
Persecution Quotes

There are 709 quotes

"Christianity survived the harshest possible circumstances under Roman persecution, tailored their beliefs to appeal to multiple cultural demographics, reconciled one doctrinal dispute but split the church over another and capped it off with one big civil war of sorts."
"Every time persecution happens, the church grows in strength, numbers, and depth."
"Jesus not only encourages praying for the world in general but praying specifically for the people in the world that are so anti-gospel that they're actually persecuting you."
"The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution, and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are."
"We remember the believers around the world who are being persecuted for their faith."
"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you."
"Even if the case has dropped this minute, he's suffered 10 years of persecution we can never take that back."
"For literally tens of thousands of years, humans have been [__] the same sex as themselves... Persecution against people who do this perfectly natural thing has been lethal for many hundreds of thousands of people throughout history."
"Given the grave stakes, we trust that the appellate division will overturn this egregious verdict and end this relentless persecution against my client."
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of me."
"Better to be persecuted than to be the persecutor."
"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"A Witch Hunt is when you relentlessly attack the thing that you are most afraid of."
"Galileo had been both condemned and humiliated."
"This is a problem. They've weaponized the justice system and they're going after everybody, and the message is if you oppose us in any way we're going to come after you. I don't like it."
"People always say like it feels like Christianity is under attack..."
"The more he's persecuted, the more people love him."
"Becoming a Christian has always meant a ticket to persecution."
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. The more we are mown down by you, the more we will spring up."
"Throughout history, many people have tried to destroy the Jews."
"Paul persecuted the Christians because there was an expectation of what a Jewish Messiah would be."
"Persecution madness against truly spirit-filled Christians who love Jesus Christ."
"If there's anyone in history who understood the reality of what it's like to be persecuted, it was the Apostle Paul."
"Persecution: what do you do? You flee from one city to the next or you endure. That's basically what you do."
"Be on your guard for they will deliver you to the courts and you'll be flogged in the synagogues."
"Persecution real persecution comes the lord's going to give you the ability to stand up and speak the right thing and say the right thing and know what to share to be his witness."
"Are you ready to face persecution and are you ready to face things that aren't perhaps the kind of extreme persecution Jesus talked about they're just life being uncomfortable because you're a Christian?"
"And with forced organ harvesting, the persecution of Falun Gong seems to be a blueprint for the treatment of other dissidents."
"Persecution as painful as it might be... it's going to be one of the greatest blessings."
"Will you be able to endure the persecution that's coming?"
"Persecution comes to blind you, but behind it is a principality driving you away from God's purpose."
"Blessed are you when persecuted, for it's about what God is doing in you, not about them anyway."
"There's only two possibilities: Reformation in our preaching or fierce, horrifying persecution."
"At the end of the day, they persecuted Jesus, Martin, Malcolm, Paul, Peter... But the reality is, once you get that individual strength, you're no longer worried about the Tom, Dick, and Harry's."
"How many of you before you found out you were Israelite asked the question why does the world hate black folks? Why we're hated everywhere we go? What did we do?"
"The Mark of the Beast isn't something you'll accidentally stumble into. It's a deliberate act of worship to the Antichrist. Those who refuse will face martyrdom."
"We were attacked, the whole goal was to silence the church, to get them to submit to evil."
"Something as simple as the name of Jesus, they can't take it off of your body."
"The world is against us, the genocide is just accepted as normal."
"Anyone who challenges the establishment is going to be targeted with all of this stuff. It's everybody. I don't care if it's left or right, whatever."
"The Chinese Communist Party locking up a million plus Uyghur Muslims."
"Muslims are not being re-educated, they are being told to change their religion or tone it down."
"I've had 40 years of persecution. I'm not bothered by that anymore, you kidding me?"
"All who live Godly shall suffer persecution."
"If the most influential American newspaper is doing such a sloppy job covering Falun Gong, there’s not much hope of that persecution being labeled a genocide."
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"This woman is more courageous than the cowards who are persecuting her."
"If you're not being persecuted, maybe you're not living godly."
