
Art History Quotes

There are 485 quotes

"As connoisseurs of the arts, we collectively recognize certain works of art to be pivotal to their respective mediums."
"The invention of the camera and oil paint in tubes were two forms of technology that really created Impressionism."
"Ancient statues and buildings were colorfully painted."
"Nearly a hundred years later, 'Fountain' would be considered the most influential art piece of the 20th century, decided by a poll of 500 art experts."
"No artistic trend in the last 3,000 years has ever surpassed the time the Mayans just went crazy for octopuses."
"Art history is human history. It's a beautiful example of how we as ourselves change and how history changes us."
"The influence of Flemish art on the Italian Renaissance is really underrated in art history."
"It's your body that inspired the Renaissance... the ancient Greeks painted Aphrodite to look like you."
"Leonardo Da Vinci is considered by many scholars to be the greatest painter of all time, producing both the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper."
"The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City will soon host an exhibition of the Medici family."
"The portrait of Julius II by Raphael... was part of the foundational collection of the National Gallery."
"It's a portrait of power, but it's also a portrait of strong personal resonance."
"Why is the 'Mona Lisa' the most famous painting in the world?"
"In short, what we see on surface level offers us the historical context... serve to breathe an element of life and humanity into the still portraits that we've been looking at all our lives."
"The surviving standard comprises one of the true masterpieces of early Mesopotamian art."
"400 years after Bosch painted The Garden of Earthly Delights, it will inspire the Surrealist movement and in particular Salvador Dali."
"Surrealism was born out of the absurdity of what these wars put people through."
"This movement was marked as a breakthrough in the expressionism art movement."
"I hope that through these three pictures I've been able to tell you a little bit about Caravaggio's life but also I think here in the National Gallery you can see just how his style develops over time."
"Without this picture, there wouldn't have been impressionism."
"The Ghent Altarpiece's correct name is actually the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb."
"Caravaggio was forgotten until he was rediscovered in this amazing moment in the post-war era."
"The artwork found represents a unique blend of pre-Columbian and European colonial elements."
"Leonardo da Vinci's Thumbprint: the clearest thumbprint of Da Vinci's left hand, discovered on a study of female anatomy dating from about 1509."
"Hidden centuries-old artwork discovered at the Moren Cathedral."
"Symbolism is a very complex behavior that is truly fascinating hominins have been making art for hundreds of thousands of years."
"Throughout history, humans have discovered and dabbled in many different artistic mediums... leading up to an event known as the peak of artistic achievement: the launch of deviantart in the year 2000."
"Vincent van Gogh's works have been on a truly remarkable journey."
"While the search for lost Van Goghs continues, the story of Vincent's life has become world-famous."
"The Ark of the Covenant was very much an ancient Egyptian artistic piece."
"Sunforest presents us with a Medieval Revival that challenges that perception."
"This bird could signify the exact time that human beings in China became comfortable enough to stop foraging for food and began making three-dimensional art." - Luke Doyle
"Baroque art was propaganda... it convinced people to obey."
"The Pitsa Panels: the oldest surviving examples of Greek panel painting, still in such good condition."
"He understood that van Gogh's posthumous fame was thanks to a combination of his paintings and his tragic personal story."
"Humans have been making art from natural resources since the beginning of recorded history. From the ancient Egyptians to modern-day sculptors..."
"We've always wanted to know who painted Dido and Elizabeth, if we could find out it would be a family goal."
"It's very easy as an art historian to argue that the ghent altarpiece is the single most important painting ever made."
"It's time to honor Ruben's lasting legacy with respect and adoration."
"I love how the many many years ago the art used to dictate the industry and now I think it's turning around."
"The anguished man is a painting with grim history. It's said to be haunted by the spirit of some artist, an unnamed artist who created it using their own blood into the paint as they worked. Yeah, a real artsy fella."
"I enjoy the idea that forgotten artists are being respected again."
"Certain designers decorated the walls of a tomb and then were expected to write the hieroglyphic dedication."
"Da Vinci and Michelangelo, while best known for their works of art, also worked as military engineers during the Renaissance."
"When we learn in art history about all the great artists, we never see their awkward and embarrassing phases."
"The difference was that Manet's Olympia was a prostitute, but Madame X was part of French high society."
"Sargent was determined to see her talented son rise through the ranks of the great artists."
"Dali's name became synonymous with surrealism."
"From the first early cave paintings to Modern Art..."
"This painting is not the oldest art we've ever found, but if it does in fact depict one single scene, it would be the oldest story ever found."
"One of the prince's most notable purchases was Leonardo da Vinci's painting titled Salvator Mundi."
"People saw themselves in Titian's art, their world captured existence but also amplified it."
"Giotto, considered the first modern painter, painted scenes that were more realistic and human than anything that had been done for a thousand years."
