
Social Inclusion Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"We need to listen to the legitimate grievances of ordinary working people, men and women who feel excluded, who feel left out."
"One day I'll be lucky enough to meet people who accept me."
"Even though I have autism I enjoy being around people and making new friends."
"The acceptance is something that is so important to all of us."
"Our Administration remains fully committed to reducing gun violence and to advancing safety, inclusion, and belonging for all."
"I think that we have to acknowledge that trans people exist. The next question is what is the best way to incorporate them into our world in a way that minimizes harm to other members of our world and in a way that minimizes harm to trans people themselves."
"It's kind of like prom season. We think of the World Science Festival as the prom for all the scientists who maybe didn't get any dates, didn't know there was a prom."
"If you are in a group and people are making plans about stuff and they don't seem to be including you, you can say, 'Hey, that sounds awesome. Is it an open invitation? Is it cool if I come?'"
"Sometimes, even just being invited feels nice."
"Mixed people get told that they're not white enough to hang with the white kids and not black enough to hang with the black kids."
"An important goal for Twitter would be to try to include as much of the country, as much of the world as possible."
"Topping the agenda were the issues of inclusion and climate change."
"Surround yourself with people that don't look like you or act like you."
"New people on the scene are a good thing and should be embraced."
"Accessibility is more than just people being lazy. It's about making things accessible."
"Sorry about that. It's okay, you know actually, I was wondering, maybe I could join your car club?"
"It's not about access to the space, it's first for many trans, it's about validation."
"The Deaf do not view themselves as part of the hearing public. This is not their fault. It is ours."
"Our voices are very strong but they are not nearly loud enough without yours. Thank you so much for having us today. Happy Father's Day and happy pride."
"Diversity on the show... connecting even more people."
"For the first time since joining this server, I felt like I actually belonged."
"It's like, imagine if a store was like, you can't come in here because your legs are broken, you know, we don't want to risk the lawsuit if you fall and get hurt."
"Great news for people who felt like they don't have a voice."
"There are actual real people impacted by this, and we should be making some effort to accommodate as many people in society as possible."
"Inclusion should be applied equally; demonizing one group won't bring us closer."
"Adopt a politics that's actually based on reality instead of alienating everybody all the time and you won't be alone all the time."
"They are former inmates, people that went to jail who are getting a fresh start thanks to the landmark criminal justice reform bill that I signed into law."
"If you have a nickname in our group, you are in."
"All of my friends have seen Mean Girls. If you haven't seen Mean Girls, come on, get with it."
"It's an incredible statement of diversity that we often take for granted."
"Access to credit has really become a necessary key for participating in American life."
"Your connection makes them so happy because they've always kind of felt like an outsider."
"Veterans will feel like they're not exiles in their own country when they come home exactly."
"Everyone has a right to have a friend no matter if they're incarcerated or in the Free World."
"Let's celebrate diversity, right? Yes, exactly. Anything beyond that and you're just projecting."
"It's a big payoff, I think, for Jason's self-esteem to be part of the class."
"There's a huge unrepresented silent minority majority who needs their who need to know it's okay to be."
"Tyrion is able to sympathize with the other characters in the show that are considered bastards, cripples, and broken things."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"No one in America should feel forgotten right now."
"That's right you can't have people invisible in our society."
"There should be a place for everybody. You can do that through zoning, but all restrictive zoning that tries to keep the idea of virtue on the city destroys cities every time."
"Join me in the in-group and you get shelter from the storm from the uncertainties of life. It's so comforting to feel like you are part of that anointed group."
"There's a difference between a wall and a gate: a wall shuts people out, but a gate lets people in."
"It became important for us to start a local community in the Atlanta area for those black atheists who needed to see more of us in person."
"Pam, you're the cool girl, you're one of the boys now."
"Neurodivergent folks are worthy of love, attention, and support."
"Either you legitimately don't believe that trans women are [] women... or you do believe it and you think they should because it doesn't [] matter."
"Welcome to the click, you smell amazing today, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
"I just don't feel like every space has to be occupied by everybody."
"Nerd culture is supposed to be the culture of the neglected."
"America is a country where my child can play with children of all different races."
"I have no problem with anyone that's trans, you can live your life however you want to live."
"People need to meet people like my son in order to bridge that gap and to understand that it's all about human connection."
"Rejecting hate is only half the battle. The other half of the battle is, in its way, much harder. It is to ask: How do we make people feel welcome?"
"So it's getting there, but it's important to do more activities like we do to make it simple and make it acceptable and do away with the stigma."
"Listen to the people in that group. They know firsthand how to describe their experiences."
"There's a lot of women, there's a lot of people of color, and yes, that's growing like crazy."
"We want to be free. We want to be a piece of the American dream too."
"You need to join us and you're the most awesome person ever."
"I think we should choose to allow trans people to participate in society."
"I think any subculture deserves to be respected and acknowledged."
