
Gaming Innovation Quotes

There are 604 quotes

"The DS’ stylus controls didn’t just benefit existing genres by making them easier to play, it also invited entirely new ways of designing games in those genres."
"Whether or not you want to see this in games is beyond the point; it's impressive to see this work at this level where the response from the NPC is done in such a way that it actually feels like a performance rather than just an AI response."
"Everyone loves hidden blocks because they're activated when you jump under them, so now we're adding hidden blocks that activate when you land on top of them."
"We see this as the next big change in gaming and Epic's evolution as a company."
"Forza Motorsport is the most technically advanced racing game ever made."
"We want to include everybody to be a part of it. This is going to be a different game, and this is going to change the genre."
"The game was truly ahead of its time, featuring 13 possible endings depending on when and how you dealt with the game's final battle."
"Stellar is a really cool concept and I'm personally happy that we got to experience the Pokémon company experimenting with it in a way that doesn't completely break the game."
"No loading screens, no canned animations." - Sean
"Revolutionized the gaming industry with epic storytelling."
"What can the Forza teams do with Forza Horizon 5? Well, we've already seen it in action, and the results are typically amazing."
"The pinging system is the best pinging system in any game ever."
"Disney Dream my Valley... changed how I approach gaming on a day-to-day basis."
"This is the first game that was played on a grid."
"Sekiro set out to take the format in a new direction and executed its mission to a masterpiece level."
"One of the things that we're excited about is the idea of puppeteering your avatar."
"A level of player agency into a main story questline the like of which we've never seen before."
"Jumpstart is more than just a cool supplementary product with an interesting and new way of playing Magic the Gathering, it's a product with many exciting cards for commander players."
"From Software shows their innovation with respawn points near bosses."
"Mega Man's most innovative contribution to the world of 8-bit gaming was that you pick which of the six levels you play and in what order."
"It's one of the more impressive titles I've seen on Switch in a while."
"Final Fantasy 10 revolutionized summons with Aeons, allowing command and expanding move sets."
"Resident Evil 4 transformed the gaming scene..."
"The future of gaming starts right here, right now."
"The biggest selling point for me is that Hightail is more than just a game; it's actually an engine."
"The gravity gun or the zero-point energy field manipulator changed gaming, no doubt about that."
"Video games are keeping things very interesting and unique and scary in ways that are very visceral."
"Mega Man X injected new life into not only the Mega Man franchise but the entire genre of the action platformer."
"The Dreamcast was set to absolutely put all other dedicated gaming systems that came before it to shame."
"This kind of oddly revolutionizes, and this is gonna be the stupidest thing."
"But it's still fun, and the UI changes and focus on character control let Nintendo make a game for a console that kept the feel of an RTS and let them introduce the genre to a new audience."
"This was the first and only GBA title to feature motion control."
"The world of Fallout 2 is absolutely packed with great new ideas."
"The devs even go as far as saying that this will be the next evolution of open world RPGs."
"Gabe Newell: 'We're rethinking what it means to create a game or a gaming platform.'"
"Gabe Newell: 'PCs have been the center of innovation in gaming.'"
"Dreamworld being the first open world creative sandbox MMO with the multiplayer density of real world cities."
"Exploring history to inspire games to break trends and create new concepts could have created much more interesting games."
"I’ve been begging Nintendo to make more 3D games for years, and now we’re getting a 3D Kirby? And it takes place in a weird, post-apocalypse city?"
"Wouldn't it be great if Blizzard tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago?"
"I really hope that the WoW team tries to diversify content rather than developing a game on a playbook made 15 years ago."
"Breath of the Wild represents a big departure for the Zelda series."
"They wanted to take what makes Halo special, the sort of core of Halo's gameplay, and take that to a new place with open expansive exploration on a Halo ring."
"Modern Warfare is also going to be the first Call of Duty game to test out cross play."
"Outbreak pushed the game into a whole other genre of video game."
"Innovation in gaming, I just love it. I really love to see new ideas emerge in a genre."
"This seems incredibly Innovative and according to the blog post according to Activision slash Infinity Ward themselves this will be the quote persistent end game of weapon customization."
"Shadowman offers a uniquely ambitious game for its time with a non-linear structure that rewards genuine exploration."
"This is probably the most revolutionary thing since play to earn started back in 2021... we are genuinely onto something insane."
