
Van Life Quotes

There are 969 quotes

"It's therapeutic for me. I love cleaning up the van and getting stuff done."
"Van life is often considered a rejection of the modern lifestyle."
"Being an influencer can offer much more flexibility and opportunities than van-lifers, who have a lot more limitations or much stricter budgets."
"Glamorizing van life reveals the hypocrisy of the ways in which we view homelessness in the United States."
"I am so grateful that one day I was forced into living in a van."
"Van life is hard. It's not easy finding places to sleep every day, making sure you're safe. Safety and security above everything."
"Most people that do van life, they really love the idea of sustainability and being off grid and minimalism."
"I'm probably gonna spend getting my van together to be an off-roading vehicle that I'm going to live in."
"We don't live in the van full time but when we do travel in it we try not to stay at too many campsites."
"I'd rather be poor in a van than poor in a house."
"Living in a van has opened up a whole new world for me."
"I've been the best one hundred and fifty nine dollars that I have spent on anything van life."
"I'm going to enjoy this snowfall out here for a little bit soak it up here with some van life because I tell you what winter time has been my favorite time of the year to go out and live in my van."
"Sometimes my van is beautiful on the inside, it is fantastic. I love it. I have water, the toilet's free, everything's clean and neat."
"Living in a van like this gives me so much freedom."
"I believe we live so much better for the environment by living in a van."
"Living in a van has taught me to ask for help when I need it."
"Van life is no different. You just have everything that's important to you with you."
"There's a version of van life for every kind of person at any age, any ability level, any background."
"There's a lot that people could gain from van life."
"It's a new day and today we're gonna be sharing with you our essential tips for converting the ultimate van build."
"The van life trend has been building these past few years, it's an aesthetic trend that claims living this minimalized life in a van not only decreases financial burdens but increases overall happiness."
"You can still have a stationary nine-to-five job and live in a van... where you go after your day's work doesn't really matter to anybody."
"Van life is liberating. It helps me mentally, it helps me physically."
"Van life is something that you make it. It's catered to you, your needs, and this is what I needed in my life."
"Van life allows us to live coast to coast. It's just freedom to decide moment by moment how we're gonna spend our time."
"The funny thing about building your own van is that you kind of learn that everything's just not that complicated to do."
"Back in business, back in the van, all is good."
"It had the black ladder on the back and the two black rooftops on top. The two bars. And we made the comment that it would be the perfect little camper van to go around in." - Shannon Baker
"Van life is all about growing some balls and just gotta do what you gotta do."
"Being able to adapt to any situation is probably the best thing you can do living van life. You're just traveling, yeah, traveling in general."
"The most important part of the entire van build...the layout of the living space and the custom cabinetry to come along with it."
"Van life gives you freedom and flexibility—no one-year apartment lease to try to get out of."
"Maximizing all those square inches in the back of the van and making for a very, very comfortable night's sleep."
"I love having plenty of light, so when it came time to designing a lighting system for here inside the sprinter van I wanted to have a few different options."
"The batteries is what I consider the heart of this entire system."
"It's all because of my battleborn lithium iron phosphate batteries."
"The great thing about that is, that gives me an extra 20 inches of living space to work with."
"Living van life is just a much more intentional way to live and I love it."
"I would definitely recommend van life for anybody that's interested."
"Here's our honest guide to doing van life in the UK."
"Mitochondria: the common biological unit throughout nature."
"China now recognizes that this era of interdependence might step back."
"Vanigan Life, thank you much for helping me maximize this space."
"Maximized storage space in a unique way here inside the Vanigan."
"Living the van life is all about adapting and overcoming."
"I think one of the biggest misconceptions with van life is that people just all of a sudden one day like you went from being in a house to in a van."
"It's so nice having a van, I can just leave the stuff in it, what a concept, right?"
"Living in the van is a totally different adventure."
"If you can stretch out and sleep, any vehicle can be a good home."
"Van life has actually made managing my disability so much easier."
"Sleeping in a van is honestly... it's very peaceful for me."
"I don't ever feel like I'm actually in a van because this is my house."
"For anybody wanting to get into van life, there's no steps, just take the plunge, buy a van, and sleep on the floor until you're knowledgeable enough to make it 100% where you're happy with."
"I love traveling in my van, I don't want it to stop."