"This is true inclusion, this is equity in action folks."
"It's time for someone to step out of the cold or to stop being left out in the cold."
"Approaching that woman who's been rejected by everyone and showing up for her, he is showing up for you."
"You're either in the right narrative in that moment or you're excluded instantly."
"We have to make sure our people are participating in the economy."
"Traditional mainstream approaches tend to imagine the history of policy as a series of incremental steps leading gradually toward improved attainments and ever greater degrees of equity and social inclusion."
"We need to beat down those doors and make sure that there's no extraneous reason that somebody can't get into the room that they deserve to be in." - Via
"It really gives them that social inclusion that I think we all just want to have."
"AJK's campaign this time is 'No one should have no one.'"
"In an increasingly interconnected world where digital access is synonymous with Economic Opportunity and social inclusion, any disruption to internet services can have profound implications."
"Black people feeling the need to make their own communities because they feel unwelcomed and safe in the other ones is not racism."
"We don't necessarily understand that if we just allow this group of people to be in our everyday lives... how much we could benefit."
"If you're being left out or forgotten, I'm sorry but they're not your friends."
"Trans women are not your enemy; we are your sister."
"When communities and people see themselves reflected up on the screens, it means they've moved from the margins into the forefront, and it gives them a voice."
"We have to desire people of different races, ethnicities, and cultures."
"You're in check now, in tune. Invitations are coming in for you, to the right things, with the right people."
"You got to become part of a nation, a network."
"What is a woman? A woman is somebody who is included and respected and seen and participates in society, recognized by other women if you speak with women."
"Nothing that autistic people do needs to be changed unless it's harmful."
"We're the same people. Y'all just don't give them a chance. Most of these people are smart, Kodak smartest people person in the world."
"It's very simple just stop policing who counts as a real woman."
"We want to be loved, we want to have equal rights, we want to feel normal, we just want to exist."
"Do you think trans people belong in female conversations, movements, and issues?"
"His ultimate point is that you have to let marginalized people in the room where it happens."
"You're invited to everything. All right, you can't come to a lot of things, you're invited to everything."
"Nobody likes us though, we've got to work to get on each."
"There's nothing worse than not being heard, not being seen. It's time for us to come together."
"I have people who actually want me there, after everyone else doesn't want me anywhere."
"Everybody wants to belong, they want to have a place within the world."
"Taiwan is incredibly accepting. Citizens, yes, five years."
"The Ukrainian Army's ranks included common workers, business leaders, parents, children, teachers, theater performers, and fresh college grads."
"People need personal experience with the other so that the story of us can also include them."
"They love diversity of thought, we love black people, we love gay people, all of this but they don't like diversity of thought."
"Blind people deserve to laugh more than anyone."
"This was good, it's good for me, you say what can white people do I think you're doing it, you're sharing the at the table."
"Men can be victims and they should not be erased from the conversation."
"They were attacking all of us, they were telling all these people that we don't care about them and we do."
"Everybody counts because I used to be that one person and people showed up for me."
"Don't write off the white working class, there may be possibilities ahead."
"I think you should leave people alone and let them identify however they want to and stop f**king gatekeeping."
"If we care about that person, your answer isn't a cage and a lifetime of social exclusion and discrimination."
"Their goal is exactly the opposite because the way to have inclusion and harmony... is to joke. It is to prod at the sacred cows. It is to see the absurdity in ourselves and each other and laugh about it."
"If they want to give awards to people who aren't white, I don't see it as being an issue in any capacity."
"The more people that are deaf aware the better and there's some simple things that everyone can do to make everyone's life."
"A friend in your life that isn't into this is now starting to ask you about it."
"We have an opportunity to build a multi-ethnic working-class majority."
"I know a lot of genuine white friends, Caucasian friends, Mexican friends, like other people who don't share my race, my ethnicity, my religion as well."
"We have some new people who signed up, I want to welcome Davis Parks, welcome to the community."
"The only time you include me in this video is when someone has to say something mean."
"Just do things you enjoy and invite some people along."
"We're just living a normal life and inviting people."
"First things first if you even want to play the game you got to get into the club."
"A social map: ensuring no one's left out of the revolution."
"The remarkable thing about Jesus is that he associated himself with the downtrodden, the unclean, the diseased, the outcasts of Jewish society."
"I think the issue that I have with flames argument about us forcing our lifestyle on people is the simple fact that we don't live in a world where they're allowing us to be their neighbor."
"These are not people who are looking for inclusion but neither are they looking to center their struggle in what white people want."
"Non-binary people are here, we've always been here, and we ain't gonna leave."
"Legends can't say what you want, I believe that when the time comes, if the time comes, Frank will rise to the occasion, we need to see that, maybe he'll even invite me to join the club."
"Every group is going to have to join in order for it to be mainstream."
"Every relationship is valid, every marriage is valid."
"Join a club or follow hobbies. Find people who will love you for who you are."
