tell you how important it is to have warm hands and warm fingers."
"Walking with her in snow because that's the happiest, that's her peak happiness, that's my peak happiness."
"Alaska in the winter, it's definitely not really a place that's friendly to humans, but there's plenty of rewards to be had."
"I mean, this is just for the winter, winter come here, have this food, drink some good beer and freeze. It's like real comfort food."
"The Earl Arctic Bus: more than just a bus, it's a tundra-conquering champion designed to tackle the most severe winter landscapes with ease and comfort."
"It is perfect for winter baking and it is monkey bread."
"Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow."
"I'd be a black bear and sleep through the winter slow down the old heartbeat and body temp and hibernate."
"I am determined to make sure that they make it through the winter."
"Winter, I love a good heated seat."
"I love a good bath. And that is one thing that I love about the Cozy season ahead. The Cozy season just brings all the baths. Like, a bath is even better when you know it's snowing outside. It's just like an unmatched experience."
"Oh, glorious snow from heaven, bury us all in your whiteness!"
"I definitely want to do some winter gaming camping and I want to be warm."
"I want us to do Switzerland, Germany, and Amsterdam. I want to do it in the winter though, so I was telling Elise maybe we can come for his birthday in February when it's like snowing."
"Cycling in the winter, if you can do it, it really does hit different."
"It's just such a cozy, beautiful winter scene."