
Emotional Spectrum Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Another purpose of life is to raise your capacity to love, to embrace the full spectrum of experience."
"Both the good: love, birth, joy; and the devastating: loss, death, and pain."
"The range between fear and love right now has never been as wide."
"Emotions like fear, sadness, joy, love, guilt, hurt, they all serve important roles in our lives."
"Life is sad, it's depressing, it's exhilarating, it's happy, it's anxiety inducing, it's all of the things. Welcome to life."
"The goal of life is not the avoidance of pain and suffering. The goal is to live a complete life, where you experience the whole spectrum: the shitty and the good."
"Family is where we love, laugh, shout, and cry."
"Life isn't perfect, you're not always [ __ ] happy."
"Christianity makes you a sadder person and a happier person at the same time."
"Love can run very parallel to irritation, and irritation is one step from dislike, and dislike is half a step from hate, and hate is one step from 'How the hell do I get out of this?'"
"From the man of sorrows and Our Lady of Sorrows to the risen Lord and the most joyful of all mothers."
"The highs can be pretty high but the valleys in between these peaks are vast."
"Happiness is a spectrum. It's hard to be on one end of that spectrum all the time."
"It's kind of about everything, you know, everything that I'm scared of or everything that upsets me or excites me."
"We are human and we all experience a spectrum of emotions. You don't always have to have it together all the time, dark-skinned women. Nobody has it together all the time."
"Love and hate, we're here to provide all emotions."
"Happiness is just one part of how we experience existence... It's vitally important to experience other emotions and to value them."
"Life is going to have this pain and the suffering but also moments of tenderness and joy and she accepts all of it."
"Love is an experience, it's excitement, it's anxiety, it's feeling good, it's feeling bad, it's feeling everything."
"I have moments of Happiness sorrow remorse but I also have moments with just I don't know thinking about life."
"Sadness is one of the human emotions just like happiness or anger."
"That aching sometimes feels so big, it creates a space, and then, so is the joy also abundant in the end."
"Life is the good, the bad, the high, the low, the beautiful, and the ugly."
"The doubt is real, the hate is real, the fear is real, but you know what? The love is far stronger."
"Life isn't always all sunshine and rainbows."
"Permission to have both the innocence and then the complete insanity that goes with feeling different."
"Love, happiness, rage, jealousy, and fear—all roiling cacophonies that make us who we are."
"Life is everything bro. Life is good. Life is bad."
"The world is allowed to be complicated and problematic and wonderful and sad and comforting and troubling all at the same time."
"You're going to see someone's best and worst moments inside of a relationship."
"Real life, real love, life lessons on joy, pain, and the magic that holds us together."
"Pain and happiness, that's life, that's the name of the song."
"Emotions are not just a one-way street of love, love, love. There's frustration, anger, resentment, bitterness, warmth, love, and joy."
"It's an interesting time... the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"You are perfect and loving and peaceful and you're also crazy and loud and angry it's okay."
"Love and hate are just two sides of the same coin."
"You can't have one without the other; you can't know love without hate, you can't know peace without pain."
"You're meant to experience all of your emotions, the full range."
"You're giving them love, you're giving them anger, you're giving them frustration, you're giving them all these things, and they revel in it."
"We're all on a continuum; we all experience the ups and downs."
"There's a lot of people who are trying to find those little gems out in the Midwest."
"Passion makes us feel an emotion... cups talk about the whole gamut of emotion."
"Life is beautiful in all its colors, even the darker ones, they're here for a reason."
"There was a spectrum of experiences from those dominated by love to those dominated by fear."
"You're meant to experience a spectrum of emotions. To deny the other facets of the prism is to deny a lesson or a truth or to lack understanding in a situation."
"Being a parent isn't easy. It has its moments - happy, sad, enraging, messy, but ultimately fulfilling."
"Even if it be dread or sadness or even loneliness."
"I think the definition of mental health is being able to feel the full spectrum of emotions in a healthy way."
