
Courtroom Strategy Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Baseline matters, and baseline on the stand is better than baseline off the stand because you can see what's normal for the person under whatever level of duress."
"The things that I just pointed out to you... why is that a problem? Because one, he's lying; two, he's misrepresenting; or he wasn't prepared."
"Courtroom attire is all about communication, very subtle communication, and the ways in which a legal team or a party or even a witness could convey some kind of a particular message to the jury without actually saying it."
"The state's own witness today, a use of force expert who does trainings, straight up said he could have applied potentially lethal force to Chauvin as soon as he got there and he did not. Reasonable doubt, let me spell it out for you."
"Do you want to miss a biscuit, Mr. Brooks? He's saying, 'See your honor, see? I'm playing this little game that we're doing now. Give me what I want.'"
"It's very important to understand the facts of the case so that you charge correctly and so that we understand what is going to happen once this gets into a courtroom."
"As much as Ms. Heard and her lawyers have tried to make this case about Mr. Depp's language, it is Ms. Heard that repeatedly admits to violence."
"The state held their burden and I felt like the defense did nothing to poke holes in it."
"They're going to turn this into who can prove to the jury that their client is the victim."
"Phoenix Wright turns a courtroom that has been entirely against you to your side."
"He lied, he lied, he lied. Fine, he lied, he's a liar. Great timeline for the defense."
"You cannot use advertising material puffery language that advertisers use in their companies' advertising as an argument in court."
"The playing of the video and getting those words back on that, like that was probably one of the most impactful starts to the cross."
"It's ridiculous to ask somebody to go in front of a grand jury without a lawyer though to go without in front of a grand jury without a lawyer."
"It was strategic for them to get rid of their legal counsel in the 11th hour."
"I finally figured it out. So this is why Lana tried to stop the trial."
"Do you think you would have called this Witness?"
"It's basically a response, it's a motion filed by the defendant saying this complaint sucks."
"The most emotional part of the day was when Rick Distaso brought out the autopsy photos, or the remain photos."
"The last person they should have put on the stand."
"I think she's scared and this is her chance to try to put on her best act, put her best heirs and try to get out of trouble."
"When things aren't going well for your side because you have no case, smear the judge."
"The defense is better off being able to show the defendant in a positive light."
"Prosecutors love to claim that we 'do our talking in court,' they say that all the time. We'll let our filings do the speaking."
"Johnny Depp's team played their positions without ego, and they compared it to each witness."
"Your Honor, I'm about to switch gears a little bit."
"The defense attorney told jurors that the case against his client will 'evaporate upon your close scrutiny arguing that the numerous allegations were in fact consensual sex or fabricated'"
"They don't want to look mean in front of the jury or whatever."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"The defense only has to make it that believable that they didn't do it to where they'll go against it."
"That is another way to present reasonable doubt in front of the court to get that ticket dismissed."
"Any attorney that truly loves Gunner trials is like 'Is that all they got? Oh, I can deal with this, right?'"
"He is innocent. He would require a verdict of not guilty from you. That's the law, that's your oath." - Anjanette Levy
"If Bannon can't present that defense, he really doesn't seem to have any other defense."
"Even if you went forward a trial, what defense do you have with all this evidence going against you?"
"Single player games, single player stories, well-written characters, things that you actually care about."
"He told an incredible story and was able to just, hey look, just takes one juror."
"If you find [Amber Heard] lied to you during this trial about one thing, you are within your rights to conclude she lied to you about everything."
"The defense says your honor, I think that you should look at their actions in terms of what they did."
"I thought it was dazzling. I thought the way he wove through both the facts of the case and the historical context was really remarkable."
"He's a quick study and we've all noticed that actors can be very, very good on the witness stand."
"What's the more reasonable response to that situation: 'I don't know, maybe I don't know how it got there and I'm scared,' or his response of 'Mind your business'?"
"No jury is going to convict me. Why not? Because I'm innocent, and you can mark my words on that one."
"It helps to have people stand up there, swear under oath, and corroborate what you said."
"You do everything you can to go in that first trial setting... guess what ladies and gentlemen that is the defendant's right."
"The defendant's own words were the best evidence against him."
"In cases like this, it's the combination, the 'Aha' factor, that makes the evidence compelling."
"A charismatic expert witness is far more useful than a witness that the jury will struggle to connect to."
"She just let Joe Biden answer and oddly enough that is a lesson that a lot of litigation attorneys need to learn."
"This prosecutor is doing a great job laying out a really good story."
"I'm walking around the courtroom and talking to this jury like a normal group of people."
"Did my client fail or did he succeed in ways you couldn't imagine?"
"He told everyone he was going to be a hostile witness."
"Trial is not supposed to be by ambush in the State of Florida."
"They fail to object constantly, they fail to zealously advocate for their client, they fail to take obvious opportunities from the judge to just feed him back his own words."
"Court, especially Criminal Court, is not so much about rhetoric, it's about evidence and burden of proof."
"She showed a brilliant way for a female attorney to be strict and assertive on cross-examination without coming across as a bee."
"The defense used inadequacy in the police investigation... to create reasonable doubt." - Highlighting flaws in the legal process.
"I think it's painfully obvious that the defense would gain nothing from beating up a young witness about something else that happened."
"Do you think ever in a court case has been won by saying, 'But he had a silly hat'?"
"We will win this case on the law, we'll win on the facts."
"Never permit the witness to repeat on cross-examination what he said on direct."
"Character trait of peacefulness of the victim offered by the prosecution in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the defendant was the first aggressor."
"A declaration in the presence of a party to a cause becomes evidence as something that the party on hearing such a statement did not deny its truth."
"Your Honor, Mr. Goff is a brilliant lawyer."