"I can't believe they've been able to do something like this in Minecraft of all games!"
"Tenchu: where sneaking along rooftops and dropping in for stealth kills was pure brilliance."
"Tenchu: shaping the future of third-person action-adventure gaming."
"Super Mario Bros invented a new style of game design."
"Evolve provides that fresh experience that I've been craving."
"The latest and greatest version of re4 is its phenomenal VR port."
"Bone Lab is more than just a fun VR game; it's literally a fundamental stepping stone for the future of VR as a whole."
"Challenge yourselves, think creatively. What is the gaming experience you always wanted to build?"
"It's been a long time since we've seen the inclusion of story mode and cinematics in games."
"Throughout the history of console gaming, there are precious few games which genuinely feel like a shift in the state of the art... Gran Turismo 3 is the type of leap they might be thinking of."
"PlayStation provided that first true next-generation moment."
"Blockchain gaming is a chance to fundamentally own your in-game assets."
"It's definitely a game to play... it's definitely something to experience." - "It might just completely reframe the way that you think of gaming... this game will also reframe a lot of people's ideas of what gaming is."
"Xbox Live was a revolution in online gaming."
"Left 4 Dead's 2008 release redefined multiplayer, injecting new life into the first-person shooter genre by emphasizing cooperative gameplay."
"It really facilitates a level of immersion and role-playing that crpgs are both known for but also brings it to what I consider a new height."
"Aria of Sorrow was the first game in the series to introduce the Tactical Soul mechanic."
"Making this a more distinct experience from all the other 3D platformers that flooded the market at the time."
"By making a game with no obvious gameplay, Reiden is able to make criticism the main mechanic."
"For the first time ever in a Pokemon game, the camera can be freely controlled with the right joystick."
"The mature one XR glasses is honestly one of the coolest pieces of gaming Tech I have ever gotten to experience."
"Real-time worlds succeeded in spades upon crackdown's 2007 release on Xbox 360, managing to carve out a unique space in a market that had slowly become inundated with Grand Theft Auto lookalikes."
"Blizzard needs to take some risks with Torghast."
"One day, we hope that the DS and 3DS can achieve their ultimate forms… low latency and judder-free TV play... perhaps even 3D support for VR headsets."
"Right now we have an opportunity to change gaming history."
"Ocarina innovated the industry in more than just its gameplay."
"Nintendo released a crafty trick to give the second player motion controls."
"Delta Force Hawk Ops: Could it be the next big thing in FPS gaming?"
"Demon's Souls was the first game to introduce the idea of beings having souls and how the world is in a constant cycle."
"Squadrons comes off as a concept that VR gaming was invented for in the first place."
"We wanted to explore what it's like when two radically different genres exist on each screen while attempting to integrate gameplay between screens together in a way we hadn't seen before."
"The Switch is amazing, gaming portably is amazing."
"It's surprising that it wasn't until the Nintendo DS that dual-screen gaming had been all that prevalent."
"It's like Pokemon has got real, honest-to-goodness BOSS BATTLES for the first time ever."
"Overwatch 2 is gonna really add some mix-ups to the meta, introduce characters that we think you're gonna love, characters that you've been waiting for."
"Anthem... following Mass Effect Andromeda, this is Bioware's next title which, at least to me, feels like Crysis and Destiny put together."
"From what has been reported, it truly feels like CD Projekt RED is going to bring something revolutionary."
"By far the most intriguing reveal was Silent Hill F: a Silent Hill title set in Japan in the 1960s."
"I feel like you have a target, you're right on target."
"Cappy is a game changer... it opens the door to an abundance of original ideas, puzzles, and challenges."
"I just love the fact that it's not just the normal tower defense game and that they've genuinely innovated here."
"The entire world is an organic ecosystem, an environment so profound nothing like it has ever been seen in a video game."
"What you're going to see is really the game innovation be the thing that leads and hardware supporting that innovation."
"Sometimes an IP just fails to provide enough stylistic gameplay and narrative innovation to keep players engaged."
"It's amazing, it's considered to be the game that perfected cover based shooting."
"They really stuck to the rules of what it takes because this is their first open world game."
"Welcome to the next generation of open-world adventure."
"It's a real honor for us to bring a new title to this series."