"Life story, it's gonna be a lot of sad [ __ ] but it's gonna be a lot of funny [ __ ] right? My life is from a joke."
"It's going to be scary, it's going to be angry, it's going to be thrilling, it's going to be beautiful."
"Through all the pain and through all the struggle, I've also experienced a lot of happiness."
"We're given all of these emotions because we are meant to feel all of them."
"Self-love is either big enough to hold the entire spectrum of who you are or it is not love, it's something else."
"Never regret. Life is this beautiful journey that we're all on made up of the whole rainbow, made up of every emotion under the sun."
"Opals are lusted after for the rainbow sparkle, aka diffraction. Feel all your feels."
"Nobody wants to feel angry, upset, irritable, frustrated, rage-filled, agitated, shameful, embarrassed. We don't want to feel any of those things but they're all valid."
"Life is a mix of ups and downs, joys and sorrows."
"Identity, love, depression, morality... being able to stay true to yourself."
"Take in everything life has to offer, the happy and the sad."
"Love is more than just pain, it can be agony but it can also be joyous."
"I've found purpose in being in service... having gratitude for the spectrum of feeling I get to experience."
"Life is made up of good times and hard times, highs and lows."
"Life has a lot of pain but also a lot of joy."
"It's a fine line between love and hate."
"...challenge yourself to get a little bit more comfortable with a spectrum of human emotion."
"It is a human need to have the full range of our emotional Spectrum be seen empathized with and to a reasonable degree understood by other people."
"Yes, I am an atheist. Yes, I am angry. Yes, I want to experience the entire spectrum of human emotion without guilt or shame."
"The lows are lower than seven for me. The highs are higher than almost anything I've seen."
"Coming out in five words: terrifying, freeing, nauseating, thrilling, and loving."
"Our highest highs and our lowest lows."
"We got highs, we have lows, and we want to be able to bring you guys into that and share that with you."
"Every human emotion ran its full gamut in that land of topsy-turvy and prolonged intensity of feeling."
"There's not much difference between love and hate. There really isn't when it comes to, you know, art."
"You create the high, you've created the low."
"Just like music, your life is made up of both major and minor keys."
"It is a book that balances the tender, the painful, and the joyous so well."
"Happy feels very different from sad, but they're both feelings; they're part of our larger feeling repertoire."
"Nobody in this world is perfect, nobody has a perfect life, money or without money, everybody has sadness."
"You can't have high highs without having low lows."
"Love, hate, and their beautiful contrast play a great book we all have on our wall backs."
"Family, love, devotion, pain, darkness, gloom, fun."
"Sadness is not a bad thing. The whole spectrum of emotions is normal, that's what Allah has given us, so it's for us to experience everyday life."
"Love was a pendulum of happiness and sorrow, but we still did it anyway."
"The soul of the world is nourished by people's happiness. And also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation."
"We all bleed, we all grieve, we love, we hate, we do all the things that any other human being does."
"Feelings can be along a continuum... there's really a range of feelings."
"All emotion is good, sadness is good, fear is good, we all have it, welcome it and then grow."
"...I think maybe with all my work but there'll be this sense of hope and despair that I think runs through the project..."
"Learn to feel and learn to cry and learn what heartbreak is and learn what joy is and learn the gamut of emotions."
"I think developing a healthy relationship to the emotional spectrum requires you to accept that there is a broad range of feelings required to be a complete human being."
"Themes are generally of peace, struggle, growth, demise, happiness, and even dark times."
"It's an amazing event with these highs and these incredible lows."
"We felt pain and we experienced joy, and we were thankful for every minute of it."
"If I can feel great sadness, that means that I'll be able to feel great joy because the one doesn't exist without the other."
"Life is painful, everybody will experience loss, everybody will experience pain, everybody will experience happiness, joy, and love."
"Mental health is on the spectrum; some days I'm good, some days I'm not so good."
"There has been love, there has been laughter, there has been disappointment."
"Emotions either fit the facts or they're painful versus pleasant, but they're never good or bad."
"There's a lot of love and joy contained in this as well as heartbreak and strife."