"Do you keep warm? Absolutely. That's one thing in van life I've never struggled with."
"I didn't know the van life was an option... once I realized that, I immediately jumped in."
"We have a Nature's Head toilet that we just recently plumbed into our gray tank underneath the bus."
"Combi life looks pretty special and I hope you continue to enjoy such a wonderful opportunity."
"It's not combi life until something goes wrong."
"Your van life doesn't have to look like everybody else's and people do van life for different reasons."
"Living in a van, discovering what you want... it's a beautiful thing. It's truly a beautiful thing."
"Van life is extremely rewarding to me, and traveling full time is definitely my happy place."
"Van life is by no means rainbows and unicorns. It can leave you stressed out, it can leave you frustrated."
"There's been a lot of great response to the van life video."
"Van life areas have a completely different vibe than RV areas."
"A good reliable van that will not let you down... that's the foundation of your whole nomadic life."
"One of my favorite parts of van life is we never know where a day is gonna end up."
"Van life: an unforgettable adventure and never-ending quest to find that perfect light."
"I have these magnetic window covers that I bought from a company called straw foot based in Southern California they are amazing if you're doing the conversion I highly recommend them super easy and super stumpy."
"Living in a vehicle saves you paying rent."
"It's nice to have somewhere to cook out of the van."
"More window space in your van, the more light, the bigger it feels."
"This might seem kind of boring just sitting here but this is, I think, my dream van life day."
"So, big garage was super important to me. Most of the whole point of this van, like, all this stuff, is just so I can have my garage."
"And that is how I built this campervan to live in full time."
"One of the really good things about van life is that you can go to any sort of supermarket, park up your home, grab whatever you need, and pop it straight into your kitchen."
"When getting a van I really wanted it to feel like a true home and I wanted to kind of bring the outdoors indoors so Brandon created me a plant shelf which is my favorite thing in the world."
"I don't resent the problems. In fact, they're one of the things that excites me most about van life."
"The problems seem to never end, not because we did shoddy work, but because it is impossible to anticipate every personal need and nuance of living in a tiny space."
"Can we finally turn this van into the tiny home of our dreams?"
"The bones of this place the things that really make it feel like a finished home are done."
"There's got to be more to life than this and I thought it, I'm doing it, I'm getting a van."
"Having had lived in an 80t van for the past 3 years, moving from that into this where I have so much space is so insane to me."
"...you can just hop right into the back and shower rinse off without having to kind of track all of that dirt or mud throughout the van."
"we've been in this van through every climate that you can imagine already and we haven't even officially moved into it yet"
"This van has something that I've always wanted on our van, which is a ladder."
"Over on this side of the van, we have a few features that can only be fully appreciated if you live in a van."
"In our minds, it's kind of like living in a van except you sleep parked beside beautiful beaches like this every night."
"I really believe that anyone, regardless of their experience, can make a half-decent van conversion."
"I believe we have found the best van life toilet in existence."
"It's a 2003 Ford E450 that we self-converted into this tiny buffalo home on wheels."
"We hope that this van, our van, our story, and the way it's built will inspire you to give it a go."
"If you're watching this, perhaps you're thinking of building your own van one day. Yeah, we hope that this van, our van, our story, and the way it's built will inspire you to give it a go."
"One of the most exciting additions to this van that we didn't have in our last van, apart from the toilet, is running water. This is a total game changer, and I am so grateful for it."
"Not only do these insulate on a hot or cold day, but they also provide so much privacy. I was torn between getting windows in my van due to privacy, but this makes all of the difference."
"I love being on the road with her so some of my favorite features about this van are the bed is really comfortable I feel very spoiled when I'm on the road."
"Van life is like a free hotel room wherever you go, allowing you to save money while working less hours."
"In thinking of the design of this van, it was very important for me to have space for experiences."
"Van life is not what Instagram shows."
"Having everything I need to live full-time comfortably in a van."
"Honestly, living in a van when you have kind of all the amenities that I do with a sink, oven, toilet, gaming setup, bed, it's almost exactly the same as living in a normal house with a small caveat—you have to find a place to put your home every single night."
"Van life has this way of making convenience romantic."
"Van life has trained me for this lifestyle change more than probably anything else would."
"In van life, you seek out the sunlight, which feels cozy."