"Julian Assange's case reveals the true game was always about persecuting him for his publishing, as admitted by the US government under Donald Trump."
"Jesus said, 'Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'"
"Jesus said because you love me, others will hate you. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
"He said to the crowd of Jews, 'For about I am sending new prophets and sages inscribed; some of them you will kill, some of them you will afflict in your synagogues, and you will pursue them from city to city.'"
"When I'm sitting here standing up for Jesus and they persecute me, it's a good thing."
"Once they remove their top political opponent, which is President Trump, they're going to come after all of us."
"They'll lock you up not because of what you did but because of what you say and what you believe in."
"They can persecute one man, but they've created a hero figure for thousands."
"These are people who are united by Jesus Christ... and they are being attacked of all colors."
"On the 12th month, the decree is written to annihilate the Jews, similar to the situation in December."
"Dragging a journalist through years of hell just for associating with them has sent a very clear message."
"If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you." - John 15:20
"Courage to stand up for one's beliefs, even in the face of persecution."
"Asylum is protection for people fleeing persecution in their own country."
"If anything in our culture helps to benefit whites, that's part of white supremacy." - A stark observation on systemic biases.
"You have to be ready for persecution, it's part of progress."
"This is what is happening to believers all over the world... you can't defend Christianity without ending up being put in prison." - Steven Ben-Nun
"Persecuted for righteousness means you're not going to bow to the gods of this world."
"They think they can silence a church that the martyrs have already shed their blood for."
"This is the one thing I want to say over and over: do not believe down through history you have a wrong idea of martyrdom and persecution."
"Your mind must be filled with the Word of God when all people persecute you and turn on you."
"But what is a witch? Where did they come from and why were so many dealt with the response of murder and execution?"
"It's criminal what's happened to Christians. It's disgraceful, it's beyond disgraceful."
"Somebody should be able to have a fleeting thought and not be persecuted for it."
"If we lose, then essentially the way I would view that would almost be it's illegal to be a Christian."
"No journalist should be brutally persecuted like this. Save Julian, don't extradite Assange." - Julian Assange's mother
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"There is an ongoing assault, there's an ongoing persecution of black people, of brown people, of Asian folks in this country."
"If Islam is the truth, then why does Islam persecute us?"
"Donald Trump is continuing to be persecuted and he continues to stand above it all."
"This is a very sad day for America... This is the persecution of a political opponent... We can't let this happen in America." - President Trump
"Believers aren't afraid to be persecuted for our beliefs."
"These were real people who were killed who were hanged who were burnt at the stake."
"Why do they hate Christians so much? Because Christians continue to demonstrate their love for God."
"This righteous remnant... will face persecution for their faith and their unwavering commitment to me, but they will count it as an honor to suffer for the sake of my name."
"Gang stalking is organized modern persecution. It's dangerous out here."
"The church grows when the church is persecuted."
"The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years."
"Everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted."
"Even if they lock you in your house, even if they take away your freedoms, even if they persecute you, life is beautiful."
"He didn't say they would like it he never said that but he also said though he says Kevin the world when you decide persecution."
"Every time they seem to prove him wrong they would come after the Israelites."
"When you persecute a Muhammad Ali or when you try to uh attack a Nina Simone or you call somebody crazy and then people say well I'm not gonna be the next one."
"There is joy and peace in the midst of persecution."
"The templar's enigmatic leader Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake."
"It's gonna be a horrible death for these Christians that continue to deny this truth."
"Journalists revealing the truth are persecuted."
"You're doing your faith right when you're persecuted for it."
"Blessed are you when they persecute you for righteousness sake."
"Nero's remembered because he was the first emperor to create a Christian martyr."
"Our Lady of La Vang: bringing hope to the persecuted, a beacon of faith in the jungles."
"Persecution is not merely a relic of the past but a present and escalating reality."
"Jesus said if they hated me they'll hate you too."
"The only way to test authenticity is by persecution."
"If it can't be tested under persecution, it is not authentic."
"All who desire to live godly will suffer persecution."
"Jesus said they're going to hate you because they hated me first."