"Nobody is happy or content every single day of their life; it's impossible."
"I saw the book project as a yin-yang, so this is sort of the dark stories—the subconscious, the sexual, the regret, shame—with the bright spot of hope, inspiration, and beauty."
"May the tapestry of your lives be woven with rosy threads of love, the deep reds of passion, the quiet blues of understanding and contentment, and the bright bright silver of humor."
"It's always going to be life, and you're going to have your moments where you're like, 'It's so sad and depressing,' but you're also going to have your moments of like, 'Hey, this is pretty grand and great.'"
"There was this whole rainbow of colors between being happy and angry that I was having a difficult time accessing."
"In this vast and boundless world, exhaustion, helplessness, regrets and surprises, three meals a day, simple smiles, brotherhood, dreams, and love, they all truly exist."
"The result is art that is painful, cruel, but also fun and beautiful."
"To be human is to have emotions, there's spectrums to how you feel constantly, it's not just always high."
"Life's all about shared experiences, right? The good, the bad, all of it."
"A personality that in our sessions came to call itself the Phoenix, a purely instinctual creature all desire and joy and rage."
"The distinction between pain and pleasure is not as obvious as it may at first seem."
"There are the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"My most read moods in my books are emotional, light-hearted, funny, adventurous, reflective, dark, hopeful, and sad."
"It's not always happy all day, every day."
"Being alive is to be over emotional, it's to be joyous, it's to be in a rage, it's to be melancholic, it's to be somber, that is being alive."
"Balance duality; it's everywhere in music. Major, minor, happy, sad, bright, dark, awake, sleeping, spicy, sweet, solid, liquid."
"Acting is... I don't prefer comedy or drama. I just prefer messy things that are a combination of everything because life is funny and tragic all at once."
"They are not long, the weeping and the laughter, love and desire and hate."
"Our capacity to experience joy might be directly related to our capacity for grief."
"Kyle Raynor as a White Lantern... is considered to be a master of all the different colors of the emotional spectrum."
"It's been a day of high highs and low lows."
"Love truly exists in the frequency and its derivations experienced in different relationships and capacities."
"These voices encompass emotions like remorse, vengeance, forgiveness, love, happiness, and sadness."
"Life is never going to be all rainbows and butterflies."
"The whole room shone bright with whirling memories that were sad, wistful, heartbreaking, and joyous."
"I felt every emotion that a human can have and plus some: from being in love, from being sad, happy, afraid, but feeling comfortable and nurtured and loved and saved and protected."
"This journey's about ups and downs, and you're gonna go through some hard times, fun times, sad times."
"Days passed, tranquil memories of my husband and Benjamin evoke both smiles and tears."
"No one's ever really happy all the time."
"It's so important to share the journey, to share the ups, the downs, the good, the bad, the ugly, the in-between, the everything."
"What's life without happiness? What's life without sadness?"
"There is a time and a season for every activity under the sun: a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to mourn and a time to dance."
"Our lives are filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, triumphs and tragedies."
"Is there anger? Yes. Is there rage? Yes. But there is buckets full of love."
"Life is full of bittersweet experiences."
"There is love and fear and everything in between, and you can create from either."
"What inspires you to write music? Is it sadness, happiness, broken heartedness? All things."
"That's the human experience, we have a range of emotions."
"I've had the highest highs and the lowest lows, and I feel like everyone else may have experienced that."
"Heartbreak is the worst feeling you can feel, but love is the best feeling you can feel."
"We're constantly going back and forth between pain and joy."
"One moment may be very sad, but immense joy can take over the next."
"It's unfair to measure yourself in the spectrum of one emotion because there's such a spectrum to emotions in general."
"That story is going to be with us and can be controlled by us and can be surprising and delightful and horrifying and all those things."
"Life is messy, life is hard, life breaks your heart one moment and brings you to the highest point of your existence, joy and happiness, and it can all happen in the same day."
"The level at the heart is pretty high, it's about 600 out of 1000 in the spectrum of peace, love, and joy."