
Alien Technology Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The sci-fi world is going to start piggybacking on new understandings that we're getting about our previously reverse-engineered space alien technology."
"We recovered technology; we recovered a living extraterrestrial entity."
"The idea of an alien species actually being here is a little bit tricky because they're probably of higher technology than we are, and that never goes well."
"There are mind-blowing allegations of recovered non-human technology spacecraft being secretly held, concealed, and back-engineered by the United States."
"Most of the time, the reason the majority of scientists are siding is because that is where the evidence has led."
"Any alien civilization that had the technology to come here would likely have a full understanding and command of genetics."
"I am certain that there have been several recoveries of alien craft and bodies in the United States."
"It just seems really amazing and so Kira with this alien relic might now be the only thing that helps Earth."
"Omumua exhibited peculiarities suggesting it might be artificial."
"The technology we faced was far superior... something can go into space, drop down, do whatever it wants, and leave."
"These beings are warning us about technology when they're clearly arriving in super advanced technology."
"This is the correct order in which to watch the Stargate franchise."
"The U.S. military has managed to get their hands on an alien device buried in the sands of Egypt."
"The company will take the alien to Earth to make weapons."
"Genetics, consciousness, and spirituality are key components of these programs."
"Full Pentagon UFO report details US tests of alien propulsion tech at Area 51, historian claims."
"Loeb suggested that the object 'may be a fully operational probe sent internationally to Earth's vicinity by an alien civilization.'"
"I don't think aliens would tend to all feel the same on that issue. So if they're out there in mass, they should be sharing their technology with us." - Isaac
"According to Lazar, S4 was teeming with alien technology, the most astounding of them were the flying saucers or flying discs which he claimed to have worked on himself."
"What mindboggling alien technology should we be looking for?"
"If there was anywhere on Earth where crashed preserved ancient alien technologies could still be found, it would be here."
"The government was actively reverse-engineering an alien spacecraft."
"Former CIA agent Mike Baker on UFOs: 'There is a high possibility that there's... some alien life force with amazing technology that we can't even fathom right now.'"
"At the end of the Second World War, the extraterrestrials ensured that the technology was returned from Earth back to these cities."
"There's this alien piece of metal that they have... it's atomically aligned and layered."
"An object discovered back in 2015 might actually be an 800 year old mobile phone left behind by aliens."
"It felt very alien like it almost felt like interdimensional technology."
"There is a conspiracy that there is a satellite called the Black Knight satellite which was set up by aliens more than 12,000 years ago in order to spy on humans."
"Ultimately, I think they know exactly what they're dealing with here. They know this is ET's, they've known for 70, well 80 years really, exactly what this is."
"An alien probe would quite possibly be discovered by one of our probes searching through space."
"Grush claims that the government may possess intact spacecraft."
"What if we do have this craft, what if we can back engineer it?"
"The reality of what has happened behind the scenes concerning these reverse engineered extraterrestrial Technologies."
"They are technologically ahead of us; they simply visit us."
"A success! Wrinkling the alien into the ship."
"At the alien base, the Tall Whites deep-space craft arrive and leave on schedule."
"I'd like to know what the truth is about it I'd like to know if it's real if there's evidence of it is if there's alien technology."
"Brainiac is rocked and stunned. He lays decaying as all the strands of alien DNA he has previously harvested leaves his body. Brainiac whispers, 'I was almost a god' before an almighty explosion rips through the area and Brainiac is no more."
"A lot of good stuff is starting to fall into place now that we've been able to knock out one of the alien ships."
"Where are the remnants and what happened to the body of the alien?"
"While reverse engineering remains a common practice throughout the world, the question as to whether or not it has ever been used to obtain alien technology remains unanswered."
"The crazy part is it going from very slow to extremely fast in literally a second or two. I believe the speed is a mile a second. Nothing on earth can create that on course unless we created an alien reproduction vehicle."
"One of the things that Lazar had said is there's no instrumentation inside these things... piloting them with their minds."
"The materials that these craft are made of are clearly not of this Earth, they're sophisticatedly engineered, certainly not by humans."
"They've recovered partial fragments and intact vehicles of non-human origin for decades."
"Lazar's tale brings us to S4, the home of nine flying saucers with unique features and stylish characteristics."
"Megastructures win hands-down, even if those are robotic hands or alien tentacles."
"An alien civilization could modify a star to serve as an omnidirectional Optical Beacon."
"It isn't rock, it's a crystal metal amalgam and another material the scanners can't identify. Artificial."
"Gravity bends space, maybe aliens utilize that phenomenon to jet across the galaxy."
"That means the aliens can prop open a wormhole and keep it open until the ship passes through."
"You have just suddenly become the most powerful human being on Earth."
"It's a weird but also fun experience for her; she gets to see all this weird alien technology."
"The Mandarin found an alien ship and ten rings, each representing a new power."
"He has two Omnitrixes called the Biomnitrix, and he fuses his aliens together."