"Life in a van is a mixture of adventure and challenges."
"Van life gives you the freedom to travel and explore different places."
"A lot of people use the van that way—they leave stuff or people or animals in here and they go do their thing and they come back."
"...one of the amazing things about this van is the bed actually goes in three different ways..."
"I lifted the van three inches with an outfit called Off Highway Van out of Salt Lake City... It's the best money I've spent on the van yet."
"Living in a van is so much cheaper because I'm not paying council tax and rent and all this stuff so my overheads are so much smaller in the van."
"You don't need a hundred thousand dollar van to go live van life or road life. You can literally just do it with what you have."
"Good morning, everybody. And welcome to day two of van life."
"Another thing I really love about this van is the amount of storage we've managed to get into it."
"Even if you want to live in a van, you can still have a good time."
"We feel like now is a good time to share with you our initial thoughts and how life has been in the van for the last little while."
"Initial benefits of living the van life: joy, less bills, more time to read, more time to hike."
"...I just think you can learn so much from this it doesn't take much to make a van livable not much money not much skill not much time you can do it."
"Having the van level while you're cooking in here while you're sleeping in here, it's very very important."
"So we love traveling for starters we love photography because of the lockdowns and stuff we sort of decided we wanted to get a van because we couldn't go overseas and then we discovered Max because he was converting his van at the time and also the same one"
"I've also added two 100W solar panels to the pop top."
"I have a lot of wood in my van so in general the van is like a pretty dry space and the vehicle body is fiberglass which is awesome so it doesn't get really damp like steel and stuff does when it gets hot and cold."
"If you're getting started guys, this is like seriously an easy solution to all your headaches."
"Running your van off of this one tiny little button, how easy can that get? Super simple!"
"...this thing may need to be charged more, but for me lately running the fan a few times just to expel some stuff through dinner and just general light use in the van, this has been running me three weeks before it needs to be charged again."
"...you're gonna get some free renewable energy which is freakin amazing."
"Literally the greatest thing I have in my van. I freaking love this thing."
"If somebody asked me the question chrome would you buy this one or would you buy this one I would hands down and say buy this one the Explorer 240 is the battery I use on the daily for everything."
"This battery is a must-have in your van and that is the freakin truth."
"It is what it is, you just have to get the sticker off."
"I'm going to help you create your own self-sustained 12 volt system in the back of your van so we can make it into a livable house that's not boring as hell."
"If you're gonna be doing any cooking inside the van, invest in a bigger sink. Make it happen."
"I love my van. Yeah, it's a great home. I love my life."
"Something I think that is becoming more and more important these days is having your lights in your roof and around your van dimmable."
"Van life is so hot and it's one of the only segments in the RV industry that's actually going up even if the market is going a little bit down."
"Welcome to luxury van life in Alaska."
"Probably my favorite part of the van is always kind of the living social area."
"Van lifers grab yourself a little to-go bag that already has all your shower stuff."
"what a beautiful beautiful spot to sleep at man this is why I love living in a van"
"I'm getting closer and closer to van life, but that's what I was about to say, but I don't know, it's evolving, it's moving, it's doing its thing."
"I love that van. We're never changing it. Van life forever."
"It's quite freeing. You don't gotta find a hotel. You just kind of stop and open the back hatch and you've got everything you need right here with you. That's pretty cool."
"I've been living in this for 8 months full-time now and don't have plans to stop."
"Battery capacity can be a little bit tricky, but you just kind of want to do the math, figure out how much you actually need, which will tell you how big of a battery bank to actually design into a van, which is what we do really well here."
"Van life has honestly been so much more enjoyable now that the weather is getting cooler."
"You don't have much counter space but hey, you're in a van so you take what you can get."
"Hopefully, this video has helped out a bit with those that are looking at buying a van or like even one of these vans or any other sort of van, just things that you could do to make the van a little bit more easy to live in."
"Good to have a shower and toilet in your own van in the middle of the night awesome."
"Now that we're done with the stress, let's prep for our amazing van life trip."
"Van life might have its ups and downs, and there's a lot to complain about, but when you can do this and this is your life, what's there to complain about? Nothing."
"I really love my van it is my home it is my safe haven it has treated me so well over these past two years."
"I want to clean up. I really love that van life reminds you how precious resources are."
