
Societal Changes Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"Without a stronger civic spirit, liberalism would collapse, giving way to those who would shore up borders, banish ambiguity, harden the distinction between insiders and outsiders, and promise a politics to take back our culture and take back our country."
"It's why we voted for the Patriot Act, it's why Trump is president, it's why Brexit happened."
"If you suddenly have a massive reduction in the number of men in a country, it's going to have a really big knock-on impact for a variety of different businesses."
"It's fascinating... to see an entirely shifting ideal of what is fame or what is aspiration."
"The global flow of migrants in the world is not something that is going away anytime soon."
"You have to be as independent as you can nowadays. You can't rely on anyone because it's only a matter of time."
"Women would rather share an alpha than be saddle with a faithful beta anymore."
"It's a tombstone of masculinity, what happens to a being that has lost its identity entirely."
"A lot of people are just reevaluating their lives."
"I think it's because birth control started everything, yes, Pearl's World."
"We're all being invited to inhabit the emergent shoots of the dystopia."
"You are showing the world a new way of doing things."
"Gay people actually need biological sex to be real or they don't exist and we are watching them be erased."
"My joke was that, and I think I made this joke a year ago, in like 2030, everyone will be wearing gray jumpsuits with no pockets."
"We're living in a world today that's global and exponential."
"As wild as the 60s were... the trend is not getting towards modesty."
"We must all realize that behind-the-scenes, these strange things will continue to unfold."
"I think in 2024 we're going to have the post-pandemic period where I think we will return to normal with some persistent changes."
"Cultural shifts are happening faster than ever."
"Personal freedom and personal privacy are being sacrificed on the altar of some great reset."
"We're living in some explosive, exciting times."
"Relationship standards have changed, relationships are not the same as they used to be."
"Let us remember that this used to be the norm..."
"Big cultural shifts like that never really just have one single cause."
"In terms of cultural discourse and impact, things today are incomparable to what they were back then."
"The things we joke about today are the things that become reality tomorrow."
"Feel your lust for life, face up to things you've been avoiding."
"They're gentrifying us in the schools the jobs we work at."
"Our generation... kind of became cool, became a status symbol."
"What does the return of the space cowboy mean for ordinary folk like you and me?"
"I think modern women are... missing the gentlemanly expectations of old."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"Things are getting weird and they're getting weird fast."
"Can't shake that silly pre-Enron pre-911 pre-Worldcom feeling."
"Did you ever think that you'd longed for the good old days when all we had to fight about was the definition of marriage?"
"The diversity that I believed in 20 years ago and you believed in 20 years ago, the diversity that you might have heard if you listen to Martin Luther King Jr's speeches, that doesn't seem to be the diversity that Disney is talking about today."
"Belief in heaven and hell has been dropping off, especially belief in hell."
"I think our palettes have changed from the wealthy people of the past."
"Let's go back to the 7th century when the world looked like this."
"Population movement has been happening forever."
"Money is not the root of all evil anymore, attention is."
"The sky is very ample and very empty and very free. So the vision is, can we build a socially acceptable mass transit solution for daily transportation that is affordable?"
"In other words, something is going on that became big during the 20th century roughly speaking and that is important."
"It's the little things like that that people don't do anymore that kind of stuff and it's those little things that give people joy."
"There are many fences in the world that are worth tearing down but you damn well better understand why the fence was erected before you demolish it."
"This decade I believe is going to be a decade of roller coasters, and I call it the decade of the roller coasters."
"School's out for summer. No deep divers, schools are closed all over Europe, America."
"There is likely to be an increased feeling of freedom when it comes to working and fulfilling our duty towards society."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even if we hear something that we don't consider significant now, it may affect society profoundly down the line."
"Far fewer young men get married than did just a few decades ago."
"Families don't stay together like they used to; people get divorced, they get married and they get divorced, and it's so common anymore."
"Life expectancy has changed, people are living much longer."
"Either way, I think we live in fascinating times."
"I think we did come very close to that in the 1950s and 60s and again now in the 1980s."
