
Specialness Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"I don't show it, so you don't know how special you are to me."
"Akane reassured him that he was something special to each of them, enough and ultimately sufficient to let them risk their lives and save him."
"Maybe we think of fanciness as a synonym for special."
"They see you as golden. They see you as something very special in their life."
"There's something special about this community."
"We are part of something incredibly special and that our lifetime maybe it's a test I don't know exactly what this is but it's special."
"In your absence, they see your value, they see how special this is."
"There's something very special about being a doctor."
"They need to feel special, like there should not be a Star Wars movie every six months."
"You are still special, everyone in your family is special." - Interviewee
"One out of ten thousand, that's pretty special."
"We want you to sign something so we can take it away because I think you're something really special in this world."
"This is turning into something so, so special. Ah, I'm just so happy with how this project's turning out!"
"We're all looking for meaning and purpose in this world. And if an alien's traveled millions of light years across the universe and he says I've chosen you, I love you, you're special, you've suddenly found meaning and purpose in life."
"It was the magic of it, it was the specialness that you were made to feel special."
"This right here, oh I don't know what it is but this thing right here is very special."
"They see you as a very virtuous and special person."
"Looks were deceiving because the day we opened the door to that kennel, we knew we had something special there."
"The flymo effect of people saying there's something special going on here."
"Children are special, women just get the benefit of spillover specialness."
"What you created here is incredible, and that's why this is so special."
"Videos to me, they're super special. They hold like a crazy place in my heart."
"We are special people, exceptional people, and the worst thing that can happen to them is like inflicting further injury and an insult to them."
"It's never happened before, and it just makes this experience that much more special for me."
"You'd always have a grin on your face because of that specialness factor."
"That's how you know you got something special."
"The level of detailing in them is also wonderful... it's really something quite special."
"Maybe you are special, maybe you will get sucked into a fantasy world of whimsy and wonder."
"You are special if only you could feel what I feel, see yourself as I see you, and understand this Supernatural World."
"They know that you hold something so special and beautiful and important to their soul."
"It feels almost like I'm being let in on something very special."
"He was very clear of going, 'No, my boys are the best players in the world,' and he made you feel so special."
"Am I special? Muffy, you're the most special kid in the whole world."
"Listen to me, Dipper. This town is a magnet for things that are special, and that includes you and me."
"You are unique, you are special, there's no one like you."
"That really is something special, never really found anything like that before."
"Such an opportunity comes once in a lifetime."
"You don't even realize how special you are."
"You'll never find another place like this."
"Inside this car really is something quite special."
"Mob's powers do not make him special."
"You are one of a kind and special to many people. Don't ever forget it."
"You're unique, you're special, you may have found what they did as a big surprise."
"No one else like there's no one else in the world."
"People recognize you as somebody very special, somebody who is worldly and otherworldly at the same time."
"You are a wonder. Whatever gift awaits will be just as special as you."
"There's something really unique about you that is different than anybody they've ever met. There's something like special they find you to be like special."
"You make them have butterflies, you make them giddy. There's something really unique about you that is different than anybody they've ever met. There's something like special they find you to be like special."
"You have like this very special gift, babe."
"It's manipulation. It's the allure of more. It's the wanting to feel special and questioning what you know to be true about God."
"I just love the ambiance of Disney, all I mean all the time but especially at the holidays, it's just like so special and magical."
"Something tells me that he is special."
"Time with you makes me think that I'm the luckiest guy in the world, even though I know I am. It just makes me feel a little special, you know?"
"It's easy to live with every day of the week, but at the same time, it feels special all the time."
"There's something magical about your presence."
"No other man ever made her feel as special as Nathaniel did."
"There's something about you that feels special."
"This exists in and of itself, it's deeply special."
"If everyone is special, then nobody is special."
"When everything is special, nothing is different."
"You're a human in mouse's clothing. You are very special."
"You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore You On Eagle's Wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my Covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people; for all the Earth is mine."
"There's just something special about this one."
"You're a unicorn, you're special, you're one of a kind."
"There's something special to that."
"They believe that you have some sort of special longevity in you, you know you have some sort of specialness that allows you to continue to go when people would have given up by now."
"This relationship is truly one of a kind."
"It's really special super long lasting."
"I'm sorry for messing up the election and I'm sorry for how I treated you. But you're special, CL Fitzroy."
"Happy birthday and then oh sorry... you are so special to me... talks about you all the time."
"They are unique and special in their own way to you."
"That's what makes it special, that's what makes it a gladiator sport."
"Wow, you guys are special all right."
"You're really special to one of these people."
"This is something extra extra special."
"Don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise because one of these really is a very special car."
"You are the one, and they are the 100."
"We've got something really special here."
"Occasionally something comes into your life with a little bit of Sizzle that's a little bit special."
"These are special games and opportunities."
"The CX-9 just feels more special."
"To win one of these, it would just be the real special."
"It makes you feel special and unique."
"Love is beautiful, right? Finding your person as well is extra special because they've got you."
"There's something special about this person and I talked to Paul about this at length and he said we've got to get away from the idea that somebody's special because of something positive it could be negative we've got to bear that in mind."
"You're a unicorn, you really are."
"Being unique and different are such special things."
"Don't you hate that uncomfortable silence? That's when you know you found somebody really special."
"All of them are different. All of them are special."
"I want you to feel so special. You deserve to feel like that royalty, that special person in that fairy tale that we're living right now."
"It's such an exciting, special time."
