
Judgment Day Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"On the day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth, and the disbeliever will say, 'Oh, I wish that I were dust.'"
"On the day of judgment, every messenger is being asked whether he delivered the message or not."
"Believe, ye righteous, that the sinners will become a shame and perish in the day of unrighteousness."
"Whoever covers or conceals the fault of his brother, Allah will cover his fault or conceal his faults on the day of judgment."
"The day of judgment will be a blessing for all faithful humans."
"The one who worships Allah alone and had good manners will have the heaviest on the scale on the day of judgement."
"Jesus says, 'On the day of judgment, you will render an account for every careless word you have ever spoken.'"
"There's going to be a future day of judgment... when everything you've ever done and everything you've ever said and everything you've ever thought is going to be brought to light."
"Every word and action count on the judgment day."
"For believers, it makes perfect sense that there must be a day of judgment as described in their scriptures."
"For us, the greatest pleasure and the greatest vision on that day of judgment is to see God Almighty with your own eyes."
"May Allah make us amongst those who are pleased with him and who will be pleased by him on the day of judgment."
"Thank you for your work, brother. May you be among those who stand in the shade on the day of judgment."
"At the Judgment Day, everyone will 'confess that [God] is God.'"
"I think it's a profound thing to think about, preparing for the Day of Judgment. It's not just about the acts of worship."
"Love has been perfected in this, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment."
"You do not want to be one of those people to whom Jesus says depart from me for I never knew you."
"Every soul is going to be stopped on the day of judgment for their own deeds."
"Have boldness in the day of judgment, prepare yourself spiritually, be in the right location physically and literally, and then friends, brace yourself for this crisis."
"The second coming is the great and terrible day of God."
"Jesus is no fairy tale; you will face Him on the day of judgment."
"Either you will meet Him as your Savior or one day you're gonna meet Him as your judge." - "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus."
"Does the thought of meeting him excite you or does it scare you?"
"The real action needed is for this ummah to wake up, to actually be someone that Rasool also can make shafa'a for on Judgment Day."
"God has appointed a day to judge this world and everyone in it both the living and the dead."
"Gentleman said either the day of judgment is here or it is not if it is not there is no occasion for alarm and lamentation if it is however I wish to be found doing my duty."
"On Judgment Day, money and children can't protect anybody."
"Zikr is of the heaviest things in the scales on the Day of Judgment."
"Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead that's what the Bible says that's what our Creeds say in obedience to the Bible that's what Christians have always believed."
"Allah is going to gather you 100% without the speck of doubt on the day of judgment."
"When the day of judgment comes, your arms will all be linked together as people who chose Islam, who chose knowledge, who chose worship, who chose action."
"Time as we have known it will have come to a conclusion, the millennium will have ended and the Dead will rise to be judged one by one."
"It is one of the signs of Judgment Day that is going to be fighting this group of the uh khadijites."
"Those who are easy with taking back their loans will have the shade of Allah's Throne on the day of judgment."
"On that day, neither wealth nor family will be of any benefit to us except him who comes to Allah with the sound heart."
"The center of attention on the Day of Judgment will be the human heart."
"On the Judgment Day, Peter's saying, 'Lord, who delegated these keys to me? I'm returning them to their rightful owner now that we're all back with you again in the kingdom."
"Anyone who believes in a god that doesn't know when the world is going to come to an end, don't worship such a Creator. In the day of judgment, I will be a witness against you."
"On the Day of Judgment, Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala as all the people are standing side by side, Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala will make an announcement: All visitors of the grave of Husain stand up."
"The major signs of the Day of Judgment are all going to happen in a row. One before it settles will have kicked off the next one."
"You must have a Judgment Day. There has to be a Judgment Day."
"Let's talk about the judgment to come people don't want to think about that right."
"The inevitable event will come to pass. It is the day of judgment which will decide who will go where for eternity."
"Your riches won't help you on judgment day. Only righteousness will count then."
"Make us of those who can say on the Day of Judgment that you loved us and we loved you."
"If you want to be that person who's told to stand up on the day of judgment... then strive to do the noble things that no one else will appreciate in this life."
"He has fixed the day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed."
"If it is the day of judgment and in the hand of one of you is a seed, then he should plant it."
"Keep doing good even if it's a day of judgment."
"The one who sends most abundant salutations upon me will be the closest to me on the day of judgment."
"The closest people to me on the day of judgment will be those most abundant in their salutations upon me."
"Every soul that is once justified and washed in Christ's blood shall at length be found safe at Christ's right hand in the day of judgment."
"But by the same word, the heavens and the earth that now exist are reserved for fire and are being kept until the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly people."
"The day of judgment is a day when neither children nor wealth will avail you, except for the one who comes to Allah with a healthy sound heart."
"The secret will be exposed on that day."
"The day when everything will be exposed, the accounts will be settled."
"God has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed."
"On the day of judgment, when the reward is handed out... we'll be shocked."
"I doubt on the Day of Judgment Allah will ask me about Ali or Muawiya; I've got to worry about myself."
"Believe in Allah on the final day, believe in Allah Almighty and the day that you will stand before Him."
"It will be a day of Revelation... a day of condemnation... but it is also a day of salvation."
"On Judgment Day, you don't have to sweat it; your sins are buried in the deepest sea, they're blotted out then remembered no more."
"On the day of judgment, wealth, children, whatever you have will not benefit you, the only thing that will benefit you is someone who comes to Allah with a healthy heart."
"The person whose heart was filled with the Quran would be asked on the day of judgment."
"May Allah make the Quran a case for us and not against us on judgment day."
"The day that comes will burn them up, and you will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet."
"The reward and punishment will be provided on the Day of Judgment."
"Only the thing that's going to benefit you on that day is if you come with a clean heart."
"If thou wilt but respite me to the day of judgment, I will surely bring his descendants under my sway, all but a few."