"We bought a van and we're burning the midnight oil to convert a stock sprinter into our dream tiny home on wheels."
"I try to do the easy thing because that's really why I live out of a van. I want the easy life."
"I love this van. It feels more like home than any place I've lived in since I've moved out from my mom's house."
"With that, I now have two max air fans installed to the roof of my promaster."
"This is probably the fanciest meal we've ever eaten in the van."
"Can you stand up fully in your van, Tom?"
"One thing you hate about van life? Poop."
"Building a van, there's so many people doing it now, and it can be a really, really hard slog, but certainly for us, it was just definitely worth it."
"Van life doesn't have to be forever. It could just be an extended vacation or it could be a transitionary phase in your life."
"if you are a person who maybe leaned more into like loneliness and you're afraid of feeling lonely or you do already before you're moving into the van van life can be so isolating and having the dog there with you makes your connection so intense and so special"
"They do amazing things together not only do they live and travel in their van but their van is the Catalyst to their journeys of rescuing dogs in Puerto Rico the United States Mexico and various countries."
"If you're gonna live in a van, I would highly recommend getting a van that you can stand in."
"So if you can I highly recommend getting your fresh water water source inside the van even though it takes up a lot of space if you plan on doing any winter camping."
"...make sure to subscribe to the channel for more questionable van life content."
"We're Janine and Liam, a married couple doing full-time van life in the UK for the last 19 months."
"Living in a van with people for months and months a year is a good way to start hating each other. 100."
"We're living in a van and not spending money on rent or a mortgage. It's like an investment in you."
"Living in your van, it's like the van is an extension of your body and you can feel everything that happens to it. It's so strange, like I'm so attuned to everything that the van needs and every sound it makes and what's normal for it and what's not normal."
"So I did four and a half months of research on what kind of van I wanted to buy where I wanted to go with it what I wanted to do with it how I wanted to build it out."
"My favorite part of living in a van is just the ultimate freedom of it."
"Van life is not all fun and games, it's not just pretty landscapes and rent-free Adventures."
"The bed was very comfortable, the temperature was very comfortable...there was nothing quite like having rain when you're first having wet weather in your van."
"That's the beauty of Van life you can just do what you want when you want you want to go home go home you don't want to go home don't go home."
"Campervans are really expensive, you know there's no way of getting away from that even if you're buying a van converting it yourself and then getting out there all of that adds up."
"Despite the lack of love for van lifers on the Norfolk coast, it makes it all worth it when you find a little gem like this."
"I love building things, making things, adapting things... It's just the biggest reason why you should get a van."
"Van life... absolutely loving it."
"It's pretty rare to be in a van and actually have like a usable aisle space."
"Oh babe, that's a little bit too much stuff for van life."
"Van lifers are loved and despised by locals living in the areas they frequent."
"One of my favorite things about van life is having my first cup of coffee or tea in bed."
"So for me in van life, I ate a lot of wraps, a lot of salads, a lot of things that don't require cooking."
"I feel like I have a new love for van life all over again. Waking up to that view with the river running right beside the van, the birds tweeting above our heads in the trees... I had the best night's sleep I've had in a long time."
"Curtains in the van just does not work we hate them all we hate the pink ones and I do uh we hate the green ones even more."
"It was like the first upgrade if you will that we made to the van."
"Vanlife gives you the ultimate freedom to explore wherever the road takes you, to feel at home anywhere and take life at whatever pace you want."
"That's the thing we want to make sure, that someone can take the system for the van, and say yes, we can do this."
"If you're planning on doing van life and you're planning on doing it part-time you're probably never gonna have a day like this."
"It's about your living systems, what is it like to live full time in a vehicle as your house for months and months, that turns into years and years."
"Living in a van has literally given me that opportunity to do anything I want and go anywhere that I want."
"So moving through to the front of the van, we have this concertina door."
"Van life isn't perfect and it's definitely hard work, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"Could we live in a van full time and actually improve our lives?"
"I really do love the idea of Van life."
"How's your first evening in the van?" "I love it."
"This van has the best setup out of any vans we have traveled in so far."
"I think that's the number one benefit of Van life is if that's your kind of travel and that's the kind of person you are I truly can't imagine a a better way to travel."
"One thing you cannot beat is being able to kayak or canoe or whatever straight from your van and then paddle back past it. It is amazing."