"You're the kind of person that comes along once in a lifetime that makes your life feel like it's something special."
"Nobody's special because we're all special."
"...Terry really was great. He really was special."
"They've got something very special there."
"There's something very very special about your connection."
"You're gonna see just how special he is."
"Everyone is special and you don't have any similarities to anyone else."
"It's a very special treat for us."
"People openly acknowledge that you're something special."
"I think today was a very special day, honestly."
"There was something special about this guy."
"That's amazing. I'm so glad we've got that. That's special, like, oh yeah."
"You are special, you are unique, and you're connected to the Stars."
"You are very special, baby, and I want you to really know that."
"Everything on this flight is actually special."
"That was amazing. Oh, it was so special."
"...there's something very special about this."
"We were a part of something special."
"You can't tell me you're not special. Everyone walking around is divinely special."
"He was attached to a very, very special, many, many, don't get me wrong, everyone, but there are some extremely unique."
"There's something special, I think."
"It's so special and I feel so grateful."
"I knew what I wanted to do and I wanted to be a part of something special, and Thank You is very special."
"There's something very special about them, very unique."
"Compared to other Eagle mascots, he's not really that special."
"It was special in every sense of the word."
"the uniqueness of humanity and the specialness of humanity was minimized"
"These things are just, they're so special."
"Being able to pick from three beautiful full bottles of perfume at the beginning of every day... is more than enough specialness to get me through the rest of the year without another birthday or another gift-giving holiday."
"Everyone is unique and special in some way."
"We've always known she was special."
"We're about to see something truly special."
"The secret sauce is the other stuff."
"There is something so special and unique about this product."
"She's special. She was born special."
"It's a unique place in the world."
"What I prefer is very rare, and I did not, until the whole truth earlier, I have met someone that I thought was really, really special."
"You're seen as special, one of a kind."
"Unlike other people, Steve made her feel so special."
"They hold a special spot in my heart, they're like extra innocent, extra special."
"...there's something so special about this guy."
"You knew while you were watching it, you were watching something special."
"You'll see something special here."
"You are like David, a man after God's own heart, so special, different, rare, and unique."
"It's just different. It's just special."
"But I think that they've got something that's really special here that they're offering."
"The golden child grows up with a feeling of being extremely special, chosen, and better than other people."
"This is something extremely special."
"It feels like such a unique and special place."
"This is the day that the Lord has made, there is something special about this day."
"It shouldn't be uncommon, but it was special."
"Vinland Saga is so beautiful and special."
"You're very special, you're very unique."
"This is special, this is as unique as it gets."
"These apples taste like no other. They're very special."
"A lot of these books were actually donated to my classroom by you guys, which is so, so special."
"There's something special about this."
"This brother is something special, it's something special."
"We just all pushed each other and fed off each other and everybody was homies and it was just it was really cool and it was something special for sure."
"You're driving something special."
"I'm obsessed with this cow, she's really special."
"There was something special about this kid."
"There is nothing as it shows that this car it's actually special."
"Special means unique but also equal."
"What a watch, what a special special watch."
"The decorations, there's really nothing like special special."
"That's when you know that you got something special."
"Jews were very special, it's sort of my first awareness of being a Jew."
"to have a tree with this type of history that is entirely grown in this country is really quite uh quite special."
"You can't praise Him? You ain't feeling nothing? He's still special."
"'There's something about these places that just makes you feel like there's something sacred or something special about them.'"
"It's not special what is? It's true. You're so cute I love you."
"You're so special, you are truly Divine."
"Life was special, and that you shouldn't take anything for granted."
"We have something special on our hands here folks, not just a good show but a good show with support."
"The universe's fine-tuning suggests that there's something special about the universe."
"I think you're super duper special."
"You're beautiful, you're special, you're lovely, and I told you that."
"We make something really special when we come together."
"They're going to give you a bigger bang for your buck and it's going to be a little bit more special."
"You are this very special thing to them."
"You are the one, only one. Yeah, doesn't that make you feel special?"
"What is special about me that you think I am your 'ren ding de ren'?"
"Open up your heart, we know God has something special just for you."
"The anthropic principle says yes, in the multiverse you may live in a special place because it has to be habitable."
"There's something very special about the show, and it is something kind of a legacy about it."
"It's really special, especially for the price."
"The people inside make the place special."
"The anthropic principle explains why our universe seems so special when in fact it is not."
"Your attention and your focus is what makes people special."
"Your brain can make anything or anyone special, and most of the times, you make people more special than they actually are."
"You're gonna make it to the kingdom. You are special."
"When you start to get used to something, you tend to stop seeing that it's special."
"God's word is still special, you just got used to it."
"I think you're a special person, and I like your ins and outsides."
"It all plays an uneven part in just making you feel like you're somewhere special."
"We're all special, but we're all not special because we all are special."
"Love comes in all different shapes and forms. Love is truly special."
"You should always feel special, baby, because you are."
"Everything's special, and some of the surprises are even surprises to me."
"Amazing, wonderful, glorious place, absolutely so special."
"The fact that it's so homespun and so undecorated is special."
"People love to belong, and if it's something exclusive that creates scarcity, it makes you feel special."
"They made things that felt very straightforward, very predictable, they made them feel a lot more special."
"It just has an air of specialness, it's unlike other things on the road."
"Isn't it nice when you meet somebody who you have admired on screen and you meet them in person that they are still very special?"
"I can sense something special within your heart."
"My gut was telling me that they were something special."
"There's something special about you, you're the one that I want."