"He changed British portraiture forever and he'd put an unforgettable face to his era."
"He planned his museum in response to the abstract expressionism art movement of the 1940s and 50s, which he wanted absolutely nothing to do with."
"Art Basel started in 1970 by three Basel gallerists."
"Ruined art or transformative of like Renaissance art. It is its own genre now."
"Vermeer lived and painted in the city of Delft near The Hague, but his reputation as an artist didn't extend much beyond the city he worked in."
"Putting that name to the painting today will be crucial."
"It's official our painting is by Francesco montemezano."
"Study that art history and build up your creative voice."
"The full story of Vincent Van Gogh, it's a tale worth hearing."
"Did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa from memory no he had a woman sitting in front of him and he was looking at her that that is a great grand tradition of art to draw by looking at the actual thing as it would have been in the old days."
"There's so much attention to detail with this, you know, and when I say attention to detail, I mean they went back and studied like the animators from that classic '30s period."
"It's inconceivable that an artist in the 16th century would paint a portrait without first doing a drawing on it."
"How can you not be an art historian with a last name like Guggenheim?"
"A straw wrong case has been made that the Mona Lisa could be a self-portrait of Da Vinci himself."
"Picasso painted the old guitarist on top of another unfinished painting."
"Schoolhouse Rock is officially a piece of cherished American art history to be preserved for generations to come."
"Betty mean was glad to be done with the aura because he saw it as a holdover from when art wasn't available to the Mass but was instead Hidden Away by the rich and Powerful."
"There are so many evocative portraits of gentlemen from this time period."
"Some of y'all are really enjoying it, and some of y'all just complain even if someone handed you a million dollars."
"To be able to see why they bought that in Naples or why they commissioned this picture is a particularly rare survival."
"Jan van Eyck, widely considered one of the finest artists in history."
"Art historians believe that the object is an angel, resembling a cloud, while others believe that it's a clear sign of alien visitors."
"Dobson was the first truly great British painter, our first native genius."
"Basquiat is have gotten... exploded on him because of hip-hop."
"Andy Warhol, very perceptive... he saw things that were coming."
"Vincent went on to be remembered as one of the most important figures in art history."
"The Hunt of the Unicorn is considered one of the greatest artworks in human history."
"Art about migration: a glimpse into our shared history."
"The idea of unknowingly owning a lost painting by a pre-renaissance master and thinking so little of it that you hang it in your kitchen above a stove is so laughable that it could be part of a sitcom."
"So it's really a conversation between the past and the present and between kind of neoclassicism and high monumental modernism."
"The biggest art theft in history could begin."
"Completed in 1653, Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi features four statues representing four of the world's most important rivers."
"The introduction of quiet everyday scenes of life unfolding in private households was among the most striking innovations of the Dutch golden age."
"The finest example of classic Maya mural painting comes from the small site of Bonham POC - these incredible murals depict a royal court scene, a battle, and a Victory celebration."
"Roman era statue heads in Greek mythology the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite and the god of wine and ecstasy Dionysus had a brief love affair."
"Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503, which is considered the greatest emotional painting ever done."
"Is this site in the Catalonia region of Spain the world's oldest art gallery?"
"Art was very closely identified with a purpose for most of human history."
"I started out my academic career as an art historian with a major in Asian languages."
"This pigment specifically was used by Van Gogh, by Matisse, by all of the vanguards in Europe."
"People think the Mona Lisa is smiling now, but she used to be emotionless."
"The secret art corridor of Florence, a hidden treasure trove of art and history."
"Leonardo's secret hatch: a fascinating intersection of art history and mystery."
"In the public Consciousness Leonardo da Vinci is most commonly associated with two of the most celebrated paintings in the western tradition: the last supper and the monaa."
"If we hadn't had Corby a lot of these other later art movements simply wouldn't have really been able to get established."
"This is the last painting of the artist's life and its darkness suggests that Lotreck knew the end was near."
"Cezanne brought a form of construction to painting which attracted symbolist artists and even religious artists."
"Cezanne is also the father of cubism."
"Cezanne is also the father of abstract art."
"Aside from portraits, landscapes, and still lives, Cezanne will also revisit another classic genre, that of the nude in nature, through the large paintings he will call the bathers."
"Some critics have suggested that the real importance of Delacroix is not his work in itself, but the influence it had on the generations that followed."
"Vincent van Gogh's act of cutting off his ear overshadowed the incredible story of his life."
"The Little Mermaid originally looked completely different."
"Iconoclasm is something that we'll see over and over again in art history, basically it's just evidence of some sort of deliberate destruction particularly in artwork."
"Art history nerds, please comment Stitch or duet this with your thoughts on this. Is this a Rembrandt or is it one of his students' work?"
