
Racial Justice Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"Racial justice and gender equality are very important moral and political causes."
"I urge everyone to donate if they can and if you can't donate, sign as many petitions as you can. I cannot stress how important it is. It's absolutely unacceptable that black people are endangered every single day in 2020."
"The explicitly pro-white position would be to support BLM because they were only advocating for restraints on police behavior and violence which would protect white people as well."
"I am an outspoken advocate of fighting against racial injustice, and Black Lives Matter."
"Can we become a country that lives up to the truth that Black lives matter?"
"We should treat people of color the way we treat white people."
"Canada frames itself as the place where enslaved people run to for freedom, but it's not the complete truth."
"Furious liberals demand CNN fire Obama advisor Van Jones for saying Trump doesn't get credit for the good things he has done for the black community."
"The mass incarceration of poor people of color in the United States is tantamount to a new caste system, one that shuttles our children from decrepit, underfunded schools to these brand new high-tech prisons."
"Nothing good happens for black people on accident. It requires planning, it requires persistence, it requires purpose."
"In areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the black people, it is time for the black man to stand up and start defending himself."
"If the nation has done something special against the Negro... for 240 years, the nation must do now something special for the Negro."
"America systemically did something to black people to put us in this position...they should atone for that financially."
"We are not going to get past our current state of racial injustice until we acknowledge the history... Every police department in this country has a story, a confession to make about the multiple times they have acted in ways that are racially unjust."
"President Biden will deliver a national address on his plans to advance racial justice and equity starting with an equitable and inclusive recovery."
"Advancing racial justice and equity for all Americans is everybody's job."
"What if we would have overran the Capitol for Breonna Taylor? What if we would have overran the Capitol for Sandra Bland or Tamir Rice?"
"We care about black lives and don't want to see black people killed."
"We have arrived at the day we hoped for, after four years of dealing with what we have all been dealing with, we have new opportunities to really follow through on a commitment to racial justice, social justice, equity, equality, fairness."
"Black lives matter is really fighting for the dignity and humanity of Black communities all over the world."
"Activist Benjamin Chavis and congressman Walter Fauntroy led over 500 protestors against the dumping of toxic waste containing cancerous PCB's in a small predominantly black town named Afton."
"It's 2020, and we're still having to fight to let people know that our lives matter. You can't be silent about this. You have to speak up."
"But if there is an enduring image that will stick with us forever from this moment in American history... it is probably this: These images of a Black Georgia state legislator simply knocking on the door of the room where Georgia's governor was signing the bill into law."
"The battle to control the virus, the battle to build prosperity, the battle to secure your family's healthcare, the battle to achieve racial justice and root out systemic racism in this country, and the battle to save our planet by getting climate under control."
"The president of the National Black Farmers Association, John Boyd, will be visiting with us, talking about the class action lawsuit announced today on behalf of black Farmers against the U.S. government."
"Freedom is liberation for black bodies and black communities to make economic change through political power."
"The time is coming and has come where the black man and woman is going to say, you know what, no more."
"Black love is seen as a radical Act of black resistance in a white supremacist Society."
"Critical race theory as I best understand it is a movement... to interrogate the role that... white supremacy and oppression has had and still continues to have in American society."
"Attorney Ben Crump will be dropping by for the latest on the trial of former Texas police officer who shot an unarmed black woman."
"Self-awareness to know okay, so you know again, is it am I am I not doing as well as I could be because of luck or is there things that I can learn?"
"We're inviting city employees who identify as white to join this training to learn, reflect, challenge ourselves, and build skills and relationships that help us show more fully as allies and accomplices for racial justice."
"We don't find pleasure in this. We don't celebrate a man going to jail. We would have rather George be alive. But we celebrate that we, because young people, white and black, some castigated, many that are here tonight, marched and kept marching."
"You want to be an active anti-racist somebody who's interested in racial justice."
"It's important to stand up against systemic oppression in communities of color."
"What about the black lives that have died recently in the riots?"
"We all should be concerned with white supremacy"
"About 93% of the racial justice protests that swept the United States this summer remained peaceful and non-destructive."
"The justice system is rigged against African-Americans and for once here is a black man who is able to beat the system."
"Progress is being made if you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches there's no progress."
"It is up to our white friends and allies to be sure to stand up for those who are under attack."
"We have a cultural, we have a structural issue in our society that does not value Black lives."