"Guys are out. As things get worse, you're going to see more and more of this."
"Biology... chemistry... biology will not change... chemistry will not change... men that operate like women... becoming less and less attractive."
"Darkness is getting brought into the light, and things are becoming obvious."
"It's very interesting how social distancing has come in as a policy. Aquarius social Saturn limitation, so social distancing and Aquarius energy in itself can be quite cool in it's very social, very egalitarian, very humanitarian."
"But today this practice is degenerating into something even more dangerous."
"There was a world before culture wars ate everything."
"2020s here, shit's stranger than it's ever been before."
"The farther we've come technologically, the more things have opened up."
"Every generation apparently has something they carry with them."
"Why aren't men paying for dates? Because men have started to realize that there's really no point."
"In the past 12 months, the job market has been defined by trends and buzzwords like the great resignation."
"You need to be an adult later in life than earlier in previous generations."
"One of the most ignored and misunderstood phenomena in our modern age is the imbalance in the sensual dating market between men and women."
"It's everything around Rome that turned Rome against Christians."
"I call it sexual disenchantment, it used to be that sex had intrinsic value, now it's just a social interaction."
"Can we normalize giving the good guys a shot?"
"Imagine like, we are living in a pretty cool time when ketamine's a big deal."
"We're slowly boiling the frog to the point where we won't own anything."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"New technology makes old technologies obsolete. What if that old technology is your memory?"
"Suddenly, things that we were all doing became ethical bonuses."
"Our lifestyle is changing and it won't continue to change. It's gonna have to change fiscally."
"It's time for a renegotiation of those roles because so much is different about males and females in the world we live in."
"You're talking about like 'oh man, Christianity is under attack.' No, no. Christianity has been dead."
"The only way a governing elite can operate is by constantly trying to anticipate the kind of changes and the kind of problems."
"There seems to be a very tight relationship between changes in the gender gap in education and what happens to marriage and cohabitation patterns."
"Being a husband wasn't all about enforcing male power over women."
"It's a journey. Driving should be enjoyable, but it seems like the powers that be are taking all the enjoyment out of it."
"Minneapolis voting to abolish their police while books are being banned, movies are being banned, and art is being banned."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"It's just funny to me that it's not a problem we saw 20 years ago like we do now."
"One of the only things we've done right in America is that no one smokes anymore."
"This has definitely been a trend over the last few years."
"Many people would find it very attractive to live in a world where we all worked much shorter hours."
"It's a very concerning issue. The spread of indecency, vulgarity, drinking of wine, and the spread of songstresses."
"The pandemic has made government important again."
"Helps us to visualize how quickly and easily this can happen in the future with religious laws in the interest of the public good."
"This is great, these are things in the culture that we never thought we would see before."
"Imagine getting sent to prison in the year 2000 and then getting out in 2020."
"Things that many people just think that cannot happen are going to happen... they're going to continue to happen."
"The attack on the Bible is coming next, the Bible is next, mark my words."
"It's not really that things are they're not really getting worse they're getting more exposed right we're we're all of a sudden seeing the real the real real."
"Darkness is growing in our world... since we removed God from [schools]... darkness is expanding."
"The American dream of owning a home is going to turn into the American nightmare of increased homelessness."
"Loyalty, respect, all the codes have been remixed."
"We may be at the end of an era of abundance and relative peace."
"Best moments: post-lockdown haircut and new appreciation for things."
"Everything that happens in society is pulling humans apart from one another."
"He made things a lot worse but he also masked a lot of what was going on."
"Denying Christ before men is rapid among believers in this generation."
"They're basically saying that COVID's permanent... and these lockdowns are going to be permanent."
"Now it's illegal to say anything against it."
"Your children need church more than ever before in the history of the world."
"Being a man today is harder today than it is then."
"Modern-day gangbanging has evolved from what it's been."
"These problems are fairly new and this kind of stuff didn't happen back when marriage and partnering for life was the norm."
"Demographic patterns... will fundamentally shape... economic and political conditions... aging... youthful societies... migration... growing urbanization."