"Such a contrast between worldly wealth and artistic greatness is not unusual in the history of art, but in the case of Rembrandt, it is difficult not to be astonished, such was the sheer size of his life's achievement."
"By looking briefly at the words of biographical and autobiographical writers from the 15th century, we will, I hope, understand even better what drove patrons to commission and artists to make that extraordinary range of works."
"Getting accepted by the Royal Academy would mean her painting would hang on the very same walls where some of the greatest names in art history had exhibited in previous centuries."
"Vasily Kandinsky set the stage for much of the expressive Modern Art produced in the 20th century. His work, both artistic and theoretical, played a major role in the philosophic foundation for the abstract expressionists."
"Concentrating largely on images of Roman emperors and of their partners, I'm going to be suggesting that the mis-identification of these characters is at least as important and as culturally and politically productive as the identification of them."
"I think every outstanding artist should really understand and know their place in history. Your artwork will always be seen in context to the time that you are born in."
"A lot of music fans, especially metal fans, would benefit from studying some art history, especially the futurists and dadaists, early 20th-century modernist painters, because they were really asking a lot of questions about the nature of art."
"The list of artists who fundamentally changed the way art was made during that period goes on for pages and pages."
"Gogan's influence on 20th-century art may have been rivaled only by that of his old hero Paul Cezanne."
"It remains a mighty achievement, a radical artist's response to the ideas and techniques of one of the most remarkable ages in the history of Art."
"A prestigious annual art prize established in the 1980s by a group known as the patrons of new art and administered by Tate Galleries is named after an English Romantic landscape painter born in 1775. Which painter? Turner."
"What had begun in Florence a century earlier was coming to a peak, an exciting time known as the high Renaissance."
"...for the last 100 years and more, while it's been at The Frick Collection, this painting has always been catalogued and discussed as John Hoppner's portrait of Lucy Byng."
"Caravaggio lived from 1570 to 1610 and he's one of the most fascinating artists in history of art. He was a genius, a scoundrel, a murderer."
"Currently, she is the Richard D. Cohen Fellow in Art in Art History here at the Hutchins Center where she is pursuing research in Nubian art and developing strategies to make it more widely known and accessible. Please welcome Dr. Fred."
"Art history teaches us not only how to look but also to see what is in a painting or an artwork. It helps us understand the creative expressions of the past and to appreciate them."
"The purpose of art history: teaching us to see, understand, and appreciate creative expressions of the past, enriching our own thinking and ideas."
"Thank you for watching this film on the art channel about Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali."
"...a lot less scrawny than a lot of the other Davids that we see in art history."
"Artists fell in love with Cezanne's style and it had a great influence on the art of the early 20th century."
"Memes have the shortest time frame. You could actually see the pattern of art history in memes."
"Etched his name into the page of art history."
"Another pioneering artist of Japan’s Modern period is Uemura Shōen."
"Modernism was focused on the object, but conceptual art and performance art moved it away from the object and moved it towards the artist, towards the audience, and audience interaction."
"So 1910, the first cubist works start being publicly shown. By 1911, Metzinger, Ferdinand Léger, everybody is jumping in on this and sees this as a real revelation."
"Would it surprise you to know that a French house painter and decorator was responsible for one of the most groundbreaking art movements of the whole 20th century?"
"500 years ago, one Flemish painter, Hieronymus Bosch, took the northern Renaissance in a direction that seems radical even today."
"Rome is the birthplace of the Baroque style, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who lived and worked here in the 17th century, is considered its father."
"Vermeer's girl is sleep from about sixteen fifty-seven as a met this work is tied to de Hoch in that it gives us a view from one room into another."
"History painting was viewed as the noblest category of subject matter in which artists demonstrated their knowledge and originality of thought."
"The most distinct and unique art form though was the bokero type pottery."
"But I think that's probably where this idea for the skull comes from, and shows perhaps also, if it came from Omazur, how close Omazur and Murillo were."
"The history of art is woven with colors and stories."
"The art of the past creates the art of the present and the art of the future."
"Recognize the history of design and painting residing in a particular place."
"I think Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first to kind of come up with it."
"France was really the biological mother of modernism, that's where modernism was born."
"These artists had so often been thought of separately...we realized we were dealing with what effectively was a sort of laboratory of modernism being created."
"You can't imagine how Picasso and Matisse had been taught separately in all art history courses...but the specifics of the way they bounced off each other only became clear."
"Here was a young artist barely 20 who understood many of the grand themes of art history."
"This is arguably one of the most important Old Master paintings in New York City."
"It provides a liberal Civ engine for original research by a distinguished art historian of Western art history."
"They were known for these massive family portraits."
"Florence should not be deprived of the praise due to her... there began the study of painting, sculpture, and architecture."
"...the first art historian... The lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects."
"Vasari starts out talking about artists of the 14th century like Giotto and duchi oh he actually does talk about some artists who were earlier."