"When I talk about reparations I am talking about America as a country as a state as a society I am NOT talking about white people."
"I have to support leaders who see racial justice as fundamental."
"No life is worth more than another simply because of the color of their skin."
"You can't say black lives matter and no snitching at the same time."
"Black Lives Matter. Breonna Taylor's life mattered."
"We built this country, so we will not be erased."
"A guy's got your knee on his neck. I can't breathe. Please. Get your knee off his neck."
"We need white people to put their privilege on the line and to save black lives."
"The death of George Floyd marks a turning point in history."
"White supremacy wasn't built overnight, it's not going to end overnight but you got to be persistent with going after justice."
"Black people we've always been slaves we've always been scapegoated been made to be scapegoated this make an example of me is not the first time that someone has made an example of someone who spoke out."
"It always takes a woman, a black woman, to stand up for what's right."
"Shut the [ __ ] up, listen to the black people."
"Until the death of a black mother son is as important to this country as the death of a white mother son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest."
"As long as one black man is a victim of racism, then I don't have it made."
"That's a part of the game, man. We're fighting white supremacy. We're fighting the most powerful system in the world."
"Black people have played one of the most vital roles as the perfectors of this democracy."
"Rest in peace to George Floyd, I believe that black lives matter."
"No justice, no peace. Maxine Waters says that it is racist for Congress not to pass police reform."
"You don't get to arrest a young black man for running through your neighborhood."
"Vice President Biden has been very clear that police reform in this country is a necessity and that unarmed Black people being killed by the police should be low-hanging fruit."
"The president stands against defunding the police... all black lives matter."
"White people can do illegal shit here in America and still maintain their positions in society... they can still hold onto a lot of shit." - Discussion about Trump and legal issues
"It's about empowering black people and having freedom to enterprise."
"We cannot let them erase people of color from the narrative of America."
"We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race. We are going to stand up and do what we need to do."
"Bringing black and brown people up to the level of white men is my fight."
"I thought you cared about black lives. You're forcing me to the conclusion that you don't give a damn about black lives. When you care about is the New York Times editorial page, that's what you care about."
"Know this is America this is what they do to black people they shove them through the criminal justice system even when they dub nothing."
"What I want to see is black women, black mothers educating their boys, raising them up as kings, empowering them so that they know that they are good enough."
"There has to be transparency and accountability in America's police departments to make sure that these individual and institutional tragedies that keep happening to black Americans stop happening."
"We're getting rid of the chokehold tactic which was used to kill Eric Garner as well as the knee chokehold which was used to kill Mr. Floyd."
"Foundational Black American Race Baiter: the most important book you will need to understand the mechanisms of systemic racism."
"There are people marched in all 50 states, 18 other countries because African Americans, when they're jogging, sleeping in their home, are being killed."
"Cast by Isabel Wilkerson is a must-read for humanity. It explains why we are where we are in terms of racial injustice and inequality." - Oprah Winfrey
"Black lives do matter, yes they are real people and they should be respected."
"Let's stop being ashamed, let's stop being afraid. We're in a system of global white supremacy. Once we acknowledge that, we can come up with ways to produce justice."
"I don't really care if you call it reparations. Clearly, African American communities in United States need help."
"Truth be damned because truth is the enemy of white supremacy if it can't be ignored then it must be destroyed."
"If you really believe in black people having freedom, then stop shaming people."
"Understand, acknowledge, and work towards getting to a new reality where black lives actually matter."
"If you are not promoting the black agenda, we are clowning your ass."
"If you're pro-life, you're standing there with black folks when their kids are killed by cops."
"Juneteenth is an opportunity... to raise his issues in a more powerful way."
"We're acknowledging the Black Lives Matter movement."
"You cannot say you are about black excellence when all you do is step on the backs of black women, black men, black people."
"For African Americans who are being jailed disproportionately... it's not a curiosity."
"Start to deal with the racial problems in the country in a way that acknowledges that there are legitimate concerns."
"You deserve to live in a world where you as a young black boy are allowed to exist."
"Black folks we're going to be fighting like hell to protect them."
"Do majority white companies genuinely care about Black people?"
"We have to challenge white supremacy wherever it shows its ugly head."
"How about come with some [ __ ] real policies for black people."
"I'm trying to defend my black women out there. Okay? Because there's not enough black men defending black women in my opinion. So I love y'all. Y'all are beautiful, y'all special. And, yeah, don't worry, nothing wrong with y'all. Y'all are queens."