"Big questions are afoot, big things are afoot, and there are quite precisely drawn sharp challenges to our generation."
"The world’s about to become very exciting in the next few years."
"People are just so emboldened nowadays that they can feel whatever they want to say whenever they want to say it."
"As soon as you have a disruption take place... the whole thing begins to fall apart."
"Back in 2013, people really didn't believe in super soldiers and SSP. It took a lot of work to get where we are."
"Personal freedoms are going to have to be taken away on a legislated level."
"When the mob comes for you, the police will arrest you. Welcome to morality policing."
"It's interesting cuz our notions of what a very strong man looks like have changed over time."
"At this point, we're not even sure what service actually needs a tip anymore. Everyone's now an iPad kid terrorizing the general public."
"New York City and the state of New York are seeing an increase in crime the likes of which we have not seen in 20 years. The intentional unfolding of New York City is occurring."
"Automation isn't as bad as it looks, but there's a lot going on."
"I think that's going to be a trend of the next decade."
"I think it's very different from the 'let's make sure robots don't take over the world.'"
"We're looking at history kind of rhyming here."
"The traditional family is absolutely under attack here in modern Britain and across the West."
"We are being reprogrammed as human beings, turned into components of a corporate machine."
"The learners inherit the earth while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists." - Eric Hoffer
"The future is not going to be freedom of speech, it's going to be freedom of reach."
"I just never thought that we could so rapidly move into this Orwellian world."
"We didn't get the opportunity to be dainty, homemakers, or housewives."
"We're falling into that trap of trying to interpret what the new normal looks like."
"Legal is becoming another part of pop culture."
"There's something happening that is Broad and that is far-reaching."
"One way in which we may see solutions and positive changes occurring is in decentralization."
"The number of serial killers has plunged by 85% in three decades, but why is that?"
"Marriage is a very sensitive topic in our day, and for good reason. Regardless of your opinion, it's undeniable that more men today are uneasy about deciding to get married or see value in it."
"Critics and defenders: debating the merits of resets."
"Nowadays I feel like people are starting to be more open to it."
"We'll have a world that we've offloaded a lot of the boring stuff."
"Language has become narrower and narrower and you're only allowed to talk about things in a really specific way."
"Paradigm shifts are a big part of what Pluto does, revolutionizing situations."
"Age of Pisces marked by karmic debt, while Age of Aquarius promises longer lifespans and societal transformation."
"If you are sitting there in New York right now and you are watching what they... are proposing and seeing what's going on and you say I'm just gonna stick around... okay not to use an old cliche but there were a lot of people in Germany."
"Big cities are more dangerous now than they've been since crime had fallen by half since the 1990s."
"We're part of an experiment, never before has information been so accessible."
"Late 19th century starts to see an acknowledgement in the importance of exercise and physical strength."
"They're not going to put up with what's going on anymore. We wake up every day and think, 'Oh gosh, it can't get any weirder, it can't get any worse,' and then it does."
"Sex is way down and it's especially it's getting lower and lower with the new generation."
"Never in my old mind would I have thought things could get so crazy and away from God. Keep up the fight, ma'am."
"We're definitely very much more aware of what's going on in the world right now than we have ever been throughout our history."
"Cavemen used to simply just throw on a blanket around their balls and walk with their ass hanging out trying to hunt deers to men in the 1600s dressed in leotards and skirts possessedly as can be. Crazy how times change."
"Is there fear is there doubt of the unknown have you made this trade in the past but right now you're you're feeling overwhelmed because what is taking place in our society I want to remind you that Christ is able."
"I think it's becoming more and more apparent and even better yet, and I don't want your audience to confuse me with being some sort of yo, you know woke yoke spokesperson but the world has become much more inclusive in the last 40 years."
"Folks ain't out here robbing people in the hood no more... they are now going to luxury areas."
"Parallel cultures will emerge. Localism is going to be important."
"It never goes away. Oh my god, imagine telling yourself in 2015 that we would have platforms and a pandemic in 2020."