"Linear perspective became completely widespread, characteristic of Renaissance art."
"Brunelleschi invented or discovered linear perspective, a mathematical or geometric method of creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a flat surface."
"He knew about the futurists. He knew about the Theatre of the Grotesque. And all these elements somehow combined in him to produce what has become known as transcendental farce, more familiar to us, perhaps, as black farce."
"So that's an interesting point, I think--to watch these two arts work in tandem at this particular moment in history."
"This is a great book because it's not just his work but it also pulls out some of the artists that he is influenced by."
"The art reflects what the culture really loves the most you know I mean there was a time when sculpture was what culture loved the most and there was some amazing you look at a Bernini or you look at a Canova and you're like oh wow."
"On the walls of this chamber are faded and cracked mosaics depicting a harvest of grapes and a celebration."
"The story of how the Mona Lisa was eventually recovered is just one of the many mysteries surrounding the painting."
"The evidence is rather that he was a genius, that he knew what he was doing, and moving in that direction. Famously only sold one painting during his lifetime."
"The symbolists were recapitulating the past, reappropriating it, but giving it new vitality."
"Nobody doubts that post-impressionism, we are definitely into the realm of modernism."
"...the phoenix is associated with Nicholas Hilliard and is dated to around 1575."
"Busan is the most important French painter until you get to Manet and the Impressionists in the 19th century."
"I feel like because Berlin to me represents the birthplace of Expressionism."
"He manages to combine this wildness and revelry and naughtiness with a real eradication and understanding of the classical world."
"It's the first time that we've ever or anyone has ever paired antiquities with the paintings that were inspired by them."
"We do now have the three triumphs reunited and that's the first time that's happened with the full attribution restored to this picture."
"I will leave it to you to decide just how many secret messages Michelangelo Left Behind for those who might see them."
"The meanings behind the Sistine ceiling have ignited debate amongst Scholars and art lovers for centuries."
"After the completion of Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling in 1513, we have these words written by the art critic Fasari: 'When the chapel was uncovered, people from everywhere rushed to see it and the sight of it alone was sufficient to leave them amazed and speechless.'"
"Together these paintings provide us with a glimpse into 18th-century Europe and with a level of accuracy that won't really be surpassed until the invention of photography."
"Vermeer's reputation spread beyond the close network of collectors largely due to the pioneering work of the art critic known as the Sphinx of Delft."
"Next to Rembrandt, the figure of Vermeer rises above all other artists of the great age of the 17th century."
"When one thinks about the issues that are raised by Viennese painting at the turn of the century, it is remarkable how integral and how connected they are to architecture."
"Architecture provides the testing ground for many of the contested questions that painting is going to raise in this period."
"This must be a borrowing from Durer's engraving, perhaps a bit of a private joke between the two artists."
"I love have you ever seen those manuscripts where it shows somebody painting and they've got all these cute little shells lined up with their paints inside."
"...that was one of the greatest artistic minds of the 20th century easily went through so many changes unbelievable."
"Trompe-l'œil is an art of supreme illusion, an approach to painting that dates back to antiquity."
"Illusionism had always been taken, since the Renaissance in particular, as the ideal of painting, painting that would be so true to life that people would actually believe that the narrative story unfolding before them was almost happening."
"She was one of the most famous and highly regarded still life painters of the late 17th, and first half of the 18th century, male or female."
"Paintings both true and subtle, whether they're pleasant or brooding, thanks in good part to the believable skies and the tinted air and the changeable moods that are the legacy of Dutch 17th century painters."
"Part of the frustrating nature of being an art historian is intentionality: what does an artist mean and what does an artist not mean?"
"Maybe in the Renaissance, this concept of the great genius artists and originality emerged and has dominated our thinking about art."
"Before literacy was widespread, art was an important way to communicate ideas."
"Impressionism changed everything."
"Building a canon of art, formulating a narrative of art history, I don't know if it's longer really possible."
"The 60s saw a huge resurgence in popularity of the Art Nouveau style."
"Goldfinch was a popular pet and was used in Italian Renaissance paintings as a symbol of Christian redemption."
"It's a collection of lithographs from the 19th century from a French academic drawing course made by Charles Bargue."
"That all the old painters understood this; they were educated in this at the great ateliers and the academies."
"Early Renaissance is a break from the medieval period, and then the High Renaissance brings the form to its full fruition."
"This was his neoclassical period, a brief return to classic realism in a career otherwise dominated by experimentation."
"It's quite astonishing that people all over the world know and love the work of LS Lowry, but the person who taught him, the pioneer Adolf Valette, is much less known."
"...it's quite exciting of course for an art historian to see this synergistic approach which comes on the heels of a 20th century when we have all been in our silos..."
"Less well-known is the immense impact Mille had on many generations of future artists."