"You have basically taken Capitalism 101 and now you are kind of in the club."
"Representation is important, to see yourself as part of society."
"Charmy fits the theme of the Black Bulls being outcast, since she is half dwarf and can bring about the aspect of the story where their race have been outcasted through the lands due to the past history."
"I like how they introduce all these normal looking guys first and then they just dropped the most horrifying being on you."
"Broaden our support... so that vegans feel like they have the support."
"We'd love to have you guys out. It lets the community know that they're not forgotten."
"We're all equal. Punks, skins, black, white, everyone of us."
"I really appreciate that you guys invited me here."
"Let's end age shaming and age segregation; let's include, not exclude."
"Disability Advocates praised Mattel for bringing visibility and representation to wheelchair users."
"If you don't support it, then you are a bigot."
"Secular Americans extend a hand of friendship amidst religious dominance."
"There is value to everybody including white people to be educated in an environment where there are a varied life experiences."
"We as Africans and people of African descent are a part of the world's largest majorities, not minorities."
"He's just one of those celebrities you wish were part of your crew."
"I think it's becoming more and more apparent and even better yet, and I don't want your audience to confuse me with being some sort of yo, you know woke yoke spokesperson but the world has become much more inclusive in the last 40 years."
"I think you guys are hilarious and if I could I would like to join a gaming group like yours." - Caleb Foley
"It's a wonderful feeling to not be the minority, definitely I love it."
"Normalizing different sexualities is incredibly important."
"But if they were racist, they wouldn't have me with them."
"I remember what it felt like to be an outsider renewing the leaf."
"It's just like anybody could be in, I'm so glad you got Aaron in for the reaction."
"It felt like I got an invitation to the coolest party in town."
"Actually in order to shine I need to do something for the group and then I shine within the group. This is something that has always happened in my life."
"This is how hate groups keep their members... because they convince them nobody else will accept them..."
"The thing that was a great equalizer was soccer yeah that was the thing that opened the doors because it allowed me to sort of have a space in school that I would not have had otherwise similar to my time in Spain." - Ali
"We should never feel isolated and we should never isolate somebody we should always be actively pursuing the other."
"I'm happy that you joined this club. Everything is a little bit brighter with you around."
"Trans students don't want that level of accommodation, they just want to exist."
"The forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no longer."
"Trans people should be visible because they exist and are part of society; bigotry, however, shouldn't be."
"Be counted, be included, be somebody, have the dignity of your identity, and of being included."
"There's a difference between just being invited into a space and being welcomed into a space, and you can feel that difference."
"They want to make friends, they want to get married, they want to have a job, they want to do what everybody else is doing; it's just that they just need that little bit of help."
"I want everyone to have the opportunity to reach their potential whatever their background."
"The twins were considered shy and kind, and they tended to befriend people who were considered underdogs."
"Transformer celebrates all of society's outsiders from all walks of life."
"I've always felt welcome and it's easy to blend in."
"I hope Barangaroo can be a place where everybody can feel that they can be part of something special to enrich our cultural and social fabric."
"We have a place, and the Azaleans and myself are evidently all people have a voice in equal rights."
"The social inclusion agenda was way more radical than Hawk's."
"Love social friendship is nurtured not just by ideas but by encounters with real persons, especially the poor, the excluded, the vulnerable."
"Just because she is obese doesn't mean that she will not bring Rocky to the dog park where she lives."
"It's 2024, we don't need to be in VR, we need the blind and the deaf to be able to see and hear."
"Pizza went from rags to riches and ultimately became a food for everyone."
"Earthrise strives to amplify the BIPOC voices who have consistently been marginalized from this conversation."
"In every classroom, up and down the country, in every home no matter how big or small, and in every family rich or poor, one in ten children under the age of 16 is struggling to fit in."
"We need to reassess how we measure societal economic health and emphasize economic empowerment and social inclusion."
"People of many colors, genders, political persuasions... the one thing we all have in common."
"Honestly, I don't know if I was expecting the kindness, but I'm so happy that I don't have to worry about feeling secluded."
"Normies matter, they do. We care about them."
"We need to focus on those who have been left out, feel left out, or feel under threat."
"I think it's really easy to have the character from the wrong side of the tracks be completely shunned, and that's just not the case here, which I am really enjoying."
"You couldn't argue anymore that they weren't capable of participating in society."
"It's not just for the destitute; it's not just for the homeless; it's for people like you and me."
"We're normal people with hearts, we're just like everyone else."
"This sport allows these kids to make friends."
"People don’t get violent because they are poor. People get angry and violent, and terrorism grows when people feel excluded."
"The absolute priority of my options is to offer a prospect of dignity to our populations, to promote the creation of jobs in particular for young people, and to combat precarity and exclusion."
"I understand that I'm autistic; it doesn't mean that I can't go out into a crowd."
"The circulating libraries ensured that almost everyone had equal access, irrespective of class and gender, to reading material."