"The violent economic dispossession of black people created America as this powerful beast in the world, moving through with all the fat and all the money and everything, is on our backs."
"Joe will bring us together to squarely face and dismantle racial injustice."
"If you do not have a black agenda, seeing a black face that's being puppeted by white supremacy means nothing."
"Stop stealing from black people, stop stealing specifically from young black creative, stop it stop it stop it."
"You can't be an institutionalist and think that you can actually create a revolution for black people."
"It needs to be a damn black woman. Black women are the most disrespected."
"Protesters poured into the streets of Berlin chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and 'I can't breathe'."
"Ghana may be a respite for Black Americans seeking refuge from the United States’ ongoing racial injustice."
"The war on drugs needs to end... it's a war on a certain ethnicity."
"Black lives matter is a mandate from the people. It's time, pay us what you owe us. Our black skin is not a crime, it is the beautiful robe of nation builders." - Ayanna Pressley
"Reparations were promised to black people but were never given to black people."
"Black lives matter, our black children's lives matter."
"There has been this light, and especially with the protests and with the horrible tragic murders of so many people, it's brought this attention that you can't deny anymore."
"Independent Media were the real Victors here."
"The day when black people participate in the economy in proportion to our talent we will solve every problem that we have."
"I'm black and I know what the police and the government has done to black communities to oppress them."
"The law aspires to be colorblind, it has to be the right objective. There's no other decent way we're going to be able to run civilization."
"The last burning embers of racism. That's where we are."
"Black lives matter fundamentally has always been rooted in a working-class black struggle led by poor marginalized black communities."
"And it's clear to me that black people in my country and around the world deal with systemic racism and injustice on a daily basis."
"Your empowerment, Black people, is non-negotiable."
"Black businesses are a threat to white supremacy."
"Justice has always eluded black and brown people even to this day."
"It's not Queen and Slim the situation that they found themselves in is is maybe I don't know five ten percent their fault but overwhelmingly it's the result of having to navigate this inhumane racist society."
"Black Americans who live in zip codes where 75 percent or more of the population was black believed that black people's over-representation in the criminal justice system was a product of structural inequality."
"Do the black lives only matter when the police are killing us?"
"Affirmative action acknowledges the systemic oppression of people of color."
"Together we stand in solidarity against racial injustice, together we fight against systemic racism, together we are relentless in our pursuit of justice, together we join our hands with our community and take action, together we make a difference."
"This whole situation goes very deep with the fact that we're always witnessing black death."
"Black Americans should push for at least eight to ten states with one state having an outlet to the sea for international trade and commerce."
"Black lives matter emerged because clearly black lives don't matter."
"The UK is immeasurably far from being a racially just Society."
"Fight tooth and nail against white nationalism."
"We consistently go in on white supremacy, even though we're outnumbered, outgunned, and outfinanced."
"We're not just renaming ourselves, we're saying that there's a cost America owes a debt to this specific group."
"This generation of black folks must be willing and have a tenacity and have the audacity to be willing to challenge white supremacy in 2020."
"You have to change white people. That's why I go after the entitlement."
"If justice is done to black people, white people's lives and way of life is going to have to change."
"We need to address racial and social justice."
"It's co-opting the idea of happily ever Afters of redemption arcs of the idea of how love can heal you as a person and make you a better person taking all these wonderful ideas and letting white supremacy slide in there."
"Black economic power is the key to the future."
"What's cool about the black economic genocide? How y'all gonna act like you serious about a reparations conversation when every time you get a dollar bill, you're telling each other to give the dollar bills away?"
"If 10 black men woke up tomorrow and said [__] let's go and die for us in the name of us the whole world will stop and listen."
"I am not a compromising black man... I will fight for black people as long as I can."
"Black Lives Matter is not inherently political. It's a movement of dignity."
"The fight for racial justice is also their fight."
"We're here not just to talk about economic issues, we're here to talk about racial and social justice."
"It means that this government henceforth recognizes Blacks as citizens capable of a national life. Not as chattels who have no rights, which White men are bound to respect."
"It's stimulating enormous acceptance and sympathy outside of [the black community]."
"Every time you spend in that dollar you should be saying what's the return on investment to black people."
"She simply took her rightful place at the center of the battle for the freedom of black people."