"Symphony of the Night aggressively pursued a new direction for the series that ended up establishing a whole new genre of games."
"Half-Life Alex: A great VR game that takes full advantage of the medium."
"Zelda 2's uniqueness makes it stand out from other games of its type."
"VR makes more sense in half-life 2 than it does in most games."
"Games can be this. I didn't know games could go this far."
"VR is about adapting game designs to fit new methods of understanding."
"I think Final Fantasy 14 is currently paving the way for a new type of MMORPG that doesn't need all of your time."
"Half-Life: Alex is the culmination of years of experimentation and amazing work from the VR community around the world, funneled into one spectacular production."
"Smash Brothers more redefines what a fighting game can be."
"Total War Warhammer did a great job of bringing fantasy elements into the series."
"It's a fusion of vintage gaming and cutting-edge technology that will send shivers down your spine."
"Sequiro is the first From Software game that I've played that is actually replacing things."
"Breath of the Wild effect: proving the Switch's potential."
"I've always had these worries, especially introducing new game systems like camouflage, food capturing, and the cure system."
"For the first time on PS4, people can load in their images and create whatever kit they want."
"Forza Horizon 2: dynamic weather and impressive visuals."
"Scavengers might be remembered for being capable of putting thousands of players and NPCs on the same map."
"Persona 5's Joker: a revolutionary addition."
"The boost formula is now the most revisited and now resultantly the most refined gameplay style Sonic has ever experienced in 3D."
"Melia makes something that has featured in hundreds of Platformers since the industry first began feel like a breath of fresh air."
"Nonetheless, it would still be cool to see in Pokémon."
"It's just so much more immersive, it's just so much more exciting."
"They finally cracked the code here when it comes to storytelling in a board game."
"It's possible to stay true to the design goals of these classics while also drawing inspiration from other places, and the result is usually a more interesting take than an inferior reskin ever could be."
"The Retro-Bit Generations was not limited by one console's game catalog."
"We are all connected, the world's first strand type game."
"This game finally shakes up the formula a little bit by including playable teams of up to three characters."
"This game basically takes that sensation and turns it into a survival thing... that's a really [__] cool bit of psychological horror."
"It's refreshing what Elden Ring does because all open world games have become lately is some sort of that Ubisoft formula."
"Breath of the Wild fundamentally changed what it meant to be a Zelda game."
"The glue gun ultimately became one of the coolest things in Prey... even if we all pulled out a lot of our hair trying to get it there."
"Combat Evolved was by no means the first FPS game, but it was the first that brought intuitive controls to the console market."
"Returnal delivers one of the most impressive developer glow-ups in recent gaming history."
"Tim Tim is likely the closest thing we'll ever get to a Pokemon MMO."
"This game has the potential to fundamentally disrupt the way people think about an action title, bringing friends together to play in exhilarating new ways." - Andrew Wilson
"The feature of over 150 diverse Pokemon was a very ambitious undertaking and one that effectively made this game what it is today."
"It just raised Pokémon to another level, and look where we are today."
"This system was very revolutionary at the time and it really did push forward the idea of interactivity with NPCs."
"Super Smash Bros offered up the blueprint of what was to come."
"Arch Nemesis introduces around 60 new monster mods and allows you to customize your rare boss fights."
"A fighting game credited with taking the genre into 'true 3D' for the first time."
"This is the first time video games has ever had anything like this."
"This game is a mixture of a lot of great video games that came before it but feels uniquely original and uniquely Final Fantasy."
"This is the most important thing to understand about Dreams: it's revolutionary."
"There's plenty of good ideas and there's plenty of, I'm sure every MMO that comes out it's like hey we feel like we can do this better."
"Little Muppet that takes the standard gameplay and flips it on its side to be about vertical height exploration more than long distance gliding."
"Games had never looked like this before. They would never look like this again."
"Ocarina of Time was a revolution for the franchise."
"I want them to replace the Library part. Every time it's the library, what if there was like three monsters and it randomly picked one?"
"This is looking to be a very different generation of Pokémon."
"Expect to see many custom items, custom machines, and new game mechanics."
"A game which redefined what a first-person shooter could be."
"Halo 2 for its time was infinitely more groundbreaking than Halo 3."
"The VMU was scratching the surface of asymmetric gameplay three generations before the Wii U."