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we've all read it, we've studied it, they've gone through a lot."
"Trump represents someone persecuted by the man and he represents the Forgotten man."
"If they can come for me, they can come for anybody."
"What's happened is that the Chinese Communist party... decided to ban it and persecute it."
"Being persecuted is part of the package for being a Christian."
"If you follow Jesus, you will face persecution. It is not a theoretical possibility; it's a reality."
"My stand for Christ is the cause of all this trouble I'm in, but I have no regrets. I couldn't be more sure of my ground. The one I've trusted in can take care of what he trusted me to do, right to the end. No regrets, because I know him."
"These people believe and they hate you for it, Katie, and they're not going to be nice about it once they are in control."
"They're coming after me next, they'll come after you."
"We will be attacked, slandered, persecuted, but we will not be intimidated. We will persevere, we will stand tall in the storm, we will march forward into the torrent, and we in the end will win. Our country will win."
"This is what's happening to the Hawaii Muslims now."
"The two people groups that are going to be persecuted... it's precisely what we see today."
"The Church stood up for these people who were being persecuted, who were dying for their faith."
"You're going to be persecuted, people are not going to like it, but that's what we're supposed to be doing."
"They don't want to kill you, but they do want to kill your faith."
"The closer you get to the mission of Christ... the more hated and despised you will be by the world."
"The world will abandon itself to its ungodly passions, the pope will be persecuted on all sides, but the Vicor of God will Triumph."
"Christians avoid not only temples altars and images but are ready to suffer death rather than debase the conception they have of the most high God."
"When you suffer for doing good, you show courage despite persecution."
"Bless those that persecute you, mock you, and call you all these things."
"The persecution of the Jewish minority in Russia has begun."
"We're gonna put our trust in Him, and even if that means persecution, we're gonna still put our trust in Him."
"The son of god is born, and the first thing he has to do is get on the run because they're trying to kill him."
"Loving your enemies - say what? I'm supposed to love people who are persecuting me?"
"A whole segment of the population is being demonized and set up for persecution."
"The court came to a conclusion that the grave phenomenon of killing innocent Falun Gong practitioners does take place."
"There are several passages in the book of Revelation supporting the idea that the church will face the Antichrist persecution just before the rapture."
"Innocent people still are going through similar issues, they're still being tortured, killed just because of who they are."
"You cannot have worldwide persecution in a vacuum."
"You don't have to convince other Christians that it's there. You can just let the people that persecute you pick it."
"Wait, did they burn a guy at the stake because he said something that is now commonplace scientific belief? Yes, yes they did."
"The elaborated theory of witchcraft... had more or less coalesced by around 1450 to 1500 and thus set the stage for the frenzied persecutions which would follow."
"We are being attacked because we are spreading the Gospel."
"The church has been on the comfortable side of persecution long enough."
"A hundred million people persecuted for trying to be good people."
"We need more Christians that are willing to stand up and stand firm despite all the persecution that will occur."
"Pastor Arthur Pavlovsky has become one of the most persecuted men, certainly presently in Canada, certainly under COVID-19 restrictions, very potentially all time."
"The mutants begging for their lives... 'we don't know what we did wrong'... 'you were born, that's what you did wrong'... and then they just kill him."
"It's no small thing if somebody who proclaims truth is persecuted or hated for it."
"Every time they were persecuted they counted it joy, because they were on the path of serving the Lord."
"They're not after me; they're after you. I just happen to be in the way."
"They started a campaign to try me in the newspapers and they set up a scenario which gave me very little possibility of remaining alive for much time."
"That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives."
"Those who follow him must turn the other cheek, love their enemies, and pray for those who persecuted them."
"Don't worry if they hate you, because they hated me too."
"If you're identified as a Christian, you might be executed on the spot."
"Just having a Bible or just even expressing curiosity about Jesus could send you and your family to prison to be interrogated and tortured."
"The trial is indeed a Witch Hunt."
"Jesus never promised His followers an easy path. He told his disciples that the world would hate them. He sent them out as sheep among wolves."