"The liberation for black people is going to require economic independence on each other."
"Never in a million years would I ever think that would replace the vast systemic multi-trillion dollar debt that is owed to black people for reparations."
"Land ownership was the central tenet of black freedom." - A profound insight into the importance of land to marginalized communities.
"Just know all the people that Jim and I'll call these people out as the white moderates that MLK Malcolm X warned us about. They are."
"I have never expressed agreement with the idea that one race can be said to be the master race over all the others."
"Racial Justice uh, is integral uh, to workers' rights you can't have one without the other."
"The whole reason there was a nationwide global George Floyd protest is because that thing happened."
"I hope we all have the same energy for when a young black woman is dead at the hands of another black man."
"I will continue to peacefully protest, share and elevate black voices."
"How many dead black bodies do we need to drop at Joe Manchin's front door before we can get a vote on this?"
"If you can understand why it's important for the president to talk about AIDS, then you should understand why it's important to say black lives matter."
"We are demanding tangibles. We're absolutely demanding that there be a robust and substantive black economic agenda."
"Black people are not getting the attention that we deserve, that the black community is being ignored." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral... violence never brings permanent peace." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"Bogus crime stats are used to justify the Perpetual targeting of black people."
"What's next is we continue to expose white supremacist culture in Alabama and join forces and coalition build."
"Black folks have participated heavily in even helping fight for Mexico."
"Investing in black and brown communities and in the people and economic advantages, that's where we can really see a dip."
"We definitely need white allies to come to our aid and utilize their voices."
"We will undo all of the racist immigration executive orders written by Donald Trump."
"I just get very protective of young black girls because not on my [__] watch, just not."
"So what do black lives matter protestors want? Just to be treated fairly by the state."
"The only way America can make America equal is to give African people our cut of what we built for this nation."
"We need to have a racial Reckoning in the United States of America."
"Elijah Muhammad was ahead of his time, laid out a blueprint for reparations."
"For me racial justice and queer liberation were always the same thing because the people who taught me the biblical case for queer inclusion were queer POC."
"Reparations are necessary for America to come to terms with its history of racial injustice."
"I believe that what's happening to people of color in this country right now is wrong."
"If you're bothered by the phrase 'Black Lives Matter,' good, now investigate the phrase."
"Racially motivated 911 calls are such a problem in America that some city and state governments are now passing laws to get it under control."
"Black people in this country, with what black people have been through now, I demand that America care. I demand that mainstream America care about black people."
"Every black person should be a prison abolitionist."
"When Malcolm X talked about black people deserving their own country away from the oppression of white people, he wasn’t talking about subjugating the white people."
"The only reason why corporations are saying Black lives matter is we have forced them to say that Black lives matter because we have democracy in the streets."
"Reform gerrymandering of districts which protects the black vote."
"We need people they're going to speak out because look a lot of black folks were like man all right this is happening well I'll just keep on trucking but not Rachel Rachel wasn't and she was speaking up for the black community."
"The racial wealth gap is out of line, quantifiable enough. That is your case for reparations right there, that's it."
"This can spread like wildfire if we don't get it under control."
"Black people should have built our own institutions, organizations, and schools."
"Affirmative action is the only way to protect black people from systemic oppression."
"There's a cost to it there's a price that we pay and let me say something provocative I think most white people don't actually care about racial injustice if it means experiencing any inconvenience or any discomfort."
"The Black Lives Matter group has been fighting to be heard since 2013."
"There is no greater witness than when demanding reparations than Obama himself, acknowledging centuries of slavery and discrimination as the primary causes of our gaps."
"If he's not offering a Black Agenda, he cannot stay."
"We gotta protect black people in Black life before we protect black art."
"I was mission-driven, and my mission was for the equality and liberation of Black, Indigenous, and people of color, the rising majority of the country."
"We owe it to our black staff, black talent, black production partners, and viewers to demand change and accountability."
"If you're a black person and someone calls you a racial slur, I mean, clearly, now is your best chance in history of them, like, losing their job."
"One way to start is to ask yourself how you're taking action each day to make a material visible difference for black people and people of color."
"Pain is manifesting itself particularly for the black community because George Floyd represents a lineage of black bodies that die senselessly."
"Black lives matter enough to black people to where we want to make sure that we build a better world for black children."
"Any time the white man gives you anything you must remember that he will turn right around and take it back." - Fannie Lou Hamer