"We hope you love it Carl, an extraordinary amount of effort was put into making this literally the best over-the-top gaming system to ever exist."
"Super Mario 64 not only influenced future 3d Mario games, it influenced 3d game design as a whole."
"I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice, And let the Christian go": Soft! The Jew shall have all justice; soft! no haste: He shall have nothing but the penalty.
"Control is one of the most creative and weirdest games of the generation."
"Unlocking a whole new bag of tricks, Prowler's Claw removes the biggest counter of Fiora's ultimate."
"Resident Evil 4 on release was way ahead of its time and revolutionized the gaming industry."
"Battlebit remastered and the dev team behind it is an amazing breath of fresh air."
"Virtual reality has the potential to be the next big leap in gaming."
"Radical's transition to 3D was smooth with games like Grid Runner, showing their ability in original IP."
"This once impossible trick is now just another one of the many strats performed by speedrunners every day."
"Enter insomniac games' latest and perhaps most ambitious project to date: spider-man for PlayStation 4."
"The entire game is changed up, we're talking new songs, new visuals, new cut scenes."
"Breath of the Wild almost goes beyond the idea of a game."
"This really is the next generation of battlefield."
"One of the most creative and innovative games of the 21st century."
"The Thanos limited time mode was incredible. It was groundbreaking at the time, and I'm so surprised they have not brought that back yet."
"The Xbox Velocity Architecture is about so much more than fast loading times. It's about revolutionizing how games can create vastly bigger, more compelling worlds."
"It was just such an amazingly good game years ahead of its time."
"Original Sin 2 is still a great mix of new and old but tries to keep the spirits of pen and paper alive."
"Red Dead 2 marks Rockstar's first full foray into physically based rendering, which has become increasingly popular this generation."
"Tera is the MMO that really kick-started the obsession with action combat."
"Big time things here from Nintendo with the Switch."
"Vindictus released and gave people a taste of what was to come for future MMO combat design."
"The intersection of blockchain and gaming is fueling innovation like never before. Gala Games leads the charge, pioneering the future of decentralized gaming!"
"The Vita was the first handheld with a second analog stick that enabled you to properly play first-person shooters on the go."
"A single-player RPG story-driven Dragon Ball game can work, but they need to get a little more creative, original story or Super next would be great."
"It was just amazing seeing a virtual world react to a plague react something completely catastrophic was this sustainable no but was it unique and interesting and worth doing I think absolutely."
"Google Stadia is being viewed by a lot of people as the future of gaming."
"Play has no limits...really about speaking to innovation and speaking about new experiences."
"Ridley should be the first giant character in Smash Bros."
"The Last of Us Part Two is unlike anything we've seen in video games before." - Greg
"A new technological milestone for Sips Co Games."
"Innovation is why we like Nintendo games in an industry conditioned for the same inoffensive products."
"Expect deeper modularity with larger rooms and pods being changeable on ships to give them different functions."
"Every great franchise should have a Fallen Order type game."
"It's nice when an indie team from a region that doesn't tend to put out games creates something special."
"Imagine if Pokemon go paired with Pokemon home and the augmented reality Qualcomm classes come together."
"Bad Company was the first Battlefield game to diverge from the typical nameless soldiers...a real connection to the characters you play."
"Ocarina of Time is definitely the Jimi Hendrix experience of 3D gaming, both revolutionized the landscapes they were part of and the modern age have caused."
"Innovation and risk-taking have given us a smorgasbord of gaming classics."
"While Berick Saga is not Fire Emblem, its ambition leverages both its complete defiance of the genre's expectations as well as its pedigree as a refined iterative work."
"Uncharted 2 pushed limitations of its predecessors by improving on the old and adding lots of new stuff to the final product."
"She's the first Archer dancer in the game, you could pretty much have her as a brave boat dancer."
"Flight simulator is the first next generation game from basically everything that's being shown and said so."
"LA Noire literally created a template for making police procedurals a viable game format."
"It was an innovation in Doom to not have lives."
"Imagine putting on a virtual reality helmet and quite literally being transported into another world."
"It's not even just Nintendo characters now and I think that's revolutionary."
"Maybe if more games focused on doing something interesting with gameplay and storytelling instead of marginally increasing the number of greeblies on Master Chief's helmet, we'd actually get a finished game every now and then."