"We're turning into a world of renters... You will own nothing and you will be happy."
"Nobody likes Nazis. I used to think that, now I know. In theory, at least in the 80s when I grew up, nobody liked Nazis."
"Owning property, getting married, and having children are happening at the lowest rates ever."
"The creation of racism offenses, continual change to create confusion, teaching of sex and homosexuality to children, undermining of schools, teachers, and authority - none of them are untouched by our culture."
"Destroys people's sex drive, destroys people's willingness to get married."
"It's pretty wild and it's definitely the direction that everything's going to go."
"I think if the last year and a half showed us anything, it's how quickly human beings are able to adapt to their circumstances and start treating them as normal."
"Why was my grandfather going to school with a .22 rifle? What happened to society to bring us to such a point where everybody's so scared?"
"This is gonna bring us into a more weirder and also there is deception when it comes to information out there."
"For all the effort that was involved and we still have troops in all three countries years later by giving women the right to vote to take one example in Japan or land redistribution in Japan we created peaceful humane societies."
"There's far more options and alternatives today than ever before."
"Are we in a better place 10 years after Snowden? Do you feel better about having gone 10 years?"
"Elections have consequences, they have radical consequences."
"The world post-autonomy is gonna be unrecognizable."
"It's the story of America; it's certainly the story of America in my lifetime."
"It really has the potential to wake up a lot of people."
"Words matter. People are no longer saying the quiet parts out loud."
"There's so much interesting stuff coming out that nobody was even imagining 10 years ago."
"This societal attitude towards traditional masculinity and femininity is changing more in the past five years than I have seen a change in my entire life."
"If postcolonialism is the sum total of the social, economic, political, cultural changes that are brought about because of colonialism then are these changes relevant only for the colonized society and not for the colonizing society?"
"The Boston Marathon did not allow female runners until 1972."
"It used to be that if a kid gets into trouble, adults will help them. But we switched over to saying if a kid goes out, we assume that adults will kidnap or rape them."
"The fome culture appeared during a period of turmoil."
"Now, it's such a different time. You know, at the Me Too movement, now it's like, women sometimes can be offended."
"anybody else like like the fact that people just stay away from each other now"
"It was only about five minutes ago that everyone in this room would have been able to define a woman and a man."
"Look at all these men's products nowadays. This is something you wouldn't have seen 20 years ago."
"Once upon a time women were falling pregnant in their early 20s. These days the average age of mothers has increased to 30 and 34."
"I just didn't see those kinds of relationships with the PDA like full-on display when I was at the prom I didn't see anything like that but we live in a different era now."
"The drink driving ban in 1967, the smoking ban in 2007, big supermarket chains selling alcohol for a fraction of the price, all contributed to the decline of pubs."
"We're seeing like three generations worth of Trends change in just 5 years."
"We live in a world that says you know in 1966 we kind of decided that we're not going to cover that stuff."
"Both parents are working too, it's just not the case anymore."
"A hundred years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today, everyone has cars and only the rich own horses."
"There's definitely a sense of letting go in society."
"I don't know what is going to happen in this world it's like people are getting more sensitive they're getting less sensitive and more like anything."
"It’s a lot harder to complain if one of the countries on your planet is using domes than it is to if they’re mass altering genetics or bringing in tons of cometary bodies or putting a black hole in your planet."
"I mean 10 years ago you never saw a quar million doll van and I think it's pretty ridiculous that they exist to begin with now."
"I remember even when I was a kid, like, obviously you go in with your dad and there were fellas smoking right next to me when I was like four, and it's like, I've got memories!"
"I just feel like it's a different time now where we have to like change our expectations a little bit literally it's way harder now to buy a house it's there's so many things that I feel like with the rise of social media like dating is different it's just not the same."
"College is definitely different than what it was years ago."
"Before I went to prison, it's like, 'Hey, stuff was made in America. America was a strong country. Americans looked out for Americans.'"
"The truth is for the most part especially if you're younger but like this is becoming more broadly true of like almost everyone outside of it."