"I am Jesus whom thou persecutest."
"The Romans tortured, massacred, and scattered the people of the New Covenant; their dream was shattered."
"To be martyred, to be persecuted, to be canceled or whatever have you by the world is to be exalted by the King of Kings and the Lord of lords for His sake."
"She was set upon by US authorities for her political views."
"Galileo's ideas were no longer safe to hold, everyone knew of the Dominican Gordano Bruno who had insisted on holding to the cernic theory of a static sun."
"Roman Catholicism has become the most persecuting faith that the world has ever seen."
"When the Protestant churches say 'we have no king but Caesar', they're working on Sunday legislation which will lead to persecution."
"Persecution ultimately produces good fruit."
"Because of the persecution that this castle and others like it represent, the early Graber family moved from here in Switzerland, to what is today France."
"Persecution always purges the church."
"Despite the persecution we may face, we find joy in the Lord knowing that his joy is our strength."
"Angels can deliver from persecution. As the early church grew, Peter was put in prison for preaching the gospel, but the people prayed for Peter non-stop, and then the Lord sent angelic help to deliver Peter from prison."
"When we are doing nothing wrong, we will have people slandering us."
"...the other properties of salt yes they apply the other properties of light yes they apply but don't you see how important it is for us to focus on things like this is why you're going to be persecuted this is why following me costs you something..."
"Jesus is saying if you're not being persecuted, you're doing something wrong."
"We're the salt of the earth, leaving the wickedness, preventing the wickedness, being thrown out and cast out and persecuted by the world."
"I want to be so unattracted to the world that I'm okay with people rejecting me and persecuting me because of my faith."
"It is safe to be in a human body. It is safe to wear this human body on planet Earth. I will not be persecuted, I will not be hanged or beheaded or tortured or imprisoned in this lifetime for speaking my truth or channeling or being myself."
"Why would I endure this persecution if I'm lying about the resurrection?"
"The church is being persecuted and yet it's exponentially growing."
"The size of your calling will always be consistent with the size of your persecution. If you're not willing to be misunderstood, judged, made fun of, ridiculed and that usually starts with your family."
"Why are you persecuting me? Because what you're doing to my people is a direct you're coming at me."
"Your church ain't a real church until it survives some persecution."
"Anyone that desires to live godly cannot walk around living godly without suffering persecution."
"If you're gonna make fun of me or persecute me about my faith, we're not gonna do it quietly."
"Blessed are you when men revile you, persecute you falsely for my sake."
"The only thing that's going to wake up the American church and really like for people to understand what I'm saying it's persecution."
"His work was so successful his name was added to the Gestapo's Black List, and he had a bounty placed on his head."
"This letter was written just after that persecution began."
"The kingdom of God grows through persecution. The very thing that's supposed to destroy it multiplies it."
"I have not been treated like a Christian but like a wild beast of the forest."
"Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, a lot of people, yeah, bad time, bad time all around, yeah, not good times."
"The 16th and 17th centuries saw many Catholics persecuted as traitors, due to England’s anti-Catholic laws during that era."
"The hostility and persecution are there to make sure that the testimony of the Gospel through changed lives is out there in the communities."
"Persecution's a part of the assignment."
"Persecution of Christians, apostasy, betrayal, and hatred in the world."
"The reality is that those who live godly should suffer persecution."
"Bless those that persecute you, I bless them even now."
"Authentic Christians are going to be offensive to the world, Jesus was, and he told us why the world hated him."
"They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, and we could just add from public life."
"As we approach the return of the Lord, believers in Christ should be prepared for persecution, a reality that becomes increasingly pertinent."
"Believers in Christ should be prepared for persecution, a reality that becomes increasingly pertinent as we approach the return of the Lord."
"It's a blessed state. How happy when you're persecuted, when people gossip about you, when they speak against you. Now, is that true? Yes, it is. First of all, because it's reassuring, you belong to God."
"So they had nothing to gain financially. They lost their wealth. They lost their livelihoods. They lost their lives. They lost their wives. They lost their children